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"A hot spring hotel?" We all say simultaneously.

A hot spring does sound like a great idea. I've always wanted to go to one. It looks like it'll feel so relaxing. After all that's happened, sitting in a hot spring just might be the perfect thing to do.

"What makes you want to take us to a place like that Nee-chan?"

"I just thought you guys deserve a "little" reward that's all." Seika says while looking away from us.

Nijika smiles brightly.

"Thank you! How nice of you!"

"It's nothing you don't need to thank me..."

It's funny seeing her trying to act cool.

"Anyways I'll book it for Tuesday. I will say Y/N, you've shown some impressive skill for only playing guitar for a few months and being able to play and sing seemingly fine."

The compliment makes me scratch the back of my head.

"Oh uh hehe yeah. I've practiced an unhealthy amount for this gig. My dream is to be a guitarist after all."

"Why is it that you want to be a guitarist? You've never mentioned that. Is it for the fame? Do you love music? Or is it something else?"

Why is it that I want to be a guitarist? Yeah now when I think about it, I've never mentioned it to the band before.

"Well, I've always loved listening to rock and metal. Whenever the guitar solos would come up, they just... sound so cool you know? Ever since then, guitar has been a big passion of mine. Simply playing it lifts up my mood. Recently singing has also been something that's been really fun to do."

"I see. I like that."

Maybe I should learn another instrument in the future. Drums look like they're fun to play. I should ask Nijika about it.


"Woah! This place is awesome!" Kita shouts.

"We only just entered." Seika says.

The inside of the main lobby was warm. There was a fireplace by the front desk. The color of the walls was orange, and the ceiling was made out of dark oak wood. As we walked to the front desk to book a room, I couldn't help but notice the orange colored carpet.

This place looks so nice and cozy.

"Ok, guys you need to make a decision. Since there's a lot of you I was only able to book 3 rooms. That's two people per room. So you guys need to decide who's sleeping with who-"

"I'll sleep with Ryo-senpai!" Kita says while hugging Ryo tightly.

That was fast.

So I need to decide huh?


Ah, it's so obvious. There is no one I'd rather share rooms with than Bocchi.

"Wanna share a room Nee-chan?"


"Oh come on! Pretty please?"



I glance over at Bocchi and we both make awkward eye contact.

"O-Oh so uh, guess we're sharing rooms then!"

Bocchi nods while blushing.


Kita, Ryo, Nijika, and Seika all stare at me straight faced.

The Two Introverts (Bocchi X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now