Let Me In [Male Reader x Yand...

Autorstwa SteveTheAlbino

231K 9K 5.4K

They say connections make us all. Whether it be the connection of friendship; of family; or even more platoni... Więcej

Chapter 1 '327'
Chapter 2 'Ramen & Rain'
Chapter 3 'Men At Work'
Chapter 4 'Friday Night'
Chapter 5 'Mission Start'
Chapter 6 'Ticket For One'
Chapter 7 'Talk To Me'
Chapter 8 'Out Of My Head'
Chapter 9 'Falling'
Chapter 10 'The Party'
Chapter 11 'Untitled'
Chapter 12 'She Wolf'
Chapter 13 'Losing Control'
Chapter 14 'Dogs Eating Dogs'
Chapter 15 'Eternity'
Chapter 17 'Dates & Airplanes'
Chapter 18 'The Invisible Parade' (Part 1 Finale)
Chapter 19 'Death Do Us Part'
Chapter 20 'Chainsaw Man'
Chapter 21 'Rookies'
Chapter 22 'Mutt'
Chapter 23 'Demon And Divison'
Chapter 24 'The Story So Far'
Chapter 25 'Spiral'
Chapter 26 'Non/Fiction'

Chapter 16 'Save Me'

5.9K 307 173
Autorstwa SteveTheAlbino

[Back again after bouncing back with the last chapter. Overall it was a good response from voting and comments, whilst reading remained up like usual. I was a little worried going into this long formate with the story I wanted to tell in this ARC. Yet I truly feel it'll be worth it now that it comes to an end with this chapter. One that I truly feel is the best so far. So, I hope you find it in yourselves to find this chapter enjoyable. As of late, there seem to be a few complaints from people that I don't think are just...Especially with the fact the book's BIGGEST TWISTS haven't happened yet~ But, ya never know. That's the thing with thing book...Those big twists could happen any time...Any time~ All I can say is...LET ME COOK!]

[Your POV]

When I first told people that I wanted to go to Japan to join Public Safety, I got a plethora of responses that you'd usually get when wanting to place yourself in a life or death situation...

"Are you crazy?"

"Do you know what this means?"

"You'll get yourself killed."

"You've got to think this over."

You know...The usual things. But if there was one statement I was given over and over again, it was definitely one that came to mind.

"...How can you want to join Public Safety when you haven't even ever seen a Devil before?"

Now, to be fair, when people asked me that...They were technically right. Growing up in my childhood town, I never really saw a devil. Heck, I only knew about them because of what I saw on TV. They never really showed up in small towns where I was from, only in cities. And if they did happen to appear in a town, which was very rare, all children were forced to stay inside. But in Japan, they seemed to be as common as birds in the sky. They were everywhere, which meant the Japanese Government was always looking for people to help out. And when the majority of the country's own people were against such things, they reached out to other countries for support. 

That's when I jumped into the thick of it...Full speed! However, when I sat on the plane to come to Japan, I didn't realize just where I'd be in six months' time. I'd have amazing friends. I lived in a perfect part of the city that I've always wanted to be surrounded by. Heck! I even got to watch and read the manga I liked earlier than the rest of the world. It was incredible! But if you would have asked me when first coming here, that in just a few months, I'd be able to say that I'd have one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in my entire life by my side? I'd call you crazy. Yet, it was true. Somehow, through one event or another, through waves of turmoil and trials, I was somehow able to find comfort in the most supportive and loving girl I had ever seen. 

Which is funny, because when I first saw Makima, she seemed like this cold, self-absorbed person, who didn't seem to need a partner, let alone a boyfriend. Yet, over time, I found her to be this innocent, most insecure girl who deserved nothing but happiness. She seemed like the very persona of sweet and innocent. Almost to the point that I forgot what she was like when I first met her. However...I only say 'almost', because just when I was about to forget it all...This happened. Picture it clearly... The dark night sky dawned over the streets of Tokyo, bringing about a dark aura that crowded the shadows that once found no refuge in the daytime. 

However, they were given awareness that not all places were good for hiding, when in one part of Tokyo's city, a large fire could be seen on display in the centre of the street. All the while, watching the scene in shock, horror, and everything in between, were the members of Public Safety. Each carried their own impression of what they had just witnessed. But no one was more surprised than me. After all, what would you expect when you had just witnessed your girlfriend, who you thought was just a sweet and innocent person, single-handedly defeat the living shit out of the very devil that had been keeping you trapped in a building for what felt like an Eternity. But, I didn't know what was more shocking. 

The fact I had just witnessed Makima use powers I had never even imagined were possible before; or how all of this chaos had come to be...

[3rd Person POV]

--A Few Hours Ago--

"And then he's like...FULL SPEED! NON-STOP!"

The words were quick to flood the air of the small team member dining room that was embedded within the walls of the aquarium. Such words had come from none other than (Y/n), who smiled as he relayed the story once more. 

(Y/n): [Sighs] "...Man, I loved that Manga as a kid. It was so cool! I don't know what was cooler! The fact that the main character could turn into a Werewolf and had a harem of girls; or that we both shared the same name."

A stray chuckle found his lips as he looked down to the ground and smiled. However, his gaze was soon shifted when he felt a pair of wrists begin to rest on his shoulder.

"I hope it's the second one. Otherwise, I'll be worried that you plan to be with more than one girl, (Y/n)."

Immediately looking to the side, (Y/n) was greeted by the sight of his smiling girlfriend, whose face was inches from his own due to the close proximity they found themselves in. With her wrists resting on her boyfriend's shoulder, it allowed Makima's yellow eyes to be on full display for (Y/n) to see. The young boy continued to look deeply into them as he smiled.

(Y/n): "I'll have you know, Makima, I am not a player. One girl is more than enough for me. Especially when she's as pretty as you~"

Makima: "Oh, is that so. Why don't you show me then~"

With the exchange of words, both Makima and (Y/n) proceeded to lean in closer until their lips met with joyous glee. The pair could currently be seen seated on the blue carpet floor of the staff room. With their backs pressed up against the wall, the pair found refuge in their own little world as the others did their own thing as they awaited for the most treasured item to arrive. Currently in the room, besides (Y/n) and Makima, were Power, Kamino, Haruka, and Mamoru. 

Whilst Takeru and Akira volunteered themselves to search for the previously mentioned treasured item. Now, (Y/n) was sceptical about the two of them going off together. Especially since the two of them seemed to be his lowest fans whilst trapped in this current location. However, with them gone, the group of Devil Hunters and news report, were able to find some peace. With Haruka and Kamino were entangled in a board game, they found on a nearby shelf, and Mamoru was preoccupied with cleaning his knives. 

This left Power, besides (Y/n) and Makima, to fill the room. And, of course, she found herself licking her lips whilst staring at a fish tank in the corner of the room that held two little goldfish. Of course, (Y/n) wasn't able to sense the danger that could possibly go down as he was trapped in his own little world. One he found by stretching his arm over Makima's shoulder and holding her close as the pair spoke about happy memories. Such as (Y/n) just did with his favourite manga previously. Now, it was Makima's turn.

Makima: "Well, I don't know if I have a favourite Manga like you. I wasn't really into those stuff as a kid."

(Y/n): "Wait. What? You didn't read Manga growing up?"

He asked, with a shocked expression. One that only made Makima smile at her boyfriend.

Makima: "I didn't say I didn't read it, (Y/n). I just wasn't really into it."

(Y/n): "Pfft! Yeah right! Next, you're going to say you didn't play video games either..."

It wasn't long until (Y/n) got his answer. Not by words, however, but by the silence Makima offered. Immediately he twisted his head toward her in disbelief when he saw her smiling innocently once more, whilst offering a look that showed his greatest fear...was real. [Don't think she's whack boys, just think that you'll be able to educate her and share those moments with her...Something we all want.]

(Y/n): "Makima! Seriously! ...Come on! No video games, really?"

Makima: "What? I grew up in a small village, we didn't really have much technology. And...I liked reading books. So what?"

The slightly embarrassed look she dawned as she said those words only made it even more adorable for (Y/n). Which only reached higher limits when Makima began rubbing the tips of her two index fingers together. In the end, (Y/n) couldn't hold himself back from squeezing Makima tighter and chuckling in her ear.

(Y/n): "Aw, it's okay. I forgive you. You're too adorable to be mad at anyway."

Makima: "Um...Thanks?"

(Y/n): "Besides... I like imagining Young Makima as a girl who stuck to herself, in her room, reading books and having fun. Aw! So adorable!"

Immediately (Y/n) went about squeezing her tighter, a joyous smile covering his lips as he did so. However, that smile soon fell lightly when the next words of Makima escaped her mouth.

Makima: "Yeah, well...It's not far from the truth."

All (Y/n) needed was to hear those very words to realize what Makima was referring to. Instantly his eyes widened before turning to look down at Makima, only to see her smile now having faded altogether. Her face, one full of dismay, set on the carpet floor once more. It didn't take (Y/n) much to realize what had made her upset. He was so caught up in imagining such a pleasing sight that he completely forgot about Makima's hard upbringing. It brought out a sense of guilt and regret inside of him. Immediately he went to talk. 

To express his apologies in a fast, and well-mannered way. Hoping the sooner he apologised, the sooner he'd be able to make Makima smile once more. However, just as he was about to do that, he realized something else. It was that something that brought about a new approach to apologizing, whilst also giving Makima the reassurance that life wasn't like that anymore. And it all started with a gentle hug, one which caused Makima's head to pop up slightly as soon as she felt it. This feel inside continued to grow as the soft voice of (Y/n) echoed in her ear.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry, Maki. I...I completely looked past what my words could mean. I'm sorry, okay, I didn't mean it that way."

Just the touch alone of (Y/n) was enough for Makima to feel better. Her smile pressing into his arm as she hugged it closely. She didn't respond, but even if she did, it wouldn't have stopped (Y/n) from continuing to speak himself.

(Y/n): "But you know...That's not your life anymore, right? You're not by yourself anymore. You've got an amazing job! You've got friends! And...You've got me, remember? You'll always have me."

Makima didn't know whether it was the smooth words, or the smile in which (Y/n) offered her at that moment. But in that very moment, as the pair looked into each other's eyes, it felt to Makima like all worries, all problems that she had ever faced in her life were washed away. She felt safe, and secure, in the arms of her boyfriend. She loved (Y/n) so much...She did! She loved him, and she'd do anything for him. It was due to this desire to please (Y/n) that the next thing the young girl knew, she was heading toward the door of the staff room, her hand latched onto the confused (Y/n), who aimlessly was led behind her.

(Y/n): "Uh, Makima? Where are we going? The others will be back soon with--"

Makima: "Forget the others okay? I...I want to go somewhere private with you."

(Y/n): "Private? But why would you--"

Immediately following his words, Makima's gaze turned to the ground. All the while a nervous and slightly embarrassed smile crossed her lips. Not long after, a similar blush followed. All the while Makima fiddled with her fingers. Which was all cute to the otherwise confused (Y/n).

Makima: "W-Well...We've been here for a while now. And it's not like the others will be back so soon...so...so..."

(Y/n): "Makima?" [Grins and steps closer] "What exactly were you thinking about when you grabbed my hand~"

Makima: "I...I wanna...I-I wanna..."

Her good-natured spirit held her back from saying the words she wanted to say. Which allowed (Y/n)'s teasing grin to grow. It kept continuing to grow as he finally reached Makima. His hands embracing her hips, his head lowering, as she continued to stutter through her sentence.

Makima: "I-I wanted to...You know..."

(Y/n): [Shakes head] "No. No, I don't think I do."

Makima: "You do know!"

She professed as she grabbed her boyfriend's hands and looked up into his eyes with an innocence that was surrounded by a dirty blush.

Makima: "...You're just saying you don't because you like teasing me."

(Y/n): "Yeah, well, you look rather cute all red. So can you really blame me?"

Makima: "I can when you tease me like this. Besides, you clearly know what I'm talking about..."

Her blush seemed to signal as much, but this only pushed (Y/n) to further go along with the little game.

(Y/n): "Well, maybe if you tell me what you're thinking about, then maybe I can tell you if it's what I'm thinking?"

Makima: "B-But you--"

The look on (Y/n)'s face showed that he wasn't going to drop the moment quickly. Which left Makima with two options. One, give in and admit she wanted to take her boyfriend somewhere private for obvious reasons. Or continue to fight this and not get to go somewhere private with her boyfriend. As all this happened, a familiar voice spoke in Makima's head.

Mirror Makima: "Come on, say it~ Tell him what you planned to do~"

Makima: [To you] "I-I wanted you..."

Mirror Makima: "Tell your little boyfriend that you wanted to take him somewhere private so you could fuck him because all you really are deep inside is a shameless slut. 

Makima: "I mean...I want you...to...t-to..."

Mirror Makima: "Come on! Say it! Show him how weak and pathetic you are! Show him that without a leash to lead you around, you're nothing."

The voice kept going. Over and over again. Driving Makima slowly insane. It was only when she took a deep breath that Makima was able to clear her mind, and with a surge of confidence, look up at her boyfriend with her yellow spiraled eyes on full display.

Makima: "I want to take you somewhere so...So we can have some fun together. Without everyone else ruining this moment for me."

(Y/n): "Oh! Okay! But, uh...You sure it's the other people ruining this moment, and not the whole--" [Leans in and whispers] "Eternity Devil thing?"

But instead of getting somewhat serious, Makima's lips only curved into a grin as she leaned toward the face of her boyfriend, and whispered back.

Makima: "...The Eternity Devil isn't the one keeping me from jumping on you right now~"

Those final words were enough to make (Y/n) blush this time. His entire body paused as Makima found the confidence she needed. Which, seemed to be something she had only found since (Y/n). Before him, it was up to her other self to show her such a confident side of her. But with (Y/n) around...Makima didn't need that other side, and that made her so happy. Happy to the point she could tease her boyfriend in such a way. 

It truly felt like Makima was getting further and further away from her old, caved-in life. And was finally becoming the person she wanted. But there was something else she wanted. And she was sick of waiting. So, without a moment more, Makima quickly took the had of the frozen-in-place (Y/n) and dashed toward the exit of the staff room. Finally, Makima gave up on speaking and decided to use her actions instead. Of course, she had to do some speaking with the others still being in the room. Not that she even looked at them or anything.

Makima: "(Y/n) and I are going somewhere to...discuss what to do about the situation. Yeah! We'll be back later. Don't do anything stupid. Uh...Haruka, you're in charge."

Haruka: "Huh? I am?"

She asked in surprise, looking up from her board game as she did so. However, this was the perfect opportunity Kamino needed to win.

Kamino: "Ah, ha! I win!"

Haruka: "What? No!"

She gasped in disbelief. But Makima didn't care. She simply shook off the noise as a response and simple charged toward the door, all the while (Y/n) aimlessly followed from behind. It seemed the pair were about to leave, Makima's hand reaching for the door handle, when suddenly...The door opened. In doing so, it was enough to bring the whole room to a stop. 

To reveal the likes of Takeru and Akira standing on the other side with two large rectangular boxes in hand. As soon as Makima's gaze fell on Takeru, her excited smile dropped. All the while Takeru simply stared at her with a smile. His own smile soon fell when he looked down to see Makima holding (Y/n)'s own. With that, any sense of happiness left the boy.

Takeru: "...We're back."

He said tirelessly as he stepped passed Makima, a box in hand. Meanwhile, Akira filled the void by stretching his head out in front of Makima's.

Akira: "Where were you two going?"

(Y/n): "Uh..."

Makima: "Uh..."

The pair look at each other before Makima drops her head with a sigh.

Makima: "Nowhere...Just looking for you."

She said with a mutter as she turned around and proceeded to walk back to her previous position with (Y/n)'s hand in her own. The couple slouched down on a nearby couch, (Y/n) trying to comfort his clearly disappointed girlfriend. As this happened, Takeru continued to watch from the corner as Akira placed the boxes onto a nearby table to reveal where they had been this whole time...Searching for food!

Akira: "We managed to find a room connected to the fish tanks and took some fish out. If we cook them, it should be enough food to last us a while."

Haruka: "But an aquarium won't have a fire source?"

"Ah! Me! Me! I have the fire! I have the fire!"

Immediately everyone in the room turned toward the source of the voice, only to see that the words were coming from none other than the only present fiend in the room, Power, who held a lighter into the air. However, what was noticeable about the scene, other than the fact that Power was holding a lighter, was the fact only one of the goldfish could be seen in the back behind her. 

The other was hanging half out from her mouth as she spoke. As soon as (Y/n) saw this he rose to his feet with a shake of his head, leaving Makima. The redhead watched in sadness as her boyfriend walked over to his fiend partner, turned her around, and bent her over the fish tank before patting her on the back to cough out the goldfish. Only once it landed in the water safely did (Y/n) stop. 

Power: "How dare you human make me surrender my lunch!"

(Y/n): "It was a goldfish, Power! You don't eat goldfish!"

Power: "I can so! I am Power! I do whatever I want!"

(Y/n): "Not while I'm here, okay! Besides, I got you food not long ago."

Power: "Power devoured that meal post haste! Power is hungry again! AGAIN! GET POWER ANOTHER OF THE HAPPIEST MEALS!"

Though, whilst Power kept complaining about (Y/n) treating her like a child, Makima's lips turned to a frown as the voice of her alter self appeared in the reflection of the fish tank.

Mirror Makima: "Well, would you look at that? He left you to be with his partner. Maybe he's bored of you already?"

Makima: "He isn't bored of me...He was helping the goldfish."

Mirror Makima: "Really? Because the way he turned her around and bent her over...It seemed more like he was helping something else~"

That remark alone caused Makima to glare at her reflection, one that almost caused the glass to break. But her reflection merely grinned back before rolling her eyes.

Mirror Makima: "Look. I'm not trying to be mean here. I'm simply saying, if you want to keep this boy in your pocket, you have to be less...boring."

Makima: "I'm not boring. I'm fun."

Mirror Makima: [Grins] "Just because you wanted to screw your boyfriend in a public place doesn't mean you're fun. (Y/n) would much rather have someone adventurous...Like me~ Speaking of which--"

Makima: "I'm not giving you control. I don't need you. We're perfectly fine in this situation. I'll...figure something out."

Mirror Makima: "Okay. But can you do it before (Y/n) forgets about you...That fiend does seem rather clueless. She'll take up a lot of his attention."

Immediately following her words, Makima returned her gaze back to her boyfriend, only to see him attempt to snatch the metal lighter from Power's hand, only to fail.

(Y/n): "And where the hell did you find this lighter?"

Power: "Power found it whilst searching with everyone else..."

(Y/n): "And you didn't think to tell anyone?!"

Power: [Crosses arms] "...I did not think it was necessary."

(Y/n): "Of course, it--Argh! Give it here!"

Once more, he goes to reach for the lighter, only to be stopped by Power stepping to the side, almost bumping into the fish tank in the process.

Power: "No! You cannot have Power's light! It is my most treasured possession!"

(Y/n): "You just found it!"


(Y/n): [Sighs] "Look...Give me the lighter, and...I don't know...I'll buy you another Happy Meal when we're out of here. Just let us cook this food for now."

Power: "No! Power does not want the happiest meal anymore!"

(Y/n): "But you just--ARGH! What do you want?"

Power: "Power wants..." [Grins] "...Power!"

(Y/n): "...Huh?"

Power: "Simple. Human. Power wants to become the leader of this little whodunnit, work get together...thingy...Whatever it is called! I want to be in charge!"

(Y/n): "...Okay. Sure."

Immediately Makima's eyes widened in horror. (Y/n) had...Let Power be in charge? Now, whilst this was simply a tactic from (Y/n) to get the lighter from Power, Makima, in her weakened state, immediately saw this as (Y/n) potentially losing faith in her. As soon as her mind registered such a thing, everything went black. So much so, Makima didn't even process how absurd of an idea it would be for someone to place Power in charge of something. She just saw it as her greatest fear...(Y/n) losing interest in her. And that immediately caused her to remember the words of the voice in her head.

"Maybe he's bored of you already?"

Those words were like a kryptonite to Makima. Immediately her body was weakened, her face stretching in horror at the idea that...(Y/n) no longer found her interesting. If he didn't find her interesting, that meant he was bored of her, truly. And if he was bored of her...Maybe he'd go look for someone else. Leaving her alone...Like the voice in her head told her. But what was worse of all when thinking over this. 

If it was true, that meant...That (Y/n) didn't love her anymore. By this point, Makima couldn't see anything from the world around her. She was simply left in a bleak, black void. Where images of a life where (Y/n) didn't care about her...A life where he didn't even know she existed. The simple pain of picturing such outcomes brought Makima to her lowest. It just so happened that during this lowest point...A devil unlike any other decided to strike~

"Say, Makima...What exactly is going on here?"

Makima: "H-Huh?"

Instantly popping back to reality, Makima's dazed and saddened face scanned the room for the person who spoke to her. One by one, her shallow eyes drifted passed each person in the room, until it finally landed on the smiling face of Takeru. The complete opposite of Makima, who sat alone on the couch, hands coupled in her lap, as a frown rested on her face.

Takeru: "I mean, we've been here for a while, right? What exactly is keeping us here? I mean...You do know what's going on, right?"

Makima: "Uh, w-well...Well--"

Haruka: "Actually, yeah? What is going on, Makima?"

Mamoru: "Yes...That is a question none of us have seemed to ask yet."

Kamino: "Is everything okay?"

Akira: "You do know what's going on, right?"

With all these questions pushed toward her, it left Makima on a crowded bridge. On one side, she didn't want to tell anyone about the Eternity Devil, knowing full well the chaos such a piece of knowledge can cause. But she also didn't want to seem complacent in her role as a division leader. She liked this new role, and it was one step closer to her dream. 

Well, her dream outside of being with (Y/n)...It was at this moment that Makima's eyes turned to (Y/n). With sadness, and the sense of being alone, Makima's shallow eyes looked at her boyfriend, silently begging for help as a wave of emotions wrapped around her. It didn't take long for (Y/n) to see this and step in.

(Y/n): "Look...I think we all need to just step back and gather ourselves, alright? Let's just have something to eat and let Makima do what she's gotta do. She's already trying her best to deal with the situation."

Takeru: "And what situation is that exactly?" [Turns to you] "Because, I don't know if it's just me, but...It sounds like you know more than we do, (Y/n)." [Smiles] "Is there a reason for that?"

(Y/n): "Is there a reason you seem to get on my nerves so easily? I mean, besides the obvious of you being a dickhead."

Takeru's smile only faltered momentarily. As it did, his head tilted down, allowing him to rub the bottom of his nose momentarily before looking back up at (Y/n) and smiling once more.

Takeru: "See...He's avoiding the question. Clearly, these two are hiding something."

(Y/n): "I'm not avoiding the question! I'm stating the obvious! Besides, what do you care? You don't work for Public Safety? For all I care, you can walk out into that hall and get eaten by whatever is causing this?!"

Akira: "Now. Now. That doesn't sound very heroic...Especially coming from a worker of Public Safety."

This time the remark came from Akira, who grinned toward (Y/n). Now both Takeru and Akira were looking at the male. The more they did, the more (Y/n) clenched his fist in anger. As this happened, the rest just watched on, in silence.

"Would you look at this. Because of you...They're ganging up on your boyfriend. You say you love him, and here you are...Letting him get verbally beaten by two nobodies."

Makima could only watch on in silence. She was unable to respond to the words crawling through her ears. Instead, she merely sat there. All before Takeru suddenly twisted his head in her direction.

Takeru: "Makima. What is the Eternity Devil?"

Her eyes suddenly snapped open, as did (Y/n)'s. Meanwhile, everyone else left in confusion looked to both sides of the room as Makima began to stutter in fear.

Makima: "I-I-I...I-I do--I--"

(Y/n): "She doesn't know anything!"

Takeru: [Turns to you] "You sure about that? You seem rather quick to defend her." [Turns to Makima] "Why don't we let Makima speak for herself?"

(Y/n): "Why don't you shut the fuck up for once? Honestly, everyone is sick and tired of hearing you speak? Besides, I'm not defending her in the way you think. I'm defending her from some asshole trying to bully her!"

Takeru: "Haha! Bully her? (Y/n), you're acting like we're in junior high. I'm not a bully to Makima...Am I?"

Turning back to her once more, Makima's gaze immediately dropped to the floor as if she was just scolded by a teacher. But Makima couldn't help it. She felt so weak, alone. Add in the fact that she felt like (Y/n) was no longer interested in her made it ten times worse. She felt like there was safety guard to protect her right now. Well, maybe there was one~

"Do it...Let me in, Makima. Let me in. You know you can't do anything here. Only I can. I'm the only person who can help you right now. Help (Y/n)...So stop being a selfish bitch and let me in!"

But Makima could barely perform a sentence, leaving (Y/n) concerned on multiple fronts. As this happened, Takeru, with his grin growing with every passing second, slowly began to approach Makima. Who was now shaking out of fear. A sight that was bewildering to everyone else watching, especially those from Public Safety, who previously knew her as this strong, independent woman. But right now...She seemed anything but.

Takeru: "Tell us, Makima...Tell us about what's going on here. Everything to do with the Eternity devil. Why we're trapped here. Tell us...You owe us that..."

Makima: "B-Bu-But I...I-I don't--"

Takeru: "You don't, what? You don't know? You don't want to tell everyone? You don't want to seem like a fool?"

(Y/n): "Hey! That's enough! Back away from her before--"

Takeru: [Turns to you] "And what are you going to do about it?! You're just as bad as Makima! You know what's going on as well and you're keeping it a secret!"

(Y/n)'s body quickly froze. All before Haruka jumped to her feet.

Haruka: "Guys! Guys! Just stop fighting for a second! What's going on?"

Takeru: [Grins whilst looking at you] "What's going on is, I overheard Makima and this...baboon, talking in the hallway. Makima told him everything."

Makima's eyes suddenly lifted in fear as she held her knees, in hopes of stopping her body from shaking. But it didn't stop the fear from coursing through her body the more Takeru spoke.

Takeru: "I heard everything...About how this Eternity Devil has trapped us here, and did exactly that to Makima when she first joined Public Safety."

Makima: "T-Takeru...Stop...Please..."

Takeru: "Stop? Oh...Oh...Poor, Makima. Afraid that I'm going to tell people how I also know that just like now, you were hiding away in fear, like she did back then. Or the fact that you let your team back then die?"

Makima: [Tears beginning to build] "Takeru...P-Please..."

Takeru: "Or maybe you want me to tell them how you kept all of this from everyone else but only told (Y/n)! Because, face it, Makima! As special as this idiot may have made you feel, you're not special! You're nothing more than a pathetic excuse for life. Who won't know anything to do with love or friendship? Because you're a disease. A disgusting mould on this earth who wE ALL WANT NOTHING MORE THAN TO JUST DIE!"

Kamino: "TAKERU!"

Takeru: [Turns to the crowd] "WHAT?! I'M NOT WRONG! MAKIMA IS EXACTLY THAT! SHE HAS BEEN NOW, AND SHE WAS WHEN HER BITCH OF A MOTHER ASKED ME TO HELP HER EXCUSE OF A DAUGHTER!" [Cackles and smiles] 'But I don't know what's more annoying! The fact she wouldn't just let me fuck her when she was weak and helpless, or the fact she's gonna leave me to die here!"

His final words came with a realization, that showed Takeru was on his final moments. Such final moments were also addressed when a voice called out from behind.


Takeru: "WHAT?!"

Upon turning around with a scream, Takeru was greeted by the cold face of (Y/n). But he was only able to get a sense of the man's appearance before out of nowhere a powerful right kick from the boot of (Y/n) crashed into the face of Takeru and outright sent him crashing into the nearby fish tank. The sound of glass shattering and water spilling all over the place immediately caused everyone to turn toward the scene. 

Looks of shock and horror resonated on everyone's face, even Akira was shocked momentarily as Takeru's groaning body slowly rose from the damp flood covered in water, glass, and bits of his blood. 

Though, Power seemed more concerned with picking up the flopping goldfish off the ground and sneaking them into her jacket pockets in hopes no one saw her. But even if (Y/n) did, he didn't care. Instead, he simply pounced onto Takeru's body and began sending punch after punch into his face. Holding him still by the crop of his shirt, (Y/n) delivered a death penalty to the blonde Japanese male who had been asking for this for a long time now.

(Y/n): "YOU! FUCKING! DARE! SPEAK! TO! MAKIMA! AGAIN! ...FUCK! You even look in her general direction or think about her... I'LL! FUCKING! KILL! YOU! ALL! OVER! AGAIN!"

With each powerful declaration of the word, (Y/n) sent his fist crashing down into the face of the limp male. He could do nothing but take it as blood poured from his mouth. As this happened, Akira tried jumping in to sort out the problem.

Akira: "Hey! Get off him, man! You're going to kill him!"

But as soon as his hands touched (Y/n), the young male quickly spun around and kicked Akira's feet out from underneath him. Immediately he fell onto his back, before he knew it, (Y/n) was over him with his fist hovering in the air. He would had struck too if it weren't for the sound of a nearby door slamming into something. It wasn't long before (Y/n) lifted his head to see it was the door of the staff room slamming into the wall that was the cause. 

But what really caught his attention was the sight of a crying Makima rushing down the hallway before disappearing out of sight. All the while, (Y/n)'s face, covered in sprinkles of blood and sweat, watched it happen in shock. Unbeknownst of the after-effects that this moment would cause. As for Makima, the next thing she knew, she had run a mini-marathon through the endless halls of this eternal prison. But after some time, she found no strength to carry her any further. Her emotions getting the best of her. 

All she could do was drop to the ground, tears crumbling from her moist eyes, as her sobbing flooded the air. Her back pressed against the wall as she held her arms around her legs. Hoping that keeping her face hidden from the outside world would save her from this emotion...But it didn't. Makima was simply left to sit there. Alone. With no friends. No guiding light. She was truly, and utterly, by herself. It was that very thought that kept her vulnerable to the smooth voice that echoed in her head.

"I tried to warn you...You feel that just because you have someone in your life, you can do anything. But you have to remember, just because they are in your life, doesn't mean you're still not in control of your own. That's why I'm here. You have the power, whilst I have the courage to use it. But you refused my help, and look where it left you. On the floor, crying your eyes out, wishing it was all over. You do...Wish it was all over, right?"

Makima didn't respond with words. She was too far gone, already being swallowed by her fears and doubts. The only sign that confirmed the voice's words were true, was how Makima's tears grew more and more with each passing second. But she didn't want to confirm them. She didn't want this reality to be true. She just wanted this to be one bad nightmare. 

A nightmare she'd wake up from soon, and find herself in bed, wrapped safely in the arms of the only person who ever truly cared for her. Because in this reality, this nightmare, he seemed to finally forget about her. At least, that's what the voice in her head was making her think. Allowing the perfect opportunity for this little devil that hovered on her shoulder to whisper sweet nothings into her ear.

"...It's not too late, you know~"

Makima: "Huh?'

The slither of hope was enough for Makima to lift her head. Bloodshot eyes and tears stained the makeup on her face. All the while her gaze focused on the grinning figure of her solar opposite, who now stood before her, in the hallway.

Mirror Makima: "I can still save you from this, Makima. I can get us out of here. I can save the day. Then everyone will forget about the weak state that you are in. They'll realize you can help them. But most of all...(Y/n) will be interested in you once more."

Makima: "He...He will?"

Mirror Makima: "Of course, he will. How could he not be interested...In the person that saved him?"

A strange feeling immediately began to build up inside of Makima's body as soon as she heard such a sentence. She didn't know why, but...The idea of her being the one to save (Y/n) was so...Intoxicating. After spending six months with him, witnessing time after time how he saved her. Whether it be from emotions. Her doubtful thinking. Or disgusting individuals like Hamada it the building Owner. (Y/n) had always been there to save her. So...So what would it be like if, for once, she saved him? Would he praise her? Would he thank her for saving him? Surely he...He would love her even more, right?

Mirror Makima: "I can make all of this a reality for you, Makima. You just have to give me control...Let me in...And your dreams of being with (Y/n) will become true."

Now, there had been countless times before when Mirror Makima attempted to persuade Makima to give up control. But ever since (Y/n) came into her life, she seemed far more determined to do things herself, without the help from the voice in her head. Which made it increasingly more difficult for Mirror Makima to have control of the body that once belonged to her. But now, she saw her opportunity. But to make it a reality, she needed Makima, in her weak state, to take the bait. To accept it. And give control over to her willingly.

Makima: "I-If I..."

Mirror Makima: "Yes?!"

She was so shocked by the response that Mirror Makima couldn't stop the smile from growing on her lips, as normal Makima stumbled to her sentence.

Makima: "If I...Give you control...Will...Will (Y/n) love me again?"

Mirror Makima: "Yes! Yes, he will! I promise you! Just give me control and he will see you like no other. And all I ask for in return, is to spend one day...Just one day with him. Then, I will give you back control."

Silence soon fell over Makima as she contemplated the offer. After all, there didn't seem to be much choice. But she was still hesitant to give up control of the body. But then she thought about (Y/n), and the worry he must feel right now, having to be trapped in such a place like this. The single image of him contemplating with fear and frustration over what to do was all it took to bring Makima to a clear field in her thoughts. It was in this clearing, that she looked up at her mirrored opposite...and reluctantly sighed.


It wasn't long after this that (Y/n), still covered in specks of blood on his face and upper chest, searched through the halls for Makima. If it wasn't the way she exited that left him worried, the fact that this building they found themselves in was being controlled by a devil made it even worse. So much so that (Y/n) wasted very little time, only opening doors to quickly glance into the rooms before continuing on his warpath to find Makima. 

However, it seemed that searching rooms was a waste. Because just as (Y/n) was about to open the next door, he was brought to a pause when he noticed something down the hallway out the corner of his eye. A simple glance in the direction of it all was all it took to draw the rest of his gaze. And, in doing so, he was greeted by the sight of a smiling Makima walking his way.

(Y/n): "M-Makima..."

With her make-up somehow fixed, Makima kept the confident smile on her face as she walked down the hallway toward (Y/n). Though, despite the distance between them, Makima was only able to get a few more steps in before (Y/n) darted toward her, and pulled her into a tight embrace. The feeling was shocking, such suggested by her facial expression. But she was quick to accept the feeling and smiled into the neck of (Y/n), who held her close.

(Y/n): "Makima, I'm...I'm so sorry." [Pulls away] "Don't listen to anything anyone says about you, okay?! You're smart, and confident, and you don't owe anything to a piece of shit like--"

Makima: "Wow. Wow. Baby...Relax." [Grins] "Whilst I like the danger in your eyes, I don't think now is the time~"

(Y/n): "H-Huh?"

Makima: "Hmm? What are you confused by? The fact I'm not crying?" [Leans in closer] "Or the fact I'm rather excited seeing blood on your shirt~" [Gasps] "Did you finally beat the crap out of that little troll whose always hitting on me?"

(Y/n): "Um...Um, I--"

Makima: [Grins] "Because if that's the case, I'm sad I left the room...I would have loved to see you get violent because of me~"

(Y/n) didn't...Know what to do. But how could he? Seconds ago he was rushing through the halls, expecting to find Makima somewhere crying. But yet, when he did find her, she seemed perfectly fine. Heck, she was better than fine. Somehow her beauty got even better. Something (Y/n) probably shouldn't have noticed right now, but couldn't help but take in the glow-up that his girlfriend went through. Add in the fact she seemed to be flirting with him, at a moment like this, left him as confused as any boy could be in the moment.

(Y/n): "I...I...What's going on? You're fine? You're okay?"

Makima: "Oh, I've never felt better, babe!"

(Y/n): "Um...O-Okay? But when you left the room, y-you were crying, and I was worried that--"

Makima: "Oh...You poor thing."

She gently patted his cheek as she offered a cute frown.

Makima: "I'm sorry if I upset you. But you don't have to worry anymore, okay? I feel much better! In fact, I feel so better that I'm ready to get us out of this mess."

(Y/n): "...Huh?"

The word was all (Y/n) could muster. The next thing he knew, Makima was free of his grasp and continuing to walk along the hall. As she did, her right hand gently trailed along the wall. Her fingers running across the rough patches of paint that weren't smoothed out when originally done. But this didn't seem to wipe the smile off her face as (Y/n) looked on in silence.

Makima: "...I've always wanted to come to an aquarium. I don't know why...I just have." [Turns to you] "Do you think that's weird?"

(Y/n): "N-No..."

Makima: "Huh...Because I do." [Nudges shoulders] "Oh, well. What does it matter right? We won't be in here for much longer. Because...Oh~ Here you are!"

With a raise of his eyebrow (Y/n) watched as Makima eyed a particular part in the wall she had been walking alongside. At this same moment, at the end of the hallway, the others, including Akira, who was carrying an bruised and beaten Takeru, reached the area just in time to watch as without hesitation Makima placed her palm on the wall. Seconds after, an explosion of chains ruptured the wall into a thousand pieces. 

But it wasn't just the wall that was ruptured into a thousand pieces, it seemed like the very world around everyone present shattered, like a glass painting exploded from the core itself. Beyond this shattering was a blank white light that swallowed everyone all at once. However, just before (Y/n) was consumed by this light, he had a split second to see the origin point of where Makima struck the wall, and what he saw...left him speechless. 

Because whilst the world around him was quickly being turned to white, there was one spot of colour. The origin point of Makima's attack. But it was shown, as (Y/n) focused into the scene, that she wasn't attacking just a wall...But a beating heart that seemed taken straight out of a monster movie. This pulsing heart, now surrounded and crushed by chains that shot from Makima's hand, was the last thing he saw before everything around him went blank.

[Your POV]

...I don't know how much time truly passed as it happened. The image of the beating heart was still printed freshly onto my mind. It was shocking...I didn't know what to say. All I could do was feel the heavy beat of my heart as my eyes shut. As they did, the white world around me changed to complete darkness. But when they opened next, I found myself standing in the middle of a carpark. I recognized it immediately as the parking lot that was just outside the aquarium. But when I turned in the direction I found just an empty plot of land, any sign of the building was gone. The only thing in its place was...

(Y/n): "...A Penguin?"


The creature offered its strange response to my confusion before hobbling away. My gaze lingered on it momentarily before the sound of a groan echoed. Immediately I turned around to see it was from Haruka, who was struggling to get to her feet. Immediately, I dashed over to help her up.

(Y/n): "Haruka, are you okay?"

Haruka: "Argh...(Y/n)? What...What happened?"

(Y/n): "I-I don't know. Do you remember anything that happened?"

Haruka: "A...A little? I remember we all went chasing after you, t-then we saw Makima and..." [Gasp] "MAKIMA!"

Immediate panic crossed Haruka's face as her eyes widened.

(Y/n): "Hey. Hey. I'm worried to, but...I'm sure she's okay."

Haruka: "No. No! Not that! Look! Makima!"

To help my mind connect the thoughts, Haruka pointed behind me. As soon as I noticed such, I quickly twisted my head around in order to see what she was talking about. But when I did, all I expected to see was Makima lying on the ground or something, just like Haruka was. However, it wasn't anything like that. Whilst I did see the others all lying on the ground, unconscious or slowly awakening, beyond them was what was really shocking. Because as everyone else seemed to just be gathering their bearings, Makima seemed perfectly fine...As she stood only meters away from the chained body of a creature I could only describe...as a devil. Or in this case...

...The Eternity Devil.

Haruka: "Wha...What is that thing?"

(Y/n): "I...I don't know."

My first time seeing an actual devil didn't register to my mind straight away. Instead, I was left confused and in a blank state as I watched this giant creature squeezed of its life by a group of chains wrapped around his body. All the while, Makima seemed to be in control of them. A gentle smile crossing her lips as the chains squeezed so tightly that the entire body of Eternity Devil shattered into a thousand pieces. As it did, its scream echoed through the air. 

All the while, Makima remained unphased. It seemed like Makima had said something to the creature before killing it, but I was so overthrown by what I just saw her do that it was the last thing on my mind. Instead, all I could do was run toward her. Something Makima seemed to pick up on as she turned around. However, she was unable to say anything before I squeezed her into a tight embrace once more. This time...I wasn't going to let go.

Makima: "Oh...Someone missed me."

(Y/n): "I...I was so worried about you." [Holds her cheeks] "Are you okay? Seriously?"

Makima didn't respond right away. Instead, she seemed to lose all thoughts her mind was processing as she stared up at me. It was only for a split second that this internal shut down took place. But when she finally came back, all she did was offer me that same familiar smile as she responded.

Makima: "...I've never felt better."

That was all I needed to hear. After that, I was done with words. All I wanted to do was hold Makima in my arms. So...That's what I did. For thirty minutes I remained by Makima's side as we awaited for Public Safety and other emergency groups to arrive. Not long after, they did. An ambulance was quick to take Takeru away to the hospital. Though, the cause of his injuries remained unknown, thanks to the others agreeing that he deserved them, so they said nothing. Though, Akira had to be persuaded...Even so, the day was finally over. It truly felt like this mission was an eternity. But in the end, it had only been a few hours. 

A few hours that were filled with both good and bad moments. But all I cared about was that Makima was okay. When we finally left the scene, I asked Makima once more how she was. If she was okay after what Takeru had said. To my surprise, she said she was fine. I wanted to ask again, just to be sure, but Makima was quick to silence me by wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me tenderly. Of course, there was also the question about how she had control of the chains...But I felt like that was a question for another day.

We were both incredibly tired, and I just wanted to go home and relax. Makima seemed the same, in fact, she seemed more into it than me. Without hesitation, we took her car home. Well, after getting takeout. Makima said something about not having it in so long, despite us having it just earlier that very day when we got Power her own food. But I just out down the lack of memory to stress. But all that stress was soon released as we got home to my apartment. Where, before the door was even shut, I was greeted by the loving sight of Makima, smiles and all, as she glanced around the room before her.

(Y/n): "...So, uh, what do you wanna do now? Are you tired? Do you want to lie down? I-I can get the bed ready and we can just--"

Makima: "No...I'm not tired."

She said as she continued to look around. 

(Y/n): "Oh...Okay? So, what do you want to do?"

Makima: [Turns to you and grins] "I was thinking that we work off the food we just ate. After all, Devil Hunters have to remain fit, right?"

(Y/n): "Um, alright. Though, I'm a little surprised you want to go to gym right now. But we ca--"

Makima: "Oh, baby~ Sweet, innocent, baby..."

She slowly began to walk my way. Her hips and legs moving in a slender pattern that immediately caught my attention. The next thing I knew, Makima was right in front of me. Her yellow eyes stared up into my own as her index finger ran circles on my chest.

Makima: "I wasn't talking about the gym when I said I wanted to work off the food. I was more so thinking something more along the lines of us...being together...alone...In the bed~"

(Y/n): [Blushes] "O-Oh..."

Honestly, I probably should have thought of that immediately. But I couldn't really help it after everything that just happened. But Makima, she didn't seem to mind one bit. In fact, she seemed quite enthused for someone who does it with me almost every night. It was almost like it was her first time doing it. But, even with such eagerness, this only led to Makima tenderly grabbing at the tie around my neck and began pulling me toward the bedroom. 

[3rd Person POV]

And so...That's how the rest of the night went for (Y/n). He was surrounded by all the love in the world, though, there were things that seemed to suggest there was more love than normal. But whereas that was (Y/n)'s night, for Makima, her night had only just begun. Within the early hours of the morning, when the night sky was still in full control. Somewhere in japan, a dark void could be seen. Within it, the faint image of the Eternity devil could be seen. Still held by the chains from earlier, the creature was revealed to still be alive, and with it, quite angry.


"Oh, would you be quiet already? I didn't kill you, so please, shut up."

The head of the Eternity Devil immediately lift upward, to reveal he was trapped in some dark pit in the ground somewhere. But what truly caught his attention was the blank face of Makima that stood at the top, looking down at him, like nothing but a waste of life.

Makima: "Now, be a good devil, and listen. I didn't kill. But I very well can. I'm not trapped in your little prison anymore. You're not in control...I am."

A defeated look spawned on the creature's face. Seemingly, it gave up. The tone that accompanied his next set of words seemed to suggest just as much.

"...What do you want with me, Control Devil?"

Makima: "What do I want? That's quite simple... I want you to stay here until the day I need you. And when I need you, I want you to do everything I ask of you."

"And if I do?"

Makima: "Simple. I will grant your freedom."

"How do I know you're not lying?"

Makima: "Why would I lie? I have no interest in you. The only reason I'm keeping you is because I see worth in you bringing about a world where I am in control of everyone. A world free of any type of pain that may come upon this person I find myself rather intrigued with. To put it simply, I will save him from a world of Devils and suffering. And all because..."

"...I love him."

[And with that, another chapter done. I hope you all enjoyed because with the end of this chapter we FINALLY finish the Eternity ARC and can get back to single chapters. But even so, there are only TWO CHAPTERS LEFT of PART ONE OF THIS STORY! After that, we get into the anime. And by then, seems will seem more in line. Well, besides Makima being a Yandere, of course. But if you want to see how all that works out, be sure to vote and comment your thoughts below. In fact, if you want to really see it. I'll do this...IF THIS CHAPTER GETS OVER 225 VOTES IN 24 HOURS I'LL RELEASE ANOTHER 8K WORD CHAPTER NEXT WEEK! So if you want that, feel free to vote if you enjoyed today's chapter. But for now, I'll leave this with you. I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to see you all again soon for another chapter!]

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