2- Eyes (Betryal AU)

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If you don't know what the Betrayal AU is, clearly you are new to my profile. If you want more on it, I have an AU book currently filled with it. It is currently my favorite AU, and the book is mostly just that AU atm.

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Sabre stretched out as he laid on his stomach. He accidentally hit Shadow, who was laying close by, with his hand when he stretched.

They were all relaxing in the living room, each one not speaking but enjoying the presence of everyone nearby. The last mission was dicey, with Soul being nearly killed and Sabre nearly captured once more. It seemed as if everyone held a grudge with him escaping the first time, and was quite adamant on another try.

Sabre, who would rather not be captured, did not want to give them another try. The Leaders weren't the smartest, but they were determined to capture him and kill everyone else.

Sabre held high anxiety and paranoia on good days, and he did not enjoy their attempts whenever he went on a mission.

Everyone's stress was high after such missions; What-if's going through everyone's heads. Questions on how close was one of them being to death (or capture) and what-if they didn't choose one action that caused that death. It was calming being surrounded by everyone, able to see that everyone made it back in one piece and the what-if's are just that. What-if's. Nothing more, nothing less.

Just anxiety brought on by the adrenaline crash.

Sabre shifted, wiggling slightly to sink further into the blankets and pillows he and Shadow amassed on the floor. It was clear which blankets were already here and which ones Sabre brought, for the colors wildly contrasted. Blacks and grays against fading whites and bright oranges.

Shadow stretched, lighting bopping him on the head in retaliation.

Sabre would hit him back, but he was tired and didn't feel like having a play fight so soon after a real one. He lifted his head up, to see a small smile on Shadow's face. Sabre stuck his tongue out, only to receive the same action from Shadow.

Soul shifted on the couch, tugging lightly on the one blanket he was using part of. Sabre was lying on the other side, and rolled slightly to the side to allow Soul to fully take the blanket.

Quietness filled the room besides the occasional sift of fabric against clothes or blankets, the flipping of pages in a book, and the dull scratching of a quill against paper.

Sabre glanced up at Void, head laying in his arm. Void was more focused on his book than the surrounding area, probably the most focused Sabre has seen him in a while.

Void tensed, before looking up, glancing around the room. He gave an unimpressed look once he caught Sabre staring at him. "Yes?" He sighed.

The rest glanced up, attention drawn by the broken silence.

"Nothing." Sabre hummed. "It's just neat."


Sabre nodded. "Even with the blindfold, you guys are the only ones to be able to tell where I'm looking."  He explained. "Other than Rainbow-" A wince from Void. "-Time, or Light, no one else could tell."

Corruption huffed, more intrigued than annoyed sounding. Soul looked up from his journal. "Why do you even wear that blindfold? Doesn't it affect your sight?"

Sabre pushed himself into a sitting position, stretching his arms above his head, before flopping his hands back down on the mess of blankets and pillows. "It's uh..." Sabre tipped his head side to side, fiddling with a blanket. "Habit, I suppose. And not really."

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