Chapter 6

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"I like your attitude and spirt girl. Why don't you come with me and become my disciple." suggested the man holding his hand for a hand shake.

I ended up taking his offer, which leads top me to my current situation. Sitting at the end of the Carriage, next to the window I propped up my chin with the palm of my hand. Starting out the widow and looking at the moving trees and knights riding on horses surrounding the carriage. The man's name who I have yet to learn sat on the seats across me. Sitting himself in the middle with his legs crossed, looking at me with amusement and interest as if I was a new breed of animals. I started to get irritated by his unwavering stare at my face. "Is there something I can help you with Mister?" I asked gritting my teeth, turning my face to look at him. "Oh no, don't mind me. please continue what you were doing" He waved me off smiling. It only made me more irritated, "But I do want to ask..." said the black haired noble main in front of me, his playful and joyful expression turning serious. "Why did you agree to come with me? For all you could know I could be lying and take you to a remote area and kill you right then and there." He asked his expression darkening, the tension around us becoming thicker but I was unfazed.

Keeping my stoic face, I looked at the noble man, my magenta eyes looking directly into his ocean blue ones. "It doesn't really matter to me if you kill me or not. I don't have any particular reason to keep on living. So I don't really mind dying." I answered in a monotone voice, no emotion present in my eyes. My answer seemed to have surprised the black haired noble man as his crystal blue yes widened in surprise. However the next second he started to laugh hysterically, almost like I just said the funniest joke of the century. I just looked at the laughing man confused with one eyebrow lifted. "Ahhhh. You really are entertaining. I expect great things from you girl." smirked the man having finally calmed down from his fit of laughter. I just nodded in response.

Once again looking out the window I noticed how it was now snowing, the trees outside had snow pilling itself on the branches of the towering trees. " Welcome to the North of the Obeilan Empire, ruled by the Grand Duchy of Helion. Allow me to formally introduce myself, I am Siegren Helion. The Grand Duke of the Duchy Helion." Introduced the man Slightly bowing his head.

I sat there speechless, I had already knew he was a noble man but I never expected a Duke!!! And how come this person was never mentioned in the manhwa or the Duchy of Helion

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I sat there speechless, I had already knew he was a noble man but I never expected a Duke!!! And how come this person was never mentioned in the manhwa or the Duchy of Helion. Seeing as it rules the North it must be an extremely powerful family. No shit sherlock. It's a Grand Duchy!! The position of Grand Duke is second in terms of power and status, falling right under the Imperial family. The only Duke mentioned in the story was Grand Duke Alphues, that was it. There was no Grand Duke Helion.

"Are you not going to tell me your name Girl?" asked the Grand duke looking at me sceptically, drawing me out of the train of thoughts. "A-ah I apologize. My name is Mallory, It is an honour to meet you, your Grace" I introduced my self formal giving my a bow. "Why so suddenly formal. Where you shocked by my title? If so then I apologize" teased Grand Duke Helion. The vein on my cheek felt like it was about to burst, "You bas-" I was about to cuss the hell out of him when he covered my raging mouth with his gloved hand and said "Why don't you address me as 'Master' instead. I am going to be training me." I thought about it for a while and mentally decided to go with his suggestion. "All right them Master I'll be ion your care from now on. I'll so my best and not disappoint you" I declared Looking at him both of our locked. The two of us were held in a long eye contact studying one another. "I expect good thing from you kid" Laughed Master ruffling my hair. For some reason I felt and odd warm feeling in my heart. It was similar to the one I would feel whenever I was with Dalia and Zel. I wonder How Azazel is doing, If he was bale to make it. If he is okay. If he is alive. And Dalia. Is she finally at peace? Is she happy with her life now? Is she watching the two of us? Is she proud of us? Does she think I made the right decision?

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