Black-Pink: Lethal Protector...

By Huyhuynh406

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(Y/N)/Venom: "We....Are Venom." (Y/N) (L/N) Parker was a young man who living in a normal life with his famil... More

Venom's Villains
Prologue 01: The Real King In Black
Prologue 02: New Vigilante
Chapter 1: The Mysterious Killer
Chapter 2: The Devil Comes For Them
Chapter 3: Blackpink's Bodyguard
Chapter 4: Hammerhead's Death
Chapter 5: Venom Appears
Chapter 6: Spiderman Meet Venom/First Fight
Chapter 7: Date With The Girls
Chapter 8: Kingpin's Death
Chapter 9: Peter Meet (Y/N)
Chapter 10: Meet Aunt May & MJ
Chapter 11: The Inner Demons
Chapter 12: The Reveal Of Venom
Chapter 13: The Cat & The Beast Part 1
Chapter 14: The Cat & The Beast Part 2
Chapter 15: The Truth & Answer
Chapter 16: Bomb & Attack Of Inner Demons
Chapter 17: Silver Sable/Mr. Negative
Chapter 18: Venom V.S Sinister Six Part 1
Chapter 19: Venom V.S Sinister Six Part 2
Chapter 20: The Cure Ending
Chapter 21: Night With Black-Pink Girls
Chapter 22: Black & White/New Spiderman
Chapter 24: Kraven The Hunter Part 1
Chapter 25: Venom V.S Lizard/Kraven The Hunter Part 2
Chapter 26: Venom V.S Kraven
Chapter 27: Evil Venom Rebirth
Chapter 28: Venom V.S Phage & Lasher
Chapter 29: Final Battle Venom V.S Evil Venom
Chapter 30: Ending Epilogue

Chapter 23: Tinkerer/Monster or Hero?

204 6 0
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

Then Miles thought it was safe tonight but then some mercenaries come out from their hiding and they both were got their guns out and aiming at Miles and then they both are going to shoot but who gave them an order like this?!? What could possibly make them about to shoot this innocent boy. But before they gonna shoot and out of nowhere there was something else just flew down and land down with crash site and make the soldiers were flew back and send them both to the wall and knock them down on the and then the others were surprises for what they saw (Y/N) with his Venom form was here.

He was stood right there and he is raising up from the ground and make him stare at the enemies who were tries to shoot him but (Y/N) couldn't let that happened.

(Y/N)/Venom: "*GROWLING* What gave you a perfect to shoot the boy?" He asked them and make them were scared as hell and then (Y/N) grab Miles from the ground and he said.

(Y/N)/Venom: "I'm going to take you out of here right now." He said to him and then he was flew up with his wings spread out and begin to flying up away from here and those motherfucking mercenaries better not to shooting at (Y/N) cause he is an invincible and he cannot be get shots by them.

Then (Y/N) was take Miles to somewhere else away from here and he just save Miles life and then he need to flew over there and where he was fly to the rooftop's building over there and make (Y/N) was flew there and he was land down on the ground and make him was slowly put Miles on the ground.

Miles: "W-W-Whoa!!!!!" He said in surprise and then he was back away from (Y/N) who was looking at him with his Venom form and he was slowly to transform back to his human form right away and after the transform was done and then (Y/N) dresses normal casual outfit.

Miles: "W-W-Wait a minute...I-I-I-I know you! You're the one who save my dad back there! Where the explosion was." He said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle to him and he said.

(Y/N): "Yep...I're Miles Morales...and you're the son of Officer Jefferson Davis. Wasn't it?" He asked him.

Miles: "Y-Y-Yeah, I guess I remembered about you were save my the way I heard lot about you...Peter was talk to me about you are the real hero, you know that right?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep...I'm the one who save those people in back there...and anyway I did was a hero...but I don't care for what I really become. what's going on here, Miles?" He asked Miles.

Miles: "Well, it's hard to tell you about what happened back there." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Come on tell me...what's up right now?" He asked Miles.

Miles: "It's been a complicated that I have a word with Tinkerer but she....was too mad and then she want to take something down by herself." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Alright, who was the person that I need to know about, Miles? Come on tell me." He said to him.

Miles: "I know who she really is....she is someone that I really care about." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Her name?" He asked him in question and he want to demanded to know about the name of this villain that he want to know and come after.

Miles: "Phin Mason...she's my childhood friend." He said to him.

Time Skip Later.

In Tinkerer's Hideout.

There was a girl who was working along with the group of the people...and they both are the Tinkerers who were tries to fight against at the bad guys...yes...the bad guys that they were doing this to her and her brother Rick. This young female who was relationship with Miles for long time ago and turns out that she want to killed the son of bitch who did this to her and her brother...but she want to killed him and end him.

Phin Mason AKA Tinkerer.

Phin Mason, also known as the Tinkerer, is the central antagonist of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. A close friend of Miles Morales growing up, she went onto becoming the Tinkerer and leader of the Underground, who wage war against Roxxon. She was capable of using powerful programmable matter which powers weapons used by both her and the Underground.

Phin grew up with Miles, who considered her to be like a sister to him. She also has an older brother, Rick Mason, another one of Miles' childhood friends, who worked at Roxxon and was the original Tinkerer before her. Though Miles and Phin were inseparable growing up, Miles' move to Harlem led to them growing apart. Later, Rick's death at the hands of the negligent Roxxon corporation drives her to lead the Underground and wage war against Roxxon, run by Simon Krieger, in order to take revenge.

Phin was born on February 21, 2002 in Brooklyn, New York. Following the death of her parents when she was young, Phin was raised by her older brother, Rick, the original Tinkerer whom she was very close to. She was a childhood friend of Miles Morales growing up, who considered her to be like a sister to him and she considered him a brother, as Rick had taken on a parental role, this was evidenced years later when she was upset that Miles did not tell her he was Spider-Man.

Phin made numerous inventions, including velociskates and sonar goggles. Working with Miles and with the help of Rick, she created an energy converter that won the award science convention of New York City, leading it to be displayed at an Oscorp Science Center, where both Phin and Miles indirectly met Peter Parker and Otto Octavius (who would later become the villainous Doctor Octopus). After being close for a long time, the two enrolled in different schools, with Miles enrolling in the Brooklyn Visions Academy and Phin enrolling in Midtown High School, leading them to grow apart.

When she was doing her own plan to do and make her want to do something real quick and then until she heard there was an alarm sound coming right up and make her turn to look around and she asked one of the other member from Tinkerer.

Phin: "What's happening?!?" She asked him.

???: "I-I-I don't know! There's a guy wearing all blacks by himself! It seems he just got inside here and begin to take us down!!!!!!!!!!" He said to her.

Phin: "Is it a Spiderman?!" She asked him.

???: "I don't think so! That's not Spiderman! I repeat that's not Spiderman!" He said and then Phin could heard the gunshots and then the yells with pains and grunts...until the door was blasted and knock down on the ground and make Phin turn to look and saw (Y/N) who was stood right there and then he was got his pistol guns with his hands that he is holding M1911 duals that he readying for shoot right away.

(Y/N): "So this is...where you hiding here?" He asked her and make her narrow her eyes at this intruder and vigilante also he was walking toward to her and make sure that she need to fight.

(Y/N): "You're Phin Mason? AKA The Tinkerer? Childhood friend of Miles Morales?" He asked her and make her surprise for what he know about her and Miles.

Phin: "W-W-Wait! Y-You know Miles?!?" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm the one who save his father where explosion really was." He said to her and make her surprise to heard and then (Y/N) was whistle Miles who arrive right on the time and then Phin was seen her best friend is here.

(Y/N): "Look kid, we're not your enemies...we are here to help you alright?" He asked her and make her nod her head.

(Y/N): "I heard this guy name was Roxxon right? So where is he?" He asked her and she was explaining the whole things about what (Y/N) and Miles gonna heard of Roxxon...and that motherfucker was going to pay for what he did everything and it wasn't forgiven and the three of them are going in there and killed them all.

(Y/N): "I we are going in there and killed them all." He said to the two of them and make them both were surprises for what they heard (Y/N) said.

Phin: "U-Um...w-when?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "How about now?" He asked her and then they have to doing it right now before these motherfuckers are gonna doing their new own plans for what they tries to rule over this world and then (Y/N) was going to wipe all of them by himself and he was with Miles and Phin gonna work together as a team and they both gonna take many of them out.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) with Miles and Phin arrive right on the time and they both were in the building of Roxxon and guess the three of them were got there fast as they could and then they both were prepare to fight right away also (Y/N) was holding the guns with him...but type of those different weapons for what he was carrying it. Then (Y/N) sigh out little bit and make him was chuckle little bit and he said.

(Y/N): "Alright, here goes nothing." He said to himself and make him was begin to moving out right away and then he just stood right there and he was loading the weapons and prepare for moving in there and begin to killing all of them.

(Y/N): "One batch...Two batch...Penny and Dime." He said and let out a firing weapon out.

(A/N: Imagine Punisher as (Y/N) fighting at the Roxxon soldiers.)

After the shootout was done and all every Roxxon soldiers were completely wasted by (Y/N) who killing many of them and then he was turn his head to look over there and saw there were drones come out of their hiding. When they both are flying up to the sky and they have the machine guns out and aiming their weapons at (Y/N), Miles, and Tinkerer and then (Y/N) use his right arm shapeshift as tendrils and he wrapped around those three drones and then he was using those drones and smash them both in the walls and blowed up.

(Y/N): "By the way, you're welcome." He said to them and make the three of them head there and they both knock the doors down on the ground and seeing the motherfucker was sat there and shitting himself.

(Y/N): "Good...." He said to himself and he was give Tinkerer with a pistol...Desert Eagle for what she is holding and then she look at him and (Y/N) said.

(Y/N): "One want to take revenge for your brother, right?" He asked her and make her nod her head and then he said.

(Y/N): "I'll leave you two alone with him." He said to her and then he was walking away from here and head outside from the living room and then (Y/N) was begin to move out and heard the scream and gunshot.

Well now the world know who was (Y/N) really is.




To Be Continued.

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