Black-Pink: Lethal Protector...

بواسطة Huyhuynh406

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(Y/N)/Venom: "We....Are Venom." (Y/N) (L/N) Parker was a young man who living in a normal life with his famil... المزيد

Venom's Villains
Prologue 01: The Real King In Black
Prologue 02: New Vigilante
Chapter 1: The Mysterious Killer
Chapter 2: The Devil Comes For Them
Chapter 3: Blackpink's Bodyguard
Chapter 4: Hammerhead's Death
Chapter 5: Venom Appears
Chapter 6: Spiderman Meet Venom/First Fight
Chapter 7: Date With The Girls
Chapter 8: Kingpin's Death
Chapter 9: Peter Meet (Y/N)
Chapter 10: Meet Aunt May & MJ
Chapter 11: The Inner Demons
Chapter 12: The Reveal Of Venom
Chapter 13: The Cat & The Beast Part 1
Chapter 14: The Cat & The Beast Part 2
Chapter 15: The Truth & Answer
Chapter 16: Bomb & Attack Of Inner Demons
Chapter 17: Silver Sable/Mr. Negative
Chapter 18: Venom V.S Sinister Six Part 1
Chapter 19: Venom V.S Sinister Six Part 2
Chapter 20: The Cure Ending
Chapter 21: Night With Black-Pink Girls
Chapter 22: Black & White/New Spiderman
Chapter 23: Tinkerer/Monster or Hero?
Chapter 25: Venom V.S Lizard/Kraven The Hunter Part 2
Chapter 26: Venom V.S Kraven
Chapter 27: Evil Venom Rebirth
Chapter 28: Venom V.S Phage & Lasher
Chapter 29: Final Battle Venom V.S Evil Venom
Chapter 30: Ending Epilogue

Chapter 24: Kraven The Hunter Part 1

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بواسطة Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was in the bed with the rest of the girls and they both were laying down beside with him and oh boy....(Y/N) was a Ladykiller...yeah, he's ladykiller and he get the attentions of those females who were fallen love with him and it seems they both were tries to be with him for now on and then (Y/N) just laying there and until he was awake up from the bed. When (Y/N) was got his eyes opened out and make him turn his head to look around and he wasn't idea how the girls were sleeping on him.

Jenny, Jisoo, Rose, Lisa, Gwen, and Felicia that they both were laying beside with him and they both were wrapped around their arms at him and make sure that he can't even move and then (Y/N) was sigh out little bit and he tries to move away from them. When he was slowly sneak out of the bed and make him was stood up from the bed and then he was groaning with grunt and feeling like the morning for the best of him and it was awesome.

(Y/N): "Well, I think I'm going to sleep the way...I have a job to do right now." He said to himself and make him sigh little bit and then he was heading to the bathroom right away and take a good shower and then he stepped out of the bathroom and he dressing up with his new clothes to wear on.

He was wearing black jean jacket, grey underneath hoodie, black t-shirt, black jean pant, black converse sneakers.

(Y/N): "Well, time for breakfast. Alright, girls...time to wake up right now." He said to them.

When (Y/N) was begin to shake the girls were waking up right now and they were begin to waking up right away. Then (Y/N) told them it is time for breakfast right now and which they both are heading out for the breakfast and then (Y/N) start cooking the foods right away and make them are going to eat...the most precious that (Y/N) just made...eggs, and bacons also coffee for these girls.

Gwen: "'re going to do the bodyguard thing?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Me? Nah, I don't think so...but I think something else in my mind." He said to her.

Felicia: "What's that gonna be? You still are a bodyguard to those girls back there.~" She said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle to her and he told her that ain't gonna happened and then (Y/N) was going to be the bodyguard and security for awhile and when (Y/N) was eating the breakfast foods with them and it's going to be for a while. After the girls were done eating the breakfast foods right away and when (Y/N) was about to cleaning everything up right away and then there was an IPhone ringing comes from Rose and make her grab it and answer at it.

Rose: "Yes?" She asked and then she was groaned and annoyed little bit and when the others girls want to know the whole things about what happened and then Rose was done to called up right away and she was hang up.

Rose: "Well, we have to go back for the show right now." She said to the girls.

Jisoo: "Great! Now we have to get there by ourselves!" She said to them.

(Y/N): "Well, let's just say I have to take you all there fast as I could before you both are going to misses the show." He said to them and make them nod their heads and then (Y/N) told Gwen that she need to clean up and Felicia was going out by herself and she got something to stealing some diamonds, and moneys that's what she want to do right now.

(Y/N): "*Whistle* Nice dress, Felicia?~" He said to her.

Felicia: "Thanks, honey!~" She said to (Y/N) and this make Gwen with Black-Pink girls were jealous about the woman's dresses was looks like hot and super hot as well and then (Y/N) was chuckle little bit and he told her to get going right now and make her smirk up and she just stepped out of the window from (Y/N)'s apartment. Then (Y/N) was going to take the girls to the show right away and it is for the girls that they both are going along with (Y/N) and then he was take them to there fast as he could.

Gwen: "*Sigh* Well, I hope I can stay here for a longer now." She said to herself and she was cleaning the whole things up right away and then she was doing it by herself.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Kraven.

When Kraven was in the chopper and make him was sat there by himself and then he just sat there and cleaning his weapons...crossbow, guns, spear, and knives for what he have and it looks like this motherfucker was tactical combat soldier but he is pretty much badass soldier and he know what his hunt the preys down by himself.

Kraven The Hunter.

Sergei Nikolaievich Kravinoff (Russian: Сергей Николаевич Кравинов) was born and raised in Volgograd, Russia in the early half of the 20th Century during the time of the Russian Revolution. Born into an aristocracy that had come to an end, Kravinoff also known as "Kraven the Hunter", became one of the world's greatest hunters to fulfill his sense of lost nobility.

Kravinoff found he had a great talent after finding employment in Kenya, Africa. Kravinoff began his career using the typical tools of the hunter but over time he developed a preference to take down large animals with his bare hands. After meeting a Voodoo witch doctor named Calypso, Kravinoff took a herbal potion which enhanced his physical powers give him the strength, speed and senses to match a jungle cat. The potion also extended his life keeping his health and vitality for years to come.

Kraven was approached by while relaxing with his then-girlfriend, , on a private beach on the Emerald Coast of in 1959. Fury wanted the pair to join his black ops team code-named the . During this meeting it was revealed that Kraven and fellow recruit had previously met in , prompting Kraven to shoot the mutant in the chest. Creed quickly recovered due to his healing factor and Fury told the pair to put aside any differences between them if they wanted to be part of his team, which they agreed to do. These new Avengers then traveled to Helsingborg, , where the and his newly formed Fourth Reich were trying to create a new formula. The group gained entry to the Skull's castle headquarters by hijacking a truck and hiding in the back while the drove. When the truck's doors were opened the operatives opened fire on the unprepared Nazi guards. While searching for the Red Skull, the group came across a Nazi . Kraven was ordered to continue hunting for the Skull while many of the other group members stayed to deal with the super-soldier. Kraven found the Red Skull and fired at him with his sniper rifle but shot the soldier standing to the Skull's right. The hunter couldn't believe that he missed a target like the Red Skull's big red head. To compound things, he then accidentally shot Sabretooth as he pounced on the Skull, temporarily taking him out of the fight. After Namora captured the Skull, Nick Fury took his briefcase and told the rest of the group he would meet up with them later before disappearing for over a month

Kraven: "Hmmm....any sight of targets?" He asked the hunter.

Hunter 1: "We have...but looks like there were eight of them now, sir." He said to him and then a hologram showing the view of the other enemies that Kraven need to hunt down...and that is (Y/N), Felicia, Peter, Miles, Gwen, Martin, Sandman, and Lizard.

Kraven: "Hmm...excellent and you all know what to do...but do not failed me. I'll go out there and search Dr. Connors first and you all do what you must do." He said to them and make them nod their heads and they both were going to do it right away and then Kraven who turn his head to look at the image of (Y/N) was there.

Kraven saw how strong of (Y/N) really is...and he heard the rumor about this man...this man who was the boogeyman scares all every criminals out there by himself and then he kills...rips and tears but some people thinking him as a hero...a great real hero dealing with these criminals out there.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was doing his bodyguard role thing and he just stood right there and watching all every fans were dancing and cheering up right away and they both seems to be happy right now and then he was seen this is alright but the thing is...something make him notice there was an endanger in here and this isn't good at all. But the show for the morning...and it is going to be cancelled by the crashes party comes from...the hunters and huntresses got their weapons out and prepare to shoot at the target right away.

Then (Y/N) was surprise to see these bad guys who were showing up right away and he was confuse about why or how it is happened here but something make him notice over there and he saw there was a mark and sign looks like he know this mark and face too.

(Y/N): "*Hmm...this is weird and I known this....must be....Kraven.*" He thought himself and then he was take the Blackpink Girls to the safety right away and this isn't safe for the girls to being here right now...there was a bad guys and hunters are looking for someone...that is (Y/N)...Kraven's orders for what he want (Y/N) alive...because it is going to be great for (Y/N) gonna face the challenge of this game.

When (Y/N) told the girls to run the other direction and he had to do something real quick right away and make him was head to the other room and he was opened the locker and he grab the two weapons comes out of the locker.

When (Y/N) loading the M4A1 rifle and load everything up and he was put the rifle behind his back and then he grab the shotgun and look at the shotgun and he was start to loading the shotgun up right away.

(Y/N): "Alright....time for the action style.~" He said to himself and make him was begin to moving out and he start to take out these bad guys and hunters out by himself and he will wipe all of them out like nothing.

(Y/N): "*Chuckle*"

(Y/N): "Now...prepare for a war.~" He said to himself.

To Be Continued.

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