The Legendary Prince (A Percy...

By Deemanthi2007

13.5K 243 77

It was just a normal day for the camp Half-blood...Until someone kidnapped Percy... What will happen when Per... More

01.The Beginning Of The Everything
02.What a Great day
03.Dreams,Wishes,Trainings and missions
04.The new Girl
05.It's the time now
06.The cute but dangerous prince
07.Plan For The Kidnap
The Army Of Chaos
The Army Of End
09.Everything Goes Wrong
11.Situations In Three Places
12.Blueberry And Getting Help
14.A Meeting With Nyx
15.Lady Order's Room
16.Inside The Book
17.The Past Story
18.Going Back
19. Fainted
Hey...PlZ read!

20.A Bad News

317 5 8
By Deemanthi2007

*At camp half blood*

"What is it, Hero?" Star asked.

"It seems like we have to free Cerex."

"WHAT? Are you serious? I mean even if we free him, how are we going to control him?"

Hero sighed. And he went to their cabin without saying anything.

"HERO!!!" Star yelled angrily.

*At their cabin*
Hero let out a long sigh and jumped into his bed. He read the note once again Sky gave him.

This will be a little unbelievable. But first, you have to trust me. I have a plan. And I need your help. You have to free Cerex. Remember the necklace I gave you for your birthday? You can control Cerex with it. Keep training demigods. Be ready. Maybe You will hear some bad news about me. But don't worry. It's all a part of my plan. Don't tell anyone about this. And one last thing, Lord End is not our real enemy. I love you.

"What are you going to do my love?" Luke said to himself with a sigh.

"Hero! We have a problem." Knife barged into Hero's room by saying that.

*With Sky*

Sky slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he could feel was the chains that were tying his hands.

"Well...Well...Well...Looks like little prince is awake." A rough voice said.

"End" Sky growled.

"No need to be angry my little nephew. You will die soon." End said with a disgusting smile.

"We'll see about that uncle"

"Before you can see anything you will die. But before dying, you should do something useful. Come here, Mark. You know what to do." End said and left the room.

"You are even more beautiful than I imagined. I heard your cousin is also beautiful. After Lord End wins this war, I will have you both for myself. But for now, You'll be enough. Oh...and I need a little information from you." The boy named Mark said and before Sky could say anything he felt a cold hand inside his shirt slowly touching his body.

All Sky felt was disgusting. But without thinking twice Sky suddenly kissed Mark on the lips.

*At CHB*

"You sure Sky and Storm have disappeared?" Beauty asked from Dream for the 85th time.

Dream's eyes were twitching. "Yes, I'm 100% sure that they are nowhere to be found. Darkness isn't talking to any of us. He keeps thinking and thinking like Hero's doing right now."

Everyone looked at Hero.

"Train the demigods harder. We have a war against us. We don't have any time to waste. Everyone go now."

Instead of going Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"Have you lost your mind, Hero?' Arrow asked.

"Hero is right. We shouldn't waste any time." A voice said behind them. It was Darkness. Darkness and his army have come to the camp.

"We'll help you too. Let's go now." Darkness said.


"No buts. Guys, We have to trust Sky and Storm. That's the only thing we could do for them." Hero said before Beauty could say anything.

'Please be safe my love...' Luke thought to himself.









Hi, my dear readers!

Sorry, I couldn't update for a long time. I've been busy with school.🥲 And I won't be able to update until June. Because I have my life's biggest exam in May.😭 Wish me luck.🥲❤️ I have to study a lot and get high marks. If I didn't pass the exam with high marks. I won't be able to even do a job In the future.😢 So...sorry...This story won't be updated until June. Bye until then.😓

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