Chromatober's Writing

By Eth3alFlame

7.7K 506 851

Prompts for Chromatober! LoneRanger being the one to give the prompts this year. Will try to keep up, but wit... More

1: Hunted
2- Eyes (Betryal AU)
3: Sneak (Wrong Beginning AU)
4: Return
5: Flowers (Betryal AU)
6: Improvise
7: Mask
8: Fuse (Crystal Fusion AU)
9: Betrayal (AU)
10: Memory (Unnamed AU)
11-Lull (Unnamed AU)
12: Toxin (Betrayal AU)
13: Cold (Betrayal AU)
14: Shelter (Wrong Beginning)
15: Confinement (Sky Mirror AU)
16: Below (Betrayal U)
17: Comfort (Crystal Fusion AU)
18: Voice (Sky Mirror AU)
19: Habit (Sky Mirror AU)
20/21: Stalk and Guilt (Betrayal AU)
22: Grow (Crystal Fusion AU)
23: Trust (Betryal AU)
23: Secret (Betrayal AU)
25: Desire
26: Animal (Crystal Fusion AU)
27: Abyss (Cycle AU: Name in progress)
28: Awaken (Portal AU)
29: Warning (Betrayal AU)
30: Culminate (Betrayal AU)

31: Close

372 19 34
By Eth3alFlame

And here it is, the final one! Oh boy, October went by with the quickness huh? I swear it feels like I just finished the first one, but here I am, at the end. It's going to be weird not getting a promt to write to now. I had a blast, and I hope everyone else did too.

— — —

"Come on Violet, we need to hurry."

Violet Leader looked up from the cake they were frosting, giving Light an honestly sour look for a Steve that represents love. "Light," Violet huffed. "We're fine. One, do you know how hard it is to actually decently frost a cake and two, they shouldn't be back until tonight."

"I know, it's just-" Light ran a hand through his hair, misplacing even more of the white strands. He leaned against the counter, careful to not disturb Violet as they worked. "I want things to go perfectly."

Violet hummed, tongue sticking out of the corner of their mouth as they frosted some green leaves onto the cake. They nodded at the section of leaves when the group was done. "I get what you mean Light, but being stressed—can you pass me the red frosting, thanks—isn't going to help anyone."

Light grabbed the bowl of red frosting and passed it to Violet, who began preparing it to go into a piping bag.

Light nodded. "I know, but-"

"We all want this to go well, Light." Violet sat down the spatula in their hand as they turned to face him. "We…we all want to do better."

A crash sounded from the living room, making both of their heads turn. They huffed when they heard the Orange Leader call out a simple, "I'm alright!"

Light turned back to Violet. "All of us are still trying to make it up for our actions, aren't we?"

Violet turned back to their work, but nodded slowly. "We all made mistakes." They grabbed the piping bag and put the red frosting inside it, cutting the tip and attaching a metal piece to it. Light had no clue how, but that's why Violet was the one frosting the Creation Day cake rather than Light.

In a few swipes, a red rose-like flower was frosted on the circular cake. A few more were placed close by before Violet switched the metal tip, soon piping out a different styled flower.

"I really hope Sabre likes this." Violet mumbled. "I feel so bad."

Light huffed in agreement, nodding slowly. "I don't know how we managed to not think about something this big."

Violet hummed, focused back on the cake. Light scooted the bowl of Orange frosting closer, ready to be passed over.

He could hear the Orange and Yellow in the living room, setting up decorations, while Blue and Indigo made sure there was enough seating and blankets for everyone. Knowing Sabre, they'd all end up spending the night, so it was best to make sure there was enough bedding to go around.

Elsewhere, M, Time, and Green kept Sabre occupied until the set time, which was creeping closer by the minute.

Light glanced to the side when he heard Violet set down the piping bag, the frosting almost depleted and a how array of red flowers covering a strip at the top of the cake. Light wordlessly passed the Orange frosting.

Violet handed him the metal tips. "Can you wash these please?"

Light took the tips, nose scrunching when bits of frosting got on his hand. He did what he was asking though, and quickly presented the freshly washed tips back to Violet.

"Do you think it's a bad idea to do a surprise party for someone who's known to attack first and ask questions later?" Violet asked.

Light paused, blinking. "That is… a genuine concern." Violet snorted. "I'm gonna warn the others real quick."

"You go do that. We don't need any stab wounds today."

– –

Sabre darted ahead of the group when the lightning faded away, laughing when his friends gave concerned shouts behind him.

Several Steves who watched their arrival turned back to whatever they were doing, with amused smiles on their faces.

Sabre spun around, seeing his friends slowly catching up to him. "Come on guys!" He bounced in place. "We can get something small to eat before continuing on!"

M smiled, while the Green Leader narrowed his eyes. "After all that running and exploring, you are definitely not having just a small meal."

Sabre rolled his eyes, hidden behind the blindfold. Green Leader still gave him a look as if he could see the eye roll he did.

Sabre quickly took his spot next to Time and M once more as they headed off to Time and his house. Sabre rattled off whatever came to the top of his head as the group listened fondly. Occasionally, he would stop mid-story to return a greeting from a townsperson.

Sabre was in the middle of a other story when they reached their house. Something about it though set off his nerves, and he stopped and stared at it with narrowed eyes.

It felt like he was back in the Rainbow Kingdom, when the Steves were quite willing to break in and trash his home if he wasn't careful enough.

"Sabre?" Green Leader sat a hand on his shoulder, a small frown on his face. "Is everything alright?"

Time and M were glancing between the house and him, an unreadable expression on their faces.

"Someone was inside." He informed them.

The three shared looks, before glancing back at him. "Sabre, you'll be fine." M said.

Sabre took a breath, before nodding. He still double checked his knife was still in its sheath, just in case. The group walked up the rest of the way to the house, this time the air around the was silent.

Reaching for the doorknob had more stress than it should have been. Sabe swung the door open and-


Sabre yelled, stumbling backwards. A knife embedded itself into the wall.

Light and the rest of the Leaders were there, along with Thera and Gerald. Sabre leaned against the doorframe as he caught his breath, ignoring the amused chuckles his traitorous friends gave behind him.

Sabre glanced back up just in time to be dragged the rest of the way into the house by Thera. "I tried to stop them from yelling." Thera mumbled. "I do apologize."

Being the rest of the way inside let him see the decorations placed all around. A table with gifts lined a wall, each one wrapped in a solid color will white and green streamers were placed all around.

"We uh," Light rubbed the back of his neck. "Didn't know when your Creation Day was so we just went for when you arrived here."

Sabre glanced around the room. Pressure built behind his eyes as he took it in. "Guys-" He ignores how his voice cracked.

"No tears!" Violet slammed into him with a hug, what looked to be purple frosting smeared across their cheek. "It's supposed to be a happy day!"

"Don't say that!" Thera and Green exclaimed, but Thera was the one to continue. "It's unhealthy to bottle up your emotions!"

Sabre gave a wet laugh as he wiped his eyes, the blindfold quickly becoming too soaked with tears to absorb anymore. "They're happy tears." He croaked out. "I promise."

He heard several sighs of relief around the room.

He looked around the room once more, smiling. "Thanks, but uh, what's a Creation Day?" The room went silent, causing him to snort. "Jeez you guys! I'm joking!"

Sighs of relief left many people.

– –

Sabre hummed contently, stretching out where he laid. Nearby, he could see Orange and Light, and if he looked slightly to the left, he could see Violet cuddling up against Indigo and Green.

He could feel Time pressed against him as they were all sprawled out on the living room floor, each one exhausted by the eventful day they had.

Sabre smiled to himself. All his friends were close by and in reach, just how he liked it.

Sabre shuffled around slightly, getting comfortable one more as he went back to sleep.

He still wasn't sure how to tell them they managed to guess his birthday correctly—if it could be considered guessing—but he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it.

All his friends were close, and that's what he cared about.

— — —

Words: 1352

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