Celestia [Sesshomaru fanficti...

By Slowmmo334

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The Great Dog Prince was a force to be feared with. His lust for power and merciless killing was well known t... More



198 17 3
By Slowmmo334

The grey disturbance was raised at last. But that also indicated that time was running out. With the fog gone, Sesshomaru could see the distinctive silhouette of his father's old rival - a colossal carcass, towering over the entire Panther tribe. He sensed the pure energy of the Shikon jewel shards and frowned. Is that what they were using to revive their master? Sesshomaru rushed to disrupt the ritual, but a barrier separated him from the feral tribe.

Toran stood, fangs grinning from end to end. "Soon, our master shall be resurrected. Prepare to die, Sesshomaru!" The three glowing shards levitated into the carcass' mouth. Seconds later, the hollowed eyes glowed in the same shade as the Shikon jewel, and a deep voice hoarsed through his hollowed mouth.

"Blood..." he spoke. "Give me a live sacrifice...!" The Panthers cheered upon hearing their master's voice. Beside them, another, smaller, barrier emerged, revealing hundreds of terrified villagers, Inuyasha's companions, the reincarnated priestess, the demon slayer, the monk, and Yuna. Her eyes locked into his and for a moment, their world stilled.

"Sesshomaru..." He could practically hear the shock in her voice, the disbelief circling her vivid, ocean hues. A sudden voice echoed from the other side, screaming for the girl beside Yuna.

"Kagome!" It was another demon, one whom Sesshomaru was unfamiliar with. His raven hair was tied in a ragged ponytail with beige fur covering his shins and arms. The strong scent of pinewood gave his identity away. What was a wolf demon doing here? He kicked the barrier with all his might and spun his body to create tornado-like attacks to break it, but nothing could penetrate it no matter how hard any of them tried.

"It's pointless!" One of the younger panther siblings cackled. Her scent was of spring leaves and sakura petals, though she looked nothing as regal or as gentle as the season. "Nothing can break the combined powers of the Panther Devas!"

The wolf demon growled. He kept attacking, but the shield was indestructible. Sweat beaded his brows as he panted. "Damn! what is this?!"

"As if you could ever beat our master's power!" Toran's eyes glimmered in victory. And it unsettled Sesshomaru, who continued to hit the barrier with his sword, that she may just have won against the demon prince. Her glacial eyes glanced at Sesshomaru before averting her gaze to Yuna. The smile on her face grew wider. "Let's start with her." The panther soldiers grabbed Yuna by her arms and pulled her away from the crowd. Her screams elevated Sesshomaru's frustration.

"Let her go!" Kagome shouted, tears rimming the edge of her eyes. It took several panthers to subdue her and her friends. Toran's brother, Shuran, reached for Yuna's weapon with a cloth as thick as a bark. Upon contact, the sword did not react. Sesshomaru frowned. Cheap trick. The panther then grabbed Yuna by her shirt and legs.

"Master!" Shuran yelled. "I present to you your first offering!" The living carcass bent down to grab the screaming girl.


A piercing cut tore through the barrier like paper, bringing the shield down at a dramatic end of smoke. The power Sesshomaru sensed aggravated his mind. The smoke dissipated, revealing Inuyasha in his snarky grin and giant sword resting on his shoulder glowing in deep crimson.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Inuyasha!" Kagome's cry turned into a voice of relief. The Panther Devas, on the other hand, were abhorred to see their barrier be brought down so quickly with a single strike of the hanyou's sword. Distracted by his entrance, Shuran's grip on Yuna loosened. She took this chance to punch him. With a yelp, he dropped her to the ground. But as she was about to flee, another sibling grabbed her.

"And just where do you think you're going?!" Toran hissed, raising her claws to strike at Yuna. But the attack never came. A clean slit sliced her wrist off. Blood splattered her robe as well as Sesshomaru's face.


"Sister!" Her siblings cried. They rushed to their injured sister as two of them readied to attack Sesshomaru. The prince conjured enough power of his own to conjure a shockwave that blasted them away. Danger, however, remained. The stench of the great panther demon tightened Sesshomaru's grip on his sword. The villagers behind them were being led out by the wolf demons and Inuyasha's companions. He looked back at Yuna who was still stunned by the limb he had severed.

"Get out of here," he growled. He hadn't meant to sound fierce but the sight of Inuyasha with Tessaiga aggravated his mind beyond reason. The girl said nothing, yet her eyes spoke everything.

"Yuna-chan!" Kagome was at her side with Suzaku in her hand. She took Yuna's hand, unperturbed by the sapphire's expression, or the hand that lay in front of her. "Come on, we have to get out of here."

So, they did know each other; Sesshomaru was right. Yuna was then dragged away by the priestess before she could utter whatever it was she wanted to say. Of course, it should no longer matter. Another figure came into his peripheral view. His wretched half-brother.

"I will not say it again. This is my fight; stand down."

"And I won't repeat myself either," Inuyasha said. "This has nothing to do with you." His eyes furrowed at the skeleton's throat where the shards glimmered like amethyst stars. In the distance, the Panther siblings recuperated. Toran's missing limb was now covered in an armor of ragged ice - to stop the bleeding and protect her wound.

"You'll pay for what you did, Sesshomaru!" All four of them ignited the demonic energy within them, channeling their powers together. But unbeknownst to them, their master, who craved for souls and power, was intrigued by their combined aura. A scent too sweet for him to ignore. He said again. "Give me life!"

Toran looked at her master. "Yes, Master, we shall offer you their lives in a moment." The master bore his fangs as his hollowed eyes glowed green. "No..." he grumbled. "Give me yours!" His claws struck the siblings' bodies, ripping their flesh and absorbing their powers. Only Toran, who had dodged the attack, fell at the terror of witnessing her brother and sisters die before her eyes. Even Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were stunned to see the great demon devouring his kin.

Three bodies lay stagnant. Their eyes stilled and open. A cry shattered through the night. The giant carcass was no longer a skeletal weakling, but a fully revived daiyokai with a thirst for revenge.

"Sons of the Great Alpha," he growled lowly. "You are next."


We all watched in horror as thunder clapped above the Panther's lair. The zombified carcass had transformed into the living flesh. Horns emerged throughout his neck with two more growing on his head. His weak snarl became a full roar as he plunged himself down - probably fighting with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. A tremor rattled up my spine at the thought of the prince. Had he been a second later, Toran's claws would have skinned me alive. But the face he made when he looked at me. The bright and slight tremor in his eyes. I didn't what to make of it, but it kept replaying in my mind over and over again.

"We're done for!" One of the villagers cowered to his knees, shaking in uncontrollable fear. Miroku stood beside me with a frown. "I thought he needed a live sacrifice to be revived." The demon wolf, who went by the name, Koga, folded his arms and chuckled. "Maybe he had some fresh dog meat."

"Don't say that!" Kagome scolded. Her relationship with Koga was a blur; I only knew from the way the demon acted that he had some form of puppy love for my sister. That being said, did Koga even know dogs and wolves were the same species? Lightning and fire decimated the roof of the high tower castle. The sight of it clenched my toes.

"We have to get the villagers farther away," Sango stated.

"But what about Inuyasha?"

"That dog's good as dead if you ask me."

"That's not funny, Koga!"

Bickerings ensued among the friends as they debated on bringing the villagers and themselves to safety or running back to the palace to help Inuyasha. But all I could think about was Sesshomaru trapped in the belly of the beast.

"Yuna-chan." My sister's voice distracted me from my thoughts. "Can you and Koga's men take the villagers somewhere safe?"

I blinked. "And leave you again? Not a chance!"

"I'll be fine," she smiled. "I'm a lot stronger than I look and I have my friends with me too."

I stood my ground with a stern look. "And I'm your sister which means you're not leaving my sight. If you're going in there, then so am I."

Kagome sighed in frustration. "I just got you back, Yuna. I can't risk losing you again!"

"And neither can I!"

"Both of you stop!" Miroku interrupted the sisters. "We won't accomplish anything by arguing; it's best if we split up. Sango and I will lead the villagers out of here. Kagome-sama, Yuna-sama, and Koga - you guys can head back in and help Inuyasha and Sesshomaru take out the Panther leader." Everyone looked at one another in silent agreement.

"Fine," Kagome surrendered. "But stay close to me, okay?" She looked at me.

"Was about to say the same to you."

Fire surrounded the entire square by the time we entered the palace. The sky was a thick black smoke full of dust and debris that stung my eyes and nose. The panther's roar cackled like thunder.

"Sons of the Great Alpha!" He bellowed. "Show yourselves!" A small wave of relief washed over me. The brothers were still alive, somewhere.

"Koga-kun, are you able to catch any of their scents?" Kagome asked. But the wolf demon shook his head. "Not with all this smoke and debris."

I then spotted flashes of blue. "Over there!"

"Yuna, wait!"

The color of those attacks could only be Sesshomaru's.

"Yuna-chan, slow down!" Her sister cried.

It was hard to see anything. The glowing embers threatened to sting my eyes as the poisonous fog heaved my breaths like heavy labor. Kagome and Koga were behind me, but their cries grew distant, almost muffled, when the fog split me from them. I cursed.


My voice was a whisper in the heated battle. "Sesshomaru!" I yelled again, coughing after every try. Instinct drove me to keep running till I found the prince, but he was nowhere in sight. That was until I saw a silhouette hidden among the flames. It was faint but I knew it was Sesshomaru's. My legs worked faster, sprinting till I could see his silver hair and golden eyes. He was down on one knee. Was he injured?



Rage bubbled in the prince's veins. Blood seeped down his mouth, dripping to the ragged concrete. His vision reddened. His power surged through his bones. Sesshomaru's eyes turned from bright gold to scarlet blood. The markings on his face moved back as his hair thrashed wildly behind him.


His shifting came to a halt. The distant cry was a sound that did not belong to the bloody battle. But he spotted her. The spark of blue in her eyes came closer as she ran towards him.

"YOU FOOL!" He yelled, anger burning his throat with a tinge of fear. "Get out of here!" But she couldn't hear him under the wildfire. Another emerged to the right of Sesshomaru. The panther king was fighting Inuyasha, the priestess, and the wolf demon. Countless attacks were made together, but nothing hurt the daiyokai, not even a scratch. His paws hit Inuyasha and the wolf demon, sending them flying far into the distance as Tessaiga flew to the opposite direction.

"Kagome!" Yuna caught the sight of Kagome, scrambling away from the monster, but the girl stumbled. The sapphire ran to her aid.

"No," Sesshomaru cursed. Come back here!

He mustered enough strength to stand and run after Yuna. The panther king came closer to Kagome.

"Kagome!" Desperation caused Yuna to run faster. Sesshomaru bit down his lip. His leg burned. He had to stop her before she killed herself. But with the distance that he was from Yuna, it was impossible to stop her. The panther's claw was just above the priestess, ready to crush her. Just then, Yuna leaped into the girl as the paws came down, crashing the two humans. Sesshomaru came to a halt, his breath ragged as his state. Inuyasha was on the other side. He, too, had seen what had occurred. While the hanyou roared in anger, Sesshomaru fell silent, numb to the heat of chaos.

Just a second ago, the sapphire had come to find him, risking her life just because she couldn't afford to abandon him. A foolish cause to run back to danger for. But he could not seem to fault her stupidity. And now, she was dead. Even if he used Tenseiga, he could not bring the living back if their bodies were destroyed. The crushing blows between Inuyasha and the panther did not break his thoughts. Emptiness ran deep into his core. A strange feeling that tasted sour in his mouth. Was he upset? Mad that he could not save the little gem? Was it regret he was feeling?

he faint whisper of his father's last words to him echoed in his ears. A haunting memory that he had believed to have shunned centuries ago began to take hold in his mind. Yet, despite all the turmoil, his mind was under, his face remained calm and collected - a mask hiding his true feelings. He turned to the panther who laughed cynically. Sesshomaru felt himself shifting again when the slight rumble of the ground interrupted him. The panther and Inuyasha sensed it too as they both stared at the ground.

Sesshomaru focused on the pulse and it trailed to the giant paw that had crushed the girls. And then, there was an explosion of light.

"AHHH!" The sheer light incinerated the panther's paw. He collapsed to the ground, roaring in pain for his burned limb. The light flared to the sky, pushing the stormy clouds to make way for its theatric entrance. On the ground, one stood with an aura so immense, that the prince's eyes widened, realizing who it was.


Her eyes glowed with an ethereal cerulean, reminiscent of the boundless depths of the ocean and the exquisite brilliance of sapphires. She turned around, casting a fleeting shadow that danced across the room like a whispering tide. Each subtle movement seemed to echo the secrets of the sea, leaving a lingering sense of mystery in the air as she faced the panther king.

This was the power that Sesshomaru felt coursing through her — a force that resonated with every being present. It was not merely the strength that emanated from the girl before them, but a profound connection that even her sword acknowledged, recognizing the potent legacy of its lost master.

"You insolent wench!" the panther growled, his voice reverberating with feral rage. "I'll destroy you for that!" With a predatory zeal, he launched his razor-sharp claws at her, each swipe promising imminent peril. However, she moved with an otherworldly grace, effortlessly deflecting his onslaught. Undeterred, the panther opted for a more direct assault. Sesshomaru prepared to intervene, but Tenseiga, hanging at his side, resonated with an unexpected urgency.

Do you wish to be drawn? Sesshomaru pondered, and the silver blade responded with a radiant glow. A sword incapable of slaying the living, yet in this pivotal moment, it hinted at an ability to confront that which was already deceased. As the panther lunged to strike Yuna, Sesshomaru executed a swift motion, slicing through the giant cat's throat. A profound, luminous gash spread across his neck, and the panther roared in anguish as his form deteriorated, reverting to the skeletal state he had been in before. The jewel shards embedded in his neck were expelled, scattering in the air.

"The jewel shards!" Kagome exclaimed from her position behind Yuna, torn between shock at Yuna's extraordinary abilities and the urgency of reclaiming the precious shards. Inuyasha, ever vigilant, leaped into action, catching the shimmering fragments in mid-air. Suspended in that moment, he also beheld Yuna's actions. The girl had raised her sword above her head, and a delicate beam of light traced beneath the ground, coalescing into a protective circle around the disintegrating panther. Reality itself seemed to warp as a barrier formed, encapsulating the enigmatic creature. Inuyasha, like Sesshomaru, found himself unable to avert his gaze from the mesmerizing spectacle unfolding before them.

Words of power spoke through her voice.

"Unleash thy spirit
Unleash thy soul
Spread your wings
And cast thy holy power"

She struck her sword to the ground.

The wind screamed and the ground quaked. With one final cry, the panther king's remains were destroyed, gone, and blown by the winds of fate, back into the netherworld where he belonged.

Yuna's eyes dimmed like fading stars as she lowered her hands. The pulsating aura surrounding her gradually waned, and she turned to face Kagome before gracefully collapsing.


Kagome cradled the unconscious girl in her arms, while Sesshomaru, a figure of stoic elegance, stood unmoved, his gaze fixed on Yuna's seemingly lifeless form. Inuyasha landed beside him, his troubled mind evident in his unsettled expression.

"Unbelievable," he muttered to no one in particular. "Just what is she?"

Sesshomaru made no visible response to his brother, but the silent acknowledgment of what he had witnessed served as sure proof of everything he had theorized.


Lost in the hazy transition between the chaotic events and Yuna's radiant awakening, Kagome found herself grappling with a torrent of thoughts and uncertainties that danced like elusive shadows in her mind. The air was charged with otherworldly energy, and the village around them, nestled in a quiet corner of the world, seemed to hold its breath in the aftermath of the inexplicable spectacle.

As the night draped the village in an inky embrace, Kagome and her friends became the welcomed guests of the villagers. The warm hospitality manifested in stocked supplies and gestures of kindness, an acknowledgment of gratitude for the unexpected display of power that Yuna had exhibited.

Yuna lay unconscious, a small towel laid gently on her forehead to soothe the fever that clung to her in the wake of her extraordinary feat. Kagome, seated beside her sister, couldn't shake the worry that lingered in the corners of her tired eyes. "At least she's safe," she murmured, finding solace in the mere fact that Yuna was resting peacefully.

Sango's gentle nudge interrupted Kagome's contemplation, drawing her attention away from the surreal events of the night. "Kagome-chan, let me take your place. You've been sitting here for hours. I'm sure Yuna-san wouldn't want you to get sick as well." Kagome exchanged a warm smile with her friend, thankful for the support.

Miroku tended to the crackling fire, Shippo and Kirara nestled in his lap, wrapped in the tranquility of sleep. Inuyasha, on the other hand, sat outside, his gaze fixated on the crescent moon overhead. Kagome joined him, settling beside him with a quiet sigh.

"Do you have any idea what that was?" Inuyasha's question hung in the air like a lingering mystery, and Kagome could only shake her head in response. "I don't think Yuna even knew she could do that too."

"Think she's like you? A reincarnation of some powerful priestess that we don't know of?" Inuyasha's speculative words carried a weight of uncertainty, prompting Kagome to shrug, "I don't know, but maybe Lady Kaede can help her. Are we far from her village? I want to take Yuna back home before we continue to find more jewel shards. Everyone is worried sick for her."

Inuyasha's calm voice conveyed a subtle frown that didn't escape Kagome's notice. "It's not too far, but it'd take at least a day or two to reach there," he informed her. Something seemed to trouble him, and Kagome couldn't help but inquire, "Is something wrong?"

"He's still here."

"Koga-Kun?" Kagome speculated, considering the possibility of the wolf-boy lingering out of concern or guilt.

"No, Sesshomaru."

"Eh?!" Kagome's surprise echoed in her incredulous exclamation. The mention of Sesshomaru's presence, accompanied by his enigmatic aura, added a layer of complexity to an already perplexing situation.

"And apparently, he brought his whole gang too."

The revelation left Kagome pondering the motives behind Sesshomaru's unexpected company. Was he merely staying until Yuna woke up? Inuyasha's stoic demeanor didn't betray much, but Kagome sensed an undercurrent of tension. Gripping Tessaiga's sheath with a forceful determination, Inuyasha muttered, "Hypocrite."

"What was that?" Kagome inquired, catching the fleeting comment that seemed to carry unspoken frustration.



"I said it's nothing!"

The stubbornness in his tone hung in the night air, and Kagome sighed, familiar with Inuyasha's reluctance to delve into certain discussions. The night enveloped them, concealing secrets and uncertainties as Kagome and Inuyasha faced the enigma of Yuna's newfound abilities and the unexpected presence of Sesshomaru and his mysterious entourage.

On a hilltop not far from the village, Rin slumbered peacefully, nestled between the warmth of a crackling fire and the protective embrace of a slumbering dragon whose tail curled around her like a guardian. Jaken struggled to keep himself awake, attempting to stand sentinel by his master's side but succumbing to the irresistible call of sleep, peacefully sharing dreams with A-Un.

Sesshomaru's gaze descended upon the village, where Yuna lay in rest. The breathtaking spectacle she had presented lingered vividly in his mind. His every theory, assumption, and, he dared to admit, hope, had proven correct. Yet, the perplexing question lingered – how could such a phenomenon be conceivable?

"Life truly is a mystery."

He turned around to see Toran leaning against a tree. His eyes narrowed in silent inquiry, questioning her unexpected presence. After their master's demise, the life forces he had taken from Toran's siblings had returned, reuniting with their original bodies. He remembered the relief etched across her face as she embraced the newfound mercy bestowed upon her family. So much so, that she surrendered fully and claimed that she and her siblings would return to the Eastern province and live together peacefully. There was no need to continue the feud between their kinds. The war had reached its conclusion.

"I came only to express my gratitude," Toran spoke with sincerity. "I wish to thank the girl personally for restoring my siblings, but my presence in the village would only provoke her companions."

Sesshomaru scoffed dismissively. "Your gratitude is unnecessary. Is it not sufficient that I spared you and your family?"

Toran maintained a serene smile, pushing herself off the tree. "It was unexpected, even for someone like you." She strolled away, disappearing into the depths of the forest."Your deep affection for that human girl betrays your true nature, O great warrior of the West," she remarked before vanishing.

Sesshomaru exhaled slowly, fixing his gaze on the moon. He would never miss a night when the moon glowed bright. And tonight was no exception. His nightly ritual involved contemplation beneath the lunar glow. Closing his eyes, he sensed Yuna's faint but resilient aura. Tomorrow, she would awaken, and the moon would witness the unfolding chapters of their intertwined destinies.

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