Rude [Harry Styles]

By londonstars

244K 12.9K 4.5K

[COMPLETED] "Why are you so rude?" "Maybe because that's who I am or because people like you deserve... More



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By londonstars

"Evelyn, wake up!" I felt someone shaking me, I tried opening my eyes. I felt someone sitting beside me on the bed, I opened my eyes and it was my mom. "Good, you are awake, now!"

"Yes, mother?" I said in a deep sleepy voice. 

"Where were you yesterday?" I groaned.

"Are you waking me up to ask me that?" 

"You walked out without telling me." 

"Well, I am sorry. I was with Ashlee, okay?" I said resting my back against the headboard. She sighed.

"I was worried, Evelyn." 

"Eve, mother." I hated when people called me by my full name, and she still said it no matter how many times I have told her not.

"I call you whatever I want." I rolled my eyes. "Don't." She pointed her fingers at me rolling my eyes. Sometimes I felt like she still thought I was six years old, she treated me like that. She stood up, but before she walked out she turned around.

"Yes, mom?" I sighed.

"Go meet your dad, he called me." I  groaned again. 

"Do I have to?" She nodded.

"He is waiting for you at the company, so get ready and go to him." My eyes went wide.

"What? Now?" She nodded again and closed the door behind her. I did what every girl did in her worst days, I turned around and screamed in my pillow. I knew it was going to be a bad day. I got up and decided that I wasn't going to have breakfast. I knew that my cereal was gone, so it was no use having it.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth, I wore my light blue sweater and black jeans.Then I wore my black boots and got my bag to put in it my stuff, but before I put my phone I decided to check if I had any messages and my social media accounts. 

I opened my twitter while I was walking downstairs and checked my notifications to regret that, I saw Harry's account following me and he tweeted me several times. Oh my god, he actually spammed me with tweets.

Evelyn, heyyyyy!

I miss you

Don't you look cute in that icon?

Ooops, I hope you don't kick my arse when I said that!


You should follow me cause I'm a cute unicorn ;)

Actually, I laughed at that last tweet. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get water while my phone was still in my hand.

"That's weird!" I closed the fridge and looked at my brother, Nathan. I didn't realize that he was there, actually.


"You just laughed and you are smiling, right now!" His eyes were wide. I raised my eyebrows at him, I didn't realize I was smiling though.


"That is not you." I rolled my eyes. "Oooh, you have got a boyfriend!" He wiggled his eyebrows. I glared and came closer to him. 

"Say that again, and you are dead." His eyes went wider, but that shut him up. I smirked and walked out of the house, although I felt sad for saying that. I was so mean to him, but maybe I got used to that. I hated it for being mean and rude to him. 

But was true, that was not me. I had never smiled or laughed since my dad left, maybe meeting him was not such a bad idea. But still, it was bad.

I took a taxi to my dad's company, it was where he worked. After I arrived I headed inside and went straight to the elevator before anyone notice me and talk about shit. I wanted this to be over already, I pushed the button to the sixth floor. When it got opened I went to his office and opened the door to close it again.

I really thought that maybe we would get along, but no. I had to open his office to see him and his wife kissing, like worst image ever. I took a deep breath then knocked on the door, I guess I should have done that before.

"Come in, Eve." I opened the door to find him and his wife smiling nervously at me. "Sorry about-"

"Let's not talk about that." I fake smiled at them. Elizabeth, his wife, smiled at me and came closer to me.

"So, you are Evelyn."

"Eve." She looked at dad then at me. 

"Eve, how are you?" 

"Good. You?" I looked at her with a blank expression.

"I'm very happy that I am finally meeting you," She said and my dad came towards us. He put his arm around her waist, that drove me mad actually. He used to do the same thing with my mother, how could I look at my mom and him anymore?

"Yeah, I'm glad that you are here, Eve," My dad spoke. I took another deep breath and looked at him.

"Why am I here in this early time?" 

"It's not that early, Eve. It's ten o'clock." He chuckled. 

"It is for me, and that does not matter. What matters is why the hell am I here?" He gave me that look, he hated it when I cursed. Suddenly, I remembered yesterday when Harry told me to stop curse.

"Eve, your language." He forced a smile on his face. "Well, I thought it would be a good idea if we all have breakfast together."

"You and I?"

"And Elizabeth, of course." I chuckled.

"What made you think that I would accept the invitation?" I backed away, but his hand caught my wrist.

"Eve, stop being difficult."

"How the hell am I being difficult when you want me to have breakfast with the person I hate the mos-"

"Enough, Evelyn!" He screamed, that was the first time he screamed at me. My eyes went wide, and her eyes went as well. That was the first time I saw him like that, so mad.

"Calm dow-"

"No, she always so hard and rude," He cut her off. I tried to fight the tears, it was the first time him losing his temperature in front of me.

"I am rude and that is who I am. I am never going to change, so you better look for another daughter if you hate that," I said then walked away. I ignored his calls after me and ran out of the whole damn company.

I never wanted to see him again, I thought he was the only one that understood me and handled me. But it looked like no one liked me or even wanted to be with me. Indeed, I was hard and so difficult, but that who I was because of people.

I wiped my tears then I saw a cafe, I entered it and ordered a black coffee. After I took my order I went to sit in a booth that was at the back of the cafe. I was in deep thoughts.

I really hated who I was, I was so rude and a monster. That what Nathan always called me, looked like he was so right. Even Harry when he first saw me said that I was so rude, I needed to change. I knew that Ashlee liked who I was, but also hated that about me.

I pulled out my phone and called the first person I thought of, I hoped he picked up fast.

"Hello, love!"


"Indeed, that's me," He said. I knew he was smirking even though I did not see it.

"Can you please come to me at this cafe-"

"Text me the address, love."

"Okay, thanks! Oh, and Harry?" 


"Stop calling me that before I kick you in the ba-"

"Okay, text me the address." I smirked and hang up. At least I could be rude for one last time.

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