When The Last Petal Falls

By thedarknessclaims

41.7K 965 207

Love conquers everything they say, but does it death? The story of two lovers destined to be together but hau... More

1. Rituals
2. Arrival
3. Mirror Image
4. Old Friend
5. Memories
6. Betrayal
7. New Territory
8. Velaris
9. First Dinner
10. Smouldering Fire
11: Burning Girl
12. Drunk On The Moon
13. Thawing Of A Frozen Heart
14. Decisions
15. Fights
16. Discovery and Dread
17. Pleasing A Storm
18. Start of the End
19. On The Way
20. Dance with the Day Court
21. Getting Old
22. Just A Taste
23. Exploration
24. Chains of Fate
25. Realisations
26. Ties that Bind
27. Ravens Leap
29. Waterfall
30. Visitor
31. Minds
32. Would She Regret It Later?
33. Call of Home
34. Her Fate

28. The Temple

359 6 1
By thedarknessclaims

Mistress Yvaine, her eyes filled with wisdom and a touch of sorrow, spread a weathered piece of parchment on the rough-hewn wooden table. Her gnarled fingers traced lines and symbols on the paper, forming a detailed map to a place that had been hidden for centuries – Aramantha's temple. Cassian leaned in to study the map, his keen eyes following every intricate detail.

"This is invaluable," he murmured, his voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and wariness. "Thank you, Mistress Yvaine."

Mistress Yvaine's gaze met Cassian's, and she spoke with a sense of gravity, "Be cautious, for that place holds more than the echoes of a dark past. It may still be a sanctuary for those who follow Aramantha's twisted legacy."

Cassian nodded, understanding the gravity of their mission. He carefully rolled the map and secured it, a piece of history and danger that would guide their path.

With a nod of gratitude, Cassian turned to Killian, "thank you for your help, Killian. You can return to the camp."

Killian's expression soured, and his wings twitched with frustration. He had anticipated being a part of this mission, not left behind as if his skills were of no use. He looked down on Cassian, Lysander, and Bellona with disdain, his pride wounded.

Lysander, ever the observant and perceptive one, noticed the tension between Killian and the group. He had a choice to make, to wait for Azriel, the formidable warrior and shadow-singer, or to proceed to the abandoned temple immediately. Lysander glanced at Cassian, his father, seeking guidance.

Cassian's eyes flickered with uncertainty. He knew the urgency of their mission, but he also understood the value of Azriel's skills and experience. The choice was not an easy one.

Lysander's voice wavered with the weight of the decision as he turned to his father, "Father, should we wait for Azriel or go straight to the abandoned temple? We don't know what we'll find there, and Azriel's presence could be crucial."

Cassian considered the options, knowing that every moment counted. But he also trusted his son's judgment. "Lysander, you're right. We'll wait for Azriel. His skills are invaluable, and this mission is too important to rush into without all our resources."

Lysander nodded, a sense of relief washing over him that they would have Azriel's support. Cassian then turned his attention to Bellona, who had been silent but resolute throughout the exchange.
"Bellona, be ready," Cassian said, his voice firm. "We'll wait for Azriel, and then we'll proceed to Aramantha's temple."


The group gathered in a hut in a quiet corner of the camp, where they could keep an eye on the sky, waiting for Azriel to return. The tension in the air was palpable as they discussed their mission, the map provided by Mistress Yvaine lay rolled out before them, a parchment reminder of the dark secrets they were about to uncover.

Bellona, standing slightly apart from the others, watched the horizon, her wings flexing with anticipation. She knew the importance of Azriel's presence, and his absence had weighed heavily on their decision. Lysander kept a watchful eye on the skies, searching for the telltale shadow of Azriel's arrival.

Time passed slowly, and the anxious moments stretched into what felt like hours. Then, finally, a shadowy figure emerged on the horizon, a graceful and silent glider. It was Azriel, returning from the Hewn City to join them.

Azriel landed with the grace of a shadow, his wings folding behind him. He acknowledged the group with a nod, his dark eyes reflecting the quiet intensity that had earned him his reputation as one of the Night Court's deadliest warriors.
With Azriel's arrival, the group was now complete. Cassian approached him, their hushed conversation carrying in the still air.

Bellona couldn't help herself but eavesdrop on their discussion. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she strained to catch the words they exchanged.
"Nyx is still recovering," Azriel said, his voice low but carrying an undertone of concern.

Cassian nodded in response, his expression grave. "He wasn't happy about it. He kept on insisting to come with us but Rhysand stopped him, he's not in any condition to join this mission."

Bellona strained to hear more, but their voices grew even softer, and their expressions became guarded. There was something more, something they were not saying in the presence of the others. Bellona's instincts told her it was something significant.
As they continued their hushed conversation, both Cassian and Azriel turned their heads slightly in Bellona's direction, their eyes locking on her for a fleeting moment before they shared whatever it was they had kept hidden from the rest of the group.
Bellona couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as they finished their conversation and rejoined the group. It was as if a curtain had been drawn over a part of their mission, and she was left in the dark.
With their team complete and the unspoken tension lingering in the air, they spread their wings and took to the sky.

The journey to Aramantha's temple was long and arduous, and they flew in formation, cutting through the air with a sense of purpose and determination.
The mountains stretched out before them, their peaks hidden beneath a blanket of snow. The wind whistled past them, the thrill of flight a reminder of ¾ of the group's Illyrian heritage. Lysander, with his wings spread wide, led the way, navigating the treacherous mountain terrain. The journey was arduous, and the cold mountain air bit at their skin, but they pressed on, unwavering in their resolve.
Eventually, they landed in a small clearing nestled among the towering peaks. It was time for a break, a chance to rest and recharge before they reached their destination. Cassian looked at the group, his eyes filled with determination.

"We're getting closer to the temple," he said, his voice firm. "We should take this opportunity to rest and gather our strength. The temple could hold answers, but it's also shrouded in danger."
As they settled down in the clearing, Bellona couldn't shake the feeling that she was missing something important, something that had been shared between Cassian and Azriel.

They finished their break rather quickly and with their wings folded against their backs, they made their way through the rugged mountain terrain, following the map provided by Mistress Yvaine. The path was treacherous, and the air grew colder as they ascended, the ancient temple drawing closer with each step.

As they reached their destination, the temple came into view, its once-majestic structure now in a state of decay. Weathered stone walls, cracked and covered in moss, loomed above them. The entrance was marked by massive, ornate doors that had been aged by centuries of exposure to the elements.
Cassian led the way, pushing open the heavy doors with a grunt of effort. The group entered, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit interior. The temple was vast, its grandeur diminished by time, but it's eerie beauty remained.

The air inside was heavy with a sense of desolation, and the only sound was the faint drip of water from unseen sources. Broken statues and faded tapestries adorned the walls, remnants of a time long past.
As they ventured deeper into the temple, their torchlight revealed a chilling sight. In a corner of the temple, Illyrian skeletons were shackled to the stone walls, their chains rusted and their remains ancient. Their wings staked to the walls behind them. Bellona's heart clenched at the sight, the grim reminder of the temple's dark history.

Azriel, the shadow-singer, his keen eyes taking in the grisly scene, spoke up. "These were prisoners," he said, his voice low and filled with somber recognition. "Aramantha's prisoners. This temple was a place of torment and suffering, a testament to her cruelty."

Bellona, her voice barely above a whisper, questioned the existence of such a temple within the Night Court. "But why would she have a temple here, in the Night Court? What was her connection to this place?"

Azriel's gaze turned towards the ancient skeletons, his eyes reflecting the depth of his knowledge. "Aramantha's Court Under the Mountain was based on the Hewn City. She sought to emulate the power and authority of that place, to create a seat of her dark rule. This temple was a reflection of her ambitions and her insatiable desire for control."
Cassian, his expression dark and brooding, added, "Aramantha's reign left a trail of pain and suffering. We have to put an end to her legacy and the danger it still poses."

The group continued their exploration of the desolate temple, the atmosphere growing increasingly eerie as they ventured deeper within. The path they followed eventually led them to a room that appeared to be the central chamber of the temple. The grandeur of this room was undeniable, even in its state of decay.

Massive stone pillars rose towards a vaulted ceiling, their surfaces adorned with intricate carvings and symbols that told stories of long-forgotten battles and allegiances. Tattered banners, once vibrant with color, hung from the walls, remnants of a time when the temple was not a place of ruin.

In the center of the room, an imposing stone altar stood, adorned with symbols and markings that spoke of ancient rituals and offerings. But what caught Bellona's attention was the furthest wall, the far end of the chamber, where she felt an inexplicable pull. It was as though an unseen force beckoned her closer, a sensation she couldn't ignore.
Azriel, the master of shadows, noted her unease and took action. With a deft flick of his hand, he summoned his shadows to safely collapse the wall that Bellona was inexplicably drawn to. The stone cracked and crumbled, revealing a hidden alcove behind.

As the dust settled and the debris cleared, a chest fell from the alcove, its surface tarnished and ancient. Bellona's wings trembled with a strange mix of anticipation and trepidation as she approached the chest. It was as if some part of her recognized what lay inside.

The chest creaked open, revealing its contents. To her surprise and wonder, it was filled with items that bore the sigils and colors of the Spring Court, Bellona's home court. Her heart pounded with a mixture of nostalgia and curiosity as she gazed upon the familiar emblems and designs.
As she sifted through the items, something at the bottom of the chest caught her attention. It was a set of papers, carefully folded and weathered by time. When Bellona picked up the papers, a strange sensation washed over her. The papers felt unusually warm to the touch, as if they held a latent energy of their own.

Azriel, who had been observing Bellona closely, recognized the significance of the papers and their unusual warmth. "Let me see those," he said, extending a hand toward Bellona.
She handed the papers to him, and as he began to examine them, a look of realization crossed his features. "These papers," he said, his voice hushed, "they are tied to Aramantha's alliance with the Spring Court. But that's not all. It appears they also hold a connection to you, Bellona."

Bellona's confusion deepened as she examined the old papers. The revelation that they were somehow connected to her was baffling. The documents were decades older than her, and the idea that they could hold a link to her own existence seemed impossible. She rifled through the sheets of paper, searching for clues, trying to make sense of the enigma that surrounded her family's history.

However, it was one particular document that stopped her in her tracks. Her eyes widened as she read the words inscribed on the aged parchment. It was a spell, an intricate incantation that mimicked the binding magic of a mating bond.

Bellona's heart raced, and her hands trembled as she read the arcane words. It was a spell used to create an artificial connection between two beings, one that mirrored the strength and intensity of a true mating bond. She knew the significance of such a bond among the Fae, a sacred and unbreakable connection that could unite two souls in a way that transcended time and space.

As she absorbed the implications of the spell, Bellona couldn't help but wonder about the purpose behind it. Why had Aramantha, a general from Hybern, sought to create a bond that imitated the deepest and most profound connection among the Fae? And why did this spell hold a connection to her family and her past?

Her mind whirled with questions, and she knew that the mysteries surrounding Aramantha and her obsession with the Spring Court, specifically her father, Tamlin, were far more complex than they had ever imagined. The desolate temple had become a treasure trove of secrets, and Bellona was determined to uncover the truth hidden within its walls.

The discovery of the spell mimicking a mating bond had left Bellona in a state of bewildered contemplation. Her mind raced with questions and uncertainty, and she couldn't help but feel a growing unease about the secrets they had uncovered within the desolate temple.

As she stood there, spell in hand, Cassian approached her, his wings flexing with restlessness. He could sense her inner turmoil and recognized the gravity of their findings. Without a word, he moved to investigate a set of drawers nearby, which contained more papers and scrolls.

Bellona, still grappling with the implications of the spell, watched as Cassian rifled through the contents of the drawers. The papers he unearthed were filled with dark and arcane writings, detailing forbidden and powerful magics that sent shivers down her spine.

Suddenly, Cassian froze, his eyes locking onto a particular document. It was a set of instructions and incantations that detailed the resurrection of the dead, a sinister and taboo practice. The instructions spoke of using a piece of hair, among other things, to reanimate a life long extinguished.
Bellona's dread deepened as she recognized the implications of what they had found. The dark arts involved in resurrecting the dead were nothing short of horrifying, and the fact that these documents existed was chilling.

Cassian's expression grew grim, his fingers tracing the pages as he noticed a crucial detail. The page containing the actual spell had been ripped out, leaving an empty space that seemed to mock their search for answers.

Dread filled the air, thick and suffocating, as the group realized the sinister potential of the missing page. The dark spells that Aramantha had pursued, the obsession with bonding spells, and now this ritual for the resurrection of the dead painted a disturbing picture of the past that was intimately connected to the present.

With their findings in hand and an urgent sense of foreboding, Cassian and Bellona met each other's gaze, a silent acknowledgment of the danger they now faced. It was clear that they needed to return to the House of Wind and share their discoveries with the rest of the Inner Circle.

The group hastily gathered the papers, scrolls, and the spell that Bellona had found, careful not to overlook any hidden secrets. Their flight back to the House of Wind was swift and filled with tension, the winds carrying them over the rugged mountain terrain.

The revelations from the temple weighed heavily on their minds as they soared through the sky, the mystery of Aramantha's past and her dark ambitions taking on a sinister and unsettling form. The temple's secrets had left an indelible mark on their mission, one that had the potential to change the course of their future.

As they approached the House of Wind, the group landed with a sense of urgency, the gravity of their discoveries pressing on them like an unrelenting weight. The Night Court awaited their return, and the secrets they had uncovered would have profound consequences for them all.


Everything is beginning to fall in place over the next couple of chapters!

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