Black-Pink: Lethal Protector...

By Huyhuynh406

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(Y/N)/Venom: "We....Are Venom." (Y/N) (L/N) Parker was a young man who living in a normal life with his famil... More

Venom's Villains
Prologue 01: The Real King In Black
Prologue 02: New Vigilante
Chapter 1: The Mysterious Killer
Chapter 2: The Devil Comes For Them
Chapter 3: Blackpink's Bodyguard
Chapter 4: Hammerhead's Death
Chapter 5: Venom Appears
Chapter 6: Spiderman Meet Venom/First Fight
Chapter 7: Date With The Girls
Chapter 8: Kingpin's Death
Chapter 9: Peter Meet (Y/N)
Chapter 10: Meet Aunt May & MJ
Chapter 11: The Inner Demons
Chapter 12: The Reveal Of Venom
Chapter 13: The Cat & The Beast Part 1
Chapter 14: The Cat & The Beast Part 2
Chapter 15: The Truth & Answer
Chapter 16: Bomb & Attack Of Inner Demons
Chapter 18: Venom V.S Sinister Six Part 1
Chapter 19: Venom V.S Sinister Six Part 2
Chapter 20: The Cure Ending
Chapter 21: Night With Black-Pink Girls
Chapter 22: Black & White/New Spiderman
Chapter 23: Tinkerer/Monster or Hero?
Chapter 24: Kraven The Hunter Part 1
Chapter 25: Venom V.S Lizard/Kraven The Hunter Part 2
Chapter 26: Venom V.S Kraven
Chapter 27: Evil Venom Rebirth
Chapter 28: Venom V.S Phage & Lasher
Chapter 29: Final Battle Venom V.S Evil Venom
Chapter 30: Ending Epilogue

Chapter 17: Silver Sable/Mr. Negative

278 8 1
By Huyhuynh406

3rd POV:

Previously Of Black-Pink: Lethal Protector.

 When (Y/N) was jump up from the bike and he land his feet down on the top of truck over there and he was turn his head to look down at where the driver....Mr. Negative and the other man who was holding

(Y/N): "Hmmm....I need to get there fast as I could." He said to her and then (Y/N) was aiming his Desert Eagle at the driver and he take a shot at him and blast the head like clean off and make him was death already and then he was fall down on the wheel and then (Y/N) seen the truck was out of control and make (Y/N) was move to the other side right away and he was grab the door opened out and he said.

(Y/N): "Surprise, motherfucker." He said to Mr. Negative and (Y/N) punches him in the face and keep punching at him and then (Y/N) gave him a dropkick hit him on the face pretty hard and then he grab the suitcase from Mr. Negative and take it off then Mr. Negative tries to use his hand touch at (Y/N)....and it doesn't work like that.

(Y/N): "Nice try, asshole. I'm not affected by one of your goddamn poison." He said to him and then he was punch him again and send him out of the vehicle and then (Y/N) grab the doctor and take him out of the vehicle and then the truck was crashes through the building...where it is heading to there and smash through the building and then it was crashed there and then the building was blowed up right away and none of it just got blow up like this.

When (Y/N) was with the doctor crash down on the ground and make the two of them were rolling and keep rolling and they both were laying down on the ground and unconscious by themselves and make them both were slowly wake up. Then (Y/N) was get up from the ground and he was turn his head to look over the truck was over there and looks like it was completely blow up and nothing left of it.

(Y/N): "Huh...." He said to himself and make him heard the groaning comes from someone else laying down there and he turn his head to look at the man who was laying down on the ground and it seems he was been unconscious and he is alive.

???1: "W-W-Who are you?!? Why did you-" He tries to said and then he saw (Y/N) gave him a hand.

(Y/N): "Easy, old man. I'm not gonna kill the way I just save your ass out there, didn't I?" He asked him and make the doctor grab his right hand and he lifting him up from the ground and then (Y/N) said.

(Y/N): "This is what you were looking for?" He asked him.

???: "T-The suitcase! How did you-" He tries to said and then out of nowhere an helicopter was flew here and arrive right on the time and make (Y/N) was turn his head to look over there and he take his Desert Eagles out and loading the weapons up. When (Y/N) heard the zip line was coming down from the soldiers that they both arrive here right on the time and (Y/N) saw...there were 5 white armored soldiers holding the assault rifles.

???1: "Hold it right there!" He shout out to him.

???2: "Drop your weapons down! And put your hands up!" He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "You first, asshole!" He said to him and then the five soldiers were about to shoot but (Y/N) shot five of them with his guns and his bullets cannot blast them...and make them get stunned and then (Y/N) goes his own martial art fighting at these bad guys down by himself.

(A/N: Imagine Scott Adkins as (Y/N) beat the shit out of these bad guys.)

When (Y/N) was took them down by himself and then (Y/N) just take them out easily and when he was stood right there and he was looking down at them and he just defeat them like easily and then he sense something else in danger come for this way and heard gunshots behind at him and make (Y/N) was shoot his guns first and hit the bullets from someone else just shoot him.

(Y/N) turn around to look and he saw there was a woman who is over there and she had a white short long hair and she is freaking hot as hell and (Y/N) definitely like her and it is going to be fun battle with this woman. The woman was wearing a white outfit on and she wore a white leather coat and then she was looks like hot as hell...and she must be Russian for what (Y/N) was describe at her. Then (Y/N) was aim his gun at her and she had the same thing too and the two of them aiming their weapons at each others and prepare for shots right away.

Silver Sable.

(Y/N): "Huh...never unexpected I seen a woman was showing up here." He said to her.

Silver Sable: "You're really good with hand combat fighting...who are you?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Me? I have no problem with you....I'm here to save the old man and that's all..." He said to her.

Silver Sable: "Really? That means you are almost the enemy for what I saw you about." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Bitch think you are princess tries to stop me? I am nothing like for what you see." He said to her and this make her was pisses off about it and before the two of them were about to release the fire of weapons.

???: "Wait, stand down!!!!!! He's helping me away from Mr. Negative! Silver! Please don't open fire...I have the case!" He said to her and make her was surprise and she saw the doctor was holding the suitcase and then she turn back to look at him and make (Y/N) nod his head to her and he said.

(Y/N): "Go more thing...take your men out of here before I blast these motherfuckers with these bullets." He said to her and this make her pisses off about it and she was told them about let's get going right now and then they both were leaving right away and the chopper was take them out of here immediately and leave them away from (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Alright, time for Mr. Negative....I need to find him right now...where the hell is he?" He ask himself and make him begin to walking off.

Time Skip Later.

In Subway Station.

When Peter was having a fight between Mr. Negative over there and it looks like he was tries to defeat him and then Peter tries his best having a words with Mr. Negative that he doesn't want to listen about the words from Spiderman...cause Martin Li want to get his revenge for his own parent...and he want to kill Norman Osborn for what he did to his own family and turns out that Mr. Negative want to wipe all everything out around here in this world.

Until he was about to release his powers and out of nowhere there was a tendrils wrap around at Mr. Negative and make him was surprises and he tries to move but then (Y/N) was throw Mr. Negative to the wall of the train and make him was crashes through there and then he was shook his head to look up at the new figure who was arrive here and make Mr. Negative is surprise.

(Y/N)/Venom: "*GROWLING*" He was growling out.

Mr. Negative: "You?!?" He said in surprise for what he saw (Y/N) is here right now...and yep he was definitely arrive here right on the time and then (Y/N) was looking toward at Mr. Negative and then he let out a powerful roar toward at Mr. Negative right away. 

(Y/N)/Venom: "*ROAR*"

When (Y/N) was roar out like that and this scared the crap out of Mr. Negative and make him was shook his head and he turn his head to look at (Y/N) with his Venom form and then he was goes his fighting stance right away

(Y/N)/Venom: "Can we join in?!? Cause this is going to be fun for both of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~" He said to him and make Mr. Negative was fear and he is truly got his ass turn into pure fear as hell and he saw (Y/N) was grab Mr. Negative and snarl at his face and make Mr. Negative tried to get this creature off of him. When the creature was thrown him to the wall right away and make the bastard was crash to the wall and he use his tendril was wrapped around him and make sure he won't escape away from him...the Devil...The Monster.

(Y/N)/Venom: "*SNARL*"

When (Y/N) was looking at him and prepare to kill him right away and Mr. Negative tried to punch at the creature but he use his left arm block the attack and make the creature use his right shapeshift into claws and he begin to stabbed at Mr. Negative in the chest. When the meta-human was spat blood out of his mouth and look down at the stab where his wound was...and then (Y/N) begin to stabbing at him in many times to kill him death right away.

When (Y/N) was throw Mr. Negative to the control where the train was going up there and where it is going to hit the dead end and then (Y/N) was walking toward to the bastard and make the bastard tries to use his power to blast at (Y/N). But then (Y/N) use his right arm clenched as a fist and he was swung his right fist toward at Mr. Negative and smash his fist toward to the face of Mr. Negative pretty hard and make him was spat bloods out of his mouth and nose.

(Y/N)/Venom: "Heh...Now then...let's take you back to the cell." He said to himself and then he was look over there and tries to stop the train with his power to make the train stopped and it is finally stopped where it is right now. After the train is stopped and make (Y/N) just save the day and he heard a thud land down on the ground and he turn around to look and he saw Spiderman was arrive here right on the time.

Spiderman: " just knock Martin Li out."

(Y/N)/Venom: "Who knews...but this guy is like us...and anyway let's take him back to the cell." He said to Spiderman and he was transform back to his own human form and begin to walk away from here.

To Be Continued.

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