The Two Introverts (Bocchi X...

By _Adachi_

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Y/N's desperate to learn guitar and really wants to join a band. But that would all change on his first day i... More

A New Start
Karaoke Night!
New Life...
The Wise Woman
The Knight in Shining Armor
Mr. Knight
The Grind
Opposites Attract
Hidden Feelings
Gift and a Curse
The Date!
Rolling Rock
Street Performance!
Small Hole
The Two Love Birds
The Beach!

I Love You

999 25 26
By _Adachi_

After a minute of being alone to myself, everything starts sinking in, and I realize what's just happened.

She's gone...

Where is she going? Back to the hotel? Is she gonna tell everyone what just happened? Was I doing too much?... I just wanted to express what I felt about her. I don't want to keep it to myself any longer. Was I being creepy? Maybe I was wrong. I shouldn't have said anything, now things are going to be awkward forever. She probably never wants to see my face again.

Tears start rolling down my face.

Great now I'm crying like an idiot.

I need to apologize to Kita. I let her down. She set this all up for me just for it all to fail-

"What's got ya looking so sad?"

I know that voice.

I look up to see Kikuri. Instead of her wearing her usual jacket she wears a black hoodie instead. I quickly wipe away my tears.

"K-Kikuri? What are you doing here?"

Kikuri smiles.

"I was planning on drinking while stargazing until I passed out."

"That... that doesn't sound healthy or safe to do at all."

Kikuri looks at me with a cold expression.

"I know."

She sits down next to me.

"Talk to me. What was making ya cry just now?"

"... Today was the day I was finally going to confess to Bocchi-chan, well I call her Hitori now. We've been really close now. So since the gig did really well, I decided that today would be the day. Even Kita helped me plan this out. Once the sun started to set Kita would get the group to leave, leaving me and Hitori alone. She's such a great friend..."

"... So what happened? Ya got rejected?"

"No. Right before I was gonna tell her everything, she ran away. I was probably being weird or creepy so she probably doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

After thinking about what happened again the tears start rolling down my face again as I begin to sob.

"Why?... Just... why did she have to run?... I love her... I want to be there for her whenever she's at her lowest... I want to protect her with my life... I wanna have kids with her... I want her in my life forever..."

Kikuri pats my head.

"There there It's gonna be okay. That sounds like something Bocchi-chan would do. Don't overthink it. She's probably just got a little shy. "

"How can you be so sure?"

Kikuri looks me in the eyes.

"Y/N, I think we both know damn well that she's in love with you."


"The only place there is for her to go to is the hotel. Just go back, make up for what happened earlier, and then simply speak your heart out. She doesn't hate you. From what I've seen you seem very important to her. I'm sure of that!"

"Thanks... that helped a lot. I tend to overthink at certain moments."

Kikuri chuckles.

"I get it. We all have those moments. Ya see, my band has a really big gig coming up in a few days, but our drummer can't make it because she's leaving the country tomorrow due to family reasons. It's got me pretty stressed out. I don't know what I'm gonna do now, this gig had a chance of boosting our fanbase like crazy. That's why I wanted to drink till I passed out. Makes me feel good and forget about everything!"

"I see... that sucks to hear. But I mean... I don't know if doing that will make things better. It'll only work temporarily."

"I know. But alcohol and bass are the two things that make me happy. Eh, I guess talking to you makes me happy too! Most people find me annoying."

"I mean maybe because you're drunk almost all the time."

"Hehe that might be true. Maybe I should stop."

"You should!"

"It's just when I'm sober and not playing bass I'm not happy!"


Maybe you're a little depressed.

Kikuri stands up.

"You might be right, I'll try spending the rest of the night without drinking some good old booze."

She looks at me and smiles.

"I think you have somewhere to be right now."

I stand up and clench my fists.

"You're right! Thank you for everything Kikuri. You're... like an older sister to me in a way. Your advice always helps me out."

"It's no biggie! If you ever wanna talk just let me know."

"I will!"

Kikuri waves.

"Bye bye Y/N! Don't slip up your chance this time!"

"I promise I won't!"

I waved at her and turned around. As I turned, she smiled brightly at me the whole way through. And without hesitation, I ran my way back to the hotel. Nothing's going to stop me. I want to tell her. No that's not the right word for it, I need to tell her. Nothing is going to stop me. I love her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Geez I can't stop thinking about anything but her.

Is this what true love is? When I was in my old school I found some girls cute, but Bocchi is different. Just seeing her makes my day 10 times better. If I don't tell her now I might never be able to tell her.


By the time I reached the hotel, it had already long been nighttime. People probably were heading to bed now. The main lobby of the hotel was quiet. Nobody was there besides the desk agent. As I get closer and closer to my room the faster my heart beats.

It's going to be okay.

I take a deep breath and slide the door open to my hotel room. The light was off.

It's dark. Is she even here?

Suddenly I hear the sound of sobbing. I look around scanning the area to find someone curled up in a ball at a corner.


She stands up and looks at me with wide eyes. We stare at each other for a long while in silence. What mere seconds felt like a whole hour. She was still in her bathing suit. Her eyes were so red. Just how long was she crying for?



More tears roll out of her eyes.


She falls to her knees and begins to sob again.

"I'm so sorry!... I got too embarrassed. I-I will never run from you again! I promise! P-Please just don't yell at me! I've already made you mad enough. It hurts me so much that I made you so upset that I can't take it anymore! I'm sorry for being such a weirdo. I'm sorry for being a pile of trash. I'm sorry you have to see me this way. I promise I'll do better!"

She continues to sob hysterically.

If she continues others might hear her.

Tears roll down my face. Seeing her this sad makes me start crying too. I slowly get down on my knees and put my hand on her cheek, wiping the tears off her face.

"Hitori... don't ever apologize for being who you are. You did absolutely nothing wrong. I will never be mad at you."

Bocchi looks at me in utter shock.


"Hitori. You're not a weirdo or a pile of trash. You're an amazing girl. You're such a great guitarist. Without you, Kessoku Band wouldn't be the band it is. Without you, I wouldn't be a guitarist. Without you, I wouldn't have been a singer. Without you, I wouldn't have been as happy of a person as I am now. You're very special to me. You're the most amazing person I have ever met."

I look her in the eyes.

"And that's why I love you."

Bocchi looks me in the eyes for several seconds not processing what I just said. But suddenly her face turns deeply red, more tears roll down her face as she looks at me in utter surprise.

"Y/N-kun... you... love me?"

"Yes. I love you so... so much. I've wanted to tell you for so long. Ever since the incident with Masaru I've had these feelings. I couldn't keep them to myself anymore."

Bocchi looks at me in shock but eventually speaks quietly.


"I love you too!"

She hugs me very tightly and begins to sob into my shoulder. It felt like she was almost crushing me.

"I-I loved you too for so long! You've been so nice to me, so accepting of who I am. It meant so much to me. I wanted to tell you so badly, but I was scared... scared that you would leave me if I told you. I didn't want that! I didn't want to lose you. You're the most amazing person in the world. That's why I kept it to myself for so painfully long. I'm so happy!"

She loves me too... She loves me too... She loves me too...

I hug her back tightly. It was like we were bothing trying to see who could crush each other first.

"I will never leave you Hitori. You are the love of my life."

We both let go and looked at each other in the eyes for a long while. Without us realizing it our faces were moving closer and closer to each other without our control. Bocchi closes her eyes and I close my eyes too. I could smell her hair and could feel her warm breath on my face.

And then, we both kissed each other.

I felt like I was on cloud 9. Her lips were warm and soft. I was the happiest I could ever be. I'm kissing the girl I love. Suddenly without me realizing it her tongue enters my mouth making us start french kissing. She wraps her arms around my neck.

We continued to make out for several minutes. Bocchi backs up and pins her back against the wall. A moment later she wraps her legs around my waist. I slowly lowered her and gently put her on the mat she sleeps on. At this point, my body was on top of hers. Her hands go down my body. We both stop kissing and look at each other in the eyes catching our breath. I look at her body. Her chest is larger than I realized. Her tracksuit hides everything.

"You okay?"

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine. K-Keep going..."

I start kissing down her neck. She lets out a soft moan every time my tongue touches her neck. I continue to go down her neck until I reach her shoulder. My hands grab onto her hips. I kiss her stomach repeatedly and work my way up her body. She constantly makes soft quiet moans after every kiss. Her skin was warm and smooth. I get closer and closer to her chest.

"Hitori... you don't have to if you don't want to. But do you wanna do it? Like you know... s-sex..."

Bocchi looks at me in the eyes and smiles.

"Yes Y/N-kun, I want to do it. I'm all yours. J-Just be gentle."


I open my eyes to see the ceiling. The memories of last night all start coming back to me.

Ah... That's right. Me and Bocchi... made love.

I look to my right to see Bocchi sleeping right next to me. She had her head resting on my shoulder with her blanket covering her naked body.

Last night was well... a night of passion. It feels like we have a deeper connection to each other now. Love is a really beautiful thing. I gently poke Bocchi's cheek. She slowly opens her eyes. She looks at me and smiles.

"Good morning!"

She kisses my cheek.

"I'm surprised I woke up before you."

Bocchi nuzzles her head on my shoulder.

"Well, I was awake earlier, but I wanted to stay by your side until you woke up. But guess I fell asleep again."

I rest my head on top of Bocchi's head.

"Aw, thanks for waiting for me."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Bocchi smiles and kisses me again.

"Shouldn't we get going? The band might suspect something if we stay in here for too long."

Bocchi kisses my cheek and nuzzles her face on my shoulder.

"But I wanna stay like this."

"Well... alright. That'll wait. We're busy right now after all."

Bocchi giggles and whispers in my ear.

"I had a good time last night."

"T-That's great. I had a great time too."

We both kiss each other.

I feel ready to start my day now that I have Bocchi with me.


"Daddy. Can you tell me how you and Mommy met?"

I look over at my daughter, smile, and pat her head.

"Well... it's quite a long story. Has it really been 16 years already? Where do I even start?..."

When I look back at those days when me and Bocchi first became a couple, I never thought the rest of my life could get any better. But I was completely wrong. We kept our relationship a secret from the band for a good week. Only Kita knew at first. But after that week it was pretty obvious to the band, and we decided to come clean.

Honestly, it made all of us closer as a band. It was impossible for us to separate. For the next few years, I improved my guitar skills dramatically with the love of my life teaching me along the way. Our fan base grew a ton too. Masaru left Japan and moved to America because he wanted to pursue a boxing career. We all still kept in touch with him. Turns out Nijika liked him for a while. She found his serious yet kind personality cute. After 5 years of Kessoku Band's existence, we stopped performing at Starry. Our fan base was too big for people to fit in that live house. We were pretty sad about it, but we never forgot the memories we shared there. But by that time Seika and us were making pretty good money so we upgraded to a bigger live house. After 10 years of Kessoku Band's existence, we were a pretty well known band in Japan alongside SICK HACK.

Ryo proposed to Kita after we flew to America to play a gig. It caught all of us by surprise. I thought Kita would've been the one doing it, but I guess not. Masaru ended up becoming a well known boxer in America and ended up dating Nijika once she confessed to him and told him how much she missed him. 2 years after that I took Bocchi to the very beach we went to 12 years ago. I got down on my knees. I pulled out a ring and asked if she wanted to be my wife. She said yes of course.

After that welp... we had a kid! My 4 year old daughter Himari.

Bocchi walks into the living room to see me and Himari.

"What are you two up to?"

"Nothing much. She was just asking how Mommy and Daddy met."

Bocchi smiles and pats Himari's head.

"I see. We met in a band called Kessoku Band."

"Kessoku Band?"

"Yep. Pretty much."

"I mean there's more to it Hitori."

"Yeah, but we'll be here all day."

"Yeah, you're right. Okay, I think it's time for some dinner. What do you say Himari-chan?"

"Yay! Dinnertime!"

Meeting Bocchi changed my life for the better. And there's one thing for certain I can say is true without a doubt. Love can be a beautiful thing, even for two introverts.

The End

If you're reading this, thank you for reading my first ever fanfic! It's kinda crazy to me that the story is finally concluded. I wanted to end it by the end of October but guess I was a little late. This was my first time writing a romance story. I've only ever written fantasy stuff in the past. It feels a bit weird writing something where the goal is for two people to fall in love. But I think it turned out great. I love the romance genre. If you wanna see more of me come stop by sometime in the future. I plan on writing more Bocchi the Rock fanfics and other anime fanfics as well. Maybe some original stories too who knows? What was your favorite scene in the story? I'd love to know your thoughts. But if this was enjoyable to you that's all that matters to me :) Anyways have a great day! Thank you for reading my fanfic! Adachi out.

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