Hiro Hamada X Psychic! Reader

By Midnight-Drawing77

86.5K 3.9K 1.8K

Taking place right after the movie. (Y/n) and her older foster brother, Hiroshi, move to San Fransokyo. Wher... More

Exploring and a Friend (1)
Tour and Suspicion (2)
Flashback of the Past (3)
Downtown SF and Introducions (4)
Tadashi Confesses (5)
Babysitter and Freezing Accident (6)
Meeting Aunt Cass and Lunch (7)
Perfume Shop and Dinner (8)
Repentance (9)
Pizza and Trouble (10)
Saving Aunt Cass (11)
What's Eclipsed? (12)
Sugar Rush (13)
Sneak Peak (Must Read)
A Scare (14)
The Boggart and Angel? (15)
Missing Amulet (16)
Dust Devils (17)
Cass' Reunion (18)
Stupid Gremlins! (19)
New Information (20)
Meeting and Math (21)
The Dojo and Grocery Store (22)
Surprise Wake Up (23)
My Fault (25)
The Amusement Park ''Part 1''- (y/n) and Hiro (26)
The Amusement Park "Part 1"- Hiroshi and Honey (27)
The Amusement Park "Part 2"- (Y/n) and Hiro (28)
The Amusement Park "Part 2"- Honey and Hiroshi (29)
The Voice and Shadow Ghost (30)
Dark Side of Bot Fights (31)
Movie Night (32)
A.N.G.E.L Suit (33)
Hell Hounds (34)
SF Art Competition Application (35)
Sakura Mall (36)
Anger, Happiness, Sadness (37)
Regret (38)
Randomness (39)
Dream Changing (40)
(Chapter 41)
Making Distractions (42)
Baymax? (43)
Flaming Hospital (44)
Falling Apart (45)
Passing Days (46)
Forgive? (47)
The Proposition With Yokai (48)

Cave Demons (24)

1.1K 61 35
By Midnight-Drawing77

I had a feeling someone was watching me, but I ignored it for now. Quietly, I snuck through the library doors and met complete darkness. They must've blocked every opening to keep light out, even the electric is off. Why are they in the library anyway? "AUGH! You ugly bats don't scare me!"

Wait......that sounds like Gogo. I didn't even notice if she was there with is outside. "Ah! Dammit!" I froze as a light went across the wall somewhere above me. No idea how the library is laid out so time to use my sixth sense to guide me. To make my situation less scary. I played the 'Mission Impossible' theme song on my head and moved around like they did in the movies.

Doing good- CREAK! "Stupid floor!" I whispered. Many sounds of teeth chattering echoes and wings flapped violently,only to stop as I felt a breeze in front of me. "Why me?" I squeaked and threw down a Sun Crystal. That lit up the entire library for a few seconds. "AHHH!" An ugly bat face was right in front of my face.

"Don't you flying rats ever keep your distance!?" Suddenly, I collided into something when heading down one of the book columns. "Watch it, you nitwit!" Well that defiantly is Gogo. "Sorry Gogo." "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" She asked, hitting the flash light as it flickered. "Hiro told me to stay in his lab, but I wanted to see what the fuss is about." I lied.

Gogo stared at me, then smirked. "Good to see you have a rebellious side." "Side Roll!" I yelled and we rolled to avoid a diving Cave Demon. It growled."The Nerds coming?" "Yeah." We began running. "Duck!" Gogo ducked as I grabbed a big book and hit the demon in this face.

"Nice arm. What are these things anyway?" " I read about them once. They're called Cave Demons." Another lie. "Like the fake mythical stuff?" I flipped up and grabbed an incoming bat demon by the ankles before Gogo punched it. "I guess it's an experiment gone wrong then." I sassed.

"Sassy AND a fighter." Gogo commented. "Gogo!" We heard Honey yell and saw light on the first floor. Below were many Cave Demons flying or clawing at the gang as they fought them off. "I'd never thought we'd fight something like this!" Wasabi freaked.

Fred took things well, spitting fire which made some demons disintegrate into nothing. "Yo! Second floor!" Honey saw us as she grabbed something and ran to us. "Here's your suit Gogo." "(Y/n)!?" Oh shoot. Hiro yelled from the fight. "I thought I told you to wait in the lab!" A Cave Demon snatched Hiro up and everyone was too busy fighting.

Following the flying rat, I smirked at the fact Hiro needs my help."Look who's the damsel in distress now?!" Hiro struggled while glaring at me. "Would you just help me?!" It tried taking Hiro to the dark side of the library, but I climbed up on a book shelf and jumped. My appearance on the back of the demon made it screech on surprise.

"Hi! Think you can let my friend go?!" It growled in my face causing spit all over me. "Ugh! Fine then, you asked for it!" Hiro couldn't see what I was doing so I pulled out a tiny iron dagger with symbols on it. Disintegrating, Hiro and I were dropped. My hand wrapped on Hiro's wrist as my other hand latched onto another demon flying by.

When it got close to the ground, we landed on our feet. A fast streak of light took down more demons and it was Gogo's disks. "(Y/n). You said you read about these Cave Demons?" "What about it?" "Is there a way to stop them?"

I glanced around and seen the windows covered over I'm dark purple/black mist. Determination crossed my face and I turned to the gang. "Wasabi! Gogo! Hit all the windows! Fred keep doing what your doing because we need light to see! Honey, give the two cover! Got it!" Everyone nodded before going off. "Baymax. Help Hiro and I fight unil they hit the windows!"

Hiro had his mouth agape at me, not noticing the demon behind him. I pushed him to the side, doing a kick to the face. "Earth to Hiro! You gonna fight?!" He shook his head. "Sorry." We fought until a bunch of light flooded everywhere.

Many inhuman screams made us cover our ears. Soon it died while the library had no evidence of what went on. "It looks like nothing even happened." Honey said. Silence......

"Why didn't you wait in the lab?!" Hiro yelled at me.

Oh boy. "You could've gotten hurt! Or-!" He went on and on as I got more and more irritated. Finally he stopped. "You done?" "Yes." I nodded and answered him calmly. "My turn. One, I saved your big brain twice. Two, I'm the one who had a plan that got rid of the Cave Demons." "She's right." Fog commented with the gang agreeing.

"Plus my plan didn't leave any damage in the library." I flicked my hair dramatically and walked off. "Oooohhh ho ho! You just got burned, little man!" I heard Fred laugh. Walking across the campus, footsteps followed beside me and I smiled.

"No apology, but I'd feel better if you admit you were a damsel in distress and I saved you." Hiro had turned away, mumbling something. I held a hand to my ear with great amusement. "Can't hear ya." "(Y/n) (L/n), my best friend slash savior, saved my big brain twice and I was complete damsel in distress. Happy?"

He crossed his arms and frowned. I pulled Hiro in a "Very, Mr. Hamada and I know you can't stay mad when I'm around." He smiled, giving a side hug back. "Who wouldn't, Scribbles?" Oh now he's gonna name me from my drawing skills. I pushed Hiro away as he laughed.

"Come on. It's perfect." "No it's not, Boy Genius." "Thank you." "You dork." "The best." My stomach growled loudly and blushed from embarrassment, only for Hiro's to do the same. "My-" We both yelled and jumped at Baymax's sudden appearance. "Baymax! What did I tell you about sneaking up on people?!" Baymax blinked.

"My database does not recall that information, however, my scanners indicate the both of you are hungry. Hiro ran a hand through his hair and I chuckled while glancing at a figure standing on the very top of the school building. They disappeared.


(Guys, I thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting on my story and I hope you enjoy more to come!)

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