When The Last Petal Falls

By thedarknessclaims

42K 966 207

Love conquers everything they say, but does it death? The story of two lovers destined to be together but hau... More

1. Rituals
2. Arrival
3. Mirror Image
4. Old Friend
5. Memories
6. Betrayal
7. New Territory
8. Velaris
9. First Dinner
10. Smouldering Fire
11: Burning Girl
12. Drunk On The Moon
13. Thawing Of A Frozen Heart
14. Decisions
15. Fights
16. Discovery and Dread
17. Pleasing A Storm
18. Start of the End
19. On The Way
20. Dance with the Day Court
21. Getting Old
22. Just A Taste
23. Exploration
24. Chains of Fate
25. Realisations
26. Ties that Bind
27. Ravens Leap
28. The Temple
30. Visitor
31. Minds
32. Would She Regret It Later?
33. Call of Home
34. Her Fate

29. Waterfall

300 3 1
By thedarknessclaims

The search group had returned from the desolate temple of Aramantha with a sense of grim determination. They entered the meeting room at the House of Wind, where the rest of the Inner Circle was waiting, their expressions a mixture of concern and anticipation.

Azriel and Cassian exchanged a solemn look as they began to recount the details of their expedition to Rhysand. They had explored every corner of the desolate temple of Aramantha, a place of darkness and lingering secrets, but what they had discovered was chilling.

"The temple, High Lord," Azriel began, "was completely devoid of life except for the skeletal remains of Illyrians who had once worshiped Aramantha. Their bones were scattered throughout the temple, a grim reminder of the darkness that had consumed this place."

Cassian continued, his expression grave. "We found no sign of Rhydian inside the temple, but we did find evidence that he had been there. We believe he was seeking something, possibly related to Aramantha's power."

Rhysand's concern deepened as he listened to their account. He knew that Rhydian had a history with the Illyrian faction that had once been loyal to Aramantha, and the fact that he had been inside the temple raised troubling questions.

Azriel and Cassian shared a meaningful look before Cassian spoke up, "We believe Rhydian may be in possession of something that could be incredibly dangerous—a piece of Aramantha's hair. This relic, if used in a dark ritual, could potentially bring her back to life. Just like what happened with Jurian."

Rhysand's eyes widened in shock. The idea of the malevolent queen, Aramantha, returning to the world was a nightmare come to life. It was his nightmare come to life. "We cannot allow that to happen," he said firmly. "We need to find Rhydian and retrieve that piece before it falls into the wrong hands."

Azriel nodded in agreement. "We have a plan to search for Rhydian deep within the territory that was once under Aramantha's control. Connall will accompany us, given his knowledge of the Illyrian factions. If we find Rhydian, we will bring him back to the cells at the Hewn City. He is to be dealt with harshly if necessary, but we must ensure the safety of our Court."

Rhysand knew that this was a dangerous mission, but it was necessary to prevent the return of Aramantha and to protect the Night Court. "Be cautious, both of you," he cautioned. "Rhydian's loyalty to Aramantha in the past makes him unpredictable. Your safety is paramount. Retrieve that piece of hair, and if necessary, detain Rhydian."

With a shared nod, Azriel and Cassian prepared to depart on their mission. They left the meeting room, leaving behind only Bellona, Feyre, Rhysand, Mor, and Amren.

The room was now filled with a palpable tension as the remaining members of the Inner Circle contemplated the gravity of the situation. Their world teetered on the brink of darkness, and it was up to them to protect it and the bonds that held them together.

"There is something else", Bellona carefully said, reaching into her pocket for what she had found. Bellona gently unfurled the set of faded papers that had been hidden away in the dusty old chest. The papers were fragile and aged, bearing the marks of centuries of neglect. The writing, although faded, was still decipherable.

As she presented the papers to the High Lord, Bellona's voice was steady but was accompanied by the fast beating of her heart. "High Lord," she began, "I believe I have found something else of great significance. "These papers were hidden in the temple", her voice picked up speed as she wished to dismiss the first part of what he found as quickly as possible. "They hold details of old alliances between Hybern and the Spring Court. I only know a small amount of the Old language but I managed to get the gist of what this agreement is saying. Apparently there were talks of an alliance through marriage between a noble of Hybern and the Spring Court, but it is too faded to determine their names". Mor shifted in her seat, her golden locks falling over her shoulder as she leaned across to take a better look at the words. 

Bellona continued, "however, that is not important, there is something else that I believe is paramount." She paused as she held the gaze of the High Lord.
"These documents appear to detail a spell, a dark and forbidden magic, that can mimic the effects of a mating bond."

The room fell silent as the weight of her words settled in. The mating bond was a sacred and powerful connection between two individuals in Prythian, a bond that went beyond mere love or attraction. It was a spiritual and emotional link that connected the souls of two people, forging an unbreakable connection.

Rhysand's reaction was immediate and intense. His brows furrowed, and his eyes widened in surprise and concern. The mere idea of a spell that could replicate such a bond was deeply unsettling. He spoke with a sense of urgency in his voice, "Bellona, are you certain about this? The mating bond is not something to be trifled with, it's a connection of immense importance. We need to understand the implications of this spell."

Mor, the gentle and thoughtful member of the group, added, "We should delve further into these documents to see if there are any clues about who may have practiced this dark magic and for what purpose."

Bellona node in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I will continue to decipher the text and see if there are any hints about the origins of this spell and its potential consequences."

Amren shook her head in disapproval. "Pass them to me instead girl, I have a deeper understanding of the Old language. I will take them back to my study".

Bellona hesitated for a split second, she didn't know what it was but she felt somehow attached to what she held in her hands. As if somehow it was linked to her, to her family. She shook her feeling of unease off and handed the papers to Amren.

The High Lord's concern deepened as he contemplated the implications of this discovery. The sacred nature of the mating bond was something that had always been revered and protected everywhere, and the idea of a spell that could mimic it raised serious questions about the safety and stability of their world. As the meeting concluded, the members of the Inner Circle slowly filed out of the grand chamber at the House of Wind.

Feyre was the first to stand, her stormy eyes reflecting the concern and determination that had filled the room during the meeting. With a reassuring squeeze of Rhysand's hand, she nodded to  Mor and Amren, and made her way toward the exit. Rhysand remained seated for a moment, lost in thought, before pushing his chair back and rising from the table. He glanced at the vacant chairs around him, contemplating the challenges that lay ahead. Mor, with her fiery spirit and unwavering loyalty, was the next to leave, her footsteps echoing as she exited the room.
Amren, the enigmatic and ancient being, followed suit, her movements graceful and silent. Her presence in the room had always carried an air of mystery, and her departure left a void in the atmosphere.

Lastly, Bellona lingered for a moment, a curious expression on her face. As the others left, she felt a strange sensation wash over her—a compelling need to descend to the kitchen. It was as if an unspoken voice had whispered directly into her mind, urging her to go downstairs.

Confused but trusting her instincts, Bellona stood and began to make her way to the kitchen. The long, winding corridors of the House of Wind seemed to stretch out before her as she descended the grand staircase. The sensation pulling her toward the kitchen grew stronger with each step, like an unseen force guiding her.

Bellona, her curiosity piqued by the strange message that had drawn her to the kitchen, entered the room with cautious steps. The kitchen was dimly lit, and the faint aroma of freshly baked pastries lingered in the air. She moved further inside, her senses on high alert, unsure of what to expect.

As she approached the large oak table in the center of the room, her eyes widened in surprise. There, perched atop a tall wooden chair, sat Nyx. He was engrossed in enjoying a powdered doughnut, his fingers covered in fine white sugar. The sight of him, munching away, brought a smile to Bellona's face despite the tension that still lingered between them.
With a playful glint in her eyes, she couldn't resist making a jest. "Nyx," she said, her voice tinged with amusement, "I swear, you never seem to appear anywhere unless there's food involved. Doughnuts, this time? Really?"

Nyx, with his mouth half full of the sweet treat, grinned impishly at her. "Well, what can I say? Food is one of life's simple pleasures. Besides, a powdered doughnut is an excellent companion for a quiet moment of reflection."

Their last encounter had been marred by a heated argument, and Bellona had approached this reunion with a sense of guarded trepidation. She had been worried about the state of their tentative friendship after the disagreement. However, seeing Nyx in such a relaxed and carefree state eased some of her apprehension.

Nyx swallowed his bite and extended a hand toward Bellona, offering her a powdered doughnut. "Want one? They're quite good," he said, his tone warmer and less tense than their last conversation.
Bellona hesitated for a moment but then took the offered doughnut, her lips curling into a small smile. "Sure, why not? I could use a sweet distraction right now."

As they both indulged in the sugary treats, the atmosphere in the kitchen lightened, and the tension between them began to dissipate. Bellona realized that perhaps this was the first step toward resolving their differences and rebuilding the bond that had been strained. In the warm glow of the kitchen and the comfort of shared doughnuts, it seemed like they might find a way to bridge the gap between them.


After they had finished the powdered doughnuts, Nyx looked at Bellona and said, "Follow me." There was a sense of mystery and anticipation in his eyes as he led her out of the House of Wind and down into the city below. Bellona, a hint of playfulness in her voice, couldn't help but comment, "You know, Nyx, every time someone starts a sentence that way, it never seems to end well."

Nyx chuckled softly, acknowledging her remark. "Well, I promise you, this time it's different," he assured her.
As they ventured further into the city, Bellona couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and curiosity. Her previous guardedness had given way to a growing sense of adventure, she couldn't help it.

Eventually, they reached their destination, and Bellona's breath caught in her throat as she gazed upon the breathtaking sight before her. Nyx had taken her to his favorite hidden retreat when the world became too loud—a secluded waterfall that cascaded gracefully down a series of rocks, finally plateauing into a serene and clear lake. Surrounding the water's edge were enormous boulders and ancient trees that created a natural sanctuary of peace and tranquility.

The sound of rushing water created a soothing, melodic backdrop to the scene. The water reminded her of the Pool of Starlight back at home in the Spring Court. The gleaming water seemed nearly identical, but Bellona dismissed that thought as there would be no reason for it to be in her court. Sunlight filtered through the leaves of the trees, casting dappled shadows on the rocks and the crystal-clear lake. The sight was nothing short of enchanting, a secret haven amidst the bustling city.
Nyx watched Bellona's awe-struck expression with a pleased smile. "This is where I come when I need to escape from the world," he explained. "It's a place of beauty, serenity, and solitude. I thought you might appreciate it as well."

Bellona couldn't find words to describe the beauty of the place, but her eyes said it all. She felt a deep sense of gratitude for Nyx's gesture, and as they sat by the water's edge, she allowed the serenity of the waterfall and the quiet of the surroundings to wash over her. The tension that had been lingering between them seemed to evaporate in the presence of such natural beauty.

Together, they sat in peaceful companionship, listening to the soothing symphony of the waterfall, and Bellona realized that sometimes the best conversations were the ones that didn't need words at all. Maybe she could let her guard down with Nyx. Just a little bit, just for an afternoon.

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