Secret of An Alpha: Repercuss...


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(Sequel to Secret of An Alpha: Retribution.) Alpha Luke knows the truth. He is struggling to forgive his mate... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Part two - Recollection
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
Chapter forty-nine

Chapter twenty-eight

1K 70 34

The mating ceremony was tomorrow. To say that his Pack was buzzing with excitement was an understatement. They were too excited, that as much as it was heartwarming, it was also overwhelming. Rolus' days were riddled with anxiety of any impending doom that would follow. It was nerve-wrecking going through with the ceremony. He just hoped that his mate would be able to survive this. That Luke won't feel any pain. He prayed to the Moon Goddess for just that- for his mate to have a painless rejection. It would be unfair to feel the pain whilst he was not in the wrong.

The day before, Rolus rounded up his Council and explained what was going on. He couldn't go into the mating ceremony without telling his Council the secret that plagued him.

They were upset, but understood. He hoped they understood. Charlotte wanted to throw a fit, but Sierra shut her up.

Of course, he didn't tell them the reason how the punishment came about in the first place. That was a secret best left untouched.

Everytime he was in close proximity with Tamera, he felt like insects were crawling on his skin. It was because he knew that he had a mate that was just a Pack away.

Tamera didn't feel the same because she had not met her mate's prior to this. Her mate bond had not awakened.

They shared a room. Tamera had insisted on sleeping on the couch, but Rolus was not having that. He suggested sleeping on the same bed so as to get accustomed to each other because it was going to be a long life.

Tamera was exhausted from all the planning. She slept most of the morning because everything was ready. She was also resting to have energy in the night. They were going on a run tonight, led by her.

Rolus got off the bed, making sure to adjust the covers on Tamera. He didn't open the curtains, and went straight to prepare for the day.

When he was done showering, he made himself coffee and went downstairs with it. He ran into Sierra, who also oozed exhaustion. Together they went into the kitchen. There was no one around. Everyone was buzzing with excitement for tonight.

"How is Tamera?" she asked, sipping on her coffee, eyes lazy.


She nodded, eyes on Rolus.

"What?" he questioned, sitting down.

She shrugged, placing her cup on the counter. "How is Alpha Luke?"

Rolus stiffened, looking away. He hadn't been to Luke's since the last time he went there, which was about three days ago. He felt the itchiness his wolf felt, but tried to ignore that. He didn't need to see Luke, especially with him trying to convince him to drop the ceremony and think of something else.

So, Rolus didn't answer Sierra.

In turn, Sierra sighed. "Are you even on the same side?"

"Yes, we are. Luke understands."

Sierra raised a brow. "Does he?"

Rolus shook his head, for Sierra to drop the subject. Sierra nodded.

"Well, I'll see you. I need to up our security for tonight. I'm going to meet up with Charlotte."

Rolus nodded. Sierra left. He was glad that him and Sierra were now alright. Not hundred percent, but they were patching things up. Things were looking up.

He smiled, glad that at least their relationship was being fixed. Sierra was no longer unbearable.

When done, he took their cups and put them in the sink. He didn't dare do them because Maria would have his head.

He left the House, and wondered around outside. Everywhere he went, his Pack congratulated him. Wished him well, and that their Luna was lovely. Rolus was glad that his Pack welcomed Tamera, and even loved her.

Now, the hard part was him loving her. Well, it wasn't going to be hard to love her because after their mating, then their bond would be formed. It wouldn't be the best, but it would be enough to live happily together.

That's what he assumed. He hoped to achieve the same bond his parents had. Even though they were not true mates, it didn't show. His father loved his Mother to the Moon and back. Same with his Mother. Maybe they were great actors and pretended.

Rolus shook his head. No, his parents loved each other. And he was going to love his replacement-. No, he was going to love his mate like no other. And for him to do that, he must ditch the replacement part, and start to say his mate. Tamera was his mate.

He roamed some more, even going with one of his Warriors, Samuel, to scour their forest for any danger and unknown scents. The air was calm, with no sign of danger.

After the scour, he let Samuel leave. He sat down on the ground, the grass underneath uncomfortable. He would have preferred to turn into his wolf, but he didn't think it would be a wise idea with the mate thing.

He hoped Luke was not going to do anything stupid to jeopardize his ceremony or have Robert be mad with him.

He laid down, looking at the sky.

Luke. Luke was his mate. But after tomorrow, he was not going to be his anymore. Not that he was his to begin with.

Rolus stood up when he heard the sound of a car approaching. The car was a distance away, but Rolus could see whose car it was. Robert!

Was he going to spend the night here? The invite was for tomorrow, and he didn't say he was going to provide accommodation. He was not going back to the Pack House anytime soon. The lesser time he spent with Robert, the better.

He retreated further into the forest. He was not going to listen to Robert breathing down his neck about keeping the promise and abiding by the punishment when he was already doing that.

When he had spent approximately three hours roaming about, he received a call.

When he saw that it was from Luke, he nearly declined, but had a change of heart.

"Rolus, mate of mine. Can you do me one thing?"

Rolus took a moment to reply. Luke sounded livid. "Yes?" he hesitated.

"Can you come to my Pack now?"

"Why?" He was still confused. Why was Luke angry?

"Because, Rolus. Because your Robert is here. I won't tolerate his attitude. He came here blazing, accusing me of knowing where you are. Where are you? Nevermind, come take your pest."

Rolus took a moment to reply. Robert was now stepping on dangerous territories. He sounded like he was deranged, going as far as paying his mate a visit?

"I can't come right now." He looked at the clear stream of water that he's been admiring. "I'm busy."

Luke scoffed. "You're busy? Rolus, I'm not going to repeat myself. Get here and take your Robert." He hung up.

Rolus' mouth hung low in disbelief. He chuckled, throwing a stone in the water.

He took his sweet time getting back to the Pack House. When he did, he found Charlotte and a few others rushing about.

He stopped her. "What's going on?"

Charlotte laughed humourlessly. "Isn't it that Robert? He wants us to accommodate his Warriors in our quarters."

Rolus shook his head. "Don't do that. He's not sleeping here. He's sleeping in a hotel."

"I've already moved our Warriors," she complained, pouting.

"Tell them to go back. Now, I'll be back in a while. The preparations for today are done on your side?"

She nodded. "I've also tightened security because of our early guest. I'll make sure that no visitor is allowed today."

"Thank you. I have an errand to run now. I'll see you guys tonight," he said.

"Please come back tonight. We don't want our future Luna doubting herself."

Rolus smiled and followed Charlotte inside. He grabbed the car keys and went back outside to drive to Luke's Pack.

When he reached Luke's Pack, he was still calm. Calm enough to see Robert and not have any reaction. What was there to react about? Robert already won.

When Robert saw him approach, he turned his insults on him. "You wretched Alpha! You think you can deceive me?"

Rolus raised a brow at Luke. Luke's anger dissipated, and he almost looked sorry. Sorry for what? "What did you do?"

"Ask what he didn't do! This worthless Alpha called-"

"Rolus. Let's go to my office and talk. This does not need eyes," Luke interrupted Robert. He looked guilty.

"You ignore me, Rolus Ashlane? I'm the fucking man you don't want to cross! You think calling my Council will have me dissolve the punishment?"

Rolus glared at Luke. "What is he talking about, Luke?"

"What am I talking about? Your precious mate here called my Council. He tried to have them dissolve the punishment. My dear Rolus, I'm the only one who can dissolve the punishment. I'm the only one who can end your punishment. The next time you want to cross me, think again. I'll give your Beta the amended punishment." Robert was red in the face by the time he finished talking.

When Robert left, Rolus and Luke were still standing in silence. In shock.

It was like the world stood still. Only them existing. But only Rolus seething.

When the ringing in his ears stopped, Rolus registered the many eyes that stared at them. Every single eye that judged, glared and raged.

"Robert told them." Luke dropped the bombshell.

Rolus' entire world fell. He felt his heart plummet. He raised his eyes, looking at his mate. "Luke, what did you do?"

Rolus was not even sure he wanted to hear the answer by the way Luke averted his eyes. He knew that it was not an answer he wanted to hear.

"I can explain."

Rolus shook his head. Betrayal was not a thing to be taken lightly. "You can explain? You? Can explain?"

"Yes, I can. But not here."

"Luke, I'm sorry, but you just don't listen! You don't listen when I tell you to stop with your meddling. You don't listen!"

Luke was not ready to admit his wrongs. Everything he did, he justified it with doing it because he didn't have a choice, or he was doing it for them. When in turn, he was doing it for himself. He was doing it to save his own skin.

"You did not give me a choice, Rolus. What was I supposed to do? Let you get mated to my Delta?" he yelled.

The gasps and murmurs that followed were audible. Luke didn't stop there. No. He wanted his Pack to hate Rolus. He wanted his Pack to shun him.

"You want me to accept your rejection without doing something?" When the murmurs were too much, Luke turned around to his Pack and ordered, "Get back inside! Everyone of you!"

He turned back around when everyone followed his orders. His eyes were fiery. "What did you want me to do, Rolus?"

Rolus ran a hand down his face, not having enough energy to match Luke's. "I expected you to honor my wishes. I expected you to respect them."

"What about my wishes? You expect me to be the sacrificial lamb for your happiness?" His eyes started changing.

"What happiness, Luke? Do I seem happy to you?"

"You don't seem sad. In fact, you're looking forward to your mating ceremony with Tamera. You've been planning this, haven't you?"

"Excuse me?" The anger that he felt came crashing down at the nonsensical shit that came out of Luke's mouth.

"I've been stupid. You two have been planning this. You tricked me. You tricked me into suggesting her as your replacement. How long have you been going behind my back, Rolus?"

"Lucas, I swear to the Moon Goddess! I swear! If you don't stop this nonsense, I'll-"

"At the end of the day, Rolus. At the end of the day, I am your mate, and there is no one going to take you away from me. You hear that?" he roared.

Before Rolus could register what was going on, he felt Luke knock him out. The last thing he saw when he passed out was being dragged across the ground.

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