Unplugged: The Hidden World (...

By BookNrd

76.6K 6.5K 573

After the unforeseen infiltration of the Depot rebel group, Enna Price and Matthew Elliot find themselves on... More

Praise for the Unplugged Trilogy ...
Dedicated to...
Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Discussion Questions
More Work by the Author
Diving Into Conspiracies

Chapter Twenty One

1.7K 163 4
By BookNrd


My spine stings in protest as I rise from the stone floor. Ariel lies curled up next to Alice. Alice used to be a desperately-needed reminder of Enna, but now I can hardly stand her presence. Why--why--would Enna want me to leave her? What could be terrifying enough that she would lose it like that? I remember the way she cried out to me, her body trembling with fear. Anger pumps through my skull, followed by something much more painful. My RScreen scars sear with pain for a moment, like they always do when I'm upset.

"Matthew?" Ariel mutters. "Are you awake?" She slips away from Alice and sits cross-legged next to me. I yawn and nod at the same time.

"Are you okay?" She asks in her small voice. I nod again, unable to look at her. Her innocence makes this whole situation seem that much more unbelievably cruel. She reminds me of Enna.

"You don't act like you're okay," she observes, poking my arm. "I think Enna made you sad." I clear my throat.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because you love her and she wants you to leave."

Well there it is. The truth--according to a ten-year-old--in a nutshell. I struggle with a reply.

"No, it's just... She... She's just scared. She doesn't know what she's saying."

"You're going to rescue her still, aren't you?" She asks knowingly. I can't help smile.

"Did you bug your parents like this?"

"My mom said that if I talked any faster I'd fly to the moon and back. Whatever that means..." I laugh until my stomach hurts, and Ariel joins me. Yawning softly, Alice starts to rise. After a moment, Ariel gets a real serious look on her face.



"I'm not going to see my mommy again, am I?" My chest compresses as my own mother's face flashes across my memory, young and beautiful and smiling. I set the child on my lap and repeat the same three, dreadful words that have been flowing through my mind as if played on a scratched record.

"I don't know."

* * *

Several un-memorable moments later, Willis appears in front of my cell's window. Shoving my uneaten tray of food aside, I jump to my feet stiffly. My arm tingles painfully as blood rushes to it. Note to future self: when sleeping on stone floor, don't use arm as pillow. After sticking a key into the lock and twisting the knob, Willis cracks open the heavy door.

"Elliot, come with me," he says lazily. I struggle not to show how relieved I am to leave this cell in front of Alice and Ariel, who sink back against the stone walls in disappointment. I pretend to swivel towards them in anger, but I mouth the words I'll be right back. They nod almost imperceptibly, and I turn to join Willis in the hallway. When he closes the door, I ask, "What are we doing?"

"The Master wants to see ya. Said he wasn't expecting you, but wasn't disappointed that you came." He raises his eyebrows as though this is a good thing. On the other hand, I can already feel myself growing jumpy, remembering Enna's fear. I wish Willis wouldn't be with me when I saw this "Master" so I could teach him a lesson.

We stroll down more hallways until we reach Base Central: for some reason, it's completely empty.

"Where is everyone?" I whisper.

"Sleeping," Willis answers simply, leading me into the elevator. I'd completely forgotten about the hotel. It seems like years ago since Enna and I had been together, safe inside its walls.

"Why does the Master want to see me in the middle of the night?"

"Well, let's put it this way. The Master might be considered more nocturnal than others, get me?" He cracks up at his own joke, and I don't know if I should laugh along or not. I force myself to chuckle shortly as the elevator begins to descend deeper into the Earth. The deeper it shuttles us, the worse I start to feel.

The elevator zooms past dark corridors and bright labs until it comes to a stop at a hallway almost identical to the ones I've seen already. The glass doors slide apart and I force my legs to carry me forwards. Was it just my imagination, or did I hear a hiss?

"I'd prefer not to dither," Willis mutters quietly, grabbing my arm and pulling me along. We walk so fast through the hall that I can hardly see anything. Or is that due to the darkness? Suddenly we reach a worn wooden door at the end of a thin corridor. I can hear guttural growling sounds coming from the room on the other side. Shivers follow each other down my arms and the little hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Willis knocks on the wood with pale knuckles. The noises stop, making way for a single voice: "Come in."

With a thrill of horror, I recognize the voice from the Pillar meeting Enna and I had infiltrated. Was this the Master? The one who had managed to frighten my father into quietness? I receive the sudden image of my father bellowing at his servants and co-workers on the phone as he used to do every week night. How terrifying would this man have to be to silence him? To silence Enna?

"You heard him," Willis says quietly, cracking open the door for me. Gee, thanks.

When I walk into the dark room, I find myself greeted by the putrid smell of rotting meat. The air is so cold that I can feel it soaking into my bones, freezing the blood in my veins... And then I turn to the front of the room. A sudden numbness begins to pour into my being, filling me with fear. My chest becomes heavy like blocks of ice are forming in my ribcage, encasing my lungs.

"Yes, Mr. Elliot. Or should I call you Matthew?" The creature quietly hisses. He clasps a flashgun in a clawed... paw? "It's very interesting that I should find you here after all these years. Your father is very fond of you, you know. And, of course, your mother..."

My mother? Somewhere among the numbness a flame of awareness flickers... but I have lost all control over my body. I'm literally paralyzed by fear. It takes all of my energy to remain standing.

"I understand, Mr. Elliot," the Master whispers, slinking slowly into the center of the spotlight. Its large tale makes a scraping noise against the rough stone floor. "Ms. Price had a hard time with the fear, too." I vaguely recognize Enna's name, but again I can't manage to do anything about it. No wonder she was so scared... The hybrid begins to utter a throaty laugh that turns into a growl of pleasure.

"I say it again, what weaklings you humans are. Tiny creatures of impurity and ignorance. You let fear drive you wherever you please." His eyes glint evilly, knowingly. "I know you, Mr. Elliot. I know everything you admit to, and even the things you don't. I know that you're letting fear enter your heart, at this very moment." He--or should I say "it"-- smiles wickedly. Its fangs glint under the light of a hanging spotlight. I swallow, and it feels like nails are embedded in the lining of my throat.

"I... not... scared of... you..." I gasp. It's painful to speak.

"Ts, ts, ts..." It scolds in mockery, shaking its great lizard head. "Even Ms. Price did better than this. Your father being who he is, I'd expect more of you. But I suppose that scum-sucking man hasn't taught you any better... What a pity."

Suddenly, the beast lunges forward. Is it attacking me? I close my eyes, hard, but then nothing happens. Slowly, cautiously, I open them to see the Master circling me, tilting his huge head, surveying me, sniffing me... I wish I could move out of my pathetic don't eat me! position, but my joints remain just as locked up as before.

"Hmm..." It mutters. I can feel its ragged breaths against the back of my neck, and then that terrible smell drifts back even stronger. "Yes... Well, I suppose that I could use your assistance. Willis!" I hear Willis dashing around the corner.

"Yes, Master?" He gasps.

"Take Mr. Elliot down to a nicer cell for now. I want to keep an eye on this one."

"Yes, Master."

"Why don't you show him around our little operation tomorrow?" The creature smiles, baring its dagger-like teeth. "I'm sure you've many things to catch him up on."

"Yes, Master." Willis bows then grabs me under my arms, starting to lead me away. I can only help by shuffling my feet. Very helpful. As soon as we enter the hallway again, all feeling rushes back to me like a giant blow. I recognize the sensation from when I became unplugged, as if I were experiencing every feeling and every thought at the same time. I fall against the stone wall, leaning on it for support. Willis stands there glancing around nervously, waiting for me to get a grip. Shivering uncontrollably, I force myself to shuffle on through the hall. Somehow I end up at a door on the third floor.

"Here, take this." Willis hands me a small key, eyeing me warily as though he thinks I might pass out. I try to say "thanks" but my voice catches in my throat and I just mumble some unintelligible nonsense before entering the room. It's much nicer than the cells I've seen before. Instead of a plain stone floor, carpeting covers the ground. A twin bed sits, welcoming, against the wall next to a drawer. Without a second thought, I collapse onto the bed and instantly fall asleep. You know what they say: there's nothing like a heart-stopping experience to help you catch some Z's.

* * *

I wake up early the next morning. At first I try to force myself to sleep longer, but my mind simply refuses to be quiet. So I rise, aching almost everywhere. A clock ticks annoyingly above the dresser, letting me know that I'd woken up six hours after midnight. Good to know. As I stretch, something small and warm drops from my hand. The key. I must have slept with it. Now that I look at it, it reminds me of the one that let me into Enna's cell. Actually, it's the exact same thing. Suddenly, I make a snap decision. Before I can talk myself out of it, I get up and leave the room.

* * *

"There it is," I whisper, glad to find that my voice still works. I walk towards Enna's cell and look through the window. She and Gale sleep curled up on dirty mattresses in opposite corners. Hands shaking, I stick the key into the lock and twist the door open ever-so-carefully. I'm cautious not to close it behind me, taking off a shoe and using it as a door-stop.

Gale nor Enna wake up. I crouch down in front of Enna, gently shaking her. Slowly her eyes open. At first she stares at me, confusion plastered on her face. Then, her eyes grow wide and she holds a hand to her mouth, glancing quickly at my scars. She almost looks scared.

"Matthew!" She gasps. I cup my hands around her neck, warming her chilly skin. Now Gale starts to rise from across the room. "What are you doing?"

"I know you're mad at me for staying here, but I have to talk to you."

"I don't know if this is the right time..." She mutters, glancing nervously at Gale.

"No, listen. I met the Master." This catches her attention. "But I don't understand what's going on."

Slowly, she begins to fill me in on the things that have happened to her and what she'd learned. The governments of the world are puppeteered by evil forces hiding in underground bases, the Depot detainees are going to be victims of secret genetic experiments... You know, everyday stuff. When she finishes I have no idea what to say.


"Yeah, oh! And by the way, good planning on your rescue mission, Einstein." Gale huffily brushes dirt particles off of her arms and I ignore her. So does Enna.

"Isn't he terrifying?" She mutters, a faraway look in her bright green eyes. I nod, automatically understanding that she's talking about the Master. "Right when I saw him I just... froze up. I wasn't myself..."

"He told me that you did well handling the fear." I add, ignoring the feeling burning in my stomach. I hope it isn't jealousy. She grimaces and I absent-mindedly tuck loose strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Is my mom mad at me?" She asks suddenly, her lip starting to tremble. I hope she doesn't start crying: I never know what to do when people cry. I pull my eyebrows together, trying to look sympathetic.

"Of course not. She's just scared. She thought you'd... We both thought you'd..." I gruffly clear my throat to get rid of the tightness. It doesn't work.

"I'm sorry," she says, staring at the ground shamefully. "I just had to do something, and Gale's plan sounded so enticing..." I send a sharp glance towards Gale, who sits, unobtrusive, in the corner. She shrugs and sticks her tongue out at me.

"Let's forget about that. I have something else to ask you." Now my throat is dry, and my hands start to shake as my anxiety grows. "I think my mother is--" Suddenly, I hear loud footsteps coming down the hall. Enna's eyes widen in fear. It takes all of my strength to leave her.

"I'll see you soon," I whisper. She nods forlornly, her eyes glinting with tears. I have to look away.

* * *

Out in the hallway, a female Worker with long, dark hair and a stern expression strides towards me evenly. Instantly I lower my head to hide my face.

"Who are you?" She hisses. Something about her voice is familiar... But I don't dare look at her.

"I... I'm sorry. I just started working here, and I was checking in on some prisoners." I can feel her cold stare burrowing into my skin.

"Well, these two are my prisoners. Got me?"

"Yes, of course," I apologize. "I must have reached the wrong door." To avoid looking suspicious, I walk over to Alice and Ariel's cell. It opens easily with the key, proving my theory of it being a master key.

"Matthew!" In a flash of blond hair, Ariel soars towards me and squeezes my waist. I almost smile, but then I remember the stern woman in the hallway. Holding a finger to my lips, I crack the cell door.

"We thought you forgot about us," the little girl whispers, eyes wide.

"Yeah, well..."

In the back of the room, Alice unevenly gets to her feet. She looks terrible. Dark circles enclose her eyes, and her skin is a deathly pale color. Gently peeling Ariel away, I walk towards her.

"What happened?" I whisper. Her green eyes look fearful and angry, like Enna's. Alice shakes her head and coughs a little.

"I got sick. It should blow over soon..." But she doesn't look too hopeful. My stomach clenches. Is this my fault?

"Don't kick yourself," she says sternly, reading my expression. "This place isn't fit for people like you and me."

"Speaking of people who aren't like you and me..." I begin. Then I quietly tell Alice about the Master and what he said to me, conveniently leaving out the part about me being completely frozen with fear. When I finish, I glance towards Ariel. "But you can't tell her these things. She's too young to know."

Alice closes her gaping mouth then nods shortly. "Of course."

"Do you have to leave us again?" Ariel asks me quietly. I nod.

"What time is it?"

"7:00-ish?" Alice replies, stretching. I sigh.

"The Workers leave the hotel around 7:30, so I should head back to my room."

"Wait. What will they do with you?" Alice looks so weak and miserable that I can hardly stand it. What is wrong with these people? These... things? After years of paranoia, I can't help but picture our every move being captured on camera. There's no way we can escape now, without a fight. And I don't think we could win a fight against a flashgun. I shrug shortly.

"I think they want to show me the place."

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