10K Special

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Hello my dear children, I know I said this in my last chapter but seriously I can not thank you guys enough for helping me reach 10k reads on this book. It seriously means so much to me that you guys are enjoying this book. It motivates me to try harder and produce amazing chapters for you guys. To in the end create a complete book that has an amazing plot, reliable and entertaining characters.

And as my thanks for helping me reach this milestone, I decided to write a special chapter. At first I was thinking about writing like a modern day business au thing, but then i sort of got lazy. So I instead decided to write a chapter solely focusing on our dear Athelinda/Mallory and Lucas. I felt like if I go in to more depth about their relationship it might help you guys understanding couple of things better things in the future. As this book is gonna indeed be a bit of a slow burn, with the whole revenge plan thing, so it gonna be a while before the romance officerly begins.

This chapters gonna be set in Athelinda/Mallory's second life, which takes place during the original timeline of 'Who made me a princess'. Remember her first and second life where a basic repeat of one another. So this chapter will be basically be what I mentioned in chapter 15, but just in a bit more detail.

Okay I think that's enough from me. Once again thank you guys so much for this opportunity and you continue to enjoy: Broken Marionette.

WARNING: Mentions and slight description of rape and abuse and drugs +long chapter ahead

Third person POV*

In the Obelian Empire, once every year, the entire nation celebrates what is known as the 'harvest festival', It is a celebration mainly for the common people, and the nobility are the ones who fund for it. They say it's their way of thanking them commons for their hard work in harvesting the years corp. But only a few are aware that this is a all a scheme to keep the commoners obedient. pleasing them one day out of the 365 that are in a year.

However despite this, this annual festival is one said not be missed. With people from across the globe travelling to experience the harvest festival. It is said that each region of the empire, as their own way of celebration the event. This year the central is throwing a grand ball open for all; the south is having an open banquet; the north is holding a tournament; the west is having a hunting competition; the east is having a pantomime.

"Zel, I'm not sure we should be doing this. Master will be furious with us if he finds out" states a girl, voice as sweet as honey but full of worry. She wore a patched, dirt, brown cloak over herself, hood pulled over her head. But even with the hood on, you can still her straight blonde lock peeking out. The girl's hands were intertwined with the male beside her, wearing a cloak similar to hers. "That's if he found out. Come on Mal, don't you how much we dreamed of going to the harvest festival as kids. And besides, today's meant to be our rest day so I doubt we'll be caught" comforted the male, giving the girls hand a slight squeeze.

The blonde girl remines silent, her teeth sinking down into her bottom lip as she had a mental debate. Seemingly coming to a conclusion, 'Mal' nodded her head. Letting out a sigh of defeat, as her male companion jumped up and down in excitement. The two had snuck their way out Count Albert's mansion, crawling through the small hole in the garden fence.

After having done that the duo had to make a break for it, but due to having malnourished for the 15 years of their life they were quick to run out of gas. Which lead them to their current situation, panting like dogs and trying their best to help onto one another whilst also trying to get through the busy crowd.

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