Story of Guilds

By BlazeraEvans

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This story is heavily inspired off the anime FairyTail, and uses concepts from FairyTail as well, such as anc... More

Guild Members and Information before Reading:
The Prologue
Chapter 1: Rules of the Guild
Chapter 2: New Identity
Chapter 3: Rosalia's Reveal
Chapter 4: Day 1 of the Grand Magic Games
Chapter 5: Dragon Slayer vs Devil Slayer
Chapter 6: The Party Pt. 1
Chapter 7: The Party Pt. 2
Chapter 8: Dawn's Meeting
Chapter 9: Chariots
Chapter 10: The Mole
Chapter 12: Assassin's Stealth
Chapter 13: Sweet Evenings, Bitter Nights
Chapter 14: The Next Step
Chapter 15: Yellow
Chapter 16: The Kidnapping
Chapter 17: In Hiding
Chapter 18: Give Her Back!
Chapter 19: Fall of Cordelia
Chapter 20: Sibling Tension
Chapter 21: Double Battles
Chapter 22: The Finalists Announced!
Chapter 23: Abbadon's Intentions
Chapter 24: The Finale of the Games
Chapter 25: The Poessession
Chapter 26: Catsi's Return
Chapter 27: Goodbye, Abbadon
Chapter 28: Who Stays and Who Goes...
Chapter 29: Last Days in the Capital
Chapter 30: Life in the Aldrich Guild
Chapter 31: Call for Help
Chapter 32: Revenge of the Ashworth's
Chapter 33: The Dinner
Chapter 34: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 35: Tiles Echo
Chapter 36: The Priest's Guidance
Chapter 37: The Trap!
Chapter 38: Reputation Matters
Chapter 39: The Investigation at Abbadon
Chapter 40: The Investigation at Abbadon Pt 2

Chapter 11: True Rivals

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By BlazeraEvans

Council> "The next match for Day 2 will be Pebbs from Doron vs Darker from Rosalia!"

After the whole thing during Chariots, the crowd went wild to see this fight.

Sasha> "Wow, looks like your wish to fight him came true."

Pebbs> "Definitely wasn't expecting this."

Sasha> "Good luck out there."

Pebbs> "Thanks."

Pebbs went down to the arena.

Kronos> "Another round against the Doron member? How interesting... Learn as much as you can about his powers."

Darker> "Alright."

Darker went down to the arena.

Before this fight begins, to have an idea for what each attack does I recommend going to the Fairytail wiki and looking up Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and Iron Dragon Slayer Magic so you know what the attacks are. Here is a link:

(As for Nature Dragon's Slayer Magic I made all the moves for it so use Arman's fight as a reference if you forgot.)

The fight began strongly with Pebbs combining his dragon slayer abilities learned with Speedforce to make them more effective. He used fire dragon iron fist attack to try to punch Darker quickly with his speedforce too, but Pebbs wasn't the only one quick on his feet, so was Darker, and Darker was able to block the attack with his hands and sent Pebbs flying with his explosion magic.

Darker> "Nice try, Doron."

Sasha> "C'mon beat his ass!"

Pebbs quickly recovered from this attack and thought of a different strategy since clearly close combat seems to not work as well. He would mimic a technique used from a previous battle he watched on Day 1, specifically Ruby's battle where he would run so fast in circles around the arena to a point where it would look like there are many of him running around, so that Darker didn't know which one was the real one. While running, he would set up his next move, as Darker tries to spot where the real one is. Darker quickly figured out where the real one was, but waited until Pebbs made his move. Pebbs used his fire dragon's brilliant flame attack, (which is a huge orb of dragon's fire) and sent it flying at Darker from afar. Darker anticipated this though, and dodged it quite easily. Pebbs thought ahead though, and just used that as a distraction while he sped towards Darker and used his Iron Dragons Sword attack to slash Darker from above, he managed to cut down his arm and Darker seemed impressed by Pebbs landing a hit on him.

Sasha> "Let's go you got this WOOOHOO!"

She's drunk as fuck as usual-

Pebbs> "Looks like I got you this time."

Darker> "Interesting. Can you fight a person who's midair though?"

Pebbs> "Oh fuck."

Darker used his flight abilities to gain an edge over Pebbs, now that he wasn't on the ground it suddenly became a lot more challenging for Pebbs to be able to hit him. Darker used his explosion magic to explode the ground underneath Pebbs, so Pebbs had to constantly use speedforce in order to dodge and not get hit by them, while this was happening Pebbs was starting to hear voices inside his head. This was Darker's way of making Pebbs slowly lose his sanity during battle. For now Pebbs decided to ignore it and concentrate on what to do next. Now, he could only do ranged attacks to hit Darker. After watching Arman fight however, he had an idea of what he could do to make his life a bit easier. Thanks to photogenic reflexes he was able to copy Arman's Nature Dragon's Slayer terrain attack to hide himself in a forest so Darker couldn't see him as clearly. For now Pebbs decided to stay hidden in the trees and take a moment to think.

Arman> "Wait, did that kid just copy my abilities?!"

Jean> "I'm surprised he is able to since Dragons Slayer Magic is a lost magic only few have."

Lorenzo> "H-he must be very skilled to use it..."

Jean> "Yeah, that's some crazy shit right there."

Arman> "Could it be he learned from just watching me???"

Jean> "Don't know. It's strange."

Arman> "He's also using more than one dragon slayer magic. Is it possible they found dragon lacrimas for him or something?"

Jean> "I have no idea..."

Pebbs had a moment to himself to think of what his next move could be. Darker got bored of just floating around in the sky so he decided to come closer to the ground and fly around the trees to search for Pebbs. Pebbs heard him come his way and prepared to sneak attack him. As soon as he saw Darker roaming around her used the Fire Dragon Roar attack to knock him back, the Fire Dragon Wing attack as a diversion attack so Darker would focus on dodging that so he could use speedforce to go behind Darker and use the Iron Dragons Sword to slash him. Darker gripped the sword to stop it from slashing him and held onto it with a firm grip. Since the Sword attack is Attached to Pebbs's body, Darker uses his explosion magic to blast Pebbs down into the ground, and continuously explodes him until he is roughed up badly.

Darker> "Looks like it's over."

Sasha> "Oh no... I hope he's okay."

Matthew> "That Abbadon member, he's so powerful..."

Catsi> "Y-yeah! It's scary actually!"

Shashin> "All these powers he possesses... they sort of remind me of those of a Devil."

Blazera> "Perhaps that is what it is then."

Shashin> "I don't know, I'm just guessing."

Blazera> "Don't overthink it, Shashin."

Just when everyone thought it was over, the smoke from the explosion started to clear and Pebbs with all his power left went full speed jumping up at Darker and used Fire Dragon's Iron Fist to punch him real hard in the face. They then sparred a bit in close combat, throwing punches and kicks at one another and Pebbs was able to keep up easily. Darker decided to add a bit of explosion to the punch but Pebbs predicted this and went behind him and used Iron Dragons Hard Fist attack to knock down Darker into the ground and started punching him constantly with this attack. Darker used his explosion magic to make Pebbs back off and he did since he didn't want to be exploded.

Darker> "Finally, a worthy opponent."

Pebbs> "Glad you see me that way."

Darker> "I'm sorry it has to end so badly for you."

The voices in Pebbs's head got louder to a point where it was making his head ring of pain. Pebbs held his head z bit but was still able to focus on the fight. He knew another trick he could use to possibly win and has been saving this for when Darker finally came back to the ground.

Pebbs> "Are you sure about that?"

Darker> "What's that supposed to mean?"

Though it was rough for Pebbs to concentrate, he still did it, Arman's Nature Dragon Camouflage ability. He was now able to hide among the forest. Pebbs wasn't the only one watching that battle though, and Darker thought of how Fuyumi countered this, by getting rid of the terrain around. Darker started exploding random parts of the terrain, while also putting up an explosion barrier around himself, so that Pebbs couldn't target him from up close. Pebbs hid, and when he heard an explosion used Speedforce while camouflaged to dodge. Pebbs noticed something about the explosion barrier around Darker, it seemed the explosions weren't going off every millisecond and actually had a 0.5 second delay in which he could do an attack in or try to time it. With this opening, Pebbs used Fire Dragon Brilliant flame, and waited for 0.5 seconds to aim it so it went through the barrier and hit Darker. Before it had hit Darker, Darker was able to analyse which direction it came from and headed that way, making constant explosions in that direction, clearing the forest. By now the forest terrain had gone and the Camoflauge no longer worked. However, from all the explosions was fog covering the arena. Nobody could see, not even Darker or Pebbs. They wandered aimlessly, hoping to discover the other person first to finish them off, but ended up running into each other. Both worn out and almost low on magic energy.

Darker> "..."

Pebbs> "There's only one thing to do now."

They both prepared for their final attacks, using every last bit of their strength to win. Darker charged up the magic energy on his fist at 80% of his remaining power to use against Pebbs. While Pebbs concentrated his last attack trying to use three different Dragon Slayer Roars at once. Nature, Iron and Fire Dragon's Slayer Roar, into one roar. Darker collided with it with his fist attack, and a huge explosion was made and more fog came from it. Nobody had known who the victor was, and had to wait for the haze to clear. Once the smoke cleared, they saw one left standing...

Council> "Looks like Rosalia takes the win on this one folks!"

The crowd went wild at this fight. But there's still a question remaining, What did Darker do to win? Certainly he was the one who was supposed to get hurt badly from 3 different Dragon Slayer roars, right? No, the final explosion was in fact only done by his fist punch Pebbs into the ground and knocking him out. You're probably wondering how this was possible, but it's quite simple really. He saved that remaining 20% to alter reality into his favour. He altered it into a timeline where he was the first to discover Pebbs and got the final blow on him, instead of them both finding one another. This was an overpowered ability Pebbs would have to learn to overcome...

Sasha> "Shit... I didn't even know power like that existed."

Sasha, Dracona and Kenji all ran down to see if Pebbs was alright, Darker left the field after that.

Sasha> "Is he alright??"

Kenji> "Don't worry, leave it to us to help him recover."

Dracona> "Kenji can help heal his injuries along with Teresa."

Sasha> "Alright, I'm glad."

They all went back to where their guild sat and Kenji did a spell to reverse time on Pebbs so that his injuries weren't as severe and Teresa used her healing magic on him. Pebbs woke up.

Pebbs> "I lost, didn't I?"

Dracona> "Yeah..."

Pebbs> "Shit."

Kenji> "That girl you like, she came to check on you. She seems sweet."

Pebbs seemed a lot happier after hearing that.

Dracona> "We'll continue your training once you've recovered, alright?"

Pebbs> "Sounds good."

The Scores:

Sahara: 29 Points

Rosalia: 27 Points

Irina: 17 Points

Doron: 17 Points

Newbold: 15 Points

Aldrich: 14 Points

Cordelia: 7 Points

Evergreen: 3 Points

Shashin> "Even when we are not even focused on the game, we still somehow are in the lead..."

Blazera> "It's not good, it's getting attention on us from Abbadon."

Shashin> "Yeah, it makes me uneasy."

Shōjiki> "So why not fly under the radar then and lose?"

Shashin> "Because that's just as suspicious."

Shōjiki> "Oop."

Council> "For the third fight of day 3 it will be... Finmin from Aldrich versus Laurent from Evergreen!"

Fin> "Looks like I'm up."

Ren> "Good luck Fin!"

Fin> "Thank you. I'll do my best."

Fin went down to the arena, meanwhile Quentin seemed pretty occupied with a magic book.

Ren> "Quentin, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing?"

Johnathan> "You've been looking at that book all day..."

Quentin> "Telepathic Communication, that's what the magic book is about."

Ren> "Are you trying to learn it?"

Quentin> "Basically. I think it would be necessary for what we have to face."

Johnathan> "How clever of you to think of this."

Quentin> "There's no other way for the investigation team to communicate besides letters or in person. It's not practical, which is why we must."

Ren> "Fair enough."

Laurent> "Ugh, guess it is my turn."

Lorenzo> "Have fun?"

Laurent> "I'm going to need some wine after this..."

Laurent went down to the arena. And the fight began. Laurent said a prayer which summoned a Holy Sword for him to use during the fight. Laurent had been a devoted Catholic all his life, and went to Church and prayed at home daily. He believes that his powers came because of God, and that God had gifted it to him to protect him from evil. He started the fight by trying to Slash Fin with the Holy Blade, but Fin using Geokinesis kept putting up rock barriers, which the sword was easily able to slash through.

Laurent> "This blade is blessed by God, no simple stone can break it."

Finmin realized the only way would be to land an attack from a distance, so he created some distance between them by making a bunch of stone pillars for Laurent to slash through as he ran away. This created enough distance for Fin to stomp his foot and make the ground beneath Laurent crumble and sink down into a massive sinkhole. Laurent as he fell, prayed, people thought he was a goner from that fall, however, thanks to the works of his Holy Magic a miracle had happened and he ended up without a scratch, and no broken bones from the height he fell at.

Fin> "How is that even possible???"

Laurent> "The power of Miracles."

The audience let out a gasp in awe.

Fin> "Can your miracles help you with this?"

Suddenly, from the sinkhole the ground started to rumble and emerged from it was a golem nearby X5 bigger than Laurent, like the one we have seen from the Chariots race.

Laurent> "Oh mon..."

Translation: "Mon" is the French word for "my".

Laurent did a stance with his sword, preparing for the Golem to swing at it. The golem swung it's arm at Laurent and with the Holy Sword Laurent was able to stop it's attack, but not cut through it.

Laurent> "This golem is strong..."

Laurent and the Golem sparred for a while, until Laurent let his guard down for a second and got hit by the Golem and was sent flying into the walls of the sinkhole, and above him a rock was about to fall on him, in which he was able not to get hit by thanks to the work of another miracle. Fin discovered a pattern of how he got miracles to work. In order for them to work he would have to put his hands together for prayer. So Fin didn't let that happen. He first used the Golem to knock the Holy Sword from his hand. Laurent expected the golem to keep attacking him, but Fin covered his entire body in a block of stone, and to finish off the fight he let the Golem smash him constantly until he was knocked out.

Council> "Looks like Aldrich has won the battle!"

There was a wild cheer since the majority of the crowd were Aldrich fans. Fin used Geokinesis to bring Laurent up and to fix the ground beneath them. He then created a hand using Geokinesis and brought Laurent back to where Evergreen sat. Jean gave him a little thumbs up as a thanks and Fin nodded and went back to where Aldrich was.

The Scores:

Sahara: 29 Points

Rosalia: 27 Points

Aldrich: 24 Points

Irina: 17 Points

Doron: 17 Points

Newbold: 15 Points

Cordelia: 7 Points

Evergreen: 3 Points

Jean> "Dammit! Why are we so wimpy?!"

Lorenzo> "L-looks like we didn't train hard enough..."

Jean> "Screw this!"

Quentin> "Well done, Fin."

Fin> "How's the reading going?"

Quentin> "I've been struggling with lessening Telepathic Communication magic..."

Fin> "Well, if you ever want to test it we can always help you."

Quentin> "Let's try this at night then."

Fin> "Sounds like a plan!"

Council> "Our final fight for Day 2 will be Matthew from Irina versus Haruto from Newbold!"

Matthew> "Looks like I'm already up, you don't have to stay here if you don't want to, Catsi."

Catsi> "O-oh uhm, I'll wait for you!"

Matthew> "Idiot, do what you want."

Catsi was a little mad at that comment.

Winter> "Good luck Lover Number One!"

Matthew> "Go fuck yourself."

Winter> "Woah, someone's in a bad mood."

Matthew left to go fight, and the stalker hid among the shadows to not be seen by Matthew and to continue watching over Catsi. However, Haruto had now known who was stalking them, it was Blake. It all of a sudden made sense to him, and he turned invisible so he did not get spotted by Blake as he went down to the arena. He wasn't sure how he was going to follow his trail after this fight since the games were going to end after it. He thought to himself "fuck."

Catsi> "Cmon Matthew, you've got this!"

The fight began, Matthew was never that great at Magic though, and compared to Haruto's skill level he almost seemed pathetic actually. He used his Shadow magic to make these Shadows attack Haruto, Haruto was able to dodge them easily though, all that was going on through Haruto's head at this very moment was figuring out a way to tell Matthew he was being followed by his brother. He couldn't do this during the battle though, but if he knocked him out he wouldn't be able to tell him at all. Haruto turned invisible and stalled the fight for the time being. Matthew wasn't skilled enough to detect where he was, after 5 minutes of stalling he punched Matthew from behind and Matthew went flying. Then, he wrapped Matthew up in his chains so he was tied down. Matthew sent his shadows to find Haruto and Haruto would first wander around the arena and then after a minute or so, would punch or kick Matthew hard. He did this until Matthew became exhausted and then showed himself in front of Matthew. He whispered to Matthew.

Haruto> "There's someone watching you and Catsi... It's your brother, Blake."

Matthew whispered back.

Matthew> "Huh, how??"

Haruto whispered.

Haruto> "I don't know how or why... Just be careful, okay? Can you let me win so this doesn't look suspicious?"

Matthew nodded and Haruto knocked him out, only to a point where he would be down for a couple of minutes.


Council> "Looks like Newbold has won this fight!"

The final scores of Day 2:

Sahara: 29 Points

Rosalia: 27 Points

Newbold: 25 Points

Aldrich: 24 Points

Irina: 17 Points

Doron: 17 Points

Cordelia: 7 Points

Evergreen: 3 Points

Catsi> "Oh gosh... is he okay?? He seems pretty roughed up!"

Richard> "He's fine, it was just regular punches and kicks it looks like."

Matthew woke up after a minute, and Haruto left to see where Blake was before Matthew came back to Irina. Thankfully, Blake was still stalking them so Haruto was able to continue following him at least, undetected. Matthew arrived back after a couple minutes.

Catsi> "A-are you alright?!"

Matthew> "You're seriously so cute, I'm fine."

Matthew blushed at whatever the hell he just said, and Catsi blushed even more from that comment.

Catsi> "H-huh?!"

Matthew> "Just kidding, you're so Naïve."

Catsi> "Oh."

Matthew> "Sorry, didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

Catsi> "It's fine, I know one you meant~"

This remark made Matthew blush even more. Blake then had left, making his way to where Abbadon was sleeping. Haruto, of course, followed him as instructed and hid his presence. Quentin activated his spell, which was in the radius of the whole city. This spell is an enchantment that reads "If Haruto gets caught, Quentin and Liam will be teleported for aid." Then, everyone had left the arena and did their evening activities.

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