Better Destiny - Severus X Oc...

By Deidara_Pain

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Freya is a modern HP fan girl who like to read, playing video games and watching netflix. She had a huge crus... More

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By Deidara_Pain

In the middle of the night, Freya was abruptly awakened by an unexpected shake. She felt hands over her mouth, muzzling any sound. As her vision cleared, she recognized the mischievous grins of the twins, motioning for her to rise and join them. Initially puzzled, Freya paused, then sighed before standing and shivering from the cold. Reluctantly, she followed the twins out of the great hall. Fred whispered to her, "They didn't find Sirius, so the whole castle is ours now," and George continued the secretive conversation. Freya, feeling grumpy due to the late hour and chill, muttered, "That's why you woke me up? It's freezing."

Realizing her nightgown was insufficient for a late-night venture, the boys, sharing their sweaters, offered her warmth. Looking at the two sweaters - one marked with an 'F' and the other with a 'G' - she knew they were made by their mother, Molly. Acknowledging their kindness, she quickly slipped on Fred's sweater, feeling the warmth emanating from his body. Fred looked triumphant, while George just shrugged and donned his own.

The sweater was large on Freya, but its fluffiness and warmth enveloped her, emitting a pleasant fragrance. Lost momentarily in her thoughts and the comforting scent, she glanced up to find the twins waiting expectantly. Slightly flustered, Freya let out a small sigh, admitting, "Alright, follow me. I need to grab the bag and some warmer clothes."

Guiding the twins to the Slytherin common room, Freya swiftly provided the password and, with the boys waiting outside, she rushed to her room, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and few clothes. Returning with the bag, she grinned at the twins. "Where do you want to go?" she asked, raising an eyebrow playfully. Though the boys smiled in response, they led her on without uttering a word.

The boys led her to the Gryffindor tower, and as she entered the familiar common room, waves of nostalgia flooded her senses, leaving her momentarily stunned. Observing her reaction, the twins grinned. "Yeah, we know our common room is better," George proclaimed confidently. Freya gave them a knowing smile. "Not even in your dreams. But it isn't so bad, I suppose," she added, following the boys into their dormitory secretly smiling. Upon entering their room, she was surprised to find it impeccably clean. Surveying the room, she watched as they hopped onto their bed and gestured towards the two vacant beds. "Do you think it's a good idea to stay here? What if they come back?" Freya asked with a hint of worry.

They smiled smugly at her. "Don't worry, Frey," George stood up and approached, "they won't return until morning." He grabbed her hand and led her to his bed. She complied, sitting cross-legged. Fred joined them on the bed, and she took out the whiskey from the bag. Using her teeth, she removed the cork and spat it out, grinning broadly at the boys.

"Cheers, boys," she exclaimed, raising the bottle before taking a big gulp. "Ah," she winced as the fiery drink scorched down her throat. It had been so long since she last drank, she missed it, not because of the hangover of course, but for the sensation of going out with friends and relieving stress. It felt nice. She opened her eyes and passed the bottle to Fred, who chugged it, eyes tearing up as he fought back a cough, then handed it to George, who did the same. She smiled at them, then glanced at them thoughtfully.

Freya rose and rummaged in her robe while the twins watched her curiously, taking occasional sips of whiskey. After a search, she found her phone nestled next to her wand in one of her pockets. Unlocking it, she was surprised to discover it almost fully charged. Frowning, she glanced between her phone and wand. Puzzled, she took out her wand and gently touched it to her phone. Immediately, the device lit up as though connected to a charger, sparking excitement in her eyes.

"OMG, I can't believe it!" she exclaimed, hugging her phone and spinning around, laughing, which baffled the Weasleys. "What's that?" Fred asked, leaning closer as she returned to George's bed. She handed her precious phone to the curious wizards and felt immensely happy. She could endure without coffee, but the thought of being without her phone might drive her crazy. Her playlist was essential for regulating her emotions.

Freya after Fred gave the strange device back, scrolled through her playlist and began playing her favorite track, starting with 'Horizon - Eat Your Young.' Placing her phone on George's night desk, she leaned in closer to Fred to grab the bottle, taking a few big sips before swaying to the music. She felt a surge of happiness. George and Fred observed her dance through half-closed eyes, thoroughly enjoying the sight.

The bottle was half-empty by the time the next song started, and she handed it back to Fred and George, letting them take a few more gulps before seizing their hands and pulling them to their feet. "Come on, let's dance!" she encouraged as the opening lines of the new song, 'King Mala - She's Calling Me Daddy', filled the room. Freya swayed and moved to the rhythm, and George grabbed her, spinning her around and matching her steps perfectly to the music.

Fred joined in behind her, placing his hands on her waist. The three danced harmoniously to the beat, their movements synced with the song. The taste of the whiskey lingered as they moved, their hands resting gently on her waist, creating a moment in perfect harmony with the music, occasionally whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

As the song ended, Freya, breathless, plopped down, missing George's bed and landing on the floor next to it. The boys, slightly tipsy, followed her like playful puppies, sitting on each side of her and chuckling at her clumsiness. Trying to reach for the firewhiskey in front of George, she realized she couldn't quite grasp it. Unbeknownst to her, she was so close to his face that she felt his breath on her cheeks, prompting her to quickly draw back. George, with a darkened gaze, handed her the bottle, and she took a few swigs, a few drops spilling down her neck.

In sync, Fred and George leaned forward, playfully kissing or licking the whiskey from her neck, causing a shiver to run down her spine. She took a sharp breath and sighed as they pulled back, resuming their seated positions. "Look, guys, you're both really cute, and I had a slight crush on you before," she confessed. Their widened eyes turned to furrowed brows. "But we just met," Fred said, puzzled. "Or did we meet before?" George pondered deeply. Shaking her head, Freya explained, "It's complicated, and it doesn't really matter. I've been in love with someone for a long time now," confessing with a bright smile as she thought of Snape. Knowing that nothing could happen or that the kiss from yesterday might be the only one she'd ever receive, her heart remained unchanged.

The boys looked at her kindly. "Oh, lucky man," whispered Fred, with George nodding in agreement. "But I'm curious, when were you into us? If I missed the signs, I need a solid punch for missing that opportunity," he growled, making Freya burst into laughter. "You couldn't have because you didn't even know of my existence," she quipped. They sighed in mock sadness but then mischievously smiled, nudging her closer. "So?" started Fred, "who is he?" continued George, raising his eyebrows in anticipation.

Freya let out a sigh, "I can't say his name," but before they could bombard her with questions, she raised her hand to quiet them. "Okay, listen, I'll tell you everything I can, but not a word to anybody," she said with an excited smile not waiting their response.

Taking a deep breath, she began, "He's older, not just a few years, more like a real Dilf. I'd call him Daddy if he'd allow it. He's dark, handsome, and incredibly caring. He does so much for people, the bravest and most selfless man I've ever known." Lost in her thoughts, she blurted out everything, her eyes shining. The boys were surprised at how affectionate she became when mentioning this guy.

Despite being taken aback by her affection for an older man, they teased her about it. "Daddy? Oh, you're such a naughty girl, Freya," Fred mockingly imitated in a deep voice, snapping her out of her trance. She playfully kicked him, saying, "Don't mock me. You'd say the same, he's so hot."

Glancing at each other, the boys chuckled and remarked, "We have our doubts," laughing at her expression.

They chuckled and laughed, continuing the night with drinks and dancing until the bottles emptied, leaving them drunk. "I usually can outdrink anyone," Freya exclaimed, hiccupping.

They laughed, and she shared a story about drinking a whole bottle of gin to get free drinks for the night with her friends. As they enjoyed the moment, Freya shared, "You know, it's good to have friends again," with a serious expression, followed by a warm smile.

They playfully piled onto her, saying in unison, "We love you too," they mumbled simultaneously, their words slightly slurred. Freya attempted to push them away, struggling to breathe. "You're so heavy. I can't breathe, move," she gasped, and they tumbled down. They ended up lying down, each of the brothers on one side of her. Gradually, their laughter subsided, and their breathing slowed until they all drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later, Freya woke up gasping for breath. Her eyes opened to find arms and legs tangled all over her, pinned down between the twins. She poked their faces, and they grumpily roused from sleep. "OMG, you almost killed me," she said, breathing heavily. They looked at her with a mix of confusion and apology. Struggling, she stood up, the room spinning around her, and a pounding headache emerging. Carefully maneuvering through the boys, she reached the side table to check her phone, which showed 7:50.

"Shit!" she muttered, urgently nudging the boys again, as they had settled back on the ground. "We're late. Ten minutes, and the first classes are starting," she said, urgency in her voice as she swiftly gathered her belongings. Luckily, she had brought a skirt with her the night before, so she quickly put on of her nightgown. Still wearing Fred's sweater because of lacking a blouse, she threw on her robe, closing it tightly. "Good enough till the break," she thought, quickly glancing in the mirror to fix her hair and grabbing a few mints from her pocket.

Snatching a tie from the floor, she looped it around her neck and stole a last glance at the boys who were rummaging through their things to make it to class. She dashed out from the room, rushing through the fortunately empty common room to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Freya raced up the stairs, feeling a sharp pain in her side, but disregarded it, focused on her goal. Swinging the door open, she stole a quick glance at her phone – 7:59. She rushed to the chair beside Draco and slumped onto the desk.

Draco's worried gaze met hers, "Where were you? I didn't see you at breakfast. And what's that smell?" he wrinkled his nose, prompting Freya to hurriedly take a few more mints to mask the lingering scent of whiskey. As she prepared to respond, Snape stormed in, casting a spell that darkened every window with a flick of his wand.

Her headache vanished instantly as she gazed at his tall, handsome figure striding down the aisle. Seeing him slay in person is beyond amazing. His robe flowing behind him, she couldn't look away. As he reached the front, unfurling the canvas to project images, she felt the urge to applaud in admiration of the show.

Then, with a cold tone, he delivered the famous line, and she silently mouthed the words along with him, "Turn to page 394." His eyes scanned the students, but halted when he noticed her.

His eyes narrowed, a tinge of annoyance evident on his face as he sarcastically addressed her, "Miss Williams," his voice as cold as ice. "I didn't know you changed houses," he remarked, gesturing towards her tie. Freya glanced down and realized it wasn't hers, it must have belonged to one of the Weasley twins.

Heads turned to look at her, a few students quietly snickering, while Draco, on the other hand, glared at her, clearly annoyed.

Freya mentally facepalmed, eager to respond, but Severus continued, "And why are your robes on?" He inquired, feigning curiosity. His face stern and demanding as he spoke up slowly, 'Take it down,' his voice almost like a growl. A shiver ran down her spine from his voice. Freya's breath quickened, and she would be more than happy to obey in any different circumstances, but not now. She wanted to defy his demand, but one look at his face, and she could tell that he was angry.

She sighed and rose to her feet, removing her robe to reveal the sweater with a bold letter F emblazoned on the front.

The Golden Trio's jaws dropped as they recognized the sweater. The students began whispering louder, but Snape's voice cut through, imposing deadly silence once more. "Nice sweater, Miss Williams, but if my memory serves me right, in school, you must be in uniform," he snarked, his gaze freezing her to her seat.

She swallowed hard, aware that her face had turned red, not because of the whispers or the speculations but because of Severus. Freya hadn't seen him so angry before. As she attempted to say something, the door opened, and two boys rushed in.

Snape's gaze lingered on Freya for a brief moment before he turned sharply to the two newcomers. "Mister Weasleys, I didn't know you were in this class," his remark was cold and angry as he noticed the green tie in their hands.

"I'm sorry, Professor Snape, but Freya left her tie in our dorm yesterday," said Fred smugly, wearing a grin that made Freya want to kill him. The students began whispering louder, and Snape's face started twitching from the growing anger.

"And wanted to bring hers back before class because she took mine," continued George, his smile as wide as his brother's. "Oh, you still have my sweater, I searched for it," remarked Fred, observing the red-faced Freya who shot them furious glances, but they simply winked back at her.

"You with the Weasleys," hissed Draco angrily next to her, but she couldn't deal with him at that moment. Severus' head snapped back at her, something indecipherable in his eyes as he glanced at her sweater and then back at the twins. Freya shook her head, wanting to say something as he slowly walked towards her. However, she found herself unable to speak, unable to decipher the emotions from his face. He seemed angry, but something else was reflected in his eyes that she couldn't quite place.

He halted at her desk, extending his hand. Freya swiftly removed the tie and placed it in his hand, which he clenched so tightly that his fingers whitened from the force.

He then approached the Weasleys slowly, a remark dripping with sarcasm, "How nice," as he dropped the tie into Fred's hand and seized Freya's tie. "Next time, maybe attend class instead of playing gentlemen. Fifty points from Gryffindor because you left the class," he snapped at them. Turning away, the boys' smiles didn't wane; they merely rolled their eyes as George placed the tie around her neck, subtly caressing it and winking at her. As Snape walked back, the whispers ceased immediately upon seeing his evident anger.

When he realized the Weasleys were still there, he snapped, "Back to class."Without stopping near her, he left her tie on the desk and promptly returned to the front as the boys exited the room.

"Page 394," he commanded, and everyone complied immediately. Nobody dared to speak up; Hermione's eyes widened as she read 'werewolves' but she remained silent. "Who knows the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?" he asked, glancing at the students but pointedly avoiding Freya's direction. "Nobody? How disappointing." Granger, of course, knew the answer, but it seemed that, for once, she was wise enough not to speak up while the professor was in such an angry state.

He continued to assign homework, detailing a two-roll parchment about werewolves, causing the class to audibly sigh in annoyance. However, with just one glance from Snape, they fell into silence.

However, Harry was foolish enough to speak up, "Sir, it's Quidditch tomorrow." Snape, who was pacing in the class, halted before his desk and leaned closer. "Then I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter. Loss of limb will not excuse lateness. Page 394," he repeated the page number and Freya knew he wanted to give Harry a hint, but the boy failed to comprehend. Snape then returned to the projector and resumed the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, when Snape dismissed the class, everyone quickly dispersed. Draco left too without a word, shooting an angry glance her way before departing. Freya remained, standing up slowly and walking forward after the last student had also left.

Snape didn't bother looking up from his writing. He remained seated behind the desk, ignoring her for a few minutes before finally speaking up. "Miss Williams, if I were in your place, I would leave quickly before getting into more trouble," he snarled, looking up at her.

As she opened her mouth to speak, he narrowed his eyes. "Be careful. I was generous enough to let you slip away with what happened at the beginning of the lesson, but my patience and generosity isn't endless," he warned. His gaze shifted to her sweater again, and his voice grew angrier.

Freya fidgeted with her hands as she stepped closer to the desk, meeting his gaze. Her cheeks flushed as she spoke, "It's a misunderstanding," she said quietly.

He raised his eyebrows sharply, snapping, "You spent the night in another house, in a boys' dormitory, and then showed up in the next morning's class, almost late, with missing uniform and in the wrong tie." He growled, then leaned closer, realization dawning in his eyes, "And you were clearly intoxicated, as you smell like whiskey. If you thought it clever to disguise the smell of whiskey with mints, I assure you it wasn't," he spat out the words, his anger palpable.

Freya looked down at her hands, unsure of what to say. "And if I am not mistaken, you were the one who brought the alcohol, isn't that right?" he sneered softly.

Freya looked up, peering deep into his eyes. "Did you recognized me?" she gasped, her heart fluttering.

He snorted and glanced her up and down. "I knew it was you when you stepped into the Three Broomsticks. I sensed you would plan something, but didn't know what. However, when you arrived in that very revealing dress, I knew it was you," he said angrily.

Freya pondered his words for a moment, then realization struck her. "You were there because you followed me," she smiled at him. His face froze for a moment, then he attempted to play it off. "I wasn't," but Freya's smile widened.

He snapped, "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you broke many rules in one night," slowly reverting to scolding her.

As he looked on, visibly disgusted by her sweater, she swallowed hard, her smile fading. Understanding what he might be thinking, she swiftly removed the sweater, revealing the top of her nightgown, which was slightly revealing as she wasn't wearing a bra.

She let the sweater drop and Snape observed her every move with a stoic expression. "Miss Williams, if you even for a minute thought that revealing your body to me will affect me even slightly, you are on a very wrong path," he said coldly.

Freya shook her head and looked deep into his eyes, pleading, "No, I didn't. I took it off because I didn't want you to misunderstand," she said quickly.

"Yes, I drank an aging potion to obtain the whiskey, and for their help, I agreed to get them one too. But due to some events, I didn't get them one, so I offered to drink mine with them. Yesterday evening was cold, and Fred offered his sweater. We drank and danced, but nothing happened," she emphasized to him, but his stoic expression remained unchanged.

He wanted to talk but then shook her head. "Not even a kiss. I was drunk, and maybe they kissed my neck, but I stopped them because I told them I love you," confessed the girl.

His facial expressions changed in various stages as she spoke. When she mentioned the neck kiss, his face reddened with anger, then paled when she said the last part. "Did you mention to them that you love me?" he asked urgently.

"I said that I have someone I love. I didn't mention your name, and I never will," she said passionately. "I will never put you in trouble," she said softly, smiling at him.

The color returned to his face, but he answered sarcastically, "It's a nice story, but I'm sure after two bottles of Firewhiskey, you wouldn't remember every aspect of the night. And, as I saw from the boys," he gritted his teeth as he hissed the last part, "they were really smug about it and made it very noticeable that you three spent the night together."

She rolled her eyes. "We drank one bottle, the other is..." She looked away, then back into his eyes. "The other was a gift for you," she blurted out, and Snape was surprised. "I wanted to thank you for your help and give you something you'd like," she shrugged.

She continued, "As for the other thing, I've never been so drunk as to not remember what I was doing," she stated matter-of-factly. "Oh, is that so?" Snape raised his eyebrows skeptically. "And how often were you drunk?" he asked, questioning her.

She looked away and moved her hand side to side, gesturing, "a few," then smiled at him innocently. He glanced at the girl in front of him and then sighed.

Freya smiled mischievously, "But Professor, why were you so angry at the thought that I might have been with the two Gryffindor boys?" she asked cheekily.

Snape snapped instantly, "Because it's against the rules for a girl to spend the night in the boys' dormitory," he said authoritatively, not looking into her eyes.

"Come on, I don't think I'd be the first one having sex within these castle walls," she said teasingly, and Snape's eyes snapped back to hers.

"I don't care if you were the first or last. You can't have any within these walls," he said sternly. She smiled at him, "You seem a bit jealous, Sev," she whispered. His eyes flared up. "It's nonsense. I just make sure you follow the rules," he said coldly.

Freya snickered because the fact that he didn't scold her for calling him by his nickname meant she was right. She hummed and turned around, picking up the sweater. "Freya," he snapped, and her heart skipped a few beats from happiness at hearing her name from his mouth.

She turned around, smiling, but his cold tone made her pause. He motioned to the sweater. "Leave the sweater here," he said sharply, then glanced at her tie, which lay against her chest, slightly moving with every breath. "Your tie too," he instructed. She frowned, "But I need my tie." He glared at her, then with a flick of his wand, a green tie appeared from thin air.

"Take this," he commanded, and she nodded. She removed the tie and placed it on his desk with the sweater, then took the green tie and put it on. It carried his scent, and she looked at him curiously. When their eyes met, she briefly noticed satisfaction in his gaze before it vanished.

"Was this tie, perhaps yours?" She asked quietly, scanning his face. He looked deep into her eyes. "Yes," he replied, one word with such intensity that her heart fluttered, and happiness hit her hard.

She pressed it against her chest and smiled widely. "I will take good care of it," her eyes glowed with happiness. He smiled softly, then his expression turned serious. "I hope so, because if I see one more time that you're wearing somebody else's tie, it won't go unpunished," his deep voice sent shivers down her spine, causing her to clench her legs to control the trembling in her core.

"Thank you," she whispered as she slowly turned around, put on her robe, and left the room, stealing a final glance at her beloved professor, whose intense gaze had warmed her entire body.

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