๐ฌ๐š๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐ - ๐Ÿ.๐ฐ

By slutforfredgweasley

1.9K 100 159

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57 2 4
By slutforfredgweasley

tw: mentions eating and ed recovery

tw: mature content ;)

Eden woke up to the gentle rays of the morning sun streaming through her bedroom window. She slowly climbed out of bed, stretching her limbs to shake off the remnants of sleep. With a yawn, she made her way to the bathroom.

Without delay, she stepped into the refreshing spray of the shower, allowing the warm water to cascade over her body. As she washed away the sleepiness, she couldn't help but feel a sense of rejuvenation. After rinsing off, she reached for her toothbrush and toothpaste, diligently brushing her teeth to ensure a fresh and clean smile.

Next, she turned her attention to her face, splashing cool water on her skin and gently massaging in a gentle cleanser. She patted her skin dry and applied a light moisturizer, leaving her face feeling soft.

Sitting down at her vanity, she carefully selected a few natural makeup products. With a light touch, she applied a touch of tinted moisturizer to even out her complexion, followed by a sweep of mascara to enhance her lashes. A soft pink blush added a healthy glow to her cheeks, while a swipe of lip balm completed her simple yet polished look.

After finishing her makeup, Eden proceeded to get dressed in her uniform. She carefully buttoned up her crisp white shirt, adorned with the school's emblem, and slipped on her matching black and green jumper. With a final touch, she adjusted her tie and smoothed down her robe.

Grabbing her school bag, filled with textbooks and parchment, she made her way out of her dormitory and down the corridors towards the great hall. As she entered, she scanned the room for familiar faces and spotted Draco sitting at a table, enjoying a slice of toast. Feeling a pang of guilt in her stomach, she walked over and took a seat opposite him.

Though she tried to hide it, Eden couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation on her shoulders. Draco had to rush her to the hospital after seeing her on the brink of starvation. She just felt confused, like she didn't know what to feel.

"Morning, Eden." Draco forces a smile. It was obvious Draco would be affected by the situation, Eden is like a sister to him. It killed Eden to know that she scared him so much, but she felt grateful that he found her before something worse happened to her.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" Eden lowly spoke.

"I'm okay, how are you?" Draco avoids eye contact with her.

"Yeah, I'm good thank you." She smiles. 

Draco grabs her plate and fills it with waffles, fruit, yoghurt and some mini pancakes. He pours her a goblet of apple juice, knowing it is her favourite juice.

"You don't have to eat it all, I just want to see you try, okay?" He finally looks up at her and smiles, reassuring her.

"Thank you, Draco. I'm getting better with eating now, though. Madam Pomfrey really helped me get back into the swing of things." She leans over and squeezes his hand thrice, letting him know she loves him. 


After a satisfying breakfast in the Great Hall, Eden and Draco quickly returned to their normal behaviour. After laughing and joking with each other, they bid each other farewell as they headed off to their classes. While Draco made his way towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Eden made her way to the dungeons, eagerly awaiting her Potions class.

Eden was excited as she entered the Potions class.  After settling into her seat a few minutes early, she took advantage of the extra time to read through the textbook and try to gain an understanding of what to expect from today's lesson.

She soon heard some rustling next to her and the sound of a stool scraping across the cold floors, indicating Fred had arrived. She looked up to him and smiled, quietly greeting him.

"So you want to see me now, huh?" He shakes his head and laughs, taking out his battered textbook and a piece of parchment from his bag.

"Don't be silly, Fred. I had just woken up and wasn't really in the mood to speak to anyone." She smiles and closes her textbook.

"You coming to the Gryffindor party tonight?" Fred changes the topic swiftly.

"It's a Tuesday, Fred. I don't want a hangover on a Wednesday." She sighs and rolls her eyes, "Why are you having a party anyways?"

"Me and George made some sweets that are hangover cures, hence the party. We are throwing it partly to have fun but also to test them out, we think we could make a lot of money off of them." Fred proudly states.

"How do I know that they aren't spiked? I don't want pink hair again." She laughs.

"We have tested them on some people and they haven't had any bad reactions to them, you can watch us take them if you really have to."

"Fine, I will come but I'm bringing Draco." 

"Deal." He smugly smiles, knowing he got his way.


Once Eden was fully dressed for the party tonight, she admired herself in the mirror. She ignored Hermione and Ginny running around behind her, stressing about what colour lipstick to wear or which dress is the best, since Eden decided to go over to their dorm to get ready. 

Eden was wearing a white crop top with a pair of low rise blue jeans. She had on two dainty silver necklaces with a few rings scattered across her fingers and small  hoop earrings in her ears. She had a seductive eye look, with a sharp cat eye and some glitter on her inner corners. She had a beautiful shade of nude lipstick on that complimented her skin tone. Her hair was curled with a few mini braids scattered around her head. She sprayed a seductive smelling perfume against her neck and wrists, spritzing some across her body also.

With Hermione and Ginny finally ready, the three girls leave the dormitory they were just getting ready in. With nothing else in their minds except fire whiskey and boys, they head down the crimson red staircase hand in hand.

Every attendee's face was softly illuminated as the party lights danced throughout the space. The bass in the music was so intense that it was shaking the ceiling. The room was temporarily turned into a club like scene, with hundreds of students having their hands in the air dancing around.

The three girls creeped over to the drinks table, pouring a large glass of fire whiskey each and chugging it. The alcohol burnt Eden's throat, making her scrunch her eyes and wipe the side of her mouth from a few drops spilling.

They pour another drink, before heading over to the couches where their friends are sat. Ginny and Hermione flop down onto a loveseat while Eden perches next to Draco. 

Ron and Harry had already had way too much to drink, Harry was laid across a sofa, probably taking a power nap, and Ron was over in a corner with Seamus Finnigan, chanting 'chug' while Seamus downs a bottle of fire whiskey.

Fred, George and Lee were sat on a couch doing shots with each other, before George saw a Hufflepuff girl and swiftly left. 

"What are you drinking?" Draco shouted over the loud music.

"Fire whiskey, obviously." Eden shouts.

When she looks back to Hermione and Ginny, they were getting up from their seats and walking over to two Gryffindor boys. Turning back to Draco, he had his eyes elsewhere, on a girl dressed in a silver skirt and black tube top.

"Go over to her then, don't sit and stare." Eden shoves him up as he stumbles over to the girl.

Then Eden was left alone with Fred, Lee and Harry, so she moved over to sit next to Lee.

"Oh I need to, uh, get another drink." Lee shoots up from his seat and goes over to the drinks table.

Fred smiles at her and says, "You look great.".

Bringing her drink up to her lips, she sighs, "Stop saying that, you have a girlfriend.".

He bluntly declares, "I don't have a girlfriend.".

She inquires, "So what was the whole ring situation about?".

"It's a long story. How about a dance instead?" He stands up and extends his hand.

Despite shaking her head, her drunken state causes her to stand up and grab his hand, leading him onto the dance floor.

She lifted her drink-holding hand and led Fred onto the dance floor. She leaned forward, letting him know exactly what he had missed while she began to dance slowly but sensually. She took a sip from her drink, then leaned in closer. Before he could plant a kiss on her lips, Eden moves away, causing him to shake his head bitterly at the innocent jab Eden was giving him. She turned her body so she was facing away from him. She stepped back and pressed herself against him, swaying her hips against his groin.

Fred seizes Eden's hips to pull her even closer, his clothed erection pressing against her backside. His hand moves upward, reaching her jaw, and he guides her head to rest on his shoulder. With his other hand, he slides back down to lightly choke her. The two of them couldn't care less about the hundreds of people surrounding them at the party. All they wanted in that moment was each other.

Eden turns her body back around to face Fred. Their eyes meet, and they fixate upon each other, lost in the intensity of their connection. In a swift motion, Fred grasps the back of her neck and pulls her close, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss.

"Freddie? What the fuck! How could you!" They pull away from their intoxicating kiss and are met with Angelina's eyes.

"What's up with you? Leave me alone! We are over, how many times do I have to say that?" He spits, his hand still resting on Eden's neck.

"Wow, Fred. Just wow." She shakes her head before turning to Eden, "And you, how could you do this? You have been trying to take him from me and I knew it. How could you do this to me?"

"I have never spoken to you in my life, I don't owe you anything." Eden laughs, shocked at her reaction.

"Fuck you, both of you." Angelina throws her drink over Eden, causing her top to go see through.

Eden quickly moves her arm up to her chest to cover herself as she stares at Angelina, gobsmacked. Most of the people around were now facing the two girls, staring with wide eyes.

"You're a fucking bitch, Angelina. I was leaving anyways to go and fuck your boyfriend." She screams at her before grabbing Fred's hand and walking out of the common room, which he didn't argue against.

Eden and Fred left the Gryffindor common room, their hearts racing with anticipation. As they walked along the dimly lit corridor, the cold breeze of the castle hit Eden harder than it did Fred. She shivered, her top still damp from their earlier encounter with Angelina.

Fred looked around, making sure no one was nearby. He leaned in, his voice filled with desire as he whispered, "Eden, I need you."

Without hesitation, Fred forcefully slammed her against a cold brick wall, pressing his lips against hers in a surge of passion. The intensity of the kiss ignited a fire within both of them, leaving them breathless and yearning for more.

As they pulled away, their need for privacy weighed heavily on their minds. While the castle's night time air made them both feel cold outside, the fire inside kept them warm as they hurried to Eden's dorm.

 She approached the entrance of the Slytherin common room, she whispered "Pureblood". She grabbed Fred's hand before stepping in, rushing down to her dorm.

She pushed open the door and slammed it shut behind Fred, casting a locking and silencing charm on the door. 

"I should probably take this off, right? I mean, it's all wet." She seductively whispers as her fingers dance around the bottom of her top, teasing him.

"It's for the best, I could keep you warm instead." He winks.

She pulls the top up slowly, savouring the anticipation before taking her time to reveal her chest, which was already on display due to the wet part of her top. As she peeled the top away, Fred's eyes rested on her breasts, unable to look away. He slowly walked towards her, his heart pounding with anticipation.

When he reached her, he leaned down, taking one of her nipples into his mouth and gently sucking it. He used his tongue to trace the outline of her breast, sending a shiver down her spine. His hand moved to massage the other breast, his thumb grazing her sensitive skin.

Her hand reached up and tangled itself in Fred's fiery red hair, gently pulling on the strands as she moaned lightly. The sensation sent an electric surge through both of them, heightening their anticipation.

As she continued to pull on his hair, she led him over to her bed, dropping down to her knees. She swiftly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans, pulling them down to his ankles as he kicked them off. His erection was evident through his boxers, straining against the fabric.

She leaned down, kissing his erection through the fabric, taking her time to tease him. With each kiss, she could feel the tension building between them. She pulled his boxers down, revealing his fully engorged member.

Without hesitation, she wrapped her lips around him, taking him into her mouth. She moved her head back and forth, taking him as far as her throat would allow. Her hand moved in sync with her mouth, gently pumping him where her throat couldn't reach.

The combination of her throat and the motion of her hand was too much for Fred to bear. He moaned softly, his hips buckling in response to the sensations she was giving him.

She continued her ministrations, revelling in the power and control she wielded over him. With each stroke, she felt him getting closer to the edge.

She pulls her lips away, looking up at him with a seductive look in her eyes. 

"Come and fuck me, Fred. I know how bad you want it." She whispers into his ear, causing goosebumps to rise on his arms.

He stood up and threw Eden onto the bed so that her face was pressed into her mattress and her behind up in the air. He leant over her and kissed her shoulders while reaching down to remove her jeans. He unzipped her jeans and pulled them off of her body, detaching his lips from her skin. She felt his teeth come into contact with her hip briefly as he removed her small, laced thongs from her body.

"Are you sure you want it?" Fred asked as he gripped onto her hips.

"Yes, please Fred." She moaned, her core waiting with anticipation.

"Are you sure you will be able to handle it?" He groans as he lines himself up with her entrance.

"Yes!" She shouts as he slams into her, wasting no time before thrusting back and forth. 

As he moves his hips back and forth, Fred uses one of his hands to rub circles on Eden's clit and the other massaging one of her breasts. Upon hearing her cries of pleasure, he moves his leg so it is resting on the bed to thrust deeper into Eden.

She moves her hands so that she is gripping her bedding, her knuckles turning white. She feels her orgasm swiftly approaching, due to the pace Fred is thrusting into her at. Her vision becomes blurry as a state of ecstasy washes over her body, her orgasm controlling her.

Fred is soon to follow her, due to the persistent teasing throughout the party. With a final, loud groan, he releases inside of her, slowing down his pace. 

He leans down to kiss her shoulder, "You're fucking amazing, love."

ooo spicy


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