27: Abyss (Cycle AU: Name in progress)

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New AU!

Pretty much, Sabre is the humanoid form for Cycles! Life and death, rising and falling of nations and kingdoms, creation and destruction...

Of course, with that comes powers. Basically he can either sped something up to its destruction (and if he continues on whatever he would destroy would be recreated) or rewind something to its beginning.

I'll probably—probably—write a proper description for this AU later.

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Sabre thought the new world he ended up in was strange. He figured he'd seen it all by now, and yet, here he was. A world full of beings called 'Steves' with most of the world color coded.

It was quite funny to watch any new Steves he met trying to figure out if he was good or not. Afterall, his hoodie he wore was black on one side, a color of evil here, while the other was white.

A color of good.

With a world that depends on colors, wearing the most conflicting colors at the same time was a confusing statement to many Steves.

He sighed, running a hand through the grass, careful not to accidentally kill it like he did with the tulips. Sabre still felt bad about that, but Orange just laughed and waved it off. If Sabre looked behind him, he would see the new tulips growing in their flower beds that he regrew.

A little sign above them was placed by Orange. It read 'No touching :)'.

Orange meant the smiley face to show it was a joke, especially since if it happened again Sabre could just regrow them. Sabre thought the smiley face made it seem oddly threatening.

A soft wind blew through the air, tossing a few leaves into the air. If he looked to the left, he could see some clouds being pushed in by the wind. Sabre stared up at the sky, enjoying the sight.

His home was made up of light and darkness, but not the type of Darkness the Steves fear. It has been a long time since he has been there, but it doesn't bother him too much. It shall remain the same until he returns, and it's not like he needs to be there for the place to do its job.

Yet, at points, he gets homesick. Some worlds have access to the End, and if he wished to see something similar to his home, he would go there. If whatever world he was in didn't, Sabre found comfort in the sky.

Creation once told him that they made each world with the same sky, and as he explored more and more, he found it to be true. No matter the world he appears in, the sky remains constant. The black of the sky reminded him of home, and the stars reminded him of his parents and home.

The bright twinkling stars for one, and the black abyss for the other.

Sabre heard the door to the house open, followed by a sigh.  "Sabre?" A tired voice came from the house. Sabre turned to see Orange by the door, mid yawn as he rubbed an eye with his hand. A blanket was wrapped around his shoulders, the other hand not rubbing his eye held the two corners, keeping it up. Faintly, he could see the end dragging on the ground.

"Orange." He replied. "What are you doing up? You need sleep."

Orange looked peeved, sending him a look. "I could say the same to you, mister. It's three in the morning. What are you still doing out here?"

Sabre blinked. Had he not told Orange? "I don't need to sleep." He told him.

Orange frowned. "Yes you do."

Sabre sighed. Yeah, that statement could have been taken wrong. "No, Orange." Sabre shook his head. "I am physically incapable of sleeping. I do not need it."

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