Death Himself | Tomarry

De AlphaNugget123

39.6K 1.5K 533

When the dark side gains the upper hand in the second Wizarding War and everything seems hopeless, Harry take... Mais

Chapter 1: Dangerous Choice
Chapter 2: Arrival
Chapter 3: Not According To Plan
Chapter 4: Dorm Arrangements
Chapter 5: Keep your friends close, but..
Chapter 6: Power
Chapter 7: Interruptions
Chapter 8: Warm Ups
Chapter 9: Sweat and Blood
Chapter 10: Vile Touch
Chapter 11: Size of a Snitch
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Chapter 12: Primal Fear
Chapter 14: Long Time No See
Chapter 15: Lying In Wait
Chapter 16: More Alike Than Not
Chapter 17: The Beginning Of Things
Chapter 18: Lucky Day

Chapter 13: Meet My Friend

1.6K 75 11
De AlphaNugget123

Tom and the rest of the class were left staring after their new classmate.

He was the first to regain his bearing and looked towards professor Rose: "May I go after him? He shouldn't be alone right now, ma'am."

"I.. Y-yes I think that might be for the best. Everyone else please put the tables back in place, I'll end class a few minutes early."

Tom didn't stay around long enough to hear the rest of what she said.

He hurried out of the room and down the hallway.

When he ended up at a crossway he quickly pulled out his wand and activated the tracking spell he'd put on the boy when he rearranged his shirt before Professor Rambos' class.

Harry really should be more vigilant.

Tom would have to teach him many things and guide him on his way but for now he needed to gain his trust.

The spell led him all across the castle until he eventually came to a stop in front of a seemingly empty wall.

Tom's breath stopped for a moment.

How did Harry know about the vanishing room? Had one of the others told him?

Was their meeting room compromised?

Was should he do? He could hardly bash the wall in just because he wanted to talk to the boy inside, but the door wouldn't appear for him until Harry came out.

Perhaps.. Yes there may be a way.

It shouldn't be too hard to talk one of his dear old friends into helping him out.

Determined Tom begann walking into the opposite direction, still paying attention to the tracking spell incase Harry left earlier than expected.

But no, the spell didn't flare up and soon enough Tom reached the place he set out for.

The now deserted girl's bathroom, haunted by the basilisks victim who came back to haunt the place of her early death.

He cast a careful look around to make sure the hallway was truly empty before going inside.

It wouldn't do for someone to see the headboy entering a girl's bathroom after all and he really did not have the patience to deal with any unwanted onlookers right now.

He surpressed a wince when he was immediately greeted by a splash followed by a high squeel that likely surpassed the frequency humans were capable of.

"Tom! I'll say, I haven't seen your handsome face at all this year, been busy have you? I thought you left me!"

"Now now Myrtle, it's not even been a full week. I had to help the new student's adjust to life here, you know? Speaking of which, there is a new 7th year student."

"Oh?", she asked, floating uncomfortably close to him, "Highly unusual. I must say I'm excited. That charming red haired German boy did not disappoint!"

She giggled girlishly and her cheeks colored a darker shade of blue.

Tom felt like vomiting but smiled anyways.

"Yes, well, the new boy is a good deal more handsome if I may say so myself. Would you like to meet him?"

"Oh Tom", she sighed dreamily, "You're so thoughtful. I'd love to meet this handsome stranger. Say, what's his name?"

"It's Harry. Harry Evans."

Her smile froze for just a second but then she kept talking without missing a beat: "What a lovely name. When can I see him?"

"Why I can take you to him right now if you'd like."

"Well, I think I do. Let's go then. You must describe him to me on the way!"

"Certainly, Myrtle."

And then they left, the ghost enraptured by Tom's descriptions of smooth raven hair, tussled by the wind, piercing green eyes and handsome smiles, thoughts racing with faded memories.


Meanwhile Harry sat curled up on a familiar red sofa, warming his legs on the lit fireplace engraved with golden ivy.

No place on earth comforted him as much as his old common room and he remembered the feeling of wonder when he entered it for the first time all too well.

He thought of the Weasley's cozy living room at first but the painful clench his heart gave him at that made him change his mind fast.

Clutched in his hand was his wand, tracing random shapes in the air with golden sparks.

Harry knew that running from the classroom had been a bad move and would make people ask even more questions but he'd had no control over his legs at the time.

His brow was still laced in cold sweat and he'd barely stopped shaking.

Harry had not been prepared to face that... thing.

He'd never even heard of a boggart being able to take on more than one shape but of course if it was possible it'd happen to him.

When would the universe finally decide that he'd suffered enough?

Was his life just a big joke to whatever entity watched over them all?

His chest was still heaving heavily, breath coming to quick to be healthy and he tried some breathing techniques Luna had shown him.

Harry really hoped they'd help.

He tried to loosen his stiff muscles, closed his eyes laid his hands over his chest to feel the rise and fall.


He jumped hard, wand clattering to the floor noisily.

When he looked up he jumped again, falling off the sofa this time and clashing hard onto the hardwood floor.

Hissing slightly in pain he blinked, trying to figure out if he was hallucinating.

But no, there just a few meters away from him, was Myrtle floating round excitedly.

"I.. What?"

"When dear Tom told me about the handsome new student I was intrigued but I wasn't expecting this! You're an awful far time away from home, aren't you?"

"Myrtle.. I.. what?", repeated Harry stupidly, "how do you know that?"

"We have so much to discuss! But first I want an apology for staining my beautiful bathroom with all that blood, dreadful business, you know? As if people weren't avoiding me enough as was-"


Author's Note:


On another note we've made a death himself personality quiz lmao, go check it out: 

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