25: Desire

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It was a subtle change, one that crossed over months and months. To the point that if anyone thought back on it, it would seem sudden yet gradual.

It was not a secret that Sabre was not from this world. It would be very hard to miss such a fact, considering Sabre was clearly not a Steve. Yet, it seems to have slipped their mind that Sabre did not belong with them.

Well, more so that Sabre, had Void not plucked him out of his world, wouldn't have met any of them. It was a strange thought for the Leaders. Even though Sabre has only known them for two years at this point, it felt as if it was much longer.

Sabre has affected their lives greatly, for better and for worse. More the former than the latter, thankfully.

Had Sabre not arrived in their world, they would have been dealing with the Darkness by themselves, Light wouldn't be Light, the Red Steves would still be in hiding, Nightmare would still be ruling the Second Strongest Yellow Kingdom...

There was a long Sabre has done, in the short time he has been with them. They're trying to make up for their past mistakes. To prove that they're getting better and that they wish for forgiveness, even if Sabre was too forgiving for his own good sometimes.

Yet, it feels as if they didn't do enough, standing outside the door, waiting for the news of whether Sabre would live or not.

For the simple fact of Sabre having a life before them slipped their mind, and they didn't realize Sabre wished to try and return to his world until it was too late.

The portal Sabre was trying to construct, which now is a pile of smoldering scarps, blew up with Sabre too close to escape with minor injuries.

It was sheer luck that Light, who was worried about Sabre's behavior, followed him. For the lab Sabre constructed was far from any civilization.
Had Light not followed, Sabre would have been caught in the explosion and left to slowly succumb to his injuries alone.

They wouldn't have known what happened, unless they stumbled upon the hidden lab when they were searching for Sabre. By then, if for some miraculous reason they managed to find the lab, it would have been too late. Sabre would have bled out, and they would only find a body.

They did not know Sabre desired to go back to the world he came from, yet reminiscing on Sabre's actions showed how he missed his world. Simple facts stated at times, observations of the differences between the worlds.

Some were fascinating, while others were terrifying. The fact that the Darkness was not a thing in his world was a happy thought, yet the creatures that roamed the night sounded almost worse than the Darkness. Silent creatures that blow up, shambling corpses of long dead people wanting to eat you, living skeletons with the goal to kill you, tall ink colored creatures that can teleport silently and multiple times in a row...

All of them and more, just wandering around. Sabre did not seem to realize the sheer deadliness his world sounded as he blabbered
on about these creatures. If any of the Leaders had to pin an emotion to Sabre's tone, the closest one would be boredom.

Maybe that was why Sabre seemed almost untouchable to them. For surviving seemed to flow in his veins; To never succumb to the creatures that want him dead.

Maybe that was why it was not a being, but a machine, that landed Sabre where he was. Too much spilt blood with an uncanny, too still body.

Sabre was always moving, whether that be pacing, fiddling with his weapons, or just tapping his foot. Sabre was always moving, always doing something, so seeing him lay still in a bed with many machines connected to him was unnerving.

For even if the injuries were cared for, Sabre was not out of the woods yet. They'll be there, waiting for him to cross the clearing line. To wake up and give them a smirk, asking if they really thought that would kill him.

Until then, they would wait. That does not mean they would be idle. The blueprints that survived the blast would be copied and past to the scientists of their colors. To see if they could find what went wrong, and if so, how to fix it.

Even if it pained them, if Sabre wanted to leave they would allow him to go. Sabre has done too much for them to not help with something like this.

If Sabre desired to get to his world, they would get him there one way or another.

Until then, they would wait for Sabre to awake. It did not matter how long it would take, they would wait and they would observe.

Already, several gifts and letters have been dropped off. For the news traveled quickly, and Sabre has won the hearts of the majority of them by what he has done. Many cards and heartfelt letters shared that sentiment.

They would remain there, for when Sabre would awake. They would be stored in a chest once the end table couldn't hold anymore, but they would be there.

Sabre would know that many care for him, and wish him the best, no matter the world.

Sabre gave them what they have longed for, peace, a world without the Darkness, so they would strive to give Sabre what he longs for.

Even if that would mean saying goodbye. They would do it.

They owned Sabre that much.

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Words: 943

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