In Love With A Monster©

Von AlexWritesGayStuff

4.5K 162 38

Who knew vampires existed? No one. That's who. Vampires took over the world, proving themselves stronger, sma... Mehr



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Von AlexWritesGayStuff

Devon stared at himself in the mirror. He really didn't want to go through with this date. It still bugged him.
Dan stood next to the mirror, unsure of what to say to Devon.

“You look wonderful, Master.” Dan said. Dan concluded that Devon was in over his head with this. Why would the prince ask his pet if he looked appealing? Dan found it odd, but just stayed honest.

“I'm going to be away for awhile, so you're going to go to where the other pets are in the castle.” Dan looked shocked, but nodded.
“Don't make trouble.” Devon warned, making Dan go pale. Once again he merely nodded.

Devon opened a drawer and threw a shirt towards Dan, who luckily caught it on time. “Put that on, we're leaving now.” Devon said as he looked for a collar that fits with the outfit.

Dan wore a black t-shirt with a pair of dark blue shorts and Devon provided him with flip-flops.
Dan did thought he'd look more like Devon did at least to look proper. Then again, these shirts were light and didn't get snagged on the bandages.

Devon got out a light blue collar with it's leash and put it on Dan. Dan felt something cold and metallic on his chest. He glanced in the mirror and saw it's a tag. “Wear this and everyone will know you're mine. They won't try to hurt you.”

Devon turned his back to Dan, leash in hand as he walked to the door.

Dan followed behind him and watched as Devon locked his bedroom door. This time Devon went further down the hall and went up the stairs again. Devon opened the door, to reveal a large room filled with other humans. A vampire stood at the door watching over them.

“Prince Devon, what a lovely pet you have there.” The vampire complemented, but to Dan he even sounded hungry.

“His name is Dan. Be careful with him. He has injuries on his back, hence why he is dressed like this.” Devon continued to explain Dan's needs to the vampire as Dan overlooked the room.

There were things Dan didn't know how they worked. He saw humans hitting a ball over a net in the distance. Next to that, there were humans in a small swimming pool and then a corner where there were many storybooks to endulge and then a vast majority of the space was just humans sitting in circles, chatting away.

Dan snapped back to reality when Devon removed the leash. “Go interact with at least one of them. Interaction is good for you.”

“Alright, Master. See you later then.” Dan said before the vampire lead him away.

“Come along, Dan. Prince Devon asked us to give you a proper haircut.” Dan went tense.

“Not to worry, we'll just cut your hair. All you have to do is to sit still.” Dan took deep breaths. He glanced back at the door and saw Devon wasn't there.

Oh dear god...

Dan was lead through another door and saw a much better kept barber shop. “Ah, there's an empty spot.”

No one paid Dan any attention, until he walked past them in their mirrors. “W-why are they s-staring?”

“Well, you do look a bit out of place.” The vampire answered. He made Dan sit down. Dan expected his entire body to be tied down to the chair, but wasn't.

What in the hell? What is this place!

A female vampire appeared in the mirror and thanked the vampire that brought Dan here. “Hello there, Dan. I'm Charlie.”

Charlie handed Dan a book with different hairstyles in it. “I was told that the Prince wanted you to choose what style you want.”

Dan looked at her confused. “I-I don't know…” Dan looked all around him and then at Charlie. “I never…”

“Oh, I see. What about this one? Do you like it?” Charlie asked.
Dan looked at the picture of the hairstyle Charlie had pointed at. “With this one, your hair is in layers and I believe Prince Devon would have some fun with styling it in different ways.”
Dan just nodded vigorously.
“It would fit your face shape, too. How about it?”

They're nice? They're not hurting me.

He didn't understand why these two vampires were nice to him. He is a human! He is trash! He is the dirt they walk on! Dan was too afraid to ask why they were gentle. Maybe it was Devon's doing?

A tarp was placed around Dan's neck with a small neck towel. Charlie continued to spray Dan's hair wet, making Dan jump. The water is pretty cold.

When the hair was wet enough, Charlie pulled a comb and brush through it to get rid of knots. Afterwards, she proceeded to split the hair up accordingly and cut it.

Dan was on his nerves. He was just waiting for this vampire to randomly slice at his neck.

By the time Charlie was done, Dan had calmed down a little. He opened his violet eyes and looked at himself in the mirror.

That's me?

Dan's stunned silence made Charlie smile. “I'm glad you like it. We're just going to cut your nails now, then you can go and explore the activities outside.”

“I don't know how they do those things.” Dan said sadly. Charlie looked at Dan weirdly.

“The store you're from never taught you a few things?”

“No, we're they supposed to?”

Charlie looked shocked. “Yes! A pet has to be fun to be around with. Not do anything and sleep the whole day like an animal.”

Dan really felt out of place now.

“Not to worry, I'm sure a few of the other pets can teach you a few things.”

Dan said nothing as Charlie got nail clippers out. She cut his nails in silence.

Next thing Dan knew, he was outside. Charlie didn't escort him out any further. Not that Dan expected her to help him. She is a vampire after all.

He was nervous about talking to anyone. Back at the store, whenever they made just a squeak, they would get beaten or punished.

“Go interact with at least one of them. Interaction is good for you.”

He had to do what Devon said. Dan wished he knew where to start and how to as well. He didn't like the pool just for the water. He didn't know the game with the ball and the net in the middle.

Dan awkwardly stared at everything around him.


“Wha!” Dan jumped back when a sudden chirpy voice shouted next to him. “Wha…how…who are you?”

“Oh, sorry about that! My name is Stella! I'm a pet of one of the servants of the castle. Who's pet are you?” Stella made Dan look up so that she could look at the tag.
“Ah! You're a royal pet! Lucky!”


“Yes, Lucky! The pets of other vampires aren't as privileged as royal pets. So, what Prince bought you?”

“Prince Devon…listen, I'm not very sure of what I should do. I don't want to get into trouble.”

"Whoa, okay. Firstly, loosen up. You can have all the fun here. This is basically a day care for us pets. We're just not allowed to have sex with another pet or cause trouble.”

“What's that? I was taught to what I'm experiencing here are two different things!”

“Hey! What did I say! Relax! Prince Devon takes really good care of his pets. He had two before you. Now, why don't we teach you a new skill! I'm sure he'll be delighted when he finds out you learned something1q.”

Dan gave her a blank expression. “I was taught that learning is dangerous.”

“It is not! It's fun! Come on!” Stella dragged Dan to where they were playing tennis. “This is called tennis. It'll keep you fit and busy.”

Dan watched as a ball was smacked around over a net.

“Easy enough, right?”

Dan said nothing. “I'm good by just watching.” He said.

“At least you're doing something then.” Stella shrugged and sat down next to Dan when he had sat down.

“Just where exactly did the Prince find you?”

“A terrible place.” Is all Dan answered. “We were tortured there.”

“I'm sorry to hear that.”

Dan said nothing. His expression stayed neutral as he watched the ball bounce and got smacked right back.

I wonder what Master is doing now.


The Prince groaned when he arrived at the meeting spot. He gripped his steering wheel, gathering up his confidence. Today it was this vampire, tomorrow it is another.

“Why am I going through with this crap?”

He looked at his rear view mirror and saw it's still angled to look at the back seat. For a split second, Dan's face appeared in his mind.

He should be fine! I should focus on my task now.

He got out his car, fixing his blazer as he did. Closing the door, he locked the car and went to the entrance of the restaurant.

“Your royal, highness.” A waitress bowed. “Do you have a reservation today?”

“Yes. I'm meeting a Miss. Dale.” The prince answered. The waitress looked over her list of tables and saw her name.

“She's already here, sire. Allow me show you to your table.” She said, turning around. Devon sighed and followed her to said table.

Devon instantly saw the girl he had to meet. She looked beautiful. Wearing a bloody red, cocktail dress with white heels, her electric blue eyes contrasted with the dress. Her blonde hair had many small braids in to form one big braid that rested on her shoulder.

She stood up to greet Devon. The waitress gave Devon space to move past her, enabling Devon to take his date's hand to kiss it. “Miss. Dale, you look ravishing.”

“Oh, Prince Devon. You're quite a jewel yourself.” She said in a soft voice. Devon smiled and motioned to the table. They sat down, ordering a glass of goat blood.

“So, Miss. Dale. What is it that you like?” Devon asked.

“Well, I'm a simple vampire. I like reading and going out for hikes and such. Nature is great wonder for me. What are your interests?” She asked with a warm smile.

“Too many to list. As a prince, I study whatever I can. I guess I'm just interested in learning more about the world.”

“That's fun. I guess not even the oldest vampire knows everything.” She said chuckling. “Okay, erm. Are you a night owl or early bird? I'm an odd mix of both.”

“It's true, you're never too old to learn something. I'm equally both. I like to keep myself busy. That's why I have a pet. He can entertain me when I'm not busy with important work.”

“Oohh, what's he like. I have a pet too. She's very energetic sometimes.”

“I bought him a few days ago. He's still settling in. Yours is energetic you say?”

“Yeah, she likes to dance and sing. Lovely voice she has. I'm thinking of getting her turned. A voice like hers shouldn't go to waste.”

“I see. I hope you get to do that.”

“I hope so, too.”

“Here are your drinks.” The waitress said, placing them down in front of Devon and his date.

“Cheers, Prince Devon.”

Devon lifted up his glass, clinging it against hers before they took their first sip.


By the time the date was over, Devon was tired. He enjoyed the date, surprisingly. He still didn't think that this vampire was the one for him.

“Thank you for the date, your highness. I had fun.” Miss. Dale said as they walked out.

“I'm glad you enjoyed it. Should I take you home?” Devon offered.

“Oh, I'll be fine. Don't worry. I'm sure you probably have duties you need to attend to.”

“No, today I'm clear. Let me take you home. I must make sure you're safe.” Devon lead her to his car, opening the door for her.

She smiled and got in. Devon sped to the driver's side and got in.

Not long after they left, Devon got a notification on his phone from the vampire who's taking care of Dan.

Devon smiled when he saw Dan speaking to young female. “Is that your pet. He looks…unique.” Devon forgot she was with him.

“Er, yes. His name is Dan. He just has a rare genetic mutation. Extremely rare in humans.” Devon explained.

“Oh, that's interesting. Did you study human anatomy?”

“Yes. I use it to make sure my pets live long. The servants of the castle sometimes comes to me instead of going to a doctor.”

“That's really sweet of you.” She said. “Oh, a right here.” She quickly added. Devon turned right and then left again.

“Thank you so much for the lift, sire.”

“You're welcome. Stay safe.” Devon awkwardly said and drove off when she closed the car door behind her.

I'm sure she was after a discount for turning her pet. Devon frowned. The royal family, and a small handful of othrs, just had to be the only ones powerful enough to turn humans.

He drove back to the castle as fast as he possibly could. Luckily, he didn't have much to do today having most of hos duties handled before hand the past two days.

For once he actually wanted to take a nap.

Upon arriving at the castle, he found himself speedwalking to the pet holding area to go get Dan.

When he did open the door, Dan immediately saw him. He practically ran over to him.
“Did you interact with someone at least?”

“Yes, a very jumpy girl, Master.” Dan pointed to the human who kept doing cartwheels and back flips, nearly kicking many of the other humans near her.

“She is jumpy.” Devon commented. He hooked the leash to the collar as he thanked the vampire in charge.

“You're welcome, your highness. We hope to see more of your pet soon.”

Devon said nothing, knowing fully well that Dan was going to spend a lot of time there.

“We're going to take a nap.”

“Yes, Master.”

Devon arrived at his bedroom. He took off the collar and leash and Dan's shirt. Undoing the bandages again, he saw that Dan is healing beautifully. Once again, Dan was left floatingq on his stomach to enable Devon to work.

When he was done and the bandages were replaced, he made his pet lay down on his bed, giving him a sleeping pill. Devon got dressed in more comfortable clothes and laid down next to Dan, his back turned to the human.

Dan shifted slightly, making himself comfortable before he his eyes drifted shut. Devon too was out cold.

Dan felt himself smiling before he fell asleep.

Master is pleased with me. That's good!


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