Chapter 19

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WARNING: Depression and mention of suicide. READ AT OWN RISK!!

I survived the hell you put me in. Now let's see if you'll survive the one I have prepared for you. Best of luck to you Claude.

After I teleported myself back to my room, I immeadtly crumbled into my bed. Knees hugged tightly to my chest as I cried my heart out. The wall I had forced myself to keep strong fell down in matter of seconds. I hand't let myself a moment to properly think since I woke up from my Coma, knowing that if I had I would just wallow in my own self-pity. It hurt. It hurt so fucking bad. Remembering all the suffering I had to endure during those lifetimes. The knowing that even if I decide to end it here I would just have to re-live another life. Knowing that I would never be able to truly reach peace. And it hurt so bad.

It's why I'm so set on this path of revenge and destruction. I believe its the only way I'll feel relief, feel justice, feel something.

With my head buried deep in my pillow to muffle the my loud cries, I continued on like this for a while. I don't really remember when, but I ended up passing out from exhaustion. All that crying had knocked me out for the reminder of the long night. However I was grateful for it, it had ended my pain. I couldn't be hurt anymore. But I also dreaded the moment of waking up, cause then the endless cycle of sorrow and grief will resume as normal.

Why can't this all just end?

A couple of of days have now passed since that night. Nothing eventful occurred with me locking myself in the mansion. Refusing to go outside, I hadn't even gone for my usual night ventures. I was scared to go outside, face the harsh reality that waited for me. I also convinced myself that the I would my remaining days in the capital as a vacation for myself. A short period where I would let myself rest and forget about everything outside of the walls. Before I am forced back out and have to be consonantly on my toes without a break.

Everyday without a fail I would spend my day out in the gardens. Either reading and writing letters for my two pen pals, practise my magic, swordsmanship training. Sometimes reading books in hopes of further educating myself on the Ealadeo empire, but I didn't progress much in that. Each book I had found and read spoke of the same things just in different wording.

All of it being the same story of how the Ealadeo empire had previously been a a large desert housing multiple Nomadic villages. Those nomadic villages never where on the best terms with one another, so it surprised no one when a civil war between them broke out. But what did was when an unman women had single handedly beaten all of the village leaders. Ending the civil war and proclaim an everlasting peace. All in a single night.

Obviously not many where pleased by this, and a few tried to retaliate but each attmept was proven useless. As this unknown women would always end up victorious. So rather reluctantly they gave up and submitted. This began the construction of the Ealadeo Empire, as the women had somehow been able to help the nomads in first bulling a simple town for them all the live in. Though it took a while, everyone began to learn t how to co-exist with one another, under the leadership of the women.

Then one day the unknown women stumbled upon a certain cave, and whilst exploring it found that it contained an endless number of mana stones. From then onwards the town continued to flourish more after trading began to take place and the previously simple town had been regenerated into the empire that is known today. With that cave now being the largest mine for mana stones in the world.

Eventually Marise Leona Ealadeo was gifted the title of the title of the First Empress and Ruler of the Ealadeo Empire. Being written down in history as the Empress with the Lord's Luck. As it was after her appearance did luck begin to shine down on the people.

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