The Epilogue - Katniss and Pe...

By justsunsetorange

47K 643 3.3K

This story is based on the characters, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. They both are from the hunger game... More

He's home.
Wishing to be Dead.
Pearls and Worry.
Nightmares and Letters.
He left me.
Begging and crying.
First time.
Drunk and Numb.
A Chance of Infidelity.
The Hunger I Crave.
The Ring.
Hospitals and Sorrows.
The Dress.
The Wedding.
Changing My Mind.
Meaningful Conversations.
I can't.
Questions and Sickness.
Favorite Colors and Birthdays.
Disagreements and Tears.
Star People.
Real or Not Real.
I didn't want to.
Finding a Purpose.
Phone Calls and a Bakery.
Tears and Feelings.
Meeting Eloise.
Promises and Cliffs.
Going Home.
Trying to be Fine.
The Opening.
Crying and Intentions.
The Letter.
School Problems.
Nothing Working Out.
Promises and Tears.
Rekindling and Necklaces.
Songs and Kisses.
Night-time Calls.
My Fault.
One Last Time.
Newspapers and Letters.
Never Enough.
Ready or Not.
Choose Me.
Finding Her.
Miss Me.
The Beauty of Pain.
Empty Promises.


334 5 45
By justsunsetorange

*Flynn's POV*

I sit on the bench with her tightly in my arms, and I watch the raindrops fall against the window. I notice she has the window open, but I don't dare close it, because I know the sound of rain calms her down. I continue to gently comb my fingers through her hair while still keeping my arms around her.

My mind wanders down a rabbit hole, trying to find any possible answer for why this could've happened and why it happened to her, but I already know why it did. It happened because he's genuinely a monster. I've watched what he's done to Katniss over the years, and it breaks my heart that it's happening to my Willow too.

I should've gone and checked on her earlier. If I had, maybe I could've told her not to go down that hallway; I would've seen him and recognized him.

This is all my fault.

I'm supposed to be protecting her, that's my job. I'm supposed to make her feel safe, but now she feels like she can't even go to the bathroom without being attacked.

This is all my fault.

I suddenly notice that she stills in my arms, and her tears stop falling onto my shirt. The sound of her cries soften until there are none, and I feel her breath rise and fall onto my chest. I peer down, careful not to move, and I see that her eyes are closed.

The sight makes me smile slightly, and I gently stand up while keeping my hand under her head to support it. I use my other arm to hold her legs while I pick her up carefully. I walk over to her bed and lay her down, picking up the covers to put on top of her.

Before I leave for a short while to get her medicine, I glance back once more. I bend down slightly to brush the hair off her face and I tuck it behind her ear, and I plant a kiss on her forehead. I turn around towards the door and I gently open and close it without making a sound.

I walk down the stairs to hear Katniss scrambling with papers and items across the table. I quickly walk over to her and I place my hands on hers, calming her down.

"What's wrong, Katniss?" I ask, trying to sort out the mess she's made in the table.

"I can't find my keys and I need to go get Rye." She says quickly. "He's not safe at school with him out there."

"You're not going anywhere." Peeta says, walking into the room. "He's looking for you."

She turns to glare at him and I know they're still fighting with each other, even if they aren't screaming or throwing things. I try to calm her down by diverting her attention back to me, because I don't want them to awake Willow.

"Willow's asleep, so let's not bicker right now." I remark, while gesturing towards the two of them. "I'll go get Rye. He isn't looking for me, and Peeta needs to be here incase Gale comes by the house."

"I'm not endangering you just because somebody's looking for me." Katniss says, fumbling for her keys that I spot on the floor.

I quickly bend down and snatch them away from her grasp, and I begin to move towards the door.

"I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much." I mutter smartly, as I reach for the door handle.

As I'm moving through the door, I notice something hits my back and I turn around to see an apple rolling across the floor.

"What's your obsession with throwing apples?"


As I approach the middle of town, where the reporters usually stop me, I throw the hood of my jacket up over my head and I begin to look at the ground. I don't hear flashes or people running towards me; but that could partially be because it's raining. I peer up slightly to take in my surroundings and I scan the crowd for him. I don't spot him, and I continue my way towards the children's school house.

I shouldn't have to do this. I shouldn't have to go get Rye because a psychotic maniac is attacking his family. This isn't fair for him, and neither is it for Willow or Katniss or Peeta. It isn't fair.

I walk into the Main Office and I lean over the top of the counter to see a small woman staring at a computer. She looks up at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Hello," I smile at her. Her face remains in the same disgusted look, and I continue through the awkward exchange. "I need to take Rye Mellark out of school."

She stares at me for a moment before slowly reaching for the phone to call down to his class. She dials the number and I wait as she finishes her conversation with his teacher. She sets the phone down and clears her throat before talking to me.

"He's on his way." She says before gesturing me to go away.

I manipulate my face to create a fake smile and I wait by the door until he walks in. He sees me and smiles, and I mess up his hair with my hand before I gently push him through the door and outside.

"Why are we going home so early?" He asks me, and I don't have the heart to tell him. I can't tell him that his sister got assaulted; so I lie.

"I wanted ice cream and I thought you might too." I say, looking down at him.

His face immediately turns to a grin and I laugh slightly while swinging his hand back and forth through the rainfall.


I watch as he spills the treat all over his face and I throw napkins at him. As we approach the house, I stop him a few feet from the door.

"Rye, listen." I start while crouching down to his level. His eyes meet mine and I look down. "When we go in there, I'm not sure what's going to be happening, okay?"

"What do you mean?" He asks, his head slightly crooked.

"I mean, your Mom and Dad might be a little angry, or upset, but I promise you, they're not upset with you." I say while brushing the hair off his face. He nods, and I can tell he understands.

I hit him gently on the shoulder before standing up and walking up the steps to the door. I open it before letting him walk in first, and I watch as Katniss comes walking to him and encloses him in a tight hug. He starts laughing and I watch as a single tear slides down her face.

"Mama, I can't breathe," he says, in between giggles.

"I'm just happy to see you, darling." She says while giving him a final squeeze before letting go.

I laugh before moving around them, and I walk into the kitchen to grab Willow medicine for the pain I know she's in.

Even if she won't admit it, I know she's hurting. I grab the pills and water before heading upstairs to her room. I gently open the door to see her sitting on her bed, facing the window opposite to where I am. She quickly turns around and I notice her tear streaked face, which breaks my heart.

"I thought you left me, and I thought he must've attacked you too, and I was so scared." She says in between tears, and I quickly set down the medicine and water before walking towards her and wrapping my arms around her.

"I would never leave you, Willow." I say, holding her head to my chest.

"You didn't—you didn't come back and I thought that—" she stutters and I hush her while reaching down to lift her chin towards my face.

I wipe away the oncoming tears, and I gently rub my thumb back and forth against her cheek.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart." I say quietly. "I went to get Rye from school and I lost track of time. I should've been with you, and I'm sorry."

She looks away for a moment before looking back up at me.

"So, he didn't hurt you?" She asks on the verge of tears, and I smile sadly before shaking my head.

"No, love." I start. "I'm okay." I watch as she nods her head slightly and I pull away from her to grab the medicine I brought upstairs. "You need to take this."

"I feel fine." She starts, but I cut her off by shoving the pills into her hand and giving her a look.

She rolls her eyes but eventually grabs them out of my hand and swallows them down. I mess up her hair with my hand, and she starts laughing while swatting at my hand. I gently glide my hand down her face before landing on her cheek, and brushing my thumb against it a few times.

"You should get some sleep, Lo." I say before pulling away and setting her glass on her nightstand. "It'll ease the pain."

"You'll stay with me?" She asks, her blue eyes glistening even though there's no sun.


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