Book 1!Reader x Baki characte...


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You are a well known archeologist and detective always busy working and solving cases.You are involved in a v... More

An important mission starts !
Feeling nervous Y/n?
Meetings and greetings
Secret passage!
That's how I know..
First day of work!
Weird encounter
Did I really dance for Hanayama?
Roses for Bunny
Are they playing with me?
Y/n to Baki's rescue!
Revenge for Baki!
Maid disaster!
Did I drink too much?
Kidnapping incident..
Sleeping in his arms felt safe
To the beach!
Getting too confortable Y/n?
Secret shower
Milkshake break!
My amazing bodyguards
Big dessisions!
Special favor
Jack and Gaia join the team!
Enjoy your night until you can
Back in action!
Yujiro's little favor
The team is now complete!
Failed attempt
Unforgettable night
Did you miss us?
Will we make it out alive?
Mission success!

Into the mysterious paths!

274 11 2

Waiting for the night to come took FOREVER!You and the guys hung out at the pool and you discussed how you would get inside the pyramid without being noticed by the night guards.You had to be extremely careful not to be seen by them!The pyramid had lots of lights moving around from above it so the guards could see the tiniest shadow.

(It's going to be impossible!),you thought as you floated inside the pool facing the sky.(But deep inside me I don't want to underastimate those guys..),you looked at them as they splashed each other with water.(I don't know what they are capable of.. but my instinct told me to choose them,to give them a chance!So I will!)

Baki suddenly splashed water on your face and you were startled."Hey why did you do that!",you laughed."Come back here!",you chased after him and you both laughed as you wrestled in the water.

"Um..what is that?",Katsumi pointed at a... FLOATING BIKINI TOP IN THE WATER!

Both you Baki and the others stared at it as it slowly sunk in the water.Everyone looked at you including yourself,and after realizing it was yours you immediately snatched it and covered yourself.

"So you did bring that with you..", Yujiro smirked.

"Shut up!",you turned around to put it back on and Baki helped you.

"Thank God there are no other people around here", Katsumi sighed and Hanayama behind him jumped in the water with a loud splash.




After you all got out of the pool,you all went to shower.You showered faster than ever!,you were so excited about the fact that you had a chance to get inside the piramid.But you still had to wait until 8.Well the pyramids actually closed at 5,but Yujiro insisted you went three hours later "just to avoid seeing any local around there".

"Gosh why can't we go now!It's 6 already!Nobody will be around!",you complained and you had started to get on Yujiro's nerves.

"Oh shut up now will you!We aren't going to risk being caught because you're impatient!,little brat",he scoffed as he went back at watching TV while exersing.WITH ONLY HIS UNDERWEAR ON!

"Stupid Yujiro",you muttered as you chewed on chocolate.



The others came back after they showered and you all stayed in your hotel room.Everyone seemed like they had found something to entertain themselves while waiting,while you just couldn't find anything!Even your phone couldn't do the job! You just sat at the balcony with Oliva and Hanayama and you watched the piramids from afar.

(I wonder what we are going to see if we even manage to get there..What mysteries could be hidden down there?I hope there aren't going to be any alive mummies or something!No!, no!,no!,don't overthink Y/n!)

"Y/n!,come on we are getting ready!",Oliva yelled snapping you out of your delusional thoughts.

"Huh?Wasn't he next to me a while ago?And where did Hanayama go!Gosh!"(I guess overthinking is the best solution to make time pass!),you thought as you went inside to get ready.

You put on short green cargo shorts and a short black shirt.It was burning hot outside!The others put whether black or army cargo pants and a simple shirt.They also brought backpacks that seemed to be filled with stuff that would be useful if you got inside the piramid.

After arriving at the piramids..

"So is everyone ready?",Baki whispered and all of you nodded.The guards weren't far,they all had flashlights and were roaming around the pyramid.Thankfully none of them were near the pit but the problem with the lights above you,still remained.

Retsu->"I will go distract them".

Katsumi->"Be careful.I will signal you if Y/n manages to get inside".

Retsu ran torwards the guards,but kept a little distance, before throwing a rock on the sand.The noise attracted the guards attention and without hesitating they went to see what was going on.Retsu winked at you and you all ran to find the pit.

"Now where was it...", Baki said as he moved his flashlight around on the sand."Aha!There it is!"

"It's so dark in there!",you shivered in fear as you clung on Oliva's arm.

"It's going to be okay Y/n! Without you we won't be able to get inside!",Oliva comforted you patting your shoulder to calm you down.

"Yeah,we are counting on you", Hanayama smiled."Here,let me help you get down".

After Hanayama helped you get down in the pit,with the flashlights help you saw the small opening.At first you hesitated to go inside because there was still plenty of water inside,but you had to do it!,your team was counting on you!

Taking a deep breath,you got on all fours and crawled inside.The more you moved deeper into the path,the more difficult it became to breathe.The water seemed to increase too.The path had many twists and turns making it more and more difficult for you to move around,your ass was getting stuck everywhere!

"Oh God!,when does this end!Who knows what this water could contain! COULD THERE BE ANY INSECTS HERE?",you panicked,and at that same moment you felt something bite into your leg.

"AHH!WATER SNAKE!!",you screamed in pain but the others didn't seem to hear you.You were too deep inside the path,far away from the surface.As you tried to turn back to get back to the others,your ass bumped into something like a brick on the wall.Well more like..a secret button!You heard a noise and before you could turn around to see what is was,the ground opened and you fell inside with all the water.

On the other hand,the others in the surface saw the water being sucked into the small opening.They then heard a loud sound,followed by screams.


Yujiro->"Shit it's Y/n".

Katsumi->"What do we do!We have to help her!"

"Look!The opening!",Hanayama pointed at it,it had now elargened, enough for them to walk through with ease.Katsumi signaled Retsu to come and they all ran inside the path.They stopped at their tracks when they saw a hole on the ground.

"Something tells me that Y/n fell in there", Yujiro said before jumping right in.The others did the same without any hesitation.

It wasn't exactly a hole,after falling for a while they fell on something that seemed like a slide.A while passed until they reached its end.

Katsumi->"Woah!Where...are we...?"

Baki->"How many meters did we fall down?"

"The most important thing now is to find Y/n!",Hanayama said as he looked around in the dark with his flashlight.He heard some whines in the distance and walked towards them.Not far away,there you were,tuck sitting and holding your wound.After you fell on the slide,you had lost your flashlight and you had to stay in the dark alone for a while until the others arrived.

"Don't worry,I will take care of it", Hanayama comforted you as soon as he found you sitting alone in the darkness as he removed his backpack and took out some bandages.He wrapped them around your wound carefully and held you in his arms afterwards.

You went back to the others who were investigating the area,they were all fascinated with every single little detail carved on the walls.The drawings,the letters,everything.

Oliva->"The pyramid up there is nothing compared to this!Who would have known something like this existed!"

Katsumi->"Let's not touch anything for now..We might destroy anything.After all they have been rotting here for centuries!"

Baki->"Now that we speak of rotting.. Are those..mummies over there?"

"EKKK!DID SOMEONE SAY MUMMIES?",you screeched as you gripped Hanayama's shirt tightly.

"There are worse things to be afraid of down here.Such as incects", Yujiro put the flashlight under his chin and grinned to scare you.

Oliva->"Come on Yujiro!,go easy on her!"

"Guys there is another path over there", Retsu pointed with his flashlight.

Baki->"Let's go check it out!"

Meanwhile team two...

"Jack what happened!", Shibukawa came behind Jack and looked at his computers screen.

"Looks like there was a way to get inside after all.Baki texted me that there wasn't any passage inside the pyramid this morning,but later in the afternoon he said they found something like a pit.They probably managed to get in".


"Guevaru San!Wake up!They got inside you have to see it!It's incredible!",Gaia who was sitting beside him shook him gently to wake him up.

"Huh what happened?, Guevaru flinched from his seat."Wait how did they get there!Last time I remember they were at the airport.."

Kosho->"It's because you have been fooling around this whole time you moron!"

Doppo->"There is no need to fight guys!"

Kureha->"Yeah,after all instead of fighting we should be celebrating!There is a chance we are going to find the ultimate source of power!"

Jack->"Yeah,but let's not get too excited.Seems like we have a little problem".

Kureha->"What do you mean?"

Jack->"Don't you see?The monitor is struggling to keep up with the gps trackers.They are deep underground after all".

Kosho->"What are we going to do?"

Doppo->"Does that mean there is a possibility we could lose track of them?"

"I don't know.I guess we will find out",Jack said as he took a sip from his coffee.

Back to team 1!

You all followed Retsu to the path with your flashlights leading the way through the darkness.No sounds could be heard expect the sounds that your shoes were making.

You got into another room,this time there were more mummies and more well preserved letters scripted on the walls.Even better the room was filled with valuable jewelry and golden coins!Before you could even step inside,Retsu stopped you.

He threw his flashlight inside the room,and the moment it touched the floor, multiple spikes emerged from the ground!If you had stepped inside you would have been killed instantly!

"H-How did you see that coming!"

"The drawings in the previous room showed some images of these spikes killing people.I assumed that one of the rooms could contain such a trap",Retsu explained,and after he said that,the spikes retreated back to the ground, completely hiding themselves.

(I wonder how many greedy people have died in this room...They must have been searching for a treasure so desperately that they didn't pay attention to the drawings on the walls...),you thought as you looked at the many bones and skeletons on the ground that were ready to become dust because of the many senturies they were abandoned there to rot.

Not far away there was another room.You explored the "spikes" room before going there.There wasn't anything special in there but the gold jewelry and coins which you didn't need.The Egyptians probably put them there as a temptesion for intruders to enter the room without any hesitation.It was like the gold leaded them immediately to death.

Retsu picked up his flashlight and you all moved to the next passage that leaded to the next room.The passage was unusually long,there were many twists and turns that made you dizzy.
When you finally saw the enterance to the room you sighed in relief.




All of you fell down on the ground,like you wanted to avoid something coming from above.You didn't have time to think what was happening but thankfully Hanayama kneeled down just in time and protected you from..some miny darts?

Katsumi->"What was that for?They are only darts!"

"Nope.They aren't ordinary darts", Yujiro said as he picked one up."These darts are like sleeping pills.They can even put a whale to sleep".

"Did the Egyptians really come up with such a thing!?",Oliva picked one up and looked at it carefully.

Retsu->"Looks like we have to be even more careful than I thought.There are lots of traps to look out for in here".

Hanayama->"You could say that the pyramid itself is a trap.This is just getting started".

"So that's why Tokugawa told us to be aware for other dangers...He was right all along!"

Yujiro->"Well,there is no time to lose, let's keep going".

After stepping into the other room,you realized it wasn't just an ordinary room.Well actually it wasn't even a room!It was like... a maze?


Baki->"That doesn't look like a small maze to me!"

Oliva->"How many hours will this take us!,how are we going to get to the other side!And it's probably going to be full of traps!"

"Stop complaining arleady!, what did you expect?You arleady knew it was going to be difficult mission", Yujiro said as he moved on on his own inside the labyrinth.

Baki followed after him and made a jesture for the rest of you to follow.
You got off from Hanayama's arms since your leg didn't hurt much and you followed them.

The labyrinth was massive!,the ground had many bones and scull remains for some reason.Could there be more traps here?Or was there something that killed those who wandered around the maze..?

(Well I'm terrified of the thought that a monster or something could have been roaming around the maze back then!)

You decided to stop overthinking because even if there was a chance that a creature could have done that,it must be dead by now.After all more than 5000 years had passed!

Wandering around the maze made you want to pass out.It was like it was playing tricks on you!Most likely it looked like you were going in cyrles.

"Hey..wasn't this rock the one I saw a couple of minutes ago?"

Oliva->"No Y/n, it's one of the hundreds of rocks that are in here!,relax we aren't lost or moving in circles!"

"But what if we are!The past hour we have been walking either on dead ends or traps!I can't keep doing this!,I think it would be best if we all separated".

Retsu->"What if you fall into a trap Y/n!It's too dangerous!"

"Come on!, we've encountered so many so far and now I'm an expert on dodging them!Trust me for once PLEASEEE!!",you begged desperately.

Baki->"Fine,fine,but if anything happens scream as loud as you can so we will be able to find you".

"Got it!",you said as you took a different path and moved on by yourself.

Or so you thought.

After walking for a while,things seemed to get better.You started seeing new things,such as carved things on the walls and not just those boring stones.You looked at them closely and noticed that they were drawings, showing a creature that looked like a snake.The only different feature it had from a normal snake was that it was ENORMOUS!It was slaughtering people with it's big fangs and strangling them with it's long tail!

"Wow!,I guess I'm lucky that those things don't exist anymore!I would be dead if I saw something like that!"-

At that moment you heard the characteristic noise that snakes make with their tongue.

. . .

"Oh God...Don't tell me..!",you slowly turned around to see if you were just imagining the sound.Nope! There it was!That enormous snake that "didn't exist".Before you could scream so the others could find you,the snake wrapped it's tail around your waist and started tightening it.

You could only let out small whines,the pain was unbearable.You could feel your organs had started to slowly get crushed.

(I don't want to die!Please God!,please save me!, send me someone!),you let your last breath before passing out.

The snake opened it's big mouth revealing it's dangerous sharp fangs ready to eat you when it suddenly stoped.It felt someones presence behind it,it turned around but it couldn't see well with it's bad eyesight and the pure darkness of the atmosphere.

Suddenly,the snakes body was cut in pieces,blood squirted everywhere as the slaughtered pieces of the snake fell down,and so did you.The tension of the fall caused you to wake up.Your flashlight,since it had fallen down two times by now,was flickering from time to time and as you looked at it's light source,you saw a pair of shoes standing out.You noticed the ground was painted red.

(Am I dead?Is that my blood?),you touched your stomach,just to reassure yourself that your organs hadn't popped out or something.

(Yeah I'm still fine!,but who is that? Who's standing there?I need to know my savior!),you stood up and picked up your flashlight.You hit it a couple of times,to make it stop flickering but nothing.

"W-Who are you!W-why did you save me!",you wispered to the person.

???->"Y/n.Come to me".

At that moment you felt like you were under a spell,your body did what it was told to.You stepped forward and moved your hand around to touch the person,and when you did,you found yourself hugging him.You wrapped your arms around his neck and sweezed him tight.

"I'm glad you came.Thank you for saving me".

???->"I must be thanking you.For making this easy for me",the stranger said as he put a cloth on your mouth putting you to sleep.

. . .

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