Little Ba Reum AU - The roads...

By Anki_Carrington

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NEW CHAPTER Instead of hiding his little headspace from his friends for years, Ba Reum is found out sooner. N... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chpter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 16

267 12 4
By Anki_Carrington

Ba Reum yawned when his alarm went off, now time to get up instead of going to the bathroom. Grumpily, he unburied himself from his blanket, barely noticing that he was holding unicorn tightly in his arm while he went to the bathroom and did his business.

Yawning, he pressed his face in the plushie, putting it to the side while he wiped himself and flushed the toilet, but grabbing it with him again on the way to the kitchen. Boiling some water in a pot, he put a filter in a funnel, and put in a generous measure of coffee powder and poured the water in it, refilling each time it was getting low until he had himself half a litre of coffee.

Drinking his first cup, he started to feel a little more alive, and by the second when he noticed the unicorn that was held on his lap. Putting his cup down, he looked at the stuffie, his hands patting it and feeling the soft fur.

"Hyuk said to take you with me this weekend," Ba Reum said, taking another sip of coffee before continuing to pet the plush, "I hope you're not nervous of staying over. He's very nice, you know,"

Looking at the plushie, Ba Reum gave a sigh, knowing that he was projecting his own nervousness, and that it was silly to talk to the plushie especially when he was out of headspace.

Not wanting to trigger another episode of headspace on a school day, he quickly went to his bedroom and put the plushie in his bed, tucking it in so it was nice and warm during his absence.

Finishing up his second cup, he poured himself a third one and went to open up the fridge, staring in it, but knowing that he still hadn't done the shopping needed, even though he had a free day the day before.

He had meant to do, but then he suddenly had realised that Hyuk had bought them fast food the day before, and Ba Reum hadn't paid him back yet, and he didn't know how much it had cost. There had been a lot. And he had eaten dinner and cookies, and then there was the cost of the laundry machine.

And of course, the diaper he had used, and Ba Reum had looked up the prizes of some of those, and they hadn't been cheap at all, and even now Ba Reum felt nervous about this weekend and how much extra that would cost him.

Would Hyuk expect him to pay for staying over as well? His aunt had always told him to pay his share of the household cost, like heating and water used, so he guessed that would come on the bill as well.

The feeling of owning money had been making him nervous, so he hadn't gone to the shop, and just ate some fruit still lying in the fridge, cutting out the bad spots, and ate some rice with Kimchi.

He took out the leftover as breakfast, knowing that this afternoon they would have another physical education session and not wanting to feel faint during it.

It would be bad enough today, to be called poopy pants by the man and perhaps some of the students would chime in as well. And after school, he would go to the Hyuk's office. The man was a prosecutor, and he had visited the school, so it was easy enough to know from where he came.

He just hoped that the caregiver wouldn't mind Ba Reum visiting him at work, but the little thought it would be less awkward to have unexpected visit at work then standing at the man's door suddenly.

At least, that way they were on neutral ground and Ba Reum could explain that he didn't have a lot of money and that he wouldn't mind being kept on his watch instead of an expensive diaper, or just eating some rice instead of the more lavish dinner he had gotten there.

Perhaps he should offer to take his own food with him for the weekend. It would be embarrassing to admit to not having a lot of money, but it was better that Hyuk knew it before Ba Reum came. That way he wouldn't have any wrong expectations.

Finishing up his coffee, he went to the toilet one extra time, knowing that the coffee ran through him rather quickly.

"Hey, there you are," Yu Ri said when he arrived, smiling at him. The girl had been rather worried about her classmate ever since she snuck out of the classroom to get someone to help them out.

She had inquired to the director when he hadn't shown up to class the day after, afraid that something might have happened, but it seemed that it was all okay, the absence excused. Still, it felt good to see him in the flesh.

"Hi," Ba Reum said, sliding down on the seat next to her, a flush on his cheeks. She smiled at him, as a caregiver automatically feeling affection for the little, even if he did seem to be a little small for her.

"How are you feeling? You seemed rather poorly last time," she asked, not wanting to say out loud that he had pooped himself.

"Better," Ba Reum said, feeling a bit shy, "not looking forward to physical today,"

"Oh, you haven't heard?" Yu Ri said in surprise, but then realised that he hadn't been to school since then, "he got sacked. We have the afternoon off and next week we have a replacement,"

"Sacked? Why?" Ba Reum asked, and Yu Ri looked at him as if he had grown another head.

"For how he treated you, for the most part," Yu Ri explained, "but also because of a lot of verbal abuse,"

"Don't drill sergeants always shoot at everyone?" Ba Reum asked, realising that this was the second time he had gotten the man fired, and twice because he had messed himself in class.

"Yeah, but not like that. He was singling a few of us out and hammered down on them," Yu Ri said, "but at least now he's gone. I hope the replacement will be good,"

"Yeah, me as well," Ba Reum said, the conversation ending when their first teacher came into the room.

By the end of the school day, Ba Reum was feeling a little better. The half day was nice, and the thought of not having that evil teacher anymore was delightful. And now he wouldn't need to hurry to get to the detective station.

Leisurely walking, Ba Reum ignored his empty stomach while he found his way to the place. Taking in a deep breath he entered the building.

A harried looking receptionist was talking to a few people in front of her, their words annoyed and looking to be in the middle of an argument.

Ba Reum frowned, keeping a safe distance so he wouldn't be caught in the cross fire. A few more harsh words were exchanged, and he wondered if it wouldn't be better to return at a later time, but then he would need to walk all the way over again.

"Need help?" a man asked him, a detective badge visible on his belt, "she's going to be busy with him for a while. He comes at least once a month with a ton of complaints,"

"Oh, I was just searching for a prosecutor. Uhm, his name is Hyuk," Ba Reum said, looking at the detective who frowned at him.

"Hyuk?" Moo Chi said, "and his last name?"

"I...I don't know it," Ba Reum said, his cheeks flushing when he realised just how little he knew about the man, "but he's very tall, and muscled,"

"Ah, you mean Ji. You got an appointment?" the detective asked, and Ba Reum's face fell.

"Oh, I didn't realise. I guess he must be busy man," the little said biting his lip, and was surprised that the man clapped him on the back.

"Don't worry about it, I always get in without an appointment as well," the man said, another nearby detective gave a snort, but didn't comment, "so, if you promise you're not some kind of weirdo stalker, I'll help you out,"

"I'm not a weirdo stalker," Ba Reum said, raising an eyebrow at the man.

"Good enough for me," the detective said, "follow along. He should be in already,"

"In already?" Ba Reum asked, while he followed the man, slightly amused at his behaviour and wondering what the prosecutor would think about him showing up. At least he had a last name now, if it was indeed the same man.

"Yeah, he only works half-time these days," Moo Chi said, "got the short end of the stick, has to work Friday afternoon,"

"Oh," Ba Reum said, frowning a little. The man didn't even work full time. That would mean he would really need the money he had used for Ba Reum. He couldn't even imagine trying to life in his small house with half the pay check.

Ba Reum knew that prosecutors made more money, but surely not enough to throw around.

The detective knocked on a door, and Ba Reum recognized the familiar deep face telling him to enter, and felt his nervousness heighten, and stood at the side until the detective had asked if it was okay for him to disturb.

"Detective Ko, with what can I help you today?" the man asked, looking up from his desk to see Moo Chi, holding up his hands.

"Not for me this time," the detective said, "but there was someone looking for you,"

"I didn't think I had an appointment," Hyuk said with a frown, "who is it?"

"Ah, right. Kid, what's your name," Moo Chi asked of Ba Reum.

"It's Jung Ba Reum, sir," Ba Reum said.

"It's Jung Ba Reum, sir," Moo Chi repeated with a grin, seeing the prosecutor's eyes widen when the man got up from his chair.

"Ba Reum? Come on in," Hyuk asked, opening the door completely and Moo Chi's eyebrows raised when he saw the big man put his hands on Ba Reum's shoulders and give the kid a once over, "everything alright? Did something go wrong at school today?"

"Oh, no, everything was good," Ba Reum said, flushing a little while he shuffled under the scrutiny, feeling his mind get a bit fuzzy. Without even meaning to, he put his thumb in his mouth, trying to calm down and centring his mind.

"That's good," Hyuk said smiling down at him, before glancing at the surprised looking detective.

"Thank you detective Ko, if Ba Reum comes, you can always let him through to my office," Hyuk said.

"You're welcome prosecutor Ji," Moo Chi said, recognizing the dismissal and leaving the man alone with the little.

Returning back to his desk, Ha Neul looked at him with curiosity.

"So, that person didn't need an appointment?" Ha Neul asked.

"No, I think it's his little," Moo Chi said.

"He didn't look like a little," Ha Neul said.

"Oh, it was most definitely a little," Moo Chi said, going back to his files, "and that calls himself a detective, honestly,"

He ignored the paperclip thrown his way while he thought back to the young man, tall and a bit too skinny for his caregiver instincts, but most definitely a little. He did had a young vibe to him, but it was perhaps because he was sucking his thumb.

Moo Chi smiled at himself, finding it adorable when some of the little habits made their way into their daily lives. Ah, the prosecutor was lucky to have found one.

"So, Ba Reum, what brings you here," the caregiver said, smiling down at the little, who was still sucking his thumb and looking up at Hyuk. It made the man think about his headspace age, and he suddenly realised that he hadn't bought a paci for the little.

"Uhm," Ba Reum said, flushing even harder when he noticed that he had his thumb in his mouth. He quickly removed, while he tried to pull back from headspace, "I wanted to talk about our agreement,"

"Something is bothering you?" Hyuk asked, gently guiding the little over to one of the chairs in front of his desk and taking the one next to it so he was able to talk to the little.

"I didn't pay you yet," Ba Reum said, "I'm sorry, with all that was going on, I didn't think to ask how much I owed you,"

"Nothing," Hyuk said with a frown, "you owe me nothing,"

"What?" Ba Reum asked confused, "but for the food, and I used a few d..diapers,"

He whispered the last word, as if it was shameful to admit that he had used them, and Hyuk frowned at that little detail.

"You still don't own me anything. I bought the food, and I bought the diapers," Hyuk said, "you weren't in a capacity to decide at that moment,"

"Are you really sure?" Ba Reum asked, "I mean, it probably wasn't cheap. You got us burgers, and you cooked dinner, and we had the cookies. And diapers aren't cheap either, and the water I used, and..."

"The water you used?!" Hyuk said, looking shocked, "you think I would bill you for the water?"

"I mean, it's normal," Ba Reum said shifting on his chair and getting more and more the feeling that he had said something wrong.

"No, I don't think so," Hyuk muttered, "whatever it is, no, I don't expect you to pay for that,"

"Okay, I guess," Ba Reum said, biting his lip, "than I'll start paying for this weekend, I guess, but...uhm, I can't really, you know, afford too much take away, so I can always bring some food with me,"

"What?" Hyuk asked, looking horrified at Ba Reum, who flushed.

"It's just, I'm just on the stipend of the police school. I know I should have gotten a job in the evening, but I'm afraid I'll fail the school than," Ba Reum said, his words flowing out of his mouth like a waterfall, "but I'll just bring my own food, that way you don't have to bother. And I don't need to use diapers at all. I promise I'll try to pay my part every time,"

"Stop," Hyuk said, holding his finger on Ba Reum's lips while he looked at the little in shock.

Ba Reum blinked at him, wide-eyed and he just knew that he had done something wrong, and he felt his own heart crumple, even though he barely knew the man. Another loss, another person who didn't want him.

"I'm sorry," Ba Reum said, pushing the neck of his shirt in his mouth, nervously starting to chew the fabric while trying to contain tears.

"No, no, don't be," Hyuk said, patting Ba Reum's head, "there will be no costs for you. You come over to my place, and I'll provide everything,"

"But that's not fair for you," Ba Reum said, "I mean, I know I cost a lot, and you only work halftime, and I get the stipend,"

"I have more than enough money," Hyuk said, "and I would feel bad for you to not be able to come to me because of lack of funds. I insist that I pay if you come over,"

"I'm not a gold digger," Ba Reum said, his jaw set, "I don't want to take advantage of you,"

"And you don't," Hyuk said, "believe me, this is as much for me as it is for you that I want this. Ba Reum, please, let me take care of that side as well,"

"It's expensive," Ba Reum said, still feeling apprehensive.

"How about this. For now, let me pay, and later, when you have more money, you can start paying a little as well?" Hyuk said, completely planning to never bring that part of his plans up in the future but wanting Ba Reum to feel comfortable.

"And what if it doesn't work out?" Ba Reum asked, cautiously.

"What about that?" Hyuk asked.

"Well, I can't pay a large sum of money in one go," Ba Reum explained, "so, if it doesn't work out, I can pay what I owe you in instalments,"

"Ba Reum, sweetheart, I just said that I would pay," Hyuk said, and Ba Reum nodded.

"I know that, but that's only for as long as we're together. I mean, I understand that you would want your money back after," Ba Reum said, and this time Hyuk grabbed his shoulders.

"Sweetheart, I will never ask for this money back. Use your money to make sure you be the best cop you can be and that way any debt you think you have is repaid, okay?" Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum stared at him. Stared at him for quite a while, and Hyuk was afraid that he had broken the little.

"You really mean that?" Ba Reum asked.

"Yes I do. I don't want to have a single penny from you. I want to take care of you, and that means financially as well. Almost like I really was your parent," Hyuk said, and was surprised when Ba Reum's face crumpled and the little started to cry.

He didn't hesitate to take Ba Reum in a hug though, not understanding that Ba Reum was thinking about the bill his aunt presented him every month, about the burden his family always thought he was and here, an almost complete stranger offered to take care of it all. 

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