23: Trust (Betryal AU)

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The effects of the Chromatic's treatment of Sabre was long lasting, and the poor villains had to break down Sabre's walls.

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Soul chopped the carrots into small pieces, very much trying to not accidentally cut himself. Their kitchen was small, but was enough for the three- no, it was five now, of them.

It probably felt bigger since the dining room was connected to the kitchen, making the kitchen seem bigger than it actually was.

Shadow, the heathen, was sitting on the counter next to where he was cooking, one hand propping himself up as he filled the silence as he talked. He didn't even need to hold himself up, since he wasn't physical yet, but seemed to enjoy being a menace.

Shadow wasn't the one Soul was focusing on. Sabre was sitting at the dining room table, and Soul could feel his gaze nevering leaving Soul. It had his hairs stand on end, since for someone who was typically quite loud, Sabre could be deathly silent when he wanted to be.

Soul took the cutting board with the carrot slices and slid them into the pot. Already inside were potatoes, some chicken and some chicken broth.

Soul felt the gaze follow him as he moved. He sighed to himself. He could remember when this first happened, a week or two after Sabre joined them. It was the first time Sabre joined them for a meal, finally slinking out from whatever hidey hole him and Shadow had.

To say Soul was nervous would be an understatement. He knew the damage Sabre could do if he was determined enough, and Soul wasn't thrilled with the constant surveillance.

Soul was just glad Sabre was beginning to trust them enough to actually join them, even if he had to deal with the constant watch. Shadow and Void didn't tell them much about exactly what made Sabre join them. It was clear from the few things they were told that Sabre managed to get severe trust issues.

So if Sabre felt more comfortable watching him, then Soul would suck up the unnerving feeling.

"What are you making?"

The quiet question made Soul jump in place and for Shadow to quickly taper off in his talking. He turned to see Sabre staring at him with his head at an angle.


"...what are you making?" Sabre repeated.


Shadow sighed, slipping off the counter and going over to Sabre. "Come on," Shadow said. "Why don't we go outside for a bit?"

Sabre gave a small frown. "But-"

Shadow poked him in the cheek. "But nothing." He could hear the eye roll in Shadow's tone. "I promise you, he isn't like the Chromatics. You'll be fine."

The two stared at one another, creating a very awkward minute of silence, before Sabre nodded. Soul turned back around, continuing with the soup.

He felt Sabre's gaze move off of him, prompting a subconscious sigh of relief from him. Soul was concerned about what Shadow said though.

Obviously he wasn't like the Chromatics, but why would Shadow need to say that? Was Sabre watching him to see if he did something?

He shook his head, turned back to the cutting board and grabbed a beetroot that needed to be cut. His task was dinner, not whatever that meant.

Even if Soul was curious about it. Soul glanced behind him, to see Sabre and Shadow gone; The chair Sabre was occupying pushed back against the table. Outside, if they actually were going to do what they said.

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