4: Return

275 15 58

Slightly different style than usual. Not belonging to any of my AUs atm. Slightly late, since I worked all day today and didn't have time to sit down and write.

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W̶h̶y̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶-̶

̶W̶e̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶-̶

I don't know how to start this, Sabre.

It's- Well, I know you're not going to be reading this letter, with you going back in time and all. Thera, you should definitely remember him, said it should help me process my grief and what not.

Apparently watching two of you close friends vanish isn't good for your mental health.

I̶ ̶m̶i̶s̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶-̶ ̶

I̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶w̶h̶y̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶-̶

[Dried teardrops coated the bottom of the paper, the words unfinished.]


Thera said I needed to actually do this and not scratch things out. Emotions and all aren't my strong suit.

He's stubborn when he wants to be. Guess that's why he was the only therapist that was able to deal with your own stubbornness.

Also compared my mental health to yours. Didn't realize it was that bad.

You'd be ecstatic to know M met the other leaders today. Plans have been made to introduce the Red Kingdom to the other Steves.

You would have laughed at Yellow Leader's face when M showed himself.

The other Steves miss you. I managed to gather the courage to visit your memorial. I could imagine your face at the amount of flowers left there.

You left an impact on all of us.

I wish you were here.

Orange Leader, Happy, and I went around and visited all the destroyed locations. Scavenging for materials and all. It was a walk down memory lane, that's for sure.

I just- I get why you had to go, but why? Why did you have to leave-

[The rest of the words were smugged, making them unreadable]


Happy joined the colorless guards. I apparently wasn't as tough on him as the others, but he quickly brought that to attention. He's good with a weapon. I think you two would have had a blast training together.

Happy already has your habit of smiling when fighting. You're not even here and you're screwing up my training. Jerk.

With the rate Happy is going, I'll probably make him an Elite soon.

Some of the Red Steves have been getting out more, now that they're known to the world again. Apparently they visited the Great Library. They're planning on building an academy, one for all Steves to use.

[A few teardrops smeared some words, making them illegible.]

-imagine your groaning. You always had to move about.

It's been about a month since you left. I met Thera at your memorial. You never told me your favorite flower was sunflowers. It sucks, since those are mine too. We could have been sunflower buddies had you not left.

Professor Red talked about making something to find you. I can already hear your panicked words. Don't worry, we don't need him screwing around with time. The Leaders and I quickly shut that down.

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