Shifters - The king of wolves...

By AnnaMaria_93

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Living in a human town, Esmara has little knowledge of the seven kinds of shifters who rule the world outside... More

Author's note
Update 2


249 30 37
By AnnaMaria_93

I was enveloped in a cocoon of blissful ease. The fabric hugging my skin was soft, making me feel like I was drifting on a cloud. I felt safe. At peace.

The first thing I noticed upon awakening was the expansive stained glass ceiling, decorated with colourful images of several animals. Sunlight spilt through the many windows around me, causing my eyes to narrow from the light. My mind was in a daze. Where am I?

"Esmara." My gaze drifted towards the source of the sound. Egon was sitting in a chair beside the bed I was lying in. Deep, dark circles were noticeable beneath his eyes. His hair was sticking out in all directions as if someone had been tugging it continuously. He looked exhausted. I had never seen a shifter, let alone a Lycan, in such a defeated state.

As his hand enveloped mine, a pleasant tingling sensation shot up my arm. I stared at our hands in amazement. What was that?

I noticed the stark contrast in the size of our hands. Mine seemed almost fragile against his.

"How do you feel?" Egon's voice mirrored his weariness.

My eyes met his once more. Despite his obvious exhaustion, he looked at me with a sense of relief, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. I tried to wrap my head around what was going on. To understand why he was sitting there, studying me with that expression. But my mind was still not working properly, reluctant to cooperate.

"Confused," I answered truthfully as I took in the room in awe, my disorientation didn't hinder me from being captivated by its sheer beauty. The room was completely white, from the walls to the furniture. Yet bright colours danced around the room, emanating from the countless stained glass windows. It transformed the plain room into something magical. 'Where are we?'"

"The Tower of Gesunthian," Egon replied as his thumb traced soothing circles on my hand, sending continuous delightful shivers up my arm. The sensation intrigued me. I had never experienced something like it before. Nevertheless, I chose to set it aside for the moment and turned to Egon with raised eyebrows, seeking further clarification about our location.

Noticing my expression, he continued. "Shifters turn to this place if they are in need of special medical assistance. It's managed by Naguals."

My eyes widened in shock. I could feel the blood drain from my face as I sat up abruptly. His words seemed to meld together, making it hard to process what he was saying as my attention was fixated solely on the last word he had uttered; Naguals.

Naguals are shifters who originate from the Southern Islands. Their land is only accessible by ship and therefore I'd never encountered one before. Nonetheless, the stories about them were always a vivid part of my childhood.

I've heard countless times about how the Naguals can control and influence your thoughts. Where you might become their puppet, obediently carrying out their every whim as long as they see fit. They have the power to torment you ceaselessly, both day and night until your sanity begins to slip away.

Since I never actually met one I could fear these shifters from afar. However, now it seemed that I was closer to them than ever before.

I made an effort to reassure myself that not all Werewolves and Lycans I knew didn't align with the stories I'd been told either and that maybe this was the same case for the Naguals. Yet, the fear was already seeping in as an unwelcomed guest, inching its way through me.

Egon, noticing my growing discomfort cupped my face with his warm hands. The blissful shocks emanating from his touch began to ground my fear immediately. "Shh, It's alright. You don't need to be afraid." Egon spoke, his voice just as soothing as his touch and my breathing slowly steadied.

"That's b– " Egon's words were interrupted by a knock echoing through the room. My gaze snapped towards the door, my eyes wide as my heart quickened again.

"It's just my friend," Egon reassured me quickly as he adjusted himself to shield my view of the door. "I promise you, you don't have to be afraid."

My gaze fell down in shame, he must think that I was overreacting. However, it was hard to shake off the tension. I didn't know where I was and I had no recollection of how I ended up here. The only thing I was certain of was the presence of Naguals nearby, a notion that wasn't exactly reassuring.

The room was filled with silence while I was lost in my thoughts. However, as Egon made no move to answer the door my curiosity grew and I lifted my eyes to meet his. He regarded me with patience and I could tell from his expression that he was waiting for my consent to let the stranger in.

His piercing blue eyes exuded such resolute determination that I immediately understood he was right. I had no reason to be afraid, he was right there with me. I released a grateful sigh for his understanding and nodded, letting him know that I was alright.

"Come in," Egon called out to the visitor outside the door, inviting him to enter.

The door creaked open, revealing a man with long, dark hair which was pulled back in a tight ponytail. It was evident from his appearance that he was not from around here. His distinct features signalled that he came from another continent. His complexion was lighter than mine, his eyes slimmer and his nose flatter. He was dressed in a loose-fitting black robe detailed with several white elegant patterns. He wore a tightly knotted band around his waist, securing a long, slender sword in its place. His foreign outfit was something I had never seen before.

His dark eyes met mine briefly before turning to Egon. He greeted him with a small bow. "You needed me?" Although the stranger was a foreigner, he spoke our language fluently, even without a trace of an accent.

Egon nodded in response, his voice carrying authority, "I want you to find the person responsible. I would do it myself, but I can't leave now."

I didn't know what they were talking about, but as the stranger's eyes immediately snapped back to me, I knew that I was somehow involved.

"Hamlin will meet you there and brief you on the specifics," Egon added.

The man redirected his focus back to Egon, acknowledging his request with a nod before exiting the room, his attire flowing elegantly behind him.

Once the man was out of the room, I turned back to Egon. "Was he a Nagual?" I inquired in a hushed tone.

A brief pause hung in the air, Egon's gaze intense, as if he was carefully choosing his response. "No, he's a Kitsune," he answered at last.

I tried to hide the sudden wave of surprise and fear that hit me. Was I suddenly surrounded by every shifter of this planet?! However, my attempts to conceal my emotions were clearly in vain as Egon studied me closely.

"Why are you so afraid of the shifters?" Egon questioned softly, a hint of sadness tainting his voice. "I had noticed this in Nebelwald too."

I lowered my gaze, my voice a hesitant whisper. "I– I don't want to offend you or your kind."

"You won't," he assured me with a smile while motioning for me to proceed.

I took a deep breath, gathering my courage, before I continued. "In my town, a human town, people were raised on dreadful stories of the shifters. For as long as I can remember, I've been warned to keep my distance from the shifters should I ever come across one. To fear them, to hate them. The stories about shifters were so horrific that it made me content with my life in Terrassen, where no shifter ever set foot. It was safe, familiar."

My voice grew softer with each spoken word, but I knew he could hear me without difficulty. I felt ashamed as I admitted my fear of his kind to a man who had treated me with nothing but kindness.

With caution, I raised my eyes to meet his, expecting a look of revulsion. Yet, despite his questioning expression, his gaze was gentle, almost understanding.

"What kind of stories did you hear?" he inquired.

"About Kitsunes, not so much," I began, my voice steadying as I noticed he wouldn't judge me. "But I have been told that Naguals are able to control your thoughts, make you do things against your will."

He continued to listen attentively, his expression patient. "And what about my kind?"

I took a moment to collect my thoughts, pondering on how to convey my words. I was genuine when I said I didn't want to offend him. Somehow I had this strong urge for him to understand that while I might be cautious of the shifters, I still was not afraid of him.

"They were much... darker." I started carefully. "The elderly of my town used to warn us that the Werewolves and Lycans would come for us in the night if we misbehaved. Taking us away from our homes and families. Imprisoning humans in their dungeons, starving them to death. They also said that your kind would sacrifice young women under the full moon, forcing themselves on them."

His eyes widened in horror as my explanation continued. "We sound... monstrous."

"But I don't see you that way," I rushed to assure him. Panic washed over me, afraid that I might have shared too much.

Egon's lips curled into a faint smile. He reached out, his fingers tracing a gentle path along my cheek. "I know," he murmured. His bright blue eyes were focused on mine, pulling me in and leaving me breathless. With just one look he made me feel at ease again. I didn't know how he did it but it was as if we had a silent exchange of emotions where words were not needed.

I could sit here and observe his beautiful eyes forever but our connection was broken as Egon suddenly straightened up. His hand left my face before finding its way back to my hand, reclaiming it with a gentle grasp. A small smile tugged at his lips as he looked down at our entwined fingers. I wondered if he felt the same sparks as I did whenever we touched, but before I could ask him about it, Egon already opened his mouth to speak.

"Kitsunes are remarkable shifters, they transform into foxes and have the potential to grow up to nine tails, each tail granting them a unique set of powers. They come from a distant continent called Hikarishima, situated on the opposite side of our world, which likely explains why you may not have been familiar with their kind. Haru, the man who just left, is one of my closest friends. He and his younger sister are the only two Kitsunes who live on this continent. They live in my Kingdom in the northern part of Arvandor. Most Kitsunes, like Haru, hold their power with wisdom and compassion. But it's important to remember, just like most of us, Kitsunes can have both good and ill intentions."

I absorbed his words intently, fascinated by his view of the world he was unveiling before me. A flood of questions swirled in my mind. Yet, Egon's storytelling was so captivating that I couldn't bring myself to interrupt him.

"Naguals, however, are different," he continued. "You were right in saying they can manipulate thoughts, but they would never use their ability for ill intentions. The boundaries between good and evil do not exist when it comes to Naguals."

I looked at him in confusion as I made an attempt to wrap my head around his words. Was he indicating that Naguals operate in some sort of moral grey area?

Noticing my confusion, Egon continued with his explanation. "Their legacy revolves around safeguarding their knowledge and expertise in different fields. For millennia, their wisdom has been passed down and refined through generations among their kind. Using their knowledge and skills to help others is their primary focus, regardless of whether the people they aid have been virtuous or malevolent in their actions. The urge to help others is so strong among the Naguals that they even don't maintain close ties with their family or friends. This is very rare among shifters as most tend to stay within their groups or packs for their entire lives. While the continent Atlacaña is the homeland of Naguals, it's common for them to explore various corners of the world throughout their lives. However, what truly sets them apart is that they don't all share the same animal form in which they shift."

I couldn't help but express my surprise. "What do you mean?"

"Naguals shift into the animal linked to their birth year," Egon explained. "So there are those who become dogs, deer, eagles, jaguars and so on. I believe this year is the year of the cat. All Naguals that are born this year will eventually shift into a cat when they come of age."

His narrative left me stunned, it was so much new information to process. Still, there were some points he made that I didn't fully understand. "But, if they mean no harm, why do they have the power to manipulate someone's mind?" I questioned him.

"Great question," Egon said as a smile appeared on his lips. "As I mentioned before, their sole focus is to aid others. Therefore, they only will harness their powers for that specific purpose. If it aids in the healing process of their patient, they can use their ability to temporarily suppress traumatic memories. Or they will influence your emotions, providing comfort when you're anxious or stressed. But they will never use their powers to control others or make them do things against their will, it goes against their very nature."

Although I began to understand his explanation, I still remained in the dark about why I had awakened in this unfamiliar place to begin with. "Earlier, you mentioned that shifters seek medical assistance here," I began to question him. "But I'm not a shifter and as far as I know, I haven't been sick."

Egon's eyes met mine, there was a hint of uncertainty in his expression, yet his voice was steady as he spoke. "You're right, you're not a shifter, but unfortunately, you did need medical help."

My eyes widened at his revelation. "What do you mean?"

Egon took a deep breath, his eyes carrying a weight of sorrow and remorse as he straightened up. "You were poisoned."

"Poisoned?" I asked in astonishment. That couldn't be true, I'd surely would have remembered that. I wracked my brain for a memory, but I couldn't remember anything further than being at the Ashen Moon Pack party. My memory was completely blank after that.

Egon nodded at my question as he continued. "I found you, writhing in pain. I knew right away that something was wrong, so I summoned the pack doctor immediately."

Out of the blue, a vague image of Egon growling angrily at an unfamiliar man flashed through my mind. That was weird.

"You were given a potion called Valarium," Egon continued. "It's used to test if someone has been poisoned. Since you immediately spat it out, the doctor knew enough."

Egon's expression shifted, his free hand clenched into a tight fist and his blue eyes seemed to darken to an almost black shade. Once more, a vague image crossed my mind. This time of an immense dark creature with eyes as black as midnight.

"I brought us here by running," Egon stated, his voice deepening as his anger was taking control of him. "I sprinted as fast as possible, pushing my limits, but even at my fastest, it wasn't enough. You still had to suffer for far too long."

Once again I was struck by a blurred image of the forest flying around us, the black creature carrying me. However, as I listened to Egon's words I understood that these were more than mere images, they were my memories. Pushed far into the depths of my mind, now forcing their way back to the surface.

Tears welled up in my eyes as the truth sank in. "Why can't I remember any of this?" I questioned with a lump in my throat.

Noticing my distress, Egon's gaze darted back to mine. His dark eyes morphed back to their usual piercing blue colour as he took in my condition. "The Naguals, they temporarily suppressed your memories," he said gently, "you were too restless in your sleep for the healing to take its full effect."

My mind was like a turbulent storm, causing my head to throb. It was a lot to process. I wiped away a stray tear. "Who did poison me?"

My question appeared to stir up his anger again, I could hear a low rumbling sound coming from deep within him. However, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself.

"I don't know," Egon answered as he slowly opened his eyes. "But I promise you that I will find out and when I do, I will make sure that they pay for what they did."

While Egon made an effort to rein in his anger, his voice still held a low, seething undertone as he answered my question. "I don't understand" I started, "why did someone do this to me and why do you care so much?"

Egon studied me in a lingering silence, an unexpected emotion that seemed out of place for a man like him danced in his eyes; fear.

With my free hand, I instantly reached forward to touch his face. That strange electric sensation immediately danced between us as I made contact with him. It was a feeling I could easily become addicted to, it felt so incredibly good. However, wanting to provide nothing but comfort to the distraught man next to me, I pushed my feelings aside. "I am sorry, that didn't come out right. It's just... it's odd, considering we've only just met," I clarified.

Egon glanced at me, a faint smile playing on his lips, though his eyes betrayed a sadness I yearned to erase. "No, you did nothing wrong. It's my fault actually," he answered.

I frowned at him in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry. I can't begin to explain how sorry I am." His words came out rushed, as if he wanted to say it all at once. I had to make an effort to keep up with what he was saying. "It's all my fault. I should have been more vigilant, I should have considered all the possibilities. Yet, I'd let this happen. I hate myself more than words can express. I am – "

"Stop," I interjected. I couldn't bear to hear him berate himself any longer. "Why do you say such harsh words?"

"I have failed you."

I looked at him with wide eyes, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The vulnerability in his eyes cut deep and I knew that he was serious about what he was saying. "What are you talking about?" I asked him, my voice firm. "From what you just told me it's clear that you saved me. You didn't fail me in any way."

"You don't understand Esmara."

"Then explain it to me."

Taking a deep breath, Egon continued, "I'm afraid you were poisoned because of me. My position as the Alpha King comes with having many enemies. Someone must have found out, it's the only plausible explanation."

His explanation only deepened my confusion. "I'm still not following," I confessed to him.

Egon looked at me. The intensity of his eyes seemed to increase. I was immediately drawn back in as he spoke in a vulnerable tone. "Esmara, you were poisoned because you are my mate."

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