credence | din djarin

By IndomableDon

25.5K 713 48

'a Jedi and a Mandalorian? they'll never see it coming...' #1 PedroPascal (08/11/23) #1 Mando (29/02/24) More

playlist & disclaimer
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty three

thirty two

451 16 1
By IndomableDon

word count: 5.5k


Logan hid behind a pillar and slipped into the suit of one of the three refinery guards from one of the transports Cara had overthrown for her, Mayfield and Mando. It stunk like sweat, and it was definitely not her size, but she could make it work.

'Oh my, this guy reeked. His gloves are still wet. Ugh!' Mayfield groaned from his place on the transport ship as he slipped his feet into the boots. Cara rolled her eyes at his voice and waited patiently for the other two to finish getting ready.

Joining them shortly after, Logan twirled around as Mayfield whistled, putting a small smile on her face.

'Don't you pull that off, little miss?' He asked her as she tucked the helmet under her arm and thanked him with a small bow. Mayfield glanced over her shoulder and began laughing. 'Look at this. Oh, the shame. Now, that right there is worth the price of admission.'

Logan turned to her left and watched Mando walk over wearing the same suit as her and Mayfield, the large helmet taking the place of his usual Mandalorian one. He looked ridiculous, and everyone knew it. Logan covered her mouth to hide her small smile as he passed her with a glare.

'Wish I could say it looked good on you, but I'd be lying,' Cara said with a small laugh.

'Just make sure you take out the rooftop gun, or we're never getting out of here,' he said with a heavy grumble, pulling his bag off his shoulder.

'We got you.'

'Take care of this,' he said and passed the bag over to her. It was his Mando suit. 'Keep it safe.'

'I will.'

Logan handed her lightsaber to Cara and smiled widely. She looked down the tunnel to make sure they were still clear and moved over to the transport where Mayfield was waiting for them in the door.

'Hey, guys. Still on the clock,' Logan reminded Mando and Cara as she began climbing into the truck with Mayfield, sliding her helmet on over her head.

'What would they say on Mandalore?' Mayfield questioned Mando as he paused at the mouth of the truck before turning to Cara. 'It's a shame you're not coming' along with us. You got such a sunny disposition. Can't imagine how much fun you are in one of these.'

Logan grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into the truck, away from Cara, who thanked her with a small salute before she disappeared into the shadows. Logan settled into the seat in the middle of the cabin as Mando sat on her right and Mayfield took the spot on her left — The driver's seat.

'What's goin' on here? Power coil, motivator... Oh, there we...' Mayfield hit several buttons and flips. The transportation roared to life and began moving again, putting them back online. 'Ah, there we go. There we go! And we are off.'

They travelled in silence for a short while before Mayfield felt the need to open his mouth again.

'Hey, how's it feel?' He asked Mando, leaning around Logan. 'I mean, c'mon, man, you still get to wear a helmet, right? All right, you know what? I'm takin' this thing off.'

Logan agreed and took her helmet off, placing it on her lap as she muttered, 'I can't see anything.'

'I don't know how you people wear those things. And by 'you people,' I do mean Mandalorians.' Mayfield stopped talking as they passed the first checkpoint. 'Feels better when it's off.'

A man's voice over the comms said, 'Juggernaut Four, you're running hot. Be sure to watch your cargo heat limits and speed.'

'Copy that, Three. We hit a couple of bumps. Thanks for the heads-up.'

Logan and Mayfield glanced at the gauge on the dash that showed them the stability of the rhydonium.

'Don't worry about the rhydonium,' Mando told them both, still not moving his head an inch. 'As long as you drive steady, you'll get us to the refinery.'

As the transport rolled up onto a small scattered town, Logan watched closely as the townspeople ran out of the way in fear, pulling one another to safety. Mayfield blared the horn, causing several people to scream in fright.

'Yeah. Empire, New Republic... It's all the same to these people. Invaders on their land is all we are,' Mayfield muttered to himself, earning a glare from both Logan and The Mandalorian. 'I'm just sayin', somewhere someone in this galaxy is ruling and others are being ruled. I mean, look at your race, Mando. Do you think all those people that died in wars fought by Mandalorians actually had a choice?' He looked at Logan and then added, 'And you? Do you think every Jedi wanted to commit to the life of living by somebody else's orders until they die in battle, just because of some power they were born with?' So how are any of them any different than the Empire?'

He scoffed and shook his head, not earning a response from either of them.

'If you were born on Mandalore, you believe one thing, if you're born on Alderaan, you believe something else. But guess what? Neither one of 'em exists anymore.' Logan shot him a sharp look. 'Hey, I'm just a realist. I'm a survivor, just like you.'

Mando turned his head to face Mayfield. 'Let's get one thing straight. You and I are nothing alike.'

'I don't know. Seems to me like your rules start to change when you get desperate. I mean, look at ya. You said you couldn't take your helmet off, and now you got a stormtrooper one on, so what's the rule? Is it that you can't take off your Mando helmet, or you can't show your face? 'Cause there is a difference.'

Logan looked at Mando curiously. There was a difference, and she didn't know which one it was.

'Look, I'm just sayin', we're all the same. Everybody's got their lines they don't cross until things get messy,' Mayfield said and threw his hands up briefly. 'As far as I'm concerned, if you can make it through your day and still sleep at night, you're doing' better than most.'

'Control, this is Juggernaut Three. We're comin' up on some route interference. Control, control! We need a new...' The comm was cut off by a scream before in the distance a large ball of fire erupted into the sky.

'What was that?' Logan asked wearily, sitting up taller as danger tingled down her spine, sending her onto high alert.

'Please stand by for reroute... Juggernaut Four has been destroyed.'

'Destroyed?' Mayfield exclaimed, almost bursting Logan's eardrum.

Mando reassured them by saying, 'The rhydonium is still stable.'

'Juggernaut Five, maintain speed and course... Proceed with caution. Re-routing course, stand by.'

Mayfield shook his head and asked, ''Proceed with caution'? Is she serious?'

'Control, this is Juggernaut Three. Requesting... Abort! Abort!' The transmission was silent after another scream. Another explosion took place in the distance.

'Mando...' Logan muttered, looking up at the roof, firmly grabbing his arm. She could sense danger nearby, but what it was, she was unsure of. A few moments later there was a loud thud on the roof, indicating they were being boarded.

'What the hell was that?' Mayfield asked Mando as he began taking his belt off.

'Pirates. Keep driving. I'll take care of it,' Mando instructed as he began to climb up the ladder. 'You stay here!' He pointed at Logan, who rolled her eyes and threw herself into Mando's chair like a sulking child.

He stuck his head out the top of the hatch and began firing his blaster at them. Logan could hear their war cries from where she was, but deciding to be petty, she crossed her arms and looked out the window, attempting to ignore the commotion.

'Are you seriously shooting a blaster near rhydonium?' Mayfield yelled at Mando.

'They've thermal detonators!'

Mayfield muttered, 'Terrific...'

'Just keep it steady.'

'Get these guys off us! Get 'em off us! Ah!' He exclaimed and slapped the steering wheel. He looked at Logan and asked, 'Why aren't you up there helping him?'

'I have strict orders to stay where I am,' she said and shook her head, showing she was displeased with the entire situation.

'Are you really going to listen to him?'

'Well, apparently he knows what's best!'

'Grow a backbone!'

'Grow some hair!'

As Mayfield and Logan began arguing back and forth, Mando was on the top of the transport fighting for his life by defending himself against the pirates, who seemed to be appearing out of thin air, with nothing but a knife. All he could hear in his earpiece was Logan and Mayfield yelling at one another and it was rather distracting.

'Guys! Guys! They're trying to blow the rhydonium!' He yelled to them, finally silencing them.

'You think?' Logan asked as she looked up at the ceiling.

'You should've left me in prison!' Mayfield screamed as the gauge for the rhydonium began to rise and rise, the green bars turning red.

Throwing the final pirate off the transport, Mando exclaimed, 'Mayfield! Pick it up. Drive faster!'

'I don't think faster is a good idea!' Mayfield said and began slowing the truck down to steady the dangerous goods in the trailers.

'What are you doing?' Mando yelled at him in confusion another ship with pirates grew closer. They quickly launched themselves onto the transport with their detonators and weapons in hand.

'Uh, Mando, I gotta stop. I can't cross at this speed.' Mayfield hit the brakes once again and slowed the transport right down.

Hearing Mando cry out in pain, Logan jumped to her feet and climbed the ladder, throwing the hatch open widely. She climbed onto the roof as Mando spun his head to look at her from his place on the floor, asking her what she was doing.

'Saving you,' she replied as she held her hand up and used the Force to pick up one of the pirate ships and toss it in another one, leaving them both in a fiery ball of remains. They jumped onto the transport at the last second, not knowing they had just met their maker.

Logan began picking them off one by one, throwing them as far as she could with the Force without even thinking about it too much. She just needed to keep them away from Mando, who was trying to stand up amidst his injuries.

'Whoo!' Mayfield hollered from the cockpit, laughing at how easily Logan was able to get rid of their problem. She tossed one over her shoulder and the transport jolted — They accidentally ran over him. 'I love women!'

Logan finally took a moment from wreaking carnage and looked to the sky as several ships flew overhead and began blowing up the remaining pirates that had formed a small convoy behind them. She rushed to pull Mando to his feet before they climbed back into the transport, hand in hand.

'Never thought you'd be happy to see stormtroopers,' Mayfield said as they settled into their seats, refusing to let go of each other's hands. They were still shaking from the pure adrenaline coursing through their veins.

Stormtroopers lined the gates and both cheered and saluted the three intruders as they made their way into the base with ease. Mayfield even went as far as saluting them back with a smile as Logan slowly pulled her hand from Mando's to grab her helmet from the floor.

As they came to a rolling stop inside the base, they all slowly climbed out of the transport and into the mess hall where stormtroopers of all kinds cheered and slapped them all on the back, happy to see that they made it in alive against all odds. If it wasn't the Empire, Logan might have celebrated their arrival with everyone.

'Glory of the Empire!'

'There we go!'

The three of them slowly made their way through the crowd as the celebrations came to a stop.

'Okay... All we gotta do is find a terminal,' Mayfield told Logan and Mando quietly as a guy walked past and slapped Logan on the back roughly, cheering for her.

'Ya did it!'

She nervously laughed and said, 'Bringing glory to the Empire.' With a small fist bump in the air, the stormtrooper laughed and nodded his head before leaving with a small pep in his step.

'The terminal is probably in the officers' mess,' Mayfield told them as they slowly passed through crowds of indistinct chatter. He pointed at the terminal and moved to stand next to the wall. Logan stood arm to arm to arm with Mando. 'There it is,' he said and nodded his head at it as he scratched his beard. 'Okay...'

'Good luck,' Mando said to him quietly.

They both watched him closely as he composed himself and carried his pride into the mess hall, but it quickly diminished when his eyes landed on an old face. He turned around and walked back over to the two like he had just been nipped in the butt.

'I can't go in there,' he said, his face turning whiter than a shade of pale.

'Why not?' Logan asked him, her hands slapping against her side. They came so far, he was not going to ruin this for them.

He nodded his head at a man and spun around, running his hand over his beard. 'That's Valin Hess,' he muttered.


'It's Valin Hess. I used to serve under him.'

Uh oh.

'Will he recognize you?' Mando asked him, glancing at the man. He was scary, with thin and sunken cheeks, hollow eyes and mangy yellow teeth that stood out against his pale and patchy skin.

'I don't know,' Mayfield muttered. 'I was just a field operative, but I'm not taking' the chance. It's over.'

As he went to leave, Mando grabbed him by the arm and said, 'Let's just do this quick and we can get out of here.'

'I can't do it, okay?' He exclaimed quietly. 'We have to abort. I'm sorry. No, I can't.' Mayfield shook his head. He was beginning to freak out and draw attention to them.

'If we don't get those coordinates, we'll lose the kid forever,' Logan said to Mayfield, hoping it would knock some sense into him, but it didn't. Mayfield shook his head fiercely.

'Give me the data stick,' Mando said and held his hand out.

'It's not gonna work. In order to access the network, the terminal has to scan your face. Let's go,' he said and turned away, but Logan grabbed him and glared at him.

'We're not leaving, give it to me then, I'll figure it out,' she said and held her hand out. As Mayfield pulled the data stick out of his pocket, Mando quickly snatched it from him and walked into the mess hall, stopping in the doorway, as the two quietly called for him to come back.

Logan and Mayfield watched in a frozen state of shock, holding each other's arms, as Mando nodded at the officers, gave them a small salute and began to walk over to the terminal. He plugged the data stick into it and let the terminal scan his helmet.

'Error, error. Facial scan incomplete. Ten seconds to system shutdown. Ten, nine...' Mando reached up and tore his helmet off, cancelling the countdown, letting the laser scan over his face. 'Facial scan complete.'

Logan spun away with wide eyes the second she saw the back of Din's head — it was covered in curly brown hair, exactly as she had envisioned so many times before. However strong the desire to glance at what lurked underneath the helmet was, she couldn't bring herself to turn around to do so.

'What is wrong with you?' Mayfield asked her as she pressed her back against the wall and dropped her head. 'Pull yourself together.'

'I'm gonna be sick,' she muttered to herself and closed her eyes firmly.

Mayfield glanced around the wall and sighed when Valin Hess crossed the room and made an attempt to talk to Din, who was having a hard time keeping himself composed with a believable poker face.

'Trooper! Hey, trooper... Pay attention when a superior addresses you... What's your designation?'

Logan ran a hand over her face as she listened to Din quietly stutter out, 'Transport crew.'


'We need to help him,' Logan said, grabbing Mayfield's arm firmly as she composed herself. 'I'll create a distraction and you two get out. I'll make it to the roof in time.'

'No, that's too risky... I have an idea. Come on,' he muttered and tugged on her wrist, pulling her into the mess hall as they abandoned their helmets in the doorway. Logan put her head down and tore her hand out of his grasp, blindly following after Mayfield he walked with a false sense of confidence.

'No, son. What's your TK number?

'My TK number is...'

Mayfield slapped his hand on Din's shoulder and laughed. 'This is my Commanding Officer TK 593, Sir. I'm Imperial Combat Assault Transport Lieutenant TK 111 and this is my co-pilot Lieutenant TK 143, Sir. I'm afraid you'll have to speak up to him a little bit since his vessel lost pressure in Taanab.'

Logan looked up at Valin Hess and tried her hardest to put a brave face on. He looked at her and winked before looking at Din. She screwed her face up ever so slightly but remained calm for the sake of their mission. He made her uneasy.

Valin Hess asked rather loudly, 'What's your name, Officer?' To which Din merely raised his eyebrows in response, playing along with Mayfield's lie.

'We just call him Brown Eyes. Isn't that right, Officer?' Mayfield asked and laughed, slapping his hand on Din's shoulder once again.

Din nodded but let his stare slip past Mayfield and land on Logan, who was staring at the floor, having an internal meltdown.

She had wondered for so long to know who hid under the mask. She wished to know what colour the eyes were that she could feel watching her almost every day, or what colour the lips were that would speak her name with tenderness. But, she couldn't bring herself to look at him. If he wanted her to know what he looked like, he would have told her. She couldn't break his trust like that.

He was already breaking The Mandalorian code by doing what he was doing, she knew the fewer people that saw his face, the better.

'Let's go fill out those TPS reports, so we can go recharge the power coils,' Mayfield said and turned, gently shoving Logan to get her to move, snapping her out of her internal monologue.

'You're not dismissed.' Valin tattered and put his hands behind his back. 'You the tank troopers that delivered the shipment of rhydonium?'

'Yes, sir,' Mayfield nodded, leaving both Din and Logan to stutter out the same words.

There was uneasiness in the air, Logan could feel it without the use of The Force. Valin's silent stare remained on Din for a concerningly long time.

'Well, you three managed to be the only transport today to deliver their shipment. Come with me, hmm?' He leaned closer and placed his hand on Din's shoulder and Logan, looking them each in the eye closely. 'Let's get a drink, Brown Eyes.'

As he stepped away, he laughed loudly and gestured to the table he was sitting at previously before leading them over to it.

'Ladies first,' he muttered and let Logan sit down in the furthest chair away from the door.

She sat down and lowered her head, causing her hair to fall in front of her face. She closed her eyes tightly as Mayfield sat down to her left, Valin sat on her right, and Din sat right in front of her. Dank farrik. Valin quickly excused himself to fetch them a drink and Mayfield jumped at the opportunity to freak out.

'This is insane! We need to get out of here, now,' he muttered and looked around. He looked at Din, who refused to take his eyes off of Logan, and then he looked to Logan, who couldn't bring herself to look up from the table. 'What? What is this?' He asked and gestured between the both of them.

Logan kicked Mayfield's leg from under the table, causing him to bite his tongue and glare at her, quietly muttering to himself about how much it hurt.

'Logan?' Din asked quietly.

Her stomach dropped deeply as her eyes began to flicker across the table, inspecting each little scratch on the silver surface. She shook her head ever so slightly and she pursed her lips together.

'Will you look at me?' He asked quietly. His pleading tone caused Mayfield to raise his eyebrows as he watched the scene unfold between the two. 'Logan, look at me.'

Her eyes met Din's dark brown ones. Her lips pulled into a grin as she muttered, 'You're such a liar...' Her scoff brought a small smile to his face — He knew his lie about having blue eyes never sat right with her.

When his eyes crinkled in the corner, showing his deepening crow's feet, Logan found herself lost for words. What could she say? His brown curly hair caressed his forehead and tickled the top of his ears. His patchy beard had grown longer, and upon his top lip sat a moustache, something that Logan never even considered him having. His nose arched out from his face on a sharp degree, it complimented the rest of his features.

He was beautiful.

As Valid returned to the table, laughing to himself, Logan watched Din turn his head to the side and look at him. It was hard for her to imagine the helmet covering his face now she had seen what lay beneath. She would never look at him the same way, and she was okay with that.

Whilst Valin opened a bottle of spotchka and lowered himself onto his seat, he asked, 'So what shall we toast to, everybody? I can blather on about 'To health' or 'To success,' but I'd like to do something a little less rote... Where are you from, sweet cheeks?' He asked Logan and poured her a glass.

She tore her gaze away from Din and muttered, 'Corellia.' Before sliding the cup in front of her. She stared down at the blue liquid and listened to the rest of the conversation.

'And where are you from, Brown Eyes?' Valin asked Din, who remained silent and unable to form a single word with his lips.

Mayfield, who was still rather on edge, suggested, 'How 'bout a toast to Operation Cinder?' Mayfield raised his glass.

Valin grinned and tipped his hat to Mayfield and said, 'Now there's a man who knows his history.'

'No, I don't just know it. I lived it. I was in Burnin' Konn.'

'Burnin' Konn?' Mayfield nodded his head as Valin sighed. 'Mmm. That was a hard day. I had to make many unpleasant decisions.

'Yes, you did. Entire city gone in moments, along with everybody in it.'

'We lost our whole division that day,' Valin gloated with a sly smile as he placed his drink on the table and tucked his hands into his lap.

'Man, that was like 10,000 people.'

'Yep. All heroes of the Empire!'

'Yeah. And all dead.'

Din and Logan both looked at Mayfield in worry. What was he trying to do, get them killed on the spot? Din shook his head ever so slightly but Mayfield only smiled at him in response. Logan knew it was not going to go the way they had planned.

Valin sighed and muttered, 'Well, it's a small sacrifice for the greater good, son.'

'Depends on who you ask, don't you think?'

'What you getting at, trooper?'

'All those people, the ones who died, was it good for them? Hmm? Their families? The guys I served with? Civilians, those poor mud scuffers, died defendin' their homes, fighting for freedom. Was it good for 'em?' Mayfield asked, cocking his head to the side.

Din and Logan shared a worried look. Logan tried not to focus on the way his bushy eyebrows pulled together in a frown but she couldn't help it. She wondered about the amount of facial expressions he would pull under the helmet, knowing that nobody could see him. Her attention was quickly pulled to Valin when he laughed loudly.

'But we've outlasted them, son. They're eating themselves alive. The New Republic is in complete disarray, and we grow stronger. You see, with the rhydonium you've delivered, we can create havoc that's gonna make Burnin' Konn just pale by comparison. And then they're gonna turn to us once again... You see you three, everybody thinks they want freedom, but what they really want is order. And when they realise that, they're gonna welcome us back with open arms.'

Valin's little speech left Logan rather stunned. She had yet to be so close to pure evil. She was staring it in the eye and she found no remorse within, no pity, no mercy.

'Ah... To the Empire,' Valin announced as he tipped his glass to them

Mayfield chuckled softly before pulling his blaster out and firing at Valin, causing the man to fall backwards in his chair where he took his last breath before he even hit the floor.

Din and Logan looked at one another, shock painted onto their features. They looked at Mayfield, then over Din's shoulder at the stormtrooper standing there with his food tray, unsure of what to do. Logan pitied him — He just wanted to eat his lunch.

Mayfield turned and shot him point blank.

'Stop doing that!' Logan exclaimed and jumped to her feet as Din and Mayfield gunned down the last two people in the hall. Logan rounded the table, picked her helmet up and threw it at the other stormtrooper who entered the room with a weapon in his hands.

Mayfield handed the helmet on the table to Din and muttered, 'You did what you had to do. I never saw your face.'

Din took it from him and looked at Logan, who offered him a shaky smile. She placed her hand on his cheek and ran her thumb over his bottom lip, hesitating very briefly before taking the helmet from his hands. Din almost protested, but she slipped the helmet on over his head before he could make a noise.

'Security to main commons.'

As stormtroopers made their way into the hall, the three began defending themselves with their blasters as they backed into the wall that would lead to their escape.

'This way!' Mayfield cried.

Logan leapt onto the windowsill and steadied herself between Mayfield and Din, ready to kick the awning away from the window.

'We need support at the mess hall!'

'Ready? Go!' Din yelled before they all lifted their feet and kicked the panels behind them.

Logan looked down and cringed at the height they were at before she began creeping along the side of the building, her sights set on the ladder on the wall. They just needed to make it to the roof and they would be fine. Boba would be there to help them escape.

From up on the hill, Fennec and Cara kept them safe by firing upon stormtroopers who tried to attack them. They had the perfect plan, but that didn't mean it was going to be executed perfectly.

Feeling someone grab her leg, Logan looked down and aimed her gun at the stormtrooper, but Din shot them before she could. He grabbed her shoulder and continued to drag her along the side of the wall at a pace she struggled to keep up with. She was stumbling over her own feet and one wrong move could send her over the edge.

When the stormtroopers on the inside knocked the panels out of the wall, Mayfield leapt onto one ladder and Din held onto the other. Logan, however, had nowhere to go. The panels hit her hard enough to be thrown several feet over the side of the building, sending her towards a watery grave.

'No!' Din yelled and reached out of her. Logan watched his quickly retreating figure as he kicked the wall roughly and continued climbing up the ladder.

As Logan fell backwards, she flipped herself over and watched the waterfalls and river approach her quickly. She could either accept her death or try and make it out alive — It was an easy decision. Taking a deep breath, she put her arms out in front of her and prepared for the impact.

She hit the water hard, and the second she was submerged she was tossed around the white wash like she weighed nothing. There was no way for her to tell which way was up until the current pushed her downstream enough that the water began to settle on top.

Feeling the suit fill up with water and begin to weigh her down, Logan rushed to strip as much of it off as possible before she began kicking her feet and swinging her arms, pulling herself to the surface.

A loud explosion from above sent ripples through the river, bringing her to a brief pause and before she knew it, large pieces of concrete were falling into the water. They had blown up the base. Logan moved as quickly as she could to avoid being hit as her lack of oxygen caused her head to pulsate.

When she saw a break in the chaos, she resurfaced. Logan laughed in disbelief as she sucked in as much air as possible. She was alive by some miracle. She thanked the maker she was raised taught to swim properly at such a young age.

She turned around and looked up at the hill where Cara and Fennec were looking down at her with their rifles trained on her, more than likely using their scopes to get a better view. She waved her arm and gave them a thumbs up before she brought her arms up and began swimming to shore.

On top of the hill, The Mandalorian and Mayfield rushed off Slave I, Boba's ship, before Mando spun around to look at the river below. His helmet couldn't pick up on any life forms in the current.

'We need to go find her,' he said, ready to make his way down the mountain, but Cara put her hand on his shoulder before he could do anything irrational.

'She's alright. We saw her resurface, she's on her way up,' she told him, feeling his tense shoulders relax underneath her touch. 'She's fine.'

Mayfield sighed loudly and slapped his hands against his side. 'Well, crisis adverted, the Jedi is alive... Now looks like it's back to the scrap heap,' he said with a small smile, gently punching his open palm with his fist.

'Thank you for helping,' Mando said and nodded his head out of respect.

'Yeah,' he muttered. 'Uh, good luck at getting your kid back...' He held his hands up and turned to Cara. 'All right, Officer, take me back.'

She smirked a little and said, 'That was some nice shooting back there.'

'Oh, you saw that? Yeah, that, uh, that wasn't part of the plan. I was just gettin' some stuff off my chest...' He said, shrugging his shoulders. He had been the one to blow up the holdout with one of Boba's blasters.

Having a change of heart, Cara turned to Mando and said, 'You know, it's too bad Mayfield didn't make it out alive back there.'

The Mandalorian caught onto her words quickly. 'Yeah, too bad,' he muttered, not moving his head an inch, still feeling slightly vulnerable knowing that at least one of them knew what he looked like under the helmet — and it was Mayfield of all people. It didn't sit right with him.

'What are you talkin' about?' Mayfield asked, lowering his hands.

'Looked to me like prisoner number three-four-six-six-seven died in the refinery explosion on Morak,' Cara said to Mando, refusing to look at Mayfield as if he was dead to him already.

'Does that mean I can go? Huh? 'Cause I will!' He exclaimed and began walking away. As he reached the tree line, he turned around and looked at them both. With a smile, he nodded his head. 'Alright. Okay...'

He disappeared into the escarpment with a pep in his step.

'You get the coordinates on Moff Gideon?' Cara asked Mando as they were joined by Fennec and Boba.

'We did,' he confirmed with a firm nod.

Logan's sudden appearance caused them all to spin around and spring their weapons on her. She smiled and held her hands up, laughing in shock at the hostility of the group.

'Don't shoot!' She muttered and grabbed onto a low-hanging branch to kick the two-sizes-too-big shoes off her feet.

Mando tucked his gun away and rushed to her side as she stumbled over several dead tree branches to get to him. She accepted Mando's extended hand by slipping her own into his as he helped her up the last few steps of the hill.

'Are you alright?' Mando asked as he unclipped his cape and rushed to wrap it around her bare shoulders upon noticing how she began to curl in on herself. He wasn't sure if it was out of embarrassment for her lack of clothes or whether the water had frozen her to her core.

'That river is so cold,' she muttered as her teeth began to chatter. She looked around at the group and asked, 'Where's Mayfield?'

'Not our problem anymore,' Cara announced with a small smile. 'What's our next move?'


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" His absence is a missing limb. " Inseguinwetrust the mandalorian season one-season two Highest...
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𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘺 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘥𝘴 𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩...
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2 years had passed since the last book. Luke and Ines are married for 5 years now, living a calm life with their 3 kids and family, but a sudden dist...