Theo's Assent [ABDL/Diapers/C...

By HoratioHusky

1.3K 27 1

Theo's little secret pleasures have been a source of great satisfaction and anxiety for most of his life. His... More

Theo's Assent | Chapter I [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter II [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter III [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter V [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter VI [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter VII [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter VIII [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter IX [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter X [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter XI [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter XII [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter XIII [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]
Theo's Assent | Chapter XIV [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]

Theo's Assent | Chapter IV [ABDL/Diapers/Care Bears/Fantasy/Human]

107 2 0
By HoratioHusky

It had been nerve wracking trying to figure out how to get the stuff shipped without anybody finding out, he found himself even nervous that the mailman might find out that he had ordered adult baby diapers. Even though logically he knew he probably wouldn't care if he found out, Theo was still incredibly embarrassed and ashamed at the thought of a total stranger knowing what he was into. And now, two total strangers claiming to be the inspiration for two main characters of the Care Bears held such knowledge.

Still something was beginning to dawn on Theo, the amount of accurate information they were providing about him was shocking to say the least. Still, he thought, could it be possible that they actually are the Care Bears?

He twisted his hands in his lap, uncomfortable with that entire ordeal and wishing that he'd never ordered the stuff to begin with. He looked Grumpy straight in the eye, and replied coldly, "What I need or do not need as a person is irrelevant, you are trespassing on my home and violating my privacy. I have zero reason to trust any of you."

Tenderheart spoke up, "You don't trust the ones who gave you a feeling of safety as a child? How do you think we fund our organization? How do you think we keep our translocator running? It was Grumpy's idea to start the Care Bears brand in this world, and thanks to that many kids like you were able to at least get a sample of our vocation and values. Without our efforts, you wouldn't be the person you are today."

"Don't you remember how much you loved us as a child?" Grumpy added in earnest.

Theo's anger was shifting into confusion and curiosity. Translocator? Organization? Were these people from a cult? He frowned, these guys were crazy! As crazy as he thought they might be, something nagged at the back of his mind. A hope that what they were telling him was in fact a truth, a fantasy come true even. Trace will never believe me when I tell her this, Theo thought to himself, I'll just have to cut a few. . . infantile details when I do.

He crossed his arms, still defiant at the men's presence. "You talk about worlds and translocation like I'm supposed to understand what on earth you're talking about. If you're really the people that inspired the Care Bears, can you perform any magic?" he waggled his fingers in the air in mock fright, "Do you have a magic flying cloud car in which you patrol the skies with, looking for random adults dressed up as babies who aren't comfortable with who they are?"

His voice quivered slightly as he finished his sentence, a fact that bothered him quite a lot as he realized that what Grumpy had said to him was the complete and honest truth. How did they read me so damn well? he thought, These guys must really be good at getting people into their cult. Oh God. . . they're going to blackmail me aren't they? Fuck me, they must have tracked my online purchase. . . But how did they judge my character so accurately and say things to me I've literally told noone?

"Well, the show was a bit of an embellishment as to what we can do, but we do have some magical abilities and advanced technology." Tenderheart continued. "But those are usually used to maintain our realm's functionality and keep our city airborn. Grumpy here and I specialize in is actually psychological aid as well as a few other forms of healthcare. But mostly we just try and help people with identity issues. Such as yourself."

Theo felt a twinge of offense. Identity issues? Did he really have such a vice? True he struggled with believing this part of himself was okay, he still was very much ashamed of it, albeit that he had recently allowed himself to indulge.

He shook his head again, he was missing the point. These men obviously had an agenda they were hiding. The sooner he figured that out, the sooner he could decide on his next course of action. He had to keep them talking and get them to slip up. However, no matter how hard he tried to fight it it was almost as if a part of him wanted to believe these people were telling the truth and believe that his dreams had come true.

"Prove it." he said flatly.

"Prove what?" replied Grumpy, an expression of genuinely puzzlement crossing his face.

"Prove that you're the 'Care Bears,' I want some evidence that what you're saying isn't just bullshit."

Tenderheart frowned, and an admonishing tone entered his voice,"Theo, I know you're still very upset and having a hard time finding it in yourself to believe us, but please don't use that kind of language, it isn't fitting for a kind person like you."

Theo smirked, and thought to himself, Buttering me up huh, wow classic cult move. Make me feel enlightened and superior in who I am. Then whoosh, my money and life gone, in control of some megalomaniac. Theo's internal sarcasm waned however, as again he found himself leaning on the side of wanting to believe the two people in front of him. He no longer really believed they were a cult anymore, however a slight weariness of them still remained.

Grumpy just shrugged, and pulled up his shirt, revealing his upper body. Theo gaped, in the center of his chest glowed a blue, spherical object, glowing and surrounded by several azure-colored glowing lenses that expanded and contracted above the object. Tenderheart followed suit as well, except his chest instrument glowed red instead of blue.

"These are our flux cores, or power sources. They enable us to perform what you understood in the show to be magic." Looking a little sheepish but grinning, he added,"Those tummy symbols were just a gimmick for the show we developed, but after it kicked off so well we adopted them as our symbols."

"Yep. That's it. I've lost it." Theo said out loud, his mouth agape as he stared at the mesmerizing movements of the devices in front of him. With each heaving breath the various lenses adjusted themselves into different positions, performing a dance that he couldn't drag his eyes away from.

Grumpy chuckled, and lowered his shirt. "No, you haven't lost it. However maybe now you'll realize that we're telling the truth and not just some random people who have broken into your condo. Now will you please give us a chance? We really do want to help you."

Theo's mind was whirling, he really couldn't understand what was happening to him. Here he was, dressed in a diaper and onesie, sitting across from two men who had some sort of crazy technology wedged in the center of their bodies who were telling him that he should accept himself.

It was at that moment that his bladder decided to tell him that he needed to pee really badly.

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