Chapter 16 'Save Me'

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[Back again after bouncing back with the last chapter. Overall it was a good response from voting and comments, whilst reading remained up like usual. I was a little worried going into this long formate with the story I wanted to tell in this ARC. Yet I truly feel it'll be worth it now that it comes to an end with this chapter. One that I truly feel is the best so far. So, I hope you find it in yourselves to find this chapter enjoyable. As of late, there seem to be a few complaints from people that I don't think are just...Especially with the fact the book's BIGGEST TWISTS haven't happened yet~ But, ya never know. That's the thing with thing book...Those big twists could happen any time...Any time~ All I can say is...LET ME COOK!]

[Your POV]

When I first told people that I wanted to go to Japan to join Public Safety, I got a plethora of responses that you'd usually get when wanting to place yourself in a life or death situation...

"Are you crazy?"

"Do you know what this means?"

"You'll get yourself killed."

"You've got to think this over."

You know...The usual things. But if there was one statement I was given over and over again, it was definitely one that came to mind.

"...How can you want to join Public Safety when you haven't even ever seen a Devil before?"

Now, to be fair, when people asked me that...They were technically right. Growing up in my childhood town, I never really saw a devil. Heck, I only knew about them because of what I saw on TV. They never really showed up in small towns where I was from, only in cities. And if they did happen to appear in a town, which was very rare, all children were forced to stay inside. But in Japan, they seemed to be as common as birds in the sky. They were everywhere, which meant the Japanese Government was always looking for people to help out. And when the majority of the country's own people were against such things, they reached out to other countries for support. 

That's when I jumped into the thick of it...Full speed! However, when I sat on the plane to come to Japan, I didn't realize just where I'd be in six months' time. I'd have amazing friends. I lived in a perfect part of the city that I've always wanted to be surrounded by. Heck! I even got to watch and read the manga I liked earlier than the rest of the world. It was incredible! But if you would have asked me when first coming here, that in just a few months, I'd be able to say that I'd have one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in my entire life by my side? I'd call you crazy. Yet, it was true. Somehow, through one event or another, through waves of turmoil and trials, I was somehow able to find comfort in the most supportive and loving girl I had ever seen. 

Which is funny, because when I first saw Makima, she seemed like this cold, self-absorbed person, who didn't seem to need a partner, let alone a boyfriend. Yet, over time, I found her to be this innocent, most insecure girl who deserved nothing but happiness. She seemed like the very persona of sweet and innocent. Almost to the point that I forgot what she was like when I first met her. However...I only say 'almost', because just when I was about to forget it all...This happened. Picture it clearly... The dark night sky dawned over the streets of Tokyo, bringing about a dark aura that crowded the shadows that once found no refuge in the daytime. 

However, they were given awareness that not all places were good for hiding, when in one part of Tokyo's city, a large fire could be seen on display in the centre of the street. All the while, watching the scene in shock, horror, and everything in between, were the members of Public Safety. Each carried their own impression of what they had just witnessed. But no one was more surprised than me. After all, what would you expect when you had just witnessed your girlfriend, who you thought was just a sweet and innocent person, single-handedly defeat the living shit out of the very devil that had been keeping you trapped in a building for what felt like an Eternity. But, I didn't know what was more shocking. 

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