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I took a sip from my coffee and thought about calling Harry, was it right what I did?  Were those lessons going to be useful and change me? Or was Harry messing with me? All of a sudden I saw a figure sitting in front of me, he interrupted my thoughts with a cough. I looked up at him and he was smiling.

"Hello, Eve."

"Hi, Harry."

"So, I told you that you will need my number." 

"Yeah, well, I decided-"

"Taking the lessons?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes but nodded at him. "When do you like to start?"

"Well, I need to know you first." He laughed.

"There is nothing to know about me, Evely-"

"It's Eve. If we have to go through those lessons, then you have to call me Eve. If you ever called me by my full name, the deal is off." He laughed again.

"Why does it sound like I am so desperate to teach you?" I raised my eyebrows. "I mean I am not doing this for me, it is for you. I don't get anything back or even get paid. You are the winner here... Eve."

"Yeah, about that. How do I pay you?" He chuckled. "What do you want?"


"Really?" I smirked. He smirked back and I was so damn confused. How in the world someone did something and not getting paid? That was the strangest thing ever. Of course, he wanted something back. What was the use for him in teaching me for free? For God's sake, I just met him.

"I don't believe you."

"Well, why don't you wait and see yourself?" I agreed. If he was a player then he messed with the wrong person, and if he was right I knew I would have to repay him and I did not have a problem with that.

-2 Weeks Later-

"Our first lesson is today!" Harry grinned. After two freaking long weeks, I thought that I would get to know him better, well, that did not go as I planned. He was mysterious and did not like to talk about himself much.

What I discovered was that he was not boring, bad at jokes, loved to annoy me and he was never the quiet type. But I really enjoyed my those two weeks with him, he was nice and a good company to have. We got to meet each other every day or two in that cafe that was not so far from my dad's company.

He knew stuff about me, but not a lot. I did not tell him everything about my dad and my family's issues. I did not like to talk about my family problems or what I was going through to anyone, but I realized that we had things in common. Like our style which reminded me of our fight. We liked the same music and movies. It was good! We were not so close, but he always defined us as friends in a short time.

But I still thought of him as an annoying boy who always liked to drive me insane, since the first day we met.

"Aren't you excited?" I nodded smiling at him.

"Yeah, well shoot me! What is our first lesson?" 

"Well, I am going to ask you about some situations and I want to see your answer.The good thing that your attitude became better and you became nicer." 

"Oh thank you," I said smiling. I was glad that I became a better person.

"See, you are thanking me. But first, what is rude? I need to tell you what does it means." I groaned hitting my forehead with my hand. Did he really think that he was my teacher or that I was that stupid?

"Are you kidding me?"

"Oh, do not interrupt." He took a deep breath and looked down. "Rude describes a type of behavior that is not appropriate and usually isn't very nice, either-" I stood up and looked at where he was looking.

"My god! Did you just search that?" I snatched the phone away from him hands and looked at what he was reading, he searched about rude and opened the Dictionary. For a minute I thought I was in my English class. I burst out laughing making him grin then I sat back down and he took his phone back.

"Now, that was rude!" He said, I smirked.

"You do not have to act like my boss or my teacher! Plus, I know what the hel-" He pointed his finger at me. I raised my eyebrows then I remembered. 

"First tip, never curse."

"Hey, you curse sometimes."

"When it is necessary, not all the time!" I huffed. "Now, you need to hold your bad behavior to yourself and bite your tongue."

"How? If it was that easy I wouldn't be here listening to you."

"Like, what would you do if someone said something bad about you? Like your hair or style?"

"That means he insulted me. So, I insult him back." He shook his head, making some weird sound making the people around us look. We were at the cafe, maybe that was our usual place where we met.

"Wrong, just change the subject or turn it the other way around. Or even ignore it."

"Your hair sucks and you need to cut it." He smiled and put his hand on mine on the table.

"Thank you for your advice, Eve." My eyes went wide, I just insulted him for the second time and he did not do anything. He thought it was an advice when I told him to cut his hair?

"What? How is that? I just insulted you!" I pushed his hand away.

"Well, I have confidence and I love my hair." He put his hands on his hair and sighed happily. I giggled, he looked cute to be honest. I liked his hair, it suited him. I just wanted to drive him mad but looked like I was the one who was mad.

"Okay, second situation. What would you do if someone revealed a personal information about you that was so embarrassing?"

"Easy. I do the same thing to him and embarrass him back." He made that weird and annoying sound again as if it was a wrong buzz to tell me I was wrong. "Could you stop tha-" He cut me off again by doing it and I groaned.

"Think again!"

"I kick his ass." He groaned this time.

"Looks like we have all day!" 

"What should I do then, smarty pants?"

"Just be brave and face it!" I clapped my hands smiling.

"That was a nice move!" He winked.

"What would you do if someone tries to take something that you saw first?" I smirked, he finally confessed that I saw the beanie first.

"So, you are saying that I saw the beanie first?" He shook his head making me frown.

"I did not say that! That was just an example."

"Well, I should talk to him calmly and nicely until I take it back." 

"You did not do that!"

"Ha! I did see it first!" I screamed, he chuckled.

"We saw it at the same time, happy? God, you are such a child." I smiled in victory and crossed my arms to my chest. "Still, what are you going to do if he did not give it to you?"

"I can not answer that because my second reply is not so nice. So, I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders. He put on a thinking face then groaned.

"What the hell?! Just fight until you get that damn thing!" He said smirking, I burst out laughing.

Maybe he was not a bad company after all. And, maybe we had more than a one thing in common.

Thank you for all the sweet comments and votes! I hope you like it and I have a question, who do you think should play Eve and Ashlee?! Comment your thoughts and get ready for more exciting stuff in my next update!

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