Chapter 16

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I'M BACKKKKKK! I'm so excited to finally be able to update again, these exams have been sucking life out of me. Also......THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 10K READS!! I can't even begin to express how happy I am that 10 thousand people have read my book and that some of you have also enjoyed it. And as tradition on this account I shall write a 10K special chapter.

I would really appreciate it if your guys give some ideas as to what you want to special chapter to be about in the comments. That's all I have to say for now. Thank you guys so much again and I hope you continue to enjoy a 'Broken Marionette'.

"Grand Duchy Alpheus, My Lady"

My body froze. The shock rendering me speechless as I stared at the crumpled sheets on my lap. "My Lady?" Calls out the maid, confused. Snapping me out of my little trance, I look up and try my best to cover the surprise on my face. Not wanting to create any unwanted suspicion. I smile the best I can at the maid , replying "Sorry, I seem to still be a little sleepy" I chuckle lightly. Nervously sweating on the inside.

"Oh. Then My Ladyship shall I prepare cold water to help wake you up?" Suggests the maid, flowers blooming around her as she smiled so innocently. "That would be of much help, thank you" I agree with a slight nod. The maid lets out a small giggle, exiting my temporary room, after having given me a slight bow.

Once the maid left the room, I fell back down on my bed. My head hitting the pillow as I let out a loud sigh. I don't think I'll ever get used to people treating me like this. It still feels so weird having people assist and tend to me at every single thing. Treating me the utmost respect. In all my past three lives I was forgotten. Left in a dark corner by my self, forced to watch as others lived the best lives they could. Receiving unconditional love, something I could only wish for. And now, it seems my long time wish has finally be granted. It seems all the suffering I've endured during those life times was so I could enjoy this one.

It was then that the maids previous words rang in my head. 'Grand Duchy Alpheus' My original plan was to avoid all major characters until I was older but things seemed to have a mind of their own these days. All my of my previous plan has been tuned into scraps so I've had to re do it from scratch, as from now I've gotten myself involved with the plot and it's too late to back out. Not that I mind much, this ways a lot more entertaining anyways.

Plus, I was bound to meet Ijekiel Alpheus sooner or later. We're both heirs to one of 5 Grand Dukedoms of Obeila, to be bale to maintain the property of the empire all heirs must maintain a good relationship and continue to do so when they end up inheriting the position. As each Dukedom plays a vital role in the Empire.

As much as I'd rather stay in my room all day, I have to go today. Fiona and Siergen would allow me to stay back if I say I'm, not feeling good. But meeting Ijekiel may end up turning in my favour if I play cards just right. Ijekiel was a man of knowledge, being dubbed a young prodigy at a young age. From the manhwa in my third life and from what i heard others talked about in my first and second life, there is no doubt in my mind that Ijekiel will hold the answers to my questions. Although I could ask, Fiona or Siergen but it would cause too much suspicion. Seeing as this topic of my questions is quite a sensitive one. So, I must rely on the next best thing. It's also an opportunity to get myself acquainted with the boy as he'll useful to me in the future.

The door of my room opened, and in came the maid, resisting the bucket of water on her hip a she closed the door behind me. Setting the bucket down on my dresser, the maid walked over to me and helped me get ou of bed. She, along with couple of others, helped me get ready for the day ahead.

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