Broken Marionette

By Lazy_Sloth120

25.5K 1K 116

A tale of a girl who lived two different lives but experienced the same pain in both. The story of the unknow... More

Character Introductions/Profiles
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
10K Special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

418 25 1
By Lazy_Sloth120

WARNINGS:  Sensitive Content. Read with Caution.

"Owen Rainer"

My entire body freezes, arms falling my sides. A look of what I assume horror washes over my face. My eyes wide as the horrible memories from a year ago floods back. The abuse. The labour. The harassment. The place where I had lost everything, my own self and the only two people who'd cared about me. The hellhole, I've been trying to bury deep in my past.

Why is he here? Did they find me? Is he here to take me back? No, there's no way. Right?

"This our Daughter Mallory" says Dad, his hand out in front of me as introduction.  His voice snapped my mind out of the spiral it was falling in to. Snapping my head up, I see Rainer looking at me. And I try my best in supressing the panic rising with in me. The bile threating to crawl up from throat, as I try my best in mustering up a smile. A cold sweat rolling down the side of my face, as I close my eyes and give a curt nod. Silently praying that if I were to open my eyes I'd find it all to be a hallucination. But I open my eyes again and still see him standing there.

A cool expression on his face, eyes holding no void of emotions. On the outside he seems to be a man of little emotions, fazed by nothing. But I noticed the slight tension in his jaw, the light strain on the side of his neck as his blue eyes scan me up and down. Pausing a little at my hair and eyes, before down casting his gaze and returning the nod with one of his own. The moment of hesitation in him didn't sit right with me.

Everything else that happened next is a blur. I believe that they were all heading to dad's office to have some tea and get to know the new Captain of the Helion Knights. I came with an excuse of being tired, and headed straight to my room. Llaria was currently off to visit her family and would be coming back tomorrow. So there no run in with anybody else, which I was immensely grateful. I didn't want anyone to witness the panic, the anxiety, the fear all about to crash down at any second.

Swinging to door of my room open, I step in and close it right behind me. Before I'm able to take another step, my shaking knees give in. I collapse onto the ground. My right palm flat against the marble floors of my bedroom. My other gripping onto the fabric over my heart. Nails digging in to my skin through the material. Small pieces of hair sticking my forehead as large beads of sweat roll down my face and neck. The beats of my heart increasing each second. My body becoming weak and limp, Shaking as though I was a leaf trapped in high winds.  My breathing becoming laboured, the air getting trapped at the base of my throat.

Loud gasps sounded out of my mouth, small coughs from chocking on the trapped air. I felt my neck get tight, a hard pressure crushing down on my wind pipe. My eyes darted down, and I saw black hands wrapped around the front of my throat. The pads of it's thumb pressing hard against the underside of my jaw. Heels of it's palm crushing inwards on my throat. Leaving for only strangled noises and gurgles to leave my lips but even that was scarce.

My mind went into a frenzy, nothing was no longer coherent. Everything was mush, and I couldn't think straight. But despite this, I could still understand the familiarity of the hands. The way they strangled me to the point black began to creep up on my vision. They were Dhanesh's.  the oxygen in my body was depleting by the second, and I starting o get more ad more impossibly lightheaded. But even then, all I could think of was the past. More specifically the times that he used to do this to me. When I used to kick, fight and scream as a defence, not wanting for him to hurt me again. To violate me in the most gruesome of ways. He'd get pissed off with my lack of compliance and strangled me as a way to get me to stop.

When came the time that I had lost all my fight, he'd choke me during his violation. Saying something about how he liked how lifeless I seemed. Said I was his Broken Marionette, one that he could abuse and use to his own pleasure.

I escaped that hell hole to not let history repats itself. I escaped so I could finally be free. So I would no longer have to endure the pain. Even after everything I had done, why is he here? Why am I not free yet? Why am I still begin haunted by them? Will everything that I had done been for nothing?

Than the hands that were pressing down against my throat multiped. Finding themselves around my body. a pair on my shoulders. Another holding my ankles. My calves. Thighs. Waist. They were all over me. Caressing me in that familiarly sickening way. The way that elicited this unexplainable fear from deep within. As a response my body freezes, turning numb. I'm paralysed and trapped in my own body. Unable to do nothing. I was powerless. Weak. Hopeless. Just like back then, I couldn't do anything. Not. A. Single. Damn. Fucking. Thing.

And I loathed every single second. The whole point of everything was so I would never feel those damned things again. Never feel as though I was weak, as I powerless beneath another person. I swore to never be that person again. To never have to pray to a God for help cause I was weak to help my own case. So why? Why am I like this now?

Falling back on my ass, I scoot backwards. Wishful thinking that if I moved away the black hands wouldn't be able to reach me. But the hope of the thought was killed as quick as it came, as my back collided roughly against the large wooden doors behind me. A small grunt of pain is heard but is quickly replaced by a gasp of horror as I see the hands still leeching onto me. If anything their grip become deadlier than before.

Growing frustrated with myself, and wanting these damn hands off of me. I clawed at them on my ankles. Nails digging deep into my skin, as I dragged them down. The black hands -that wrapped around them in a vice- hadn't moved a single bit. So I clawed at my ankles harder. Desperate to want to them off of me. My frenzied mind and erratic emotions making me loose whatever little sense of rationality that I held.

Instead of the hands finally letting me go, I was only met with painful sting. But oddly enough it calmed me. I welcomed the pain, letting it distract me from the sickening touch all over me. Liking how I had something else to focus on. Digging my nails further into the flash of my ankles, I screw my eyes hut and let out a hiss of pain.

With my attention now solely on the pain pulsating at my feet, the black hands began to disappear. Vanishing in to nothingness one by one. Allowing me to take in a massive breath of air once I noticed the one at my throat had finally freed me. The previous light-headedness fading away as the much needed oxygen began to circulate my body.

Oblivious to how much time had passed, I remain there on the floor. Hugging my knees up to my chest, as I lean my head back against the door. Eyes closed as I focus on deep breathing. Straightening my thoughts and mind, before I force myself up. To only be met with a jolt of pain, as I apply the slightest of pressure on my ankles.

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip , as to not let out any more sounds of weakness, I bunch the fabric of the skirt. Lifting it slightly to reveal deep scratch marks on both my ankles. Travelling from the tip of my ankle all the way down to the tops of my heels. Blood trickling out of the scratches, and on to the floors. I look at it quietly for a second, my mind blank as I watch the crimson liquid falls down to the marble beneath me.

I limp myself towards the bathroom. Not really wanting to see anyone at the current moment I ran my own bath. As the warm water filled the tub, I undo the braid that was in my hair. Taking off my now blood stained shoes, and stripping myself of the dress . Remaining in my undergarments that was a simple, thin silk dress with thin straps.

My eyes not gazing away from my reflection in the polished mirror. My face motionless as the purple in my hair fade into it's original pin straight blonde. The magenta colour of my eyes being replaced by the jewelled blue. Hands trembling slightly as they reach up, running my fingers through the blonde strands falling over my shoulder. Though I was more focused on the dull blue in my eyes. Noticing how despite my eyes being jewelled they didn't glimmer. Not even a single reflection of the lights in the bathroom. They were dull, and I couldn't find a single thing to like about it.

I remember how in my third life, when I read the manhwa 'Who made a Princess?', Athanasia's eyes were one of my most favourite things. They were absolutely beautiful, loving the way they shined. Claude's royal eyes weren't that bad either. His were sharp, but they still shone some fraction of light. So then why were mine so... hideous? Why does everything about me just look wrong?

This was the first time I was getting a proper look at my original appearance. Having spent all my life in the Count's mansion in my first and second life and a majority in my fourth, I never had accesses to any sort of mirror. So I never got a proper look at my face, apart from the occasional reflection of clear surfaces like windows but those were not clear enough for me to get a good enough look. And I never removed the appearance altering magic -minus the two accidents- as I was afraid. I was terrified that instead of seeing me, I would see the man that abandoned and put me in that hellhole.

It seems my worst fears came to life. For once in his damned life Count Albert was right, I do look like the Emperor and it is unsightly. From the sharp shape of my eyes, the defined facial structure, the same shade and texture of hair. I hated every single fucking thing. It all reminded me too much of that man. He abandoned. He ordered for me to be killed. It's cause of him that I've had to suffer the messed up shit that I've had too. In my first, in my second and now my fourth. He's the reason why I'm even existing in the first place, I never asked to be born. I never asked to be in the bullshit of a world. So why am I the one that had to pay with their life.

I've forever lost a big part me. A part of me I'll never be able to get back, no matter the years that go by or the rare few that try to fill it. I'll never be able the same girl that I used too. In my first and second life, even though I'd been a slave at the counts mansion barely living off a single roll of  mouldy bread, I was optimistic. Bright. Innocent. Sain. Hopeful.

Now, I'm none of that. All of my previous traits were stamped and spat on. Forcing me to abandon and destroy all of my previous self, and rebuild a new version of myself. A version that was full of hate. On brink of insanity. Vengeful. Realistic. But most of all, Powerful. As good as it felt to be my past self, I will admit that it made me weak. I was weak and couldn't protect myself let alone those I cared for. So it ensure none of history is able to repeat itself I changed, for better or for worst is still up to debate.

My gaze then switches to the tiles beneath my feet, having felt a wetness at the soles of my feet. Finding myself standing in two piddles of my own blood. The crimson liquid still trailing down my ankles and adding onto the mess. I stare at the mess for a second, feeling nothing. Then letting out a tired and exasperated sigh, not liking the mess that I'm now having to clean up.

Keeping my eyes trained on the deep scratches on the sides of my ankle, as I focus a part of my mana there. A slow and tortured breath leaving my lips as the wound begin to heal itself and the skin bounds itself back together. The small pools of blood that were beneath my feet, turned into small red sparkles before evaporating.

The mess now being dealt with, I just turned and walked on over to the bath tub. Not wanting to look at myself again, as what I'd see would only disgust me further. But I barely have the energy in my to change my appearance into the one I'm able to actually stand.

I dip on foot into the bubbled warm water, the other one following. Laying myself back on the tub, the back base of my neck hitting the end edge of the tub. My head tilting of the edge, as I allow myself a second to enjoy the comfort the warm water brings to me. Helping to rid the constant cold I'm always feeling for a short while. Remaining in that position with my eyes closed.

The voices, the memories, the monster of my past. All of them rattle chaos in my mind. And I'm just too tired and numb to do anything about it. So I do what I've always hated. I stay quite and just take it. The degrading words. The pain. The remembrance of everything that went wrong. I take it all, and do nothing about it.

I don't really know how much had passed, whilst I was in the bath. But it must have been long, judging by the night displayed on my bedroom windows, when I had walked out. I was surprised for a second and then just shrugged my shoulders. Putting on a simple white blouse and black dress pants with a pair of plain loafers.

As I was about to take a seat at my desk, too read Kiels and Athanasia's letters, a knocks is heard at my door. Followed by a voice that I quickly register as the butlers, "My Lady, The Grand Duke, Duchess and Former Grand Duke are asking that you join them for dinner." I remain silent for a second, debating my options. "My Lady?" calls out the butler. I lose my eyes and let out a sigh deciding it be best I join them and ease the worries they must have from me suddenly running off. "I shall be down in a minute" I say. "Of course, My Lady" curtly replies the butler, the faint sound of footsteps becoming more distant by the second.

I Let out another exasperated sigh. I snap my fingers, using my mana to change my long, straight, blonde hair into a medium length, wavy purple. The dull jewelled blue of my turning turning a magenta. A wave of ease washed into me as I found a sense of comfort in my own skin. With myself now fixed, I open my bedroom door. Stepping out and closing it behind me. Walking down the hallway of the second floor.

Soon reaching the large staircase at the middle of the pathway circling the second floor. Stepping down the red carpeted steps, a hand sliding down the white marble handle beside me. Reaching the bottom of the staircase I'm greeted by the butler. The elder gentlemen bows at me with a gentle smile painted on his lips, myself giving a simple nod not quite used to people behaving like this towards me. I don't think I ever will be.

The butler escorts me to the dining room. Opening the grand doors for me, steeping to the side as to let me pass through. I walk on in, a relaxed expression on my face. A small smile drawing my lips. As I notice the three adults turn to me, a bright expression taking over mum's face the second she laid her eyes on me. Dad's shoulder loosed tension as a grateful look in his blue eyes shined. The corner of Grandfather's lips lifting to present his usual lazy smile, but a look of fondness also come over him. A look I'd only ever seen on him whenever he was looking at his daughter -mum.

My own heart swelling with a warmth that've began to get family with, for when I am with them. It took me a while to figure out what exactly this feeling was. As I had felt something similar n my first two lives, whenever I was with Lucas. But it was also different from that feeling. Then I'd released this warmth feeling I felt with the Helion Duchy, is due to the fact they'd showed and had me experience something that I struggled to find in all of my lives. And that was Familial Love. What I'd experienced with Lucas was romantic love. What's had with Azazel and Dahlia was familial love of a sort but it was incomplete.

They were like siblings to me, and there so much that can do. It can not fill the loss of parents, as their a kind of their own. And in for my three lives I went on about myself with a knowing that I'd missed out on what was most essential during my childhood. However I'm fortunate that in my fourth that I've got to meet them. Their in all honesty the best family I could've ever asked for. And I am aware of how greedy I sound but I don't want to loose them. No, I refuse to loose them after having yearned and begged upon every star for this exact thing.

In my refusal of letting them go, it means that I'll do whatever the fuck it takes to not end back in the Count's mansion. I've endured hardships after hardships, and worked so damn hard just that I'd survive in this cruel world. And I will not allow for any of it to just simply go down the drain due too a shadow of my past.

Owen Rainer may be one of the best knights of the Obelian Empire. He may surpass me in skill and strength. He may be the man who simply stood there silently doing nothing, watching as two innocent children were starved, harassed and abused. But I am(though I hate to admit it) the daughter of Obleian Emperor Claude Del Alger Obelia. Student of the War Hero Abel Aadish Helion and Grand Duke Siergien Erkem Page Helion. Heir to the Helion Dukedom. And I will back down when faced with challenge. I am no longer one to run away in tears.

I will figure out as to why your here Owen Rainer, and I will give you the honour of being the first demon I slaughter.

Two weeks has passed since our arrival back in Helion. Two weeks since Owen Rainer became the captain of the Helion Knights. Two weeks of him being my personal knight.

During that dinner, Dad told me about their decision in placing Rainer as my personal knight. Someone who'll be following and guarding me in my every step. I was horrified, and tried to argue my way out of it. Trying to lead that I'm capable of defending myself in both a weapon and magic. But all my points where nulled over when mum brought p me not being bale to use my magic in the open or else I'd alert the capital. Then Dad was brought up how I'd almost died not even a couple week from a poisoning. Proving that there are people who are after me.

Grandfather also unhelpfully added on hat fact that due to me know officially becoming the Heir to the Helion Dukedom, those enemies would only multiply themselves. Stating in addition that as much as I am an Heir to one of Obelia's Great 5 Dukedoms I am also one of their Princess -not due to my royal blood but my now familial relation to Helion. So protection for me is a requirement.

I wanted to argue it by asking for someone else to be my personal knight other than Rainer, but when I realised how suspicious it'd seem for me to be so against him my shut was quickly as it had opened. As much as I don't Rainer even 10 feet close too me, I also don't want for them to learn of what exactly happened. The memory and knowledge of what took place and by who is a burden that only I should be carrying. It is not something that I should concern and involve others in. I've learnt the hard in way in what happens to those I allow too close. I'll loose them, and they are people I am not willing too loose.

Which is as to why I've been keeping Rainer close to me. As much as it may disgust me to be near a man who'd done nothing but watch as two innocent children suffer one of the worst hells imaginable, I'd forced myself to deal with it for the sake of findings things out. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

Though I never directly spoken or interacted with Rainer, No attempts were made by me or him. Over the past two weeks I'd went about my days as per usual. Breakfast, academics, lunch, sword training, dinner, mana practise, sleep. Then wake up to do it all over again. Every day is very much like the other, and I do at times get bored of it. But I would also not have it any other way. And through out all of this, Rainer followed me. Trailing a couple of feet behind, a distance he installed himself. Which raised a slight suspicion in myself.

From what I am ware is that personal knights are to practically stuck to your side not measly walking feet behind you. So that'd have to mean that either Rainer isn't as great of a knight as he is projecting himself to be or that he is aware of who exactly I am and the distance is intentional. The first guess is already out the window. Mum, Dad and even Grandfather have already taken a very quick liking to Rainer, and that wouldn't be possible if he was sloppy at his job. There is also the fact that Owen Rainer is one of Obelia' knights, in the Past, Present and Future. His standing matching that of Felix Robane- the head of the Imperial knights, and Claude's most trusted.

Much like how Felix is known for being the 'Knight of Crimson Blood', Owen is known as the 'Knight of Cold Blood'. From what I remember from my times at the counts mansion, He'd gotten the nickname form his typical cold nature that never seems to falter even on the battlefield and is faced with 30 enemy soldiers. He shows indifference when killing off enemies. And people like to say where he goes, a blood bath is soon too follow. Some even dare to say his ruthlessness on the field is comparable to Claude and that his kills may be above Felix's. The thought of the first part sends a cold shiver down my spine and anger to boil in veins.

So with that in mind that only leaves the second option, which in all honesty just makes things a whole lot more interesting. As well as the fact, that this infamous Owen Rainer for reason unknown chose to work under Count Albert despite the numerous offers from much larger and powerful nobles had now suddenly left and is now working for the Grand Dukedom of Helion. There are many things off about this man. Starting off his unknown reason for becoming a under Count Albert, did he perhaps already know about the shady shit that goes on and join to get a kick out of it. Is that why, whenever me, Azazel or any of the other kids get whipped, beaten, chained and starved under the supervision his and his men's supervision did he do nothing? Is that why he just stood there, a blank expression on his face as though this is nothing?

But then why did he let me go that day? Why did he cover for me? That day when me and Azazel escaped, it was clear to me that he'd known who I was despite the magical disguise. He knew it was me and yet he stopped his men, especially that Herman fucker, from taking me back as the supposed 'replacement'. And then there where the times he had allowed Dalia to sneak in to the cells and fed us whatever scrapes of food should could gather. Why does his actions keep on contradicting it self? He's just making it so difficult for me to place as to where it is that he stands.

But it's fine, as it won't be soon before I go to find out all the answer for myself.

Over the past two weeks, I was self aware of Rainer watching over single one my doings like a hawk. But I was doing the same to him. I was just much more casual about it, so he wouldn't notice. Or maybe he had taken notice and I was just unaware of it like me with him. And over the two week of watching him, I've noticed that on every Friday evening - practically after he assumes I've gone to sleep- he ventures off the Duchy Property and in to the towns. I followed him last Friday and only got as far to learn that he straight the town and into the near by woodland. However, before I got the chance to trail him further I caught sight of a group of Imperial knights being lead by Felix.

So I had no other choice but to flee the scene, thought I left with a piece of information that in hadn't intentionally gone to sniff out but was glad for nonetheless. The imperial knights scouring the north shows proof of my little plan working. My small but alarming appearance at the palace did something to Claude it seems. And he is looking for me as expected. The Search party is bigger than I'd expected, but at least the discreetness of it was as I had thought. Typically gaining this type of information would have me, planning out my next move. But there's Rainer I have to first deal with.

One at a time. One at a time, I'll bring down a fate worser than hell itself upon those who've wronged me in the past.

I waited the day out, until nightfall came. I had dinner as per usual with Mum and Dad, Grandfather having to gone back to Arlanta Acadmey a week ago. Then I went back to my room, closing the door and turning off the lights so that Rainer would assume that I'd have gone asleep. When in actuality I was getting dressed in to a clothing much more suited for tonight's adventure.

(This is the outfit, Imagine their being white knee high socks with this and that the hair is just let down. As well as their being the black cloak)

With a small ball of dim light that I conjured, hovering in the air. Allowing me to see as see as much as I needed to with out alerting anyone outside of my room of me being awake. Rainer typically wait out and hour or two, to ensure I alongside the rest of the mansion have actually gone asleep. So by the time I'm already ready have been sat at my bed bored for about what seems eternity, I hear Rainer's heavy footsteps go in a direction away from my door. The steps becoming fainter and fainter by each passing second, and I knew it was finally time.

I wait it out a bit longer, another 10 minutes so I know he'd officially left the premises and is somewhere within the town. Getting up from my bed, I stretch my arms and let out a satisfied groan at the feeling of my muscles being stretched. Then my arms drop to my side, eyes closing as I focus on the loud silence of the mansion.

With in my vision of bitch black, small dots paper scattered. Each of their own colour as representative of the person. Each multicoloured dot having their a variation of dimness, showcasing the level of mama that the person with holds. A dark and light blue dot show up close to me. The light blue one shining bright whist the dark blue one has a standard light. It was obvious to me it was mum and dad and I smile a little at seeing them.

Then I focus on the dots further out from me, looking between the millions before finding a cyan coloured dot. Surprisingly to me the dot held as to not sort of light in at all, not a speckle or shine in it. Which should be impossible as everyone has some fraction of mama in them. Even if it's small, it'll show. So then why for Rainer does it show an absolute zero for mana?

I ignore the thought for now, but make a mental to investigate about it at a later date. I track down the location of the dull cyan dot, focusing my full attention on it. Then I felt a gust of wind rush past me, causing the cloak strapped around the base of my neck to flutter behind me. My purple strands flying back as well, but still I don't flinch. Not letting my attention to falter from the dot for even a millisecond. Then chatter and boisterous laughter are heard. Alongside loud clinks of glass, I slowly open my eyes. 

Looking to either side of me too, find myself in a back alley of one of the towns local pubs. I get confused for a second wondering as to why I am her but then I what I assume to be a middle aged women laugh heartedly. "Owen! It's great to see you again! You want the usual?" she greets. Curious, I tip toes to the nearby window, pulling up the hood of my cloak as I press my back against the bricked wall beside it. Peering to look inside from the corner of my eyes as I tilt my head sideways to hear and see better. 

And I'm shocked to see a smile on Rainers face. Though it's small and barely noticeable, they're is a clear hint of fondness in his eyes as he looks at the brown haired women in front of him. "It's great to see you too Martha, and of course. He refuses to eat anything that it isn't your cooking" he replies. And the shock keeps on piling as the interaction between him and the women continue. Never had I expected to see Rainer look so....normal. In my first and second life I had whole heartily believed that this man was a living and breathing block of ice. so seeing him actually being capable of behaving like this is making me question things a bit more, especially how he was at the counts mansion. 

Cause I'd suddenly remembered that I had seen Rainer like this before but it was a for a such brief moment that I'd forgotten. And in that moment he'd had been with...Dahlia.

I force myself to snap out of it, when I see Rainer bid Martha goodbye with a tray of plated food covered by metal domes in hand. "Make sure to hurry, the food is best warm." advices Martha as she waves the long haired knight. "Will do" he simply states with a nod. Turning around to use his back to open the door and step out. I wait a minute, so there would be a decent enough distance between once.  So then I'm not too close for him to notice and not too far for me to loose sight of him. 

Casting a soundless and invisibility barrier around me, as I trail up behind him. No sound that I'm making being heard to the outside of the barrier, and my figure not visible. But still maintain a distance, cause a skilled knight like Rainer would be able to sense my presence even without being able to see me. So I take all the precaution needed be, but I keep on forgetting on the fact that my body is still that of a child's so using magics puts a much greater strain. Though thanks to all my swordsmanship training I've built up quite the endurance. Though that will only take me so far. 

I follow Rainer through the town, and into the nearby woodland area. Confusion is all tat I could feel at the moment. Why is he here? With a tray of food nonetheless. There was nothing in what seems at least a 3 mile radius of us, but just tall trees. Then the confusion is quickly replaced by surprise, as coming in view is a singular cabin. Located an built in the middle of the woods and a distance from any sort of civilisation. What is going on here? 

With my guard now more raised, I hide behind a tree and watch as Rainer fumbles with what seems to be a key. Unlocking and opening the door with a light kick. The door shutting itself behind me as he steps in, but I could still see the soft and genuine smile played in his lips. But what shocked me more was the look of clear sadness with in his eyes. Just what is in that cabin?

Stalking on towards it, I stand in front of the window on its right. Being the only one that illuminates with light. I remove the soundless spell and replace it with an advanced hearing one. The conversation taking place inside flowing into my ears clear. I watch the scene behind the window unfold with a furrowed brows of confusion.

A small child seemingly no older that 8, sits upright on the single bed. Her cheeks are slightly hollow, her body fragile. Complexion being a ghostly kind of pale. Her lips are notably chapped and dry. The out corner of her eyes have dried tears stain, the rim of her doe hazel eyes. The brown locks on her head, looks thin and brittle. Just from a single glance at the child it was obvious to anyone that she was sick.

"Is that Miss Martha's food?!" exclaims the child, practically jumping up and down in anticipation. The shine her eyes and bubbly personality being a such a beautiful innocence upon her. "There isn't anything else in this world that you'll eat" softly speaks Rainer. Placing the tray down on the bed side desk. Pulling up a wooden chair to sit, removing the largest dome covering to reveal a plate of rice and meat curry with vegetables. The child's face lights up , and her body shakes with excitement, as she reaches over to grab a spoon to eat. But then Rainer swerves the plate out of her reach, and snatches the spoon for himself. Scooping up a bite and holding it up at her mouth. 

An adorable pouty expression comes on the child's face, "I'm a big girl now brother. I can feed myself" she mutters, her brows pinching together in a cute way. "And saddens this big brother that yours that you keep on growing up so fast. Besides I only get too see you once a week, so let me do this for you" lightly chuckles Rainer as he bounces the spoon. The girl grumbles and little before taking the spoon in her mouth. And in that second her face lights back up. I can't help but chuckle lightly at the scene. Being so bewitched by the cuteness and innocence of the brunette child that I fail to realise Rainer small bodily flinch when I chuckled, his gaze snapping in the direction of the window.

Ten minutes go by, and I watch in fondness at the siblings interacting with another. Though there is a small tang of jealousy in me, I shove it in deep and ignore it. From what I picked up in their conversations is that the little girls name is Ruelle, and it seems she was born with a terminal illness. My heart broke at every moment I watched as the girl forced herself to hid the pain of her illness as to not worry her brother. And it seems they're the only family left for one another. Watching Rainer like this, bare and vulnerable makes me questions things further. His nature becoming more complex to me. 

I look down and let outa sigh, deciding that it'd be best I go back to the mansion. Having found what I needed. As I turn to leave, the world around me spins. As a great pressure is applied on my throat. A strangled noise barely leaving my lips, as my back is slammed harshly against the trunk of a tree. My body being held above ground, my feet kicking around in a pathetic attempt of getting my attacker to let go. 

"So it's you" speaks a  cold and dark voice. I'm stunned as I look down, my body loosing all intentions of fight, as I see its Rainer. His cyan blue eyes  look at me hauntingly. But what alarms me most is the fact he somehow knows it is me even though I still have the invisibility spell casted on me. The shock of the realisation causes my magic to falter and undo the invisibility spell. 

And there was no sign of surprise in him, which alarmed me further. Though he may have known it was me, he shouldn't know of use in magic. No one knows of my use of magic. His dark voice rang in my ears, a cold wave washed over me, at his next words.

"Why are you here? Are you going to kill Ruelle like you killed her?"

Authors Note:


Okay I know its been a month since my last update, but I am now on Christmas break for 2 weeks so in those 2 weeks I will be pumping out as many chapters as I possibly can before school starts again. However when school start again I cant promise many updates, though I will be trying my best. 

I just want to everyone to be aware that I am in my final year of secondary school, and I am going to take my GCSE exams in May-June which is only a couple of months away. And I need prioritise school at the current moment. But It is not me abandoning or discontinuing the story. I am too attached and have too many ideas for it for me to let it go without finishing it. 

I am extremely grateful for your guys patience so far as well as love and support. You guys support for me since the beginning of the book honestly means the most to me. And I feel so bad in not being able to give you guys the updates you deserve. I will try my best nonetheless. 

Also this is Ruelle:

Love you guys lots and hope you guys a merry and wonderful Christmas


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