Heart Strings

By Moonpvssy

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Henry was never the type of guy that was like by many people at school. Like most nerds, he didn't really car... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter thirty - five

Chapter Twenty-five

25 2 0
By Moonpvssy

Henry's POV

It's been a few weeks since I seen Maddison. Not that it was important that I did. I had left the Carters two weeks ago. I thanked Derek for letting me stay for so long. I didn't want to overstay my welcome. Especially with everything going on between Maddison and I. I don't know what I even thinking. I didn't need to run away from home, I could protect Sabrina no matter where we were.

Homecoming was tonight, I didn't plan on going. All those posters and badges were giving me a headache. Maddison had sent a few messages asking my opinions on her options. I ignored them. I poked at my dinner, home was quieter than usual. Sabrina had tired herself out from running around the house all day and whining.

I felt so weird, the kind of weird where you wonder how a certain person is doing. The kind of weird that makes you feel bad for treating someone badly. Which wasn't right, I didn't have a reason to think about Maddison. My phone began to buzz...speak of the devil. Maddison was calling. I picked up the phone and placed my fork down.

"Hello?" I said hoping she couldn't hear my agitation.

"Henry, you didn't come to homecoming?" Maddison asked, I could hear Katy Perry in the background. I wouldn't admit it out loud but fireworks is my favorite song.

"I can't." I said simply. I did not want to be in an environment where kids spike the punch and hook up in bathrooms, classrooms, or janitor closets.

"Please? It'll be really fun." Maddison pleaded, it began to get quieter on her side.

"Maddison, you know I don't like stuff like that. It's-"

"Yeah, I know. Henry, it's just...I wanna talk to you in person. Apologize properly. In person." Maddison said. Her voice sounded lower and different. It made my chest feel weird and tight. I squeezed my eyes closed.

"I can't leave Sabrina-"

"My Dad, I think you know he loves her." Maddison pointed out, which she was right. I wasn't stupid. I could see that Derek treated Sabrina like she was his own. Like...maybe, he loved her. I couldn't say or think of what made him do what he had been doing for us.

Anyway, I inhaled deeply. I looked around the empty house. I looked towards the living room. Sabrina was asleep on the couch. Chad nor was my mother in sight. I knew this would be good for us both. Especially because I knew she missed that house and Derek. I let out my breath, who was I doing this for? Maddison, myself, or Sabrina? I didn't know and to be honest. I don't think it matters.

Anyway, I told Maddison that I would come. I hung up before I could hear her do something that would change my mind. I couldn't necessarily leave in my pjs. So, with a fast pace I headed down the hall to my room. I stripped myself and got into the shower. It was a quick one, I didn't want Sabrina to wake up and not see me close by. I also wanted to hurry in case, Mom did come back. Avoiding her has worked for weeks. I didn't have to look at her thinning body or the burns on her arms. I didn't have to worry about that. She was fine on her own, she could continue to be fine without me.

I put on black jeans and a zip up jacket. I ruffled my hair as I grabbed my keys. I walked over to the couch and woke up Sabrina. She was a heavy sleeper, so it would take a while.


I gripped the steering wheel, I didn't need to go in. I didn't need to see anyone, yet, Maddison wanted me here. She wanted to apologize. Simple, I would take the apology and leave. Derek had been understanding as he took a sleeping Sabrina from my arms. So, I knew my sister would be safe if this took longer than I wanted it to.

I rolled my eyes and got out the car. The faster I went in and located the brunette I could stop overthinking this situation. It was easier said than done. The closer I got to the school, I could see the yellow and red decorations. Christmas lights hung around the door. It was bright is all I'll say about it. The hallway towards the gym was empty besides a few kids that were obviously drunk.

The music was loud but muffled by the two doors in front of me. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Maddison letting her know I was here. With one final exhale, I pushed open the one of the doors. The gym was decorated with red and gold balloons and a homecoming banner was hung over the stage. Streamers that were gold hung and swirled down.

I stayed near the wall, it was easy to hide with the amount of fog in here. I scanned the crowd for Maddison. Ah, there she was. She was talking to some girl taller than her. I quickly walked over to the pair.

"Uh, Maddison. Can we talk?" I said tapping her shoulder. Maddison turned around quickly, she smiled and nodded. She turned her head over her shoulder.

"I'll be back Serenity." She said as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with her. We stopped at an empty table. I didn't see Alex anywhere, I assumed he would be up her ass.

I sat down across from Maddison. Waiting for her to speak, I wasn't the one that needed to apologize for anything but I wasn't gonna say that out loud.

"Okay, so I know my apologies haven't been the best. So, I really wanna make this one count okay?" Maddison said slowly nodding with each word. I nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"I'm gonna admit that I was being very nosy at first. I didn't respect your privacy and I did snoop through my Dad's computer to see if I could find anything but it didn't work. So, you can't be mad about that. That's not important though. I just wanna say sorry and I want us to really start fresh. If you wanna tell me something or anything at all it should obviously be on your on terms. I've come to understand that. Sorry." Maddison said and gave me a small smile.

I couldn't be mad because I knew Maddison was nosy. Yet, I still was angered by it but it didn't matter now. Especially since I hadn't told her I was tutoring her for money. That could wait. So, I decided to actually put this past us. It would do us both some good.

"...I accept your apology. I do. This...can officially be water underneath the bridge." I said returning a tight lipped smile. Maddison's smile grew in a matter of seconds.

"Great because I've been wanting to tell you something for weeks." Maddison said moving over the seat that was close to me.

"What?" I asked.

"I passed my math final with a 90 percent. Isn't that amazing?" She asked, pulling out a folded paper from her black clutch, handing it to me. I took it and opened it. There it was in bright red marker, a bold 90 percent. I handed it back and nodded with a grin.

"All those cramps were worth it. I assume." I joked remembering how she used to complain about her hands. Maddison nudged me softly and agreed with a nod.

"...does this mean the tutoring will stop? I mean, after winter break I'll have new classes and unless you are smart in business then I'll be out of luck." Maddison whispered, a frown tugging at her lips.

I forgot about that, after winter break there would be new classes and less than six months left before graduation. I hadn't applied to colleges or even thought about a major. The tutoring would eventually have to stop at some point. This was good though because I would never have to bring up what I was doing to her. God, I felt guilty but I chose to ignore it.

"I guess, you are taking business classes?" I asked realizing what she said.

"Yeah, if I don't find a career or major of my own in six months. By graduation, then I'll be forced to join my Dad." Maddison explained with sigh.

"You don't want to do that? What happened to cheer?" I asked, the last time we spoke about this kind of stuff, She told me about wanting to leave the team.

"I quit the team, my Dad thinks I'm making some mistake. So, thought winning the crown and showing him would give me time to actually think about my future. Though saying it out loud sounds stupid." Maddison said placing her face in her hands.

I bit my lip to contain my laughter but it slipped out.

"I'm sorry but you thought a plastic crown would make your dad give you more time?" I asked chuckling. Maddison shot me a glare.

"Yes. Obviously I know that might not work but I don't know what I want right now. When you've had your whole life planned out and finally get to make your own decisions for once...it's like deciding what to put on a blank canvas. If that makes sense." She mumbled. I didn't understand but I could see it upset her. So, I remained silent. I didn't have that luxury, my childhood was ripped away from me. Nobody was encouraging my education or dreams that I used to have. That didn't matter at the moment though.

"Maddy, I've been looking for you."

Maddison and I looked up to see Alex. He was with...Olivia and Megan. I hadn't seen Olivia in weeks either. I looked away before we could make eye contact.

"Sorry, the heels were making my feet hurt. I needed to sit down." Maddison said standing up. I stood up as well, this was my chance to leave.

"Oh, well. I was talking to Olivia and I was thinking we could head to her party. Maybe, nerdy boy here wants join." Alex said eyeing me taking a sip from his blue cup. I rolled my eyes and bit the inside of my cheek. He was a jackass.

"Don't call him that. I thought we were gonna head back to your place and watch a movie." Maddison said, taking the cup that was in his other hand. Alex shook his head, before saying something about parties and Olivia. I tuned it out as I began to walk away.

"Wait! Henry let me come with you." I looked back and seen Maddison walking over to me. We walked to the snack table in silence. That was until the principal spoke into the microphone about announcing the king and queen.

"Why didn't you stay back with them?" I asked

"They are leaving early, I wanted to stay. So, I told them I would get a ride with you. Alex wasn't happy about that but he'll be okay. I hope that's cool with you." Maddison said with a smile.

"Uh, I don't think I said it earlier but congratulations." I said quickly. Despite what I thought of people, or of Maddison. I knew congratulating her was the respectful thing to do. She might've not been Phoebe but she was trying.  Trapped in my thoughts, weight pulling me down pulled me back to reality. Maddison...Maddison was hugging me. I felt that weird feeling in my chest again. It wasn't guilt...my stomach was knotting up. I felt like Lava was dumped on me. I could smell the coconut shampoo in her hair. Okay, the hug was too long. I pushed her off without returning the hug.

"Sorry, I- um. I don't like being touched out of the blue." I mumbled rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh, sorry." Maddison apologized as she rubbed out the ruffles in her satin yellow dress.


After a hour or so, the winners were announced and it wasn't Maddison who was Queen. We were both surprised, I would've thought it would've been her and Alex but it was a girl named Heather and some guy Kyle. Maddison wasn't upset like I thought she would be. I thought she was gonna cry or worse. She just sighed and clutched her purse tightly.

We walked to my car in silence. I didn't have anything to say. The car ride was silent except for Maddison controlling the radio to find something to listen to. I could smell her perfume, it's like it was right under my nose everytime I inhaled. It smelt of vanilla and cherries. I was suffocating in it. Phoebe always smelt of candy and whatever flavored vape she had.

"You know exactly where to go, I didn't even have to give directions." Maddison mumbled. I looked over to her. She was staring out the window. My grip tightened on the steering wheel. Of course I knew the way, I had been coming down the road way too many times for my liking. Yet, that wasn't something that needed to be discussed between us.

"Uh, yeah. I don't need them." I muttered and wish I didn't say anything. That is also one of the many things Maddison didn't need to know. I'm assuming that wouldn't go over well. Especially with this newfound friendship.

"You have family around here?" Maddison asked curiosity laced in her voice.

"Uh, something like that." I lied as I parked the car across from Olivia's house.

"Oh. That's her house." Maddison said pointing across the road. I looked at the house I had became familiar with. It was no longer plain, Christmas lights decorated the edges of the roof. I forgot the holidays were close...I pushed down those emotions.


Maddison's POV

I texted Serenity the address, I thought it would be nice to give her the opportunity to meet and talk to new people. I hoped to see her here since I sorta left her without necessarily saying goodbye. I got out the car and waited for Henry. I can't believe I hugged him. It was an impulse and it embarrassed me. It didn't last for merely than a second. I get it though, not everyone wants to be touched without consent.

Anyway, walking up to the house. I didn't see much cars or people. I knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and Olivia was in a bathing suit with a silk robe over top. I felt my eye twitch.

"Maddy...Henry." Olivia opened the door wider, letting us both in. Walking in, I saw Megan on the floor scrolling on her phone. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail. She had on a butterfly patterned swim suit. Alex wasn't in sight, I tuned to Olivia and asked where he was.

"He's outside in the hot tube." Olivia answered motioning towards the back door that was clear glass. I nodded and walked towards it. I opened the door and walked outside. I slipped my heels off and walked over to the hot tub. Alex had his eyes closed and a beer can was resting on the edge of the pool. I walked around the pool behind him.

"Hey Alex." I whispered as I grabbed onto his shoulders. He opened his eyes, a smile playing on his lips. His eyes were red.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah babe, just smoked some weed. Get in." He said grabbing onto my arm. He leaned up a bit, kissing my lips softly.

"You smoked? I didn't- well I'm not surprised since you do everything else." I said pulling back.

"Oh sorry mom. Let me just sober up." He joked rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's just I've been-"

"You don't have to explain." He muttered, relaxing back into the pool. I looked off to the side. I sucked in a breath and decided to slip off my dress. I didn't bring anything to change into because I wasn't on planning getting wet.

I looked at Alex to see him already watching me closely.

"I'm gonna get in." I whispered as I slowly lowered myself into the water. It was warm and the bubbles making me ticklish. Alex moved over to my side. Wrapped his arm around me, immediately kissing on my neck. I moved back and laughed.

"What's wrong?" He asked pulling me back. His hands on my waist.

"Um, nothing." I said, letting myself relax into him. This felt wrong though, I didn't wanna kiss. I wanted to relax in the pool with him and talk.

"We didn't win. I'm not upset about it though. It's ...just some plastic crown." I mumbled. It was hard to focus with Alex groping me.

"You'll have other milestones." He whispered into my neck. He pulled back and stared at me for a moment. I smiled slightly.

"I love you." He said softly, grabbing onto my face.

"I love you too." I said quietly as he pulled me in for a hug. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip. Alex was so nice and gentle with me, why couldn't I feel those butterflies they talked about in those romance movies? Why couldn't I feel light headed every time we kiss? God, I was feeling embarrassed.

"God, please don't have sex in my hot tub." I opened my eyes and pushed Alex off. Olivia, Megan and Henry were standing and looking at us.

"She's not ready for me." Alex said with a sly smirk. I blushed deeply by his comment since I didn't know what he meant by that comment. Olivia and Megan must've known cause they laughed hard as Olivia headed over to the table that had all types of bottles and snacks.

"I have a bathing suit, if you wanna borrow one." Megan said as she walked over to us again. I nodded, getting wet in your underwear and bra isn't comfortable at all especially when it's white. Megan nodded and handed me a towel and told me where it was.

Henry's POV

"So, you drove Maddison here?" I looked up to see Alex. I had been in the corner, the last thing I wanted was to talk to this meathead.

"I did." I muttered. Maybe if you had stayed, you could've driven her yourself but I didn't voice that out loud.

"...here." Alex held out a cup. I looked at him and then at the cup.

"I don't drink." I said quickly.

"Oh come on, it's one cup. Don't be a pussy." Alex held the cup out still ignoring me.

"I don't drink, I don't wanna be sloppy like you." I said with a frown on my lips. Alex only laughed and shook his head.

"You are just proving to me that you are scared, that you can't handle a cup." Alex said. Inhaling deeply, I took the cup and down the liquid inside. It burned and made my chest light on fire. I coughed and I felt my eyes water for a moment. I just hoped he would leave me alone now.

"See, I won't even call you a pussy anymore. Let me get you another one." He said taking my cup back.

"You really don't have to do that, the one cup was fine." I argued.

"See, you are being a buzzkill. Everyone is gonna be drinking. You don't have any other plans do you? Just drink and hope that Megan or Olivia will notice you." Alex said handing me the cup and walking back over to the pair of girls.

I rubbed my eyes with my free hand. I felt hot in this jacket. I decided to walk back inside, the air was so cool in here. The couch seemed the best place to be at the moment. Before I could sit down, I heard a knock on the door. I waited for moment to see if anyone would get it. After a minute or so the knock happened again. I decided to get it myself.

I opened the door, it was the girl from earlier. The girl Maddison was talking to. She was taller than me by a few inches. She had a deep complexion and long black hair. Her eyes were like a chocolate ocean.

"Are you gonna stare or let me in? It's cold out here." She asked with a laugh. I nodded quickly and moved out of her way. She walked in and turned towards me.

"Is Maddison here? Nevermind, That's a dumb question since she invited me here." She mumbled the last part to herself.

"Uh, yeah. When I see her, I'll let you know." I said as I went to sit on the couch. I sipped from the cup still in my hand. I felt light headed, so sitting down was needed at the moment. I kept my eyes glued to the floor.

"I'm Serenity by the way." She said softly as she sat down on the couch as well. I nodded and gave my name as well. I finished my second cup after a few minutes. Soon enough, I heard movement from upstairs and saw Maddison in a bright red swimsuit.

I looked away quickly. This was gonna be a long night. I regret drinking already.


To be continued.

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