9: Betrayal (AU)

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Three things:

1- I had to do the Betrayal AU. Just look at the prompt. Seriously, what was I supposed to do?

2- I was hoping to write it before writing this, but oh well. Sabre actually has one Chromatic friend. Thera! Sabre ran into him and Thera pretty much did not care Sabre was with the Darkness. So they're friends!

3- I am so sorry. You are going to hate me. I apologize ahead of time. You can yell at me at the end.

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From the moment of his creation and onwards, Aster knew he was different from the rest of the Violet Steves. He was not excessively happy nor was he excessively loud. Aster did not care for flowers and nature as the others did.

Of course, the other Violet Steve did not care for his oddities. Aster was one of them, and that was enough for them. Even still, he grew up feeling oddly lonely in the small village. The only one Aster truly cared about was his newly created sister, Lavender.

News about the Darkness came soon after Lavender's creation. Their main caretaker was up in bumbles about it, worried for their safety.

Aster could not remember the exact moment he learned what the Darkness was, but he could remember how he felt. For even if he was (and still is, if what his new family says) a child, he needed to be aware of the danger that could come any minute.

Aster could remember the dark pit of free taking hold, before he crushed it and turned it into protectiveness. Now matter what, Aster would keep his newly created sister safe. For she was young and loved all, how a Violet Steve should. He was the oldest, so it fell to him to take care of her.

Aster swore he would defend his home from the new threat. If he couldn't, he would go down with a fight. He boasted to the village about how he would fight off any Darkness that dared step foot in the vicinity of their home.

The village adults and elders thought he was joking. After all, what kind of Violet Steve fights? They told him not to worry and after all, what weapon would he even use, since they owned none.

He was a Violet Steve, a bit quirky, but a Violet Steve nonetheless. He shouldn't be wanting to fight. Love wasn't about fighting. Fighting the Darkness was the Hero's job. That was when Aster learned about the hero. The Rainbow Steve; A Steve of not one color but all of them. The hero destined to defeat the Darkness.

That was when Aster learned about him. No one knew his name in the village, just his few titles and the stories and rumors that trailed after him. The Other Hero —The Second Hero title being taken by the second Rainbow Steve—,The Unaffected, and the most common, The Non-Steve. The one destined to create the hero; and create the hero he did.

Any new story or rumor that was about the Hero had the Non-Steve in it. Always just behind. The two were the heroes the Steves needed, even if one wasn't a Steve.

Aster never liked how the village spoke about the two. Something about their tone not matching their words had him on edge. Awed words yet sharp tones. Aster thought it sounded like they were talking about a well made ax rather than a person.

He wondered if the two ever came to his village if they would hear what he could hear. The words not fitting the tone.

The words soon turned from awed to sad once Rainbow's betrayal. Words of 'how could this be' and 'misguided soul' tossed around with ease.

Chromatober's Writing Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora