Chapter 26 'Non/Fiction'

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[Hey everybody, and welcome back to another chapter of Let Me In. Been a few weeks since I last updated, and there's a few reasons for that. But I'm not going to go into them, and chose to instead of focusing on the past, I'll instead look to the future where we can continue with the story at hand. Because with each passing chapter, we grow ever closer to the truth behind the madness that has surrounded this story ever since I first started it. It has definitely raised a lot of questions and thoughts which you guys haven't shyed away from, which is great! And I want to continue to bring forth reason for such enthusiasm to be found every single time I upload. So here with are with another bout around the unknown nature of this little story...and the larger one set behind it~]

[Your POV]

When I was younger, I'd sometimes sneak into my parent's bedroom when they were busy downstairs making dinner, or entertaining houseguests. I did this mainly because, well, I was a little kid seeking adventure, and my parents made it abundantly clear that their bedroom was a 'No-No Zone', as they liked to put it. But, unfortunately for them, a 'No-No Zone' is pretty much a front-row seat to a curious child who is bored and wants to entertain himself. That's where I got my adventurous spark, at the young age of eight. And seeing as my parent's bedroom was the first thing that came to mind after thinking up 'unknown territory', I quickly went to investigate like the mini-detective I thought I was.

Though, if I'm being honest, there wasn't really much to be excited about. After all, the only things that were interesting in my parent's walk-in cupboard were a few old Pokemon cards, some opened letters, my Mother's jewellery--which I immediately proceeded to place onto myself, believing it was my right as the finder of this treasure that I so rightfully deserved--and a few of my Father's...questionable...magazines. So if there was one thing I got out of this adventure, was majority junk, and the knowledge that my Father had a liking for Latina women. Yeah...Take that knowledge given to a child as you will. Though, I guess it kinda shows where I got my love for foreign women.

But other than that, there wasn't much interesting within the small walls of the cupboard, the only other compartment within their bedroom. Well...That's what I originally thought. But I was soon proven wrong. For just as I turned and went to leave the messy areas filled with clothes hanging up, I found a set of colourful pieces of paper sticking out from underneath a few moving boxes that were. Of course, they were still filled with stuff that my parents were too lazy to remove when we finally did get into this house. But such a thought mattered little when these colourful pieces of paper had managed to capture my attention enough that I disregarded the thoughts of the past, and focused on removing the heavy boxes as quickly as I could to see what exactly the rest of these pieces of paper were connected to. 

And boy, when the job was finally complete, it was definitely worth it. For as my eyes landed on what I once thought to be just simply pieces of paper filled with colour, soon caused my entire world to spin upside down when I came to the conclusion that they weren't just pieces of paper...They were comic books! Before my eyes now rested countless comics! All with colourful covers of different heroes fighting evil and rescuing the pretty girl. It was this moment that a dream that guided my life became a notion within my spirit. Even before I came to carry the dream of going to Japan, my first dream...was to be a hero. A person who stood against evil, without fear, conquering those wrongdoings all so they could save the person they loved. 

I mean, what about heroes didn't bring out the urge to believe you could be one too? Well, if there was something the opposite of that, I didn't know it. And honestly, I'm glad. Because I believed there was something not meant for a hero...Then maybe I wouldn't be in the spot I found myself currently. Standing amongst the destructive streets of Tokyo, Japan, with my Public Safety clothing blowing in the wind, as I face off against a monster unlike any other. My own (E/c) eyes stared deep into the pits of complete nothingness that came with the gaze of my enemy. His staunching figure, and carnivorous antics which drove many others away in fear. But they were civilians, their job wasn't the fight the monsters of the night, that was my job. 

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