Chapter 12

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"Living under the protection of the hero lies she who goes against the nature and will of the Lord, is she who will bring suffering and ruins to the land of stones "

I stared at the panting maid with mixed emotions, confusion, anger, fear. I could hear one of the three take sharp inhale, most likely Fiona as I could her faint mutters. It seems like she knows what this crazy bitch is talking about. "What do you mean?" interrogated Sirgen talking a step forward, and unreadable expression on his face. "It's as the prophecy states, the girl is destined to bring destruction to my home land" panted the maid, looking at us with hatred in her eyes. "What is you home land?" I asked getting more and more frustrated by the second. What the hell did it mean by I would cause destruction? And what is is this land of stones? What the fuck does this prophecy even mean?

Just as the maid parted her lips to answer, an arrow came hurling she let out a ear piercing scream. Whipping my head in the direction the arrow came from, the cracked window on the other side of the dungeons. A figure clothed in full black, already leaving the scene. Without thinking, I got up and tried to run after them, running to the open window, but it was too late. The anonymous archer had already escaped. "Damn it" I hissed slamming my fist into the brick wall on the side of the dirty window. Biting my bottom so hard it began to draw small droplets of blood.

I could heard the noises of Fiona trying to save the shot maid but it seemed like it was already too late for that as well. God fucking damn it! Why isn't anything working out today?! Just as I was about to slam the window shut out of anger, I spotted something sitting on the window sill. It was a brooch. Ina shape of a bow and arrow, emerald stones decorating it.

However, ther was something odd about the stones

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However, ther was something odd about the stones. It was the same feeling I got when I saw those earrings during the festival. Snatching the brooch, Is shoved it into my pocket. Making a mental note to examine it and the earrings at some point today. Closing the window, as to prevent any further assassination attempt, I waled over to the three.

All of them surrounding the now dead maid with complex expression their face. "He got away" I stated simply, crouching down the maid. Wrapping my fingers around the end of the arrow, sticking out of her back. Grunting I pulled out the arrow, the blood now pouring out her lifeless body. However ther was something unusual about the colour of her blood. Its seemed darker than normal blood. Turning my attention to the shaper end of the arrow, seeing large black droplets fall off the metal. The smell of it immeadtly invading my nostrils, the scent though is almost familiar. As though I have smelt it before. But from where?

Then it hit me. Count Alberts mansion. This was a deadly poison that I once saw in the Counts office. Though I don't know as to who it was used on, all I remember is that it was most deadliest of poisons out there. The second the poison enters your body, it only takes 3 seconds for it to fully invade your blood stream and shut off your brain. As far as I am aware ther is no cure for this poison. "The arrow had poison on it, so there was no chance of saving her" I explained, trying to comfort the three who clearly seemed to be eaten up with guilt of failing to saver her. Dropping the poisoned and bloody arrow onto the floor with a clack. Getting up, I was hit with a dizzy spell. Everything around me seemed to be in swirls. Clutching the side of my head as I best tried to shake it off but it was no use.

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