1: Hunted

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Part of the Crystal Fusion AU! If you don't know what that is, long story short, in an event Sabre ends up fusing with the crystals and is the hero instead of Orange/Rainbow!

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Sabre blinked. Once. Twice. His brain was processing the information dumped on him, but wasn't accepting it. "I'm sorry, what?" Sabre asked.

He stood outside in the Rainbow Hub, the afternoon sun shining down on the small group collected there. Orange was off to the side, hiding a smile behind his hand. The mild giggling that came from him gave his emotions away along with that spark in his eye. Green Leader, Green Steve, and Gerald were next to him, each one looking amused.

Well, Green Leader looked amused and concerned, so Sabre had that going for it. It didn't bode well for Sabre though, if Green Leader was already sending him concerned looks.

Light grinned a familiar grin. It wasn't Light's soft grin, one that meant safety. No, this was a grin Sabre was used to seeing in battle, pointed at the darkness, and definitely not at him.

"You need to get used to your powers, yes?" Sabre nodded at Light's question, prompting him to continue. "So you're going to run, and if I catch you, we will fight. If I win, you get thirty seconds to run. If you do, you get a minute."

A light breeze blew through the air, waving the grass around. "This is just a violent game of tag." Sabre deadpanned.

"Any other comments?"

Sabre hummed. The forest surrounding the Rainbow Hub would be useful to hide in. "Stay in the Rainbow Hub or can I leave?"

Green Leader was the one to speak up. "Inside. I don't need either one of you getting hurt and I'm not able to reach you in time."

"And don't go near the houses!" Orange piped up. "I don't wanna fix any damages today, plus Time is baking and he would kill all of us if you interrupted him."

Both Light and Sabre huffed, but conceded to the point made with similar nods. With Light using his powers and his sword —a dulled training one— against Sabre, plus Sabre's unstable power usage and him being naturally stronger than most Steves, injuries and possible destruction were bound to happen.

Plus an angry Time was not someone you warned to mess with.

"Go." Light spoke up, pulling out his sword.

Sabre turned to look at him. "What?"

"Twenty-three seconds."

Sabre blinked. Twenty-three seconds? Twenty-three seconds to what?

It clicked, and panic set in. "Now?!" He yelped.

Light gave another sharp grin. "Sixteen."

Sabre spun and bolted. While the idea seemed fun in words, it was not fun in reality. Especially with him being the one hunted down. It also didn't help that while Sabre was fast compared to most Steves (excluding Yellow Steves), Light was considered one of the faster non-Yellow Steves.

Aka, Sabre was going to be at a near dead sprint until he could at least figure out how to activate his powers when he wanted.

Sabre felt the energy before he saw it, a tingle that made his entire body tense as his hairs stood on end. He flung himself backwards.

Lightning struck down where he once stood.

Something hit him in the back, hard enough to bruise. Sabre stumbled forward, turning around as he went. Light was there, the grin still there, but this time it was mixed with a look of determination as he held his sword. "Watch your back." Light offered, before lunging.

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