The Betrayed Arc (RWBY x Rosa...

By Shadowking2030

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Once a future huntsman in training Jaune Arc looked to be your standard teen looking to become a hero like hi... More

BIO Information
Betrayers/Harem/True Friends
Prologue The Betrayal
Chapter 1 New Day On Earth
Chapter 2 First Day At Yokai academy
Chapter 4 A Succubus appears
Chapter 5 Teasing the Betrayers and Aftermath of Arcadia
Chapter 6 the witch shows up and confrontation by parents
Chapter 7 School Club Recruitment Day
Chapter 8 Friends Receive Help
Chapter 9 The Newspaper Club + a Grandmother's Visit
Chapter 10 Catching a Pervert
Chapter 11 The Snow Bunny Appears + learning hidden discovery
Chapter 12 A Schnee gets removed
Chapter 13 A Trip to the human world Beach (Part 1 Of 2)
Chapter 14 A Trip to the Human World Beach (Part 2 of 2)
Chapter 15 The Extreme Test
Chapter 16 Parents Day at Yokai Academy
Chapter 17 Unlocking Yokai Aura
Chapter 18 An Explanation + receiving an Item
Chapter 19 Arcadia Struggle
Chapter 20 A Princely Reveal
Chapter 21 A New individual appears + training
Chapter 22 The Reveal
Chapter 23 Plans in the making
Chapter 24 Exchange Program between Academies
Chapter 25 the New Public Safety Commission is formed
Chapter 26 Portal Device Built
Chapter 27 The Death of a Schnee and Geles
Chapter 28 Confessions
Next Chapter?
Chapter 29 Aftermath of the deaths

Chapter 3 the aftermath of the betrayal

2.7K 33 12
By Shadowking2030

3rd POV

Several minutes after the reveal of Summer rose being alive and the betrayal of Jaune tensions are rising within the room

"Nicholas is what he said true? Do you really know where summer is" Ozpin says Seriously

"Yes but I'm not telling any of you low born wannabe heroes!" Nicholas says in an angry tone

Yang charges at Nicholas in anger

"Give her back you bastard!" Yang shouts as she punches Nicholas across the face

"You brat! I'll make you pay!" Nicholas shouts

Before Nicholas can do anything a wall of ice appears between him and Yang

Looking to the source of the ice wall everyone sees superman along side two others

"This mindless squabble will cease this second" Superman says

"You're the one who took Jaune with him... Superman if I'm right" Cardin says

"That is correct" Superman responds

"What brings you back and who are your friends if I may ask?" Fox asks

"The one in black is called Batman and the one in red with lightning bolts on his outfit is called the flash and for why we are here we are to remain as a neutral party to what is to happen but I couldn't help but over hear Jaune saying that Nicholas has someone hidden" Superman says

"Yes the person is called Summer rose her description if needed is identical to her daughter Ms Rose *points to Ruby* but older and her cape is white instead of being red" Ozpin says

The flash then zooms out like a bolt of lightning only to return moments later with said individual

"This is her right?" The flash asks

Everyone except Batman and Superman are shocked at how quick the flash got Summer back

"Ozpin what is going on?" Summer asks Ozpin

Ozpin then explains what happened which Summer is then seen with an annoyed look on her face

"Ruby and Yang what made you two believe that betraying a classmate is the right thing to do?! Have my lessons of heroism gone out your ears?!" Summer shouts

"B-but mommy! He is too weak for being a huntsman!" Ruby yells

Summer then grabs Ruby and Yang by the ear and drags them out of the room to give them a stern talking to

"In any case you've done a foolish thing Nicholas" Ozpin says slightly angry

"How could I done a foolish thing when I removed the weakest member of my family" Nicholas says in a similar tone to Ozpin

Suddenly a Grimm portal appears behind Ozpin and out walks a woman with pale skin and a black dress

"What is it you need Ozma can't you see we are at war" the woman says

"Well dear it goes like this" Ozpin says before explaining why he called his wife here

The room suddenly turns dark as red eyes can be seen glaring at Nicholas

"So you have the nerve to remove the only shining beacon of the arcs just because you believe he is too weak?! And to think the clan that Ozma and I made would sink this low at what we made the rules be" The woman says

"Excuse me ma'am but who exactly are you?" Coco asks the woman

"I am called Salem Arcadia or Salem Arc and I along side Ozma or as you call him Ozpin are the founders of the Arc clan" The woman now called Salem says

"Impossible! There was no records of either one of you in the Arc vault!" Nicholas shouts

"Because we destroyed any evidence of us keeping you and the rest from finding us" Ozpin says

"But what did Mrs Arc mean when she said you are at a war headmaster?" Velvet asks

Ozpin sends a message to Velvet,Her team and Cardin what Salem meant by war and warns them not to say a word to anyone also to delete the message after reading

The five nod and delete the message they got

"So what is to happen sir?" Pyrrha asks

"Well those who have betrayed my great grandson Jaune will suffer extra school work as well as having harsher difficulty with the grimm" Ozpin says seriously

"But for those who didn't betray him I will make sure the Grimm doesn't harm you and will have a few protect you in secret" Salem says

Summer Ruby and Yang return which Summer sees Salem and freaks out

"At ease Mrs Rose she is only here for communicating not for fighting" Ozpin says which calms Summer relaxes a little

"Mr Superman can I ask where Jaune is now?" Velvet asks

"He is on another planet doing a task we asked him to do for us" Batman says

"And let's put it point blank but with the way Jaune is no one not even your gods would be able to hurt him" the flash says

"Did you do some sort of training with him?" Salem asks

"Not really more like gave him a copy of my powers" Superman says

"Wait so he can do what you do?" Ren asks

Superman nods

"Ha I bet he is still weak just like you are!" Russel says Arrogantly

"You are an idiot to think that you know" the flash responds

"Oh and how is that huh?" Sky says in a cocky tone

"Because nothing on this planet can hurt me and I won't be telling you what can" Superman says

"Regardless Jaune is still working towards his goal of being a hero correct?" Salem asks

"That's right and he will achieve his goal that I can assure you Mrs Arc" Batman says

"Good good now for the rest of the arc clan I will see to it that you fools are greatly harmed for neglecting the rules Ozma and myself set years ago when we first founded the clan" Salem says as she glares at Nicholas

"You can't do anything! You have no place amongst the Arcs!" Nicholas shouts

"Oh but we do infact you should be receiving a call from your clan members right about... *Ring* now" Ozpin says just as Nicholas's scroll rings

Nicholas answers the call only to found out all things that made Arcadia great have ceased functioning which angers him

"What the fuck did you do?!" Nicholas yells

"Simple really I used the override command code that Salem and I made in case we needed to override the entirety of Arcadia and turned off everything in Arcadia" Ozpin says

Nicholas trys to rush at Ozpin which a Grimm ursa appears and blocks the attack and knocks Nicholas out

"An Ursa?!" Blake shouts

"Mr flash can you please take him back to his clan the location is as follows" Ozpin says before asking the flash to come over so he can inform him the location without saying it out loud

The flash nods and grabs Nicholas before speeding off which he returns a second later

"Now that that's done let us return to our daily activities" SuperMan says

"Wait before you go could you give this cub to Jaune it will help in comfort and tell him that his great grandmother Salem wishes him luck on his journey to become a hero" Salem says as she summons a ursa cub

The one on the left is the cub Jaune is getting

"Very well we will make sure he gets the cub and message Mrs Arc" Superman says as he grabs the cub

Everyone then goes back to doing their activities which once far enough from prying eyes the three heroes return to earth


Shadow here with the next chapter and I want to ask a question before I go

What should Jaune name the ursa cub he will receive from his great grandmother Salem?

Leave a comment with name suggestions

Until next time

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