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"WHAT? Gotoh-san rested her head on your shoulder???"

"Yeah... I can't believe it myself."

"So what happened next???"

"Uhhhh well we watched the sunset together and called it a day."

"That's it? You didn't confess? You two didn't kiss?"

"No! Like I said I wasn't planning on doing anything!"

"It would've been the perfect moment! That was your chance! I swear she likes you back!"

"But what if she doesn't?"

"She does! She wanted to rest on your shoulder. That shows how comfortable she feels with you. No ordinary person would do that! She was willing to go out with just you. That shows she's into you! She even dressed up all nice just to "hang out". She was letting you make all the decisions that day. That shows she's willing to do whatever you want!"

Do whatever I want?... I don't like the thought of that.

"What could I do to 100 percent know for sure if she likes me?"

Kita looks at me in the eyes.

"Just ask her what she thinks of you. I can't see her lying about her true feelings for you. You mean a lot to her."

"I don't know... that's too much for me."

"Aw don't be shy. How about I ask her what she thinks of you? You helped me out with Ryo. So I should do the same!"

"Thanks. Just don't make it obvious."

Kita gives a slight smirk.

"Don't worry. Your fellow wingman's got it covered."


Welp, it's time to reveal the lyrics.

Me and Bocchi wrapped up the lyrics so the band gathered at Starry today to read it.

"The lyrics?" Ryo asks while having her hand out moving her fingers rapidly.


I hand Ryo the lyrics and she begins to read it. Kita and Nijika look over her shoulder reading it as well. Me and Bocchi cross our fingers.

"Interesting... interesting." Ryo says while having her hand on her chin.

"Y/N and Bocchi-chan should collab on lyrics from now on. I like this!"

Kita looks at us and smiles.

"You two are great "working" together."

Why did you put so much emphasis on "working"?

"The lyrics have a great feel to it. I thought it would be dark due to Bocchi-chan's nature. But it seems like Knight-kun wanted it to feel more upbeat."

"Huh? How did you know?!"

Ryo gives a smug smile.

"I know you two, and I can tell who wrote what parts."

"Ehe, what did I expect? You're an expert at this."

"I sure am."

Ok calm down.

"Welp, we should get practicing! Let's head to a practice studio!" Nijika states.


The Two Introverts (Bocchi X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now