Heal You

By exxx25

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[Editing in Progress] Emma didn't ask for powers. But she got them. She didn't ask to get kicked out of her h... More

The Bite
For Better or For Worse?
To play or not to play
Please Don't Kill Anyone
Did you kill her or not?
Derek please don't die
So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?
Scott can you learn any faster?
Well that went well
Where is all this coming from?
When You Cry
He Took Her On A Date?
Hanging On
Where is she?
It's Okay
Holy Water
You Are What You Are
Live Like You're Dying
No Choice
You Gain Some You Lose Some
Its Hard to Move On
Nothing Cheers You Up Like A Gay Club
No Choice
Road to Recovery
She Speaks
Fight Back
The Good and the Bad News
Time for a Game


364 11 3
By exxx25


The waiting room was quiet, everyone exhausted from the rave and failed attempt at stopping a murder. Dean sat next to me, leaning his elbows on his knees, his head hanging down. Stiles sat across from us next to Scott, his leg bouncing furiously. Derek leaned against the wall, staring absently at the empty desk. We had decided not to tell Allison about her mom trying to kill Scott and Emma.

"Hello" Deaton said, walking into the room. Everyone instantly got to their feet, a pang of anxiety bouncing with in my chest.

"Well? How bad is it?" Dean asked, clearing his throat as he tried to look less nervous then he was. Stiles bit his nails staring absently at the ground with teary eyes. Deaton sighed deeply, the anxiety in my chest causing shortness of breath.

"Pretty bad" Deaton sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. I felt my heart plummet. Not Emma. It wasn't fair. Emma didn't deserve this. And then there was the fact that we were supposed to be keeping her safe until Cas figured out how to save her. What a good job we did.

"Well? What's wrong with her?" Derek asked, stepping forward into the light of the dark animal hospital's waiting room. Deaton sighed heavily for what the third time? His eyes darted around until finally he decided to just tell us.

"Well you did the right thing by bleeding out the wolvesbayne blood. That's the reason she is still alive. But unfortunately because she breathed so much of it in there are a lot of internal burns" Deaton explained. I felt sick to my stomach.

"But she's going to be okay right? They'll heal" I asked, looking for some piece of hope to hold onto. Some sign that things were going to be okay and Emma would return back to her normal self. Deaton shook his head slowly.

"Its going to take a long time. You have to remember she is more human now then supernatural. She doesn't have special healing abilities like you two" Deaton pointed to Scott and Derek. "Its going to take a while. The burns were pretty severe. Life is going to be very painful for her" Deaton added.

"Well there's got to be something we can do. Some supernatural way for her to heal quicker, to lessen her pain" Dean said, both his and my mind racing to think of something. There was no way we were taking her to a faith healer. They never ended well.

"Well there is one thing" Deaton said hesitantly, all of our heads lifting and hearts lightening at the thought that there was a way to help Emma.

"What? What is it?" Dean asked, his eyes wide with curiosity and hope. Deaton bit his lip, thinking.

"You are not going to like it" Deaton warned Dean.

"Tell me" Dean said, his voice deep and stern. Dean sighed, running his hand over his head.

"Okay. So Emma is only supernatural when she is using her powers. If she were to use her powers, it would automatically heal everything wrong with her. I think you should consider it" Deaton said. I was shocked. Sure that would heal her, but it would also push her so much closer to her death. It would in fact cause her pain, just a different form. I turned to Dean who stared at Deaton, his eye brows scrunched and his face tense. He took a step forward, his voice low and shaking.

"You're telling me that to get her better, you want to send her closer to death?" Dean spoke, his voice trembling with rage.

"Well I wasn't-" Deaton tried but Dean wouldn't let him finish.

"You think I'm going to let you kill her?!" Dean shouted, pointing his finger at Deaton. "How on Earth do you even consider an idea like that!?" Dean asked, his body was tense, his jaw clenched tight.

"Dean he might have a point. This might be the only way" Stiles commented quietly.

"Oh because you care so much about her. You left her Stiles" Dean spat, his rage shifting from Deaton to Stiles. "She needed you and you left her!" Dean growled.

"Dean take it easy" I said, putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling him backwards. Dean shook my hand off of his shoulder, sitting back down on the couch. I looked over at Stiles who had a tear running down his cheek. He wiped it away quickly, Scott sighing deeply. The air was filled with tension, the room silent.

"Well aren't you a energetic bunch" a raspy voice spoke, followed by a coughing fit. I turned to the door way, Emma wincing in pain as she coughed.

"Hey take it easy" Dean said, jumping to her side. She leaned against him, breathing heavily for a moment, her face tensing as she must have been going through immense pain.

"Why don't we ask Emma what she thinks about the plan?" Scott suggested, Dean shooting him a glare.

"What plan?" Emma asked, her voice shaking. She looked up at Dean who just clenched his mouth shut. It was too late though, Emma's curiosity was sparked.

"Deaton suggested that to heal the internal burns, you could use your powers. It would trigger the healing process in your body, healing the burns" Derek spoke, leaning back against the wall.

"But that would be stupid considering that it would only push you closer to death's edge, which we don't want to do" Dean reminded her. Emma took in a deep breath and then she winced as the burns in her lungs were severe.

"I don't know Dean" Emma spoke after the immediate pain subsided. Dean looked at her, shocked.

"What the hell do you mean you don't know? You can't be serious" Dean said, shaking his head in disagreement. Emma let out a sigh, whimpering in pain. She leaned into Dean, grabbing onto his arm. He helped her sit down on the couch. Dean sat down next to her.

"Its just-its just- I'm going to die either way Dean" Emma whispered, her eyes teary. "And the pain I'm feeling right now-" Emma's sentence cut off, her eyes clenching shut as she took a few shaky breaths. I patted Emma's knee. I could see the pain in her face and it hurt just watching her. "The pain I'm feeling right now is so bad. Its-its unbearable" Emma whimpered. Dean sighed sadly, putting his arm around her, pulling her into him.

"Whatever you want to do" he said sadly, kissing the top of her head. Emma sniffled, her breathing shaky.

"Please tell me we found the killer. Tell me something good came out of tonight" Emma sighed, her head leaned on Dean's shoulder as if she was too weak to sit up straight. "Stiles?" Emma asked. Stiles shook his head.

"My Dad lost his job as the Sheriff. And its my fault. I guess the Board didn't like me borrowing a police van and kidnapping the son of a highly recognized attorney" Stiles said. I didn't realize that his Dad had been fired. Although he was clueless to what was really happening, he was a good Sheriff.

"Stiles I'm sorry" Emma said, offering a smile.

"Its okay. I should have seen it coming" he said shrugging and picking at his nails. "Its good to hear your voice again" Stiles commented. I hadn't even really realized it until just now. She was talking again. Emma smiled.

"Derek? News?" Emma asked, looking at him with hopeful eyes. Derek just sighed.

"Kanima killed its victim" Derek said bluntly. "Scott and Allison are in a fight. You and Scott were nearly killed by Allison's mom. Jackson escaped and we didn't find the master" Derek laid out all the failures of the night.

"Wow do you have any empathy?" Scott said, turning around in his seat to shoot Derek a glare.

"I forgot. I also bit Mrs. Argent" Derek added with a small smirk. "Which reminds me, I have to go" Derek said, turning to leave.

"Derek you bit Allison's mom?" Emma asked quietly. "You turned her into a werewolf?" she wheezed. Derek sighed, looking slightly ashamed.

"It was either that or let her kill me, you and Scott. I chose us. Sam and Dean, I may have turned someone which may give you the thought that you have the right to hunt me. But let me tell you something. She was not an innocent" Derek replied before pushing through the front door and disappearing into the night.

Derek was right. He turned someone. Dean and I had never let a werewolf get away with that. Not when it was in our power. But he had another point. She wasn't innocent. She was killing innocent people. She was killing Emma. It was self defense. I turned, meeting eyes with Dean.

Emma looked between the two of us, eyes wide with worry. "Please don't kill him" she whispered, her lip trembling. "He was protecting his pack. Please" she begged, wincing as it seemed to pain her every time she talked.

"We'll worry about it later okay?" Dean said, avoiding giving an answer. He met my eyes again quickly before they dropped to the floor. I knew what that meant. Dean wasn't going to kill Derek. He didn't want to. He thought Derek was justified in what he did, which I agreed with. But Dean had it programmed into his head that anything supernatural was bad. It was actually a shock to see him be so close with Emma and care so much about her. Dean didn't want to admit it, but he was going to let Derek go.

Emma coughed, blood appearing on her lips as she winced. She slumped over until finally the pain seemed to reside. The room was silent, worried expressions painted on everyone's faces as they stared at Emma. Emma shifted uncomfortably, noticing all the concerned stares. "So did you get any information out of Jackson? Anything?" she asked, wiping the blood away with the back of her hand.

"Well uh the master kind of spoke with us. Through Jackson" Stiles spoke, scratching the back of his neck, clearly feeling uncomfortable.

"Well? What did he say?" Emma asked excitedly, her eyes brightening. I had picked up that happens when she gets really excited. She winced slightly at the movement, trying to hide it.

"When we asked him if he was the one killing people, he claimed that all the people he killed were murder's" Stiles explained. This was all news to me as well considering we hadn't spoken to Stiles at the club except for when Emma was dyeing which was not a great time to say hey about the kanima. "He said they deserved it" Stiles said quietly. I turned to Emma's who's face went stone cold and her eye brows drew together. I watched as anger built up in her.

"My uncle did not deserve to die" Emma said quietly, but the way she spoke the words made them hard and frightening.

"I know. I know!" Stiles held his hands up in surrender. "I'm just telling you what he said" Stiles said, trying to avoid Emma's wrath.

"Well he is a psychotic idiot who needs to be put down" Dean muttered under his breath.

"We will Dean. Just let Stiles finish" I told him. Dean just shot me a look. I sat back, shutting my mouth, giving the floor back to Stiles who nodded a thank you in my direction.

"I uh then brought it to his attention that the super natural rule book says that the kanima can't kill anyone who isn't a murder" Stiles started. "He replied something like, if its a dam of water it can break? No that wasn't it" Stiles thought. "Oh yeah. If enough pressure's applied, anything can break" Stiles snapped his fingers as he recited the quote.

"So they aren't all murders?" Scott asked, glancing nervously at Emma who sat silently, wincing once in a while as she listened. I think there was a little fear in everyone that if something bad or upsetting happened, Emma would stop talking again.

"No he said they all are" Stiles replied, glancing nervously at Emma.

"Who did my uncle murder Stiles? Who does this 'master' think that my uncle killed? That the new parents killed? That the DJ killed?" Emma spat, disgust dripping from her words.

"That's what I wanted to know. So I asked. He said they murdered 'me'" Stiles responded. The room went silent with surprise.

"All those people murdered the master? The one who is obviously still alive?" Scott asked, dumbstruck. Everyone's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What else did he say? Because that makes no sense" Dean said, shaking his head.

"He just kept repeating 'they murdered me' over and over again" Stiles shook his head. "until he became so upset that well he transformed into the kanima. And then the drugs wore off. And then he busted out of the room. And then he killed the girl" Stiles said. "And that was that"

Emma blew out a large breath, wincing as she did. She leaned back on the couch, closing her eyes. Everyone becoming nervous as they stayed closed. "Emma?" Dean asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Relax I'm not dead" Emma spoke, her eyes remaining shut. "Just thinking" she added.

"Penny for your thoughts" Dean spoke. Emma opened her eyes, sitting up.

"It just doesn't make sense. How can someone be alive, if they were murdered?" Emma paused. "Except you two. You don't count" Emma pointed to me and Dean. "And my uncle, he would never kill someone. And he defiantly wouldn't be in on a group murder with a bunch of teenagers. It just doesn't make sense" Emma sighed, shaking her head.

"You're right" Scott sighed. "I wish I could've been there. Spoken to the master myself. But Allison's mom..."

"Scott what are we going to tell Allison?" Emma asked, her eyes shiny with tears. Scott shook his head, taking in a long breath.

"We don't. We don't tell her. Her mom is a hunter. And you know what hunters do when they're bit" Scott reminded her.

"They kill themselves" I answered. Although that was the code and that was what was right, I don't think I could ever do that. Not unless I hurt someone. But if there was a way to control it, which there is, I would try and figure it out.

"So? Don't you think she deserves to know?" Emma asked, her head tilted in confusion.

"No. I want her last memories of her mom to be good. I don't want it to hurt more" Scott said, meeting Emma's eyes with his sad ones. Emma bit her lip, nodding.

"Alright well I think its time for all of us to get home. Get a good nights rest. We can figure things out tomorrow" Dean said, standing up and cracking his back.

"Yeah. We'll see you at Lydia's party right?" Emma asked. Dean and I exchanged a worried glance. "What?" she asked, staring at Dean and I with confused brown eyes.

"You really think its a good idea to go to Lydia's birthday party? With the state you're in?" Dean asked.

"Well its her last birthday I'll be here for" Emma said bluntly, making me feel as if the wind had been knocked out of me. I think Dean, Stiles and Scott had the same feeling as all their jaws went slack and their eyes went wide.

"Don't say that" Dean shook his head, his eyes glistening.

"What? Its true. Lydia is one of my best friends and I would like to go to her last birthday party. No matter what state I'm in. I haven't seen her in forever anyways. She deserves it" Emma explained. "Plus you know Lydia is going to invite Jackson. More reason for us to go" Emma pointed out. Dean shut his mouth, not having a response for once.

"So we'll see you there?" Stiles asked as him and Scott stood up.

"Count us in" Emma accounted for the three of us. Dean held out his hand, helping Emma to her feet. Her knees gave out, Dean having to steady her with his arms. "Thanks" she smiled, the smile mostly an attempt to mask her pain. Dean nodded, helping her walk towards the door. I grabbed my coat, walking towards the door which Scott held open.

"Hey I never got a chance to thank you" Scott said as I passed by. "You know for pulling me out of the wolvesbayne room in which I almost died" Scott smiled. I laughed, shaking my head.

"No problem. You're a good guy Scott" I said, patting his shoulder as I exited the building, Dean and Emma behind me. I walked to the Impala, unlocking the doors.

"Hey Emma" Stiles called after her as they neared the car.

"Yeah?" Emma asked, leaning against the car as I handed Dean the keys to start up the car.

"I'm glad you're okay" Stiles muttered. "When I thought you were dead, I-I almost lost it" Stiles sniffled. "I'm so sorry" Stiles choked.

"I forgive you. And if this is you asking to be friends then yes, because there is no way I can live without that sarcasm you supply" Emma joked, pulling Stiles into a hug.

"Thank you" Stiles whispered, hugging back. Finally they broke apart, Emma and Stiles smiling. "Okay so I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked as he began to back away towards the Jeep.

"Yeah. Tomorrow" she waved, getting into the back seat. Dean backed up out of the parking lot as we began driving back to the house. The car was silent, the only sound being the motor roaring as it pulled us along. I looked over my shoulder spotting Emma slumped over, fast asleep.

"You think she's going to be okay?" Dean asked, glancing in the review mirror.

"Well Cas is working on it. There's gotta be something" I said, biting my lip as I found myself searching for solutions.

"Maybe" Dean sighed defeated. "Its just the way she talks. Its like she's already given up. As if there's no hope" Dean shook his head.

"Maybe its her way of coping with it" I offered, trying to comfort my brother who was clearly distressed.

"I don't know. She was even willing to use her powers. To send herself that much closer to death" Dean laughed sourly.

"That's because she's in pain Dean. A lot of it. A quick death to her might seem better then the drawn out pain that she is experiencing now" I explained. Dean just shook his head. "Just try to go easy on her okay? She's doing her best" I said, taking another glance at the unconscious girl in the back seat of the car.

"Aren't we all?"

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