Chapter 14

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Mention of sensitive content. Read with caution

"Hi! My names Athy! Whats yours?"

The blonde girl in front of me, staring at me with a wide smile on her face. A ray of sunshine hitting me directly in the face. Athanasia staring at me with her jewels blue eyes filled of curiosity and excitement. I hadn't said anything and just stood still. A look of slight shock ion my face. My dear older sister, my true sister. The one I hadn't known of nor meet in either of the 4 previous lives. Now. Now I finally get to see her, even if she doesn't really know who I am. It doesn't matter cause, I'm just glad that I get to see her. In front of me, happy and healthy.

I had honestly thought that I would hate Athanasia in this life time, seeing as she was the obviously much more favoured by our father. Although I am aware of her own personal struggles in the beginning, she was the one he at least wanted 'alive'. Also my previous betrayal by my 'younger sister' in my past life, I thought I would have learnt my lesson to not be so soft when it comes to siblings. But it seems like I haven't.

Cause just like my past life I can't bring myself to hate her, especially not when I know the struggles she had to endure as well. Knowing she was genuine kind person at heart. I guess it's also my own naivety at play as well. In my past life, I would always hear my peers talking about their siblings. The way they hated them but also couldn't live without them. The bond between siblings is one that I had come to believe was precious and to be treasured by those who are fortunate enough to have them.

It was like a friendship determined before birth, as if God had already planned your other half. A love hate relationship, originating from their blood. So when I heard that Mi young was gonna be born I was ecstatic, to finally experience the sibling love and bind that I heard and learnt so much about. I had given so much to build a good and solid relationship but all I got in return was heartbreak and betrayal. You'd have expected me to have learnt my lesson but I guess I still haven't. Seeing as I can't help but return my sister's smile, with my own genuine and soft one.

"Lady Mallory Helion Greets the Star of the Obleian Empire" I greet politely, holding the end of my dress in one hand and my other crossed over my chest. My head bowed in respect. "My, such amazing manners" gasps a person from behind the princess. Looking up, with my heads still bowed, I immeadtly recognized who it was from first glance. Lillian York. "P-please rise. There is no need formalities. I would rather prefer it if you spoke to me freely" said Athanasia. "As you wish princess" I say lifting my head back up.

"Come one. What did I just say right now?" Pouts my Blonde sister. I couldn't help but giggle a little at the expression she was making. Her arms crossed over her chest, cheeks puffed and lips pouted. I never really got to meet my sister in my first two lives, but I'm glad she is just like how she was in my third. Though unfortunately she wouldn't be aware of all this until the end of the storyline. And I have no intentions of ruining the original plot, it went by some what smoothly without any major incidents or deaths.

I intended of carrying my revenge slowly and unnoticeably. I've already began. By the help of some magic, I've been able to insert a dream of my choice in the Emperors whilst he sleeps. It's similar to how he showed some memories of Diana to Athanasia's when she was curious. The only difference is that this one I completely made up only incorporating very few memories but even those I alter a bit. By the looks of it it seems to be working just fine.

"How about this, I call you Mal and You call me Athy. A fair deal" suggests the Princess looking at me. I slightly flinch upon hearing that nickname but quickly compose myself. I can't keep dwelling on about the past. "Alright" I reply, the smile still on my face. Widening as I watch a happy look make it's way on her face.

Broken MarionetteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora