Little Ba Reum AU - The roads...

By Anki_Carrington

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NEW CHAPTER Instead of hiding his little headspace from his friends for years, Ba Reum is found out sooner. N... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chpter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 19

224 9 11
By Anki_Carrington

"Why don't you come in Ba Reum?" Hyuk asked, looking at the little hugging the dirty unicorn close. He bended down to pick up the laptop, glad to notice it had missed the puddle.

"Okay," Ba Reum said, still feeling a little put out. Hyuk smiled at him and put his hand on the small of his back to guide him inside the building. Ba Reum let himself be guided, still making sure that he was holding unicorn close by.

"Why don't we get unicorn washed, together with your reserve clothes," Hyuk said, putting the laptop on the table, "are the clothes your wearing dirty?"

"No," Ba Reum said in a soft voice, still holding unicorn close.

"Can I have unicorn?" Hyuk asked in amusement, thinking the little probably barely realised he was holding it.

"Oh, right," Ba Reum said, flushing and handing the plushie to Hyuk, his arms suddenly feeling empty "she can't stand high temperatures though, needs a wool wash,"

"Of course," Hyuk easily said, suddenly seeing Ba Reum freeze up.

"Need to go toilet," the little said, nervously shuffling his legs, "please,"

"Yes, right. There is one right here," Hyuk said, opening the door to the guest toilet, "take your time. I'll put everything in the laundry machine,"

"Thank you," Ba Reum said softly, and quickly hurried in the small room. He had felt his watch buzz, and after that debacle just before, he really didn't want to have an accident in front of the other man. It had been bad enough to have the cops make such a fuss already.

Pressing as hard as he could, he was annoyed when no drop seemed to be able to come out. Sitting there, he could already see why. The wet stain in his underpants was more that visible, and he tried to dab it dry with some toilet paper.

Pulling his undies back on, he shuddered when the cold wetness touched his genitals, and after checking the crotch of his pants, he pulled it up as well. Luckily, he only owned pants with a dark fabric, where it was harder to spot if he had a small leak.

Leaving the toilet, he stood awkwardly in the hallway, still wearing his coat. Ba Reum didn't know if he was supposed to go search Hyuk or wait for the man. By now, his head was really going fuzzy, and he could feel himself get closer to his headspace already.

"Ah, there you are," Hyuk said, poking his head in the room, and smiling at Ba Reum, before it changed into a frown. Ba Reum shrunk in himself when he saw the look change, wondering if the wet spot on his pants was visible.

Nervously, he grasped the bottom of his coat, and tried to pull it a little lower.

"I'm sorry," Ba Reum said, feeling tears gather at the corner of his eyes.

"Now, what are you sorry about?" Hyuk asked, stepping closer and resting his large hands on Ba Reum's shoulders, slightly massaging them.

"You mad?" Ba Reum asked, and Hyuk frowned even harder, before shaking his head.

"No, I'm not mad. Why do you think I'm mad?" the big caregiver asked.

"You smiled and then gone," Ba Reum explained, "it's gone when you look at Ba Reum,"

"Ah, I was just seeing you were still wearing your coat, and that it was a bit wet," Hyuk said, and Ba Reum looked down and seeing the wet spot.

"Oh," he said, trying to rub it off with his hand, but Hyuk stopped him.

"Let's just leave it be," Hyuk said, "so, what do you want to do first?"

"Me?" Ba Reum asked, frowning, not having expected that he would need to decide on an activity, "uhm, ... I ...uhm,"

Hyuk stared at Ba Reum, while the little looked up at him, unable to form any words of ideas about what he wanted to do. There were loads of things he did want to do, like cuddle, or play with the cars together, or even bake cookies again, but to ask for anything himself? He just couldn't.

"Well, otherwise I got an idea," Hyuk said, coming to Ba Reum's rescue, and the little nodded, glad that he didn't need to come up with anything.

"We can do that," Ba Reum said, even before he heard what it was.

"I was thinking of going to the toy store, like we had agreed to Wednesday," Hyuk said, and Ba Reum frowned.

"Don't need toys," the little assured Hyuk, who nodded.

"It's not because you don't need anything, that you don't want it," Hyuk said, patting Ba Reum's head, "it'll be fun,"

"I guess we can go," Ba Reum said, unable to say no.

"Do you need to change before we go?" Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum stared at him without comprehension.

"Change?" the little asked.

"Yes. You're going into headspace right. I got some diapers upstairs if you want," Hyuk said, making Ba Reum flush instantly, "or I got some little clothes that are probably your size,"

"I'm fine. Don't normally need diapers," Ba Reum said, trying to ignore the chafing wet spot in his pants that proofed that what he had just was nothing more than a lie.

"Alright. Then we can leave now. And by the time we're back, unicorn will be all clean, and can dry," Hyuk said, and Ba Reum nodded gratefully.

"I like unicorn," Ba Reum told Hyuk when he followed the man to garage, "she's nice and soft and cuddly,"

"She sounds wonderful," Hyuk said, glad to hear that the little like the plushie.

"She is," Ba Reum agreed, smiling as he thought about the softness of the stuffy. Hyuk opened the passenger door of his car for Ba Reum, letting the little take place and helping him with the seatbelt. Once he was sure Ba Reum was nicely fastened, he went to the other side of the car and got himself.

Starting to drive, Hyuk was glad to go to a toy store with the little. It was an activity he had always looked forward to. It would be really nice to have something to buy and see a smile appear on Ba Reum's face.

"So, what do we need to do this weekend, except being in headspace?" Hyuk asked, "you said you needed to study some?"

"Yeah, need to do an assignment as well," Ba Reum said, trying to pull himself out of the fuzzy feeling when the conversation was just a little too serious to be in his headspace.

"How many hours you think you'll need?" Hyuk asked hoping that Ba Reum would be able to spend most of the weekend in headspace.

"I think, an hour or three?" Ba Reum said, "give or take,"

"That sounds okay. So how do you want to plan it out?" Hyuk asked, "now we go to the shop, and we'll have lunch together, perhaps play a little after?"

"That sounds nice," Ba Reum said, perking a little up when the big man mentioned playing together, "I can go back to my big headspace after, to make sure that the work is done,"

"And then we can do something fun in the evening," Hyuk said, smiling.

"Yes, like baking cookies!" Ba Reum said enthusiastically before clapping his hand in front of his mouth, "sorry. I mean, we can do something other than that, no need for cookies,"

"No, it's fine. If you like baking cookies, we can bake cookies," Hyuk said.

"You don't have to," Ba Reum said, feeling shy about having proposed something like that. He really was greedy sometimes.

"Let's make cookies again. Like in that movie we saw," Hyuk said.

"Like the little did with the mommy," Ba Reum said, feeling something warm in his stomach at the thought.

"Yes, like the little did with the mommy," Hyuk agreed, looking at Ba Reum in amusement, before looking back at the road, "how long can you stay?"

"If my homework is done, I can stay until Sunday evening. Got church group though," Ba Reum said, "we do charities,"

"That sounds wonderful," Hyuk said, "you are a very kind person,"

"Oh, me? No, I'm just normal," Ba Reum said, flushing, "Hyuk is kind. Kind to me,"

"That's not hard," Hyuk said, finding a parking spot not too far from the toy store, "you are sweet, and kind, so it's easy to be kind back,"

"Oh," Ba Reum said, flushing and looking at his hands folded in his lap. Then he looked up when Hyuk suddenly left the car and frowned.

"Hyuk?" Ba Reum asked, feeling fuzzy and lost, and scared that the big man had suddenly left him. Then the door on his side opened.

"Here, let me help you with the seat belt," Hyuk said, leaning over Ba Reum and unlocking the seat belt. With that position, the little really needed to do his best to resist leaning in and hugging the man.

A hand was held towards Ba Reum, who took it and felt himself be pulled up from his seat, and next to Hyuk.

"Now, keep a hold of my hand, it's busy on the street and I don't want to lose you," Hyuk said, and Ba Reum nodded, squeezing the large hand a little.

"I will," Ba Reum said, looking serious, wanting to proof to Hyuk that he could listen very well.

"Good boy," Hyuk said, and Ba Reum felt happiness explode in him when he was being called a good boy, even if they hadn't gone anywhere yet where he could proof that he had listened well.

They walked up to the shop, Ba Reum concentrating on his feet, feeling a lot more unstable than he wanted to. It was fairly busy, but most people seemed to be given them a wide enough berth.

Entering the shop, a little bell sounded when the door opened. It was an oasis of colour that greeted them. Ba Reum normally avoided toy shops like the plague. Too much temptation for him, and he always feared to find something he liked and never having the money to buy it.

Even now, the variety of toys he saw was intimidating, and instead of looking at everything, he pulled a bit closer to Hyuk, resolutely looking at the floor.

Hyuk saw the little almost try to hide behind him, and he kind of expected him to, but he had hoped that he would go towards the toys and start to ask for things. But it didn't matter that he just needed to be encouraged a little more in it.

"Let's go check out the toys," Hyuk said, pulling Ba Reum towards where the younger little toys were. Ba Reum was still not looking at anything, and Hyuk frowned, wondering what the best tactic would be.

"Prosecutor Ji?" a voice said, and Hyuk turned around, trying to not groan when he saw a secretary of a judge there.

"Miss Kang, I think it was," Hyuk greeted, hoping the woman would leave him and Ba Reum on their own. He saw Ba Reum was glancing at her curiously, half hiding himself behind the caregiver's big frame.

"Oh, how nice to see you here. It's such a coincidence, I actually had a question for you. I send a mail to your office yesterday," the woman began, and Hyuk started to feel irritation rise in him.

"I'll answer the mail on Monday," Hyuk told the woman, who frowned.

"Oh, because you're shopping with...I guess this is your little," the woman said, and by the way she said it, it was clear she didn't think a lot of Ba Reum. Hyuk felt himself bristle, but he didn't want to cause a scene.

A big man like himself talking harshly to a dainty looking woman as her would surely be misinterpreted.

"Yes," Hyuk said curtly, feeling Ba Reum pull away from him slightly.

"I'm here with my little as well. Perhaps they can look at the toys together while we talk a little," the woman said, and Hyuk couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, but before he could say anything she was already calling a girl over.

"Ba Reum, I'm sorry about this," Hyuk said, wondering how he could get rid of them without causing a scene.

"Is fine. I can keep busy while you talk," the little said, frowning when another little came in view.

"What's up, mom?" she said, and she was clearly a teen, wearing ripped jeans and bright pink shirt, her hair in a high ponytail with a sparkling scrunchie.

"Why don't you play with this boy a little and keep busy when me and his daddy have a talk," the woman said, and the little huffed, and went over to Ba Reum.

"How old are you?" she asked, looking at him, and he shrugged.

"Old enough," Ba Reum said. She shrugged, and just left, and Ba Reum followed her, understanding that sometimes people couldn't get out of some things.

"I won't be long, sweetheart, don't go too far," Hyuk said, and Ba Reum nodded, seeing that the girl had just gone to a sort of play area and had sat down in a bean bag, having selected a book from the nearby shelves.

For a moment he stood lost, but it was clear that she had no interest in him. Glancing around, he could see Hyuk standing near, talking with the woman. The caregiver looked irritated, and Ba Reum hoped that he wouldn't stay in a bad mood the rest of the day.

Perhaps he better could keep his head down, let the man decide everything. Yes, that seemed to be the best. Better not to antagonize him. He could remember his own stepdad when he had been stressed about work business. Even his mother didn't escape that mood unscathed if she said something wrong.

Glancing at the wall of toys, he liked the colours of them all, and if he closed his eyes, he could just imagine playing with them, stacking the blocks, or riding the train. Making puzzles, or colouring in books.

It all seemed so fun, but he didn't feel as if he deserved any of it. Looking a little further, he wandered to the baby headspace stuff. It wasn't a lot, but it was all soft and fiddly things, and he absentmindedly moved a bead on a bead maze, before walking one toy over. Closing the pop-up animals, he laughed when he pressed the button and they popped again.

Glancing back at Hyuk, he could see that the look of irritation had even grown more pronounced, and he quickly turned back towards the toys. Best not get the caregivers attention now. He might forget the words he said about not spanking if he was bothered now.

The next toy was just a blanket, they had them in pink and blue and green, but Ba Reum thought the pink looked the nicest. His hand touched the soft fabric, and he regretted that the blanket was folded in a square and he could only touch a small bit of it.

His hand ran over the part that was available, rubbing his fingers over the leaves and feeling the crinkly plastic in the fabric, enjoying the soft sounds his repetitive movement made.

He could see a bright pink flower on there, just below the cardboard, contrasting with the soft pinks of the fleece. He teased it out from under the side and smiled when he managed to bring it half out. The petals had a different feel than the leaves and inside a small bell was hidden on a small rope. He giggled when he made it tinkle.

Fascinated with the blanket, he barely realised when his pants suddenly grew wet, until he heard the girl exclaim.

"Gross, mom, he pissed himself," the girl said, and Ba Reum looked up startled, seeing everyone in the shop suddenly look their side.

Ba Reum saw Hyuk look at him startle, and walk his way, and he knew he was in it now. Not only had he managed to bother Hyuk while he was busy with work business, but he had also done that in the most gross way ever. And that after he had said he didn't need a diaper.

Sniffling once, he stepped back from the toy he had been busy with, only now noticing that he had managed to rip the cardboard even. Another sniffle escaped him, and then he started to sob loudly, standing in the puddle of his own pee, sure that there was an angry caregiver going to give him a punishment for his disgusting behaviour. 

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