Chapter 1

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Third person POV

The sound of chattering and loud laughter filled the buys streets of Seoul. Min Jangook , like many others, was now making her back home after a long day of work. A small smile crept on the brunette's face as she started to think about her loving boyfriend , Jeo Yeo-Joon. Smiling at the though of entering their shared penthouse and her boyfriend being there to greet her with a warm hug. However her small smile suddenly turned into frown as she remembered the rumours about Yeo-Joon cheating on her with well known idol and model.

Jangkook Is the current CEO of her world-wide known family business. It seems like a dream. Being the CEO of a family business. The luxuries. The mansions. But in reality it's not what it all seems to be. From a young age Jangkook was taught to be perfect. Perfect grades, perfect body, perfect looks, perfect everything. Not matter what she did or achieved it was never enough of her mother. She always said "Tch. What's the point in getting happy over such a small achievement? I raised you to do better. Don't disappoint me next time". Hearing such harsh words as a kid caused her to pull away from everyone with the excuse "I can't let myself be distracted if I want to do better". As she got older the pressure only grew, realizing just how toxic her mother was she started to fall into deep depression but what could she do. She was too young to runaway and even if she were too runaway, where would she go. She pushed away all the people who genuinely cared and loved her. Her mother also had connections to lost of people, some even dangerous, so there was no way of escaping they would end up finding her. She was trapped. However all was not so bad, Jangkook was able to find comfort and happiness in watching anime, reading manga/Manwha's/novels. It let her forget her situation and allow her to feel like she was in a world different from the she was currently living in. Even if it was for a limited period of time, she still enjoyed.

Opening to the door to her and her boyfriends shared penthouse, Jangkook kicked off her heels whilst letting out a deep sigh. "I'm home" announced the girl. No reply. "That's odd he would have come out out greet me the second I open the door" Mumbled Jangkook to herself. As she was about too walk over to their bedroom, she saw a post stick note on the kitchen counter. Curious she picked it up.

' Come to the roof top'


"I wonder why he wants me to go the rooftop?" questioned Jangkook in her thoughts as she put on a comfortable pair of slippers. Not even bothering to change out of her work attire.

 Not even bothering to change out of her work attire

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( Authors Note: The work attire)

Climbing her way up the stairs, Jangook started to reminisce the first time she met her beloved boyfriend. How they first met in college. She was a student studying Finance and Business administration whilst He was as student studying textile design and fashion Business, aspiring to to one day become a fashion designer. Yeo-Joon and Jangook first bumped into one another at the library. Finding the female interesting Yeo-Joon pursued her despite the cold treatment he would receive from her. He was stubborn. Eventually Jangook started to warm up to him and the two become friends. Their friendship then soon blossomed into a beautiful relationship during their last year in university. A small chuckle left her lips as she replayed the memories she had about the two of them. Her feet came to a halt as she was no in front of the door that leads to the rooftop. Taking a deep breath Jangook opened the door. "Why do I Have a bad feeling that something is going to happen?" She muttered to her self. Slowly turning around To face the rooftop Jangkook's emerald yes widen at the sight before. Her beautiful lover standing in front a cute home theatre with his signature smile that never failed to make her heart flutter.

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