"I'm not gay" (Monty x male r...

Por Stupid_Scene_Kid

7.2K 215 291

Guys please help I have a Monty Gator addiction. Content warning: Many sex jokes Lots of smut (there will be... Más

quick question
Starting a new
New Friendships
First Date
Slumber Party
Good Morning Cher
~I Need You~
Girls night
Kiss me again</3
I want to go home
~Just Real Fast~
"Ew, children."
"Another one?"
The first signs
We need a break
Supid piece of shit
~My Perfect Dear~
Too Soon
The amazingly bad news
Road Trip P.1
~Road Trip P.1/2~
Road Trip P.2

Are We Having A Slumber Party?

202 8 26
Por Stupid_Scene_Kid

Mention of child abuse/ molestation


I sighed as I leaned back on the beanbag, rubbing my eyes with my fist as I looked back at Sunny.
"What do you think I should do?"
I asked after our whole conversation about Monty's attitude today.
"Do you think maybe I'm in the wrong? Am I an asshole?" I asked him.

"No! No no! I don't think so! Personally I don't really have any dating advice for you. However, I've known Monty for year, and I do know that Monty has a temper that can't be fixed, not even by you. He's a jealous hog who needs to have constant attention from his partner, or else he thinks he's in love and/ or being cheat on. Monty is... how do I describe this I really only know grade 1 vocabulary... he's just mean!"

"Yeah... it's just.. I'm scared he's gonna be mad when I go back to his room tomorrow after this.."
"Then don't." He shrugged.

"Just... Go back to your place.. you do have a home, correct?"
"Yeah but... my stuff is in his room."
"Y/N I'm sure what ever is in there is easily replaceable."
".. Yeah.. you're right. But what if I run I to him while I'm leaving?"
"... can you stop asking dumb stinky questions and just take my advice before I get Bonnie in here to back me up?"
"No... no okay you're right."

I sat back in my bean bag, looking down at my crossed arms.
"So... what do I say to explain it to him? What do I say? What do I say when I come back to work, or when he calls me?"
"When he calls you?"
"Sunny, I know he will."

He groaned and rubbed his face, fixing his headband with the little spikes that made him look like a sun.
"Just... tell him the truth. Be honest. Say something like 'you're behavior has been unacceptable and I needed to be alone for a bit' and if he gets mad at you. Guess what? You're an adult with a life! You can do what ever you want!" He sat back in his little plastic kid chair and took a long, angry sip of his juice box.

"Okay.. yeah. You're right Sunny. Thank you. You really are one of my best friends."
"YAAAAAY." He kicked his feet and leaned back wards, causing his chair to fall back, causing him to fall back on the floor.
"Oomph!" He whined as he fell on his back, his legs over the bottom of the chair.
I giggled before leaning over the tiny table in front of us and reaching out to help him.
He took my hand and I pulled him forward, his chair coming back and sitting up with him. He looks so silly with his knees up to his chest in those chairs.

He smiled and finished his juice box before putting the small, crumbled pouch, on the table.
"Hey, Y/N.. have you ever played tag in a play place?" Sun asked as he pointed to one of the large structures of colors and foam.
"Not since I was like 8 no."
He glanced at the structure, then back at me.
"Do you want to?"
I glanced at the structure, then back at him.

We both sat in silence before he lunged at me, tapping my shoulder then running past me.
"Hey! You jerk!" I laughed and chased after him. He crawled up a slide and I took the foam ramp up. When I got up there, he was crawling his way through a plastic tube in order to get away, but I was able to catch up. I almost tapped his foot, but he was quick to move it before getting back on his feet and running through a foam maze. I rolled out of the tunnel and got up and started running after him. Eventually he ran into a dead end and I was able to tap him. When I did I immediately started running away, but I tripped over a large cord as I did, causing the power to trip.

"What the hell? Do you guys keep random wires contented to the generators in here? Does this place know anything about child safety?"
I looked up at Sun, assuming the game was paused at this point since now I was kinda pissed about the stupid and frankly unlawful design choices, knowing damn well that by the end of the night this shit was getting fixed.

Sun just stood in the little corner I caught him in, not moving... just... standing there.
"Sunny? Gah! This is stupid and it's gonna annoy me until we fix this! Help me will ya?"

He didn't say anything, he kept standing there, his fingers slightly twitching.
I couldn't see him that well, only his silhouette. I watched as he reached up and took off his Sun head band, shoving it in the little bag he always carried with him, pulling out another item from it and putting it on his head. It looks like one of those hats you see cartoon characters wearing to bed.
"Sun?" I asked again into the darkness, watching as his head seemed to turn towards me.

"Sun this isn't funny. You're scaring me."
I began to back up from my spot on the floor.
"Sun I'm being serious. Stop it."
He took a step towards me, I started to see two small dots of red light flickering in the darkness, starring at me. His eyes. How were they doing that? What is he doing? Is this one of his silly pranks? I don't like it. This isn't funny. It's dark. I'm scared. Is he going to hurt me?

"Sun I swear to god I'm going to fucking blow your nose through your head if you don't stop!" I was starting to shake as I tried to stand, clear fear in my voice.

"Oh," he spoke, his head tilting to the side and his voice raspy, "that won't do." He took another step towards me.
"You're using naughty language in the daycare. Bad words deserve punishment." He took another step.. and another.. then two more. I got my shit together and dove for the small tunnel we came from, crawling to the end and immediately getting to my feet. The sound of his feet and hands thumping in the tube, echoing out and filling my ears, horrified me.. I had to think fast. I slid down the slide closest to us and flopped onto the foam floor. When I got out I began running, as I did, I noticed small lights on, large thick wires connecting them to other generators in the play place. Still annoying, but I noticed one wasn't on. The one connected to the cord I tripped over.

Maybe if I flip that one back on, the lights will come back on, and maybe I can get away from Sun easier. Is that even Sun?
Gasp oh my god. No no I know who that is. It's Moon. I remember during one of my many talks with Chica, she was talking about Sun having Dissociative Identify Disorder. D.I.D. His only alter being Moon, who would tends to come out when it's dark. Fuck, I heard he's violent.

I looked around hastily, realizing I had no clue where he was. I heard a raspy chuckle from above me, and when I looked up, there Sun... Moons was. On that stupid harness thing that allows him to glide around in the air. He dropped down in front of me, his clothes had turned a dark Blue where it has once been red and he was covered in stars.
"Sun- Moon! Please. Everything is going to be okay! I'm going to kick back on the generator and we don't have to do this.. okay?"

I stuck out my hand, thinking maybe that would make him stay over there.
He slowly walked towards me, a big, creepy smile on his face.
"Oh no no! You have been naughty, you need to be punished."

Fuck that's kinda hot.

I turned and ran back to the spot I crawled up into the play place in, trying to get back to that generator. I heard him giggling behind me as I looked around, trying to remember the way up in the dark. I climbed up another foam ramp up until I found the tube we crawled through before. I crawled through it and ran to the corner where it was, praying it would work and I wouldn't get trapped with him over there. I picked up the plug and shoved it into the outlet on the generator, and switched the lever up. But nothing happened. I saw the back up light turn on, but nothing happened. I tucked myself in a small corner by the generator where I was hoping he wouldn't come up here and find me. I was breathing heavily, trying to muffle it with my hands. I could hear him outside of the play zone, calling for me.

I wiped a tear that fell down my cheek and started to shake a little, realizing I might have no way out of this. 

Then, a loud noise pierced the silence, feeling like a gun shot to my heart, the air refusing to enter my lungs as it rang through my ears.

My phone was ringing. It wasn't on silent.
I quickly pulled it from my pocket, trying to make it stop and accidentally hitting answer.
"Hey Y/N.. I just wanted to make sure-"
It was Monty. I quickly interrupted him and whispered into the phone.
"Monty.. I think... I think Moon is after me."
He was silent for a minute.
"What? I.. hold on I'll there in four minutes, just try and make it outside."
He hung up the phone, and I felt my heart stop as I heard chuckling from somewhere near me.

If I make it past the tube, I can quickly go down the slide and have a clear view to the door..

I slowly, silently crawled to the tunnel, I made my way through it, making sure to be in a crouching position so my knees wouldn't hit the tube and make a sound.
As soon as I was out of there I dove for the slide, making shifty turns down it, and when I was out, I sprinted for the door. As I did, I heard a loud thump and heavy foot steps behind me. I grabbed the door handles and pulled them right as I felt Moon grab me. He pulled me back, causing me to pull the doors open and light from the inside poured in.

"NOOOO! NOOOOO!" He let go of me and crawled back away from me. I watched as his clothes faded back into that yellow and red design. "LIGHTS OUT! DARK FORVER. NOOOOO!"

He rolled around on the floor, holding and pulling at his hair as he squealed in pain. He laid on the floor, lifeless for seemingly a solid 15 seconds before sitting up slowly, his hat falling off his head. Moon... Sun? Who ever was looking at the hat on the floor, slowly picking it up and starring at it in his hand.
"Oh god." He mumbled.
"I'm... I'm so sorry, Y/N."
I heard him sob softly as he held the hat close to his chest, clutching it. I could see tears falling from his eyes and onto the floor.
"Oh Sunny.." I reached out for him.
He turned away from me, standing up, his legs wobbling as he did.
He starred into the darkness of the daycare where the light didn't hit.

"Sun please... everything is going to be okay. I'm not mad." I stood up and walked to him, taking his hand and slowly walking him out of the Daycare. I closed the doors behind us and we sat in front of the doors.

I read somewhere that Alters and DID develop because of deep rooted trauma.

"Sun... can I ask what happened to you to.. cause Moon to be apart of you?"
He looked at the floor in between us, a tear rolling down his cheek.
He took a deep, shaky breath as he looked up, seemingly blinking away his tears.

"When I," he sniffled, "when I was a little boy, my mother had a friend. Her best friend of maybe twenty one years, and I had known her my whole life. One weekend, my mother and father went to Plymouth for a weekend, seeing we lived in Oxford, and she was babysitting me... I was scared of the dark, and she used to play 'jokes' on me by locking me in my room with the lights off.. I couldn't reach the lever on the fan... she told me that if I kept crying and screaming, I would be punished for being naughty." He was sobbing now. He took deep breaths and wiped his face on his sleeves.

"When I didn't stop... she came into my room and she... she touched me. Where I didn't want her to. I begged and cried for her to stop and.. why didn't she stop? What did I do wrong?... I was eight years old.. what did I do to deserve this?"

He continued crying into his sleeve, this broken breaths and small hiccups bringing me closer to breaking down. But I had to stay strong for him.

"Oh Sunny, you never did anything. People in the world are disgusting and crud, and they think they can do as they wish with no problems. But you Sunny, you are an am amazing person with a big heart, and for that, I am forever proud of you. You are the kindest, bravest person I know."
He sniffled again before smiling at me.
"Braver than Monty?"
"So much braver."
He laughed slightly and scooted closer, hugging me tightly and sniffling into my ear, but I didn't mind at that moment.

"I'm so sorry you had to meet him Y/N.. I was praying you wouldn't."
"It's okay Sun.. I love you."
"Yeah.. I love you too."
We held each other in the embrace before he pulled away and I sat with him.

I looked at him, about to say something before something in my peripheral vision threw me off. I looked above Sunny at the balcony behind him. I saw Monty leaning on the rail way, looking down at us.

Oh god. Did he hear me say "I love you"? He saw us hug clearly. He's going to be so pissed if- no... fuck him. If he tries to get mad at me for this I'm standing my fucking ground. Sun is my friend and I was trying to comfort him. He can eat my ass... in a bad way.

Sun looked at me, his lips slightly separated in confusion.
"What are you looking at?" He turns and looks where I am.
"Oh." I heard him whimper as he saw him too. Monty rose up from the rail and walked down the stairs down to us.

"You two alright?" He asked in the most uncaring tone I've ever heard.
"Yes Monty, we're fine." I stand up and dust myself off, reaching out a hand to help Sun up. He slowly reached out before Monty grabs my hand.
"He can get himself up. Let's go." He's dragging me away by my hand.
"Wait, my stuff is still in the day care!"
He groaned before letting go of me.
"You have two minutes to grab it."
I ran back to the door as Sun started going back in.

"You're just gonna let him drag you around like that?"
Sun whispered to me as we walked inside the daycare.
".. I'll talk to him."
"No Y/N. He's not a toddler! You can't just let that arsehole push you around and control you, then gently tell him 'you can't do that, that's not nice'. I ain't got a Scooby Doo about how you don't see that he's more wrong than right, and that he's gonna hurt you."

"One minute!" I heard Monty yell from outside.
I looked back at Sun, about to say something before just running away to where I left my bag, and running past him as I left.
"Bye Sunny, I'll see you around." I heard him groan as the large door slammed behind me. I slowly walked over to Monty and he took my hand again. I pulled it away, looking down a t my feet as we walked away.

"You okay? He didn't like.. hurt you?"
"I'm fine Monty."
I didn't look up at him.
"Okay there's no need for an attitude. Damn. Was just asking a question."
"Yeah, but you're being a jerk off."
I looked up at him.

"The fuck does that mean?"
"It means you're being a asshole, Monty. You are too hard on him. He's just a kid."
"That guy is like 28!?"
"He's 19 Monty, and he's had it harder than you. Give him a break."
I continued walking slightly ahead of him. We didn't say anything else until we reached the room.
"Hey," Monty said quietly, "you've got a scratch on your arm."
I looked down at the small bead of blood that had run down my arm.
"It's fine. I'm fine." I set my stuff down in the corner.

"Did he do this to you?" Monty asked angrily, grabbing my arm to look at it.
I pulled my arm away.
"I said I'm fine! It's just a little blood."
"I swear to god if he hurt you I'll fucking kill him!"

"Monty can you not be a fucking asshole for a second? You don't know shit about him, do you? He's a nineteen year old college kid that you push around because you're an asshole that doesn't understand that you genuinely hurt people!"
I tried walking past him, but I was basically trapped in that corner.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to right now? Have you lost your fucking mind? He doesn't mind me picking on him okay?" I rolled my eyes and turned to look at my phone, seeing messages from Roxy and Chica and Bonnie asking if I was okay since Monty's big ass mouth had to tell them Moon attacked me.

"I don't want you hanging out with him anymore." He looks away and crosses his arms.
"You don't get to make that choice for me."
"I do if he's putting you in danger."
"I wasn't in danger, I was fine."
"How did this even happen?"
"I tripped the power okay, it was my fault."
"I still don't want you hanging out with him anymore. Okay? That's it, conversation done. No more."

"He's my friend, and he needs the love I give him that no one else will because he's a kid. And I'm an adult who's allowed to do what I want. You don't get to control me. If you want it set a few boundaries, you need to talk to me, but until then, I'm gonna keep doing what I want."

"Okay, you want boundaries? I want you to stay here with me! No one else! Just... me."
".. I'm going home."
I picked up my bag and pushed past him. As I did, he grabbed me by my duffle bag's strap, pulling me back to him and grabbing me tightly by my arms. My bag fell to the floor as he held me and shouted at me for what felt like hours.
"You are my Boyfriend, I want you to stay with me! I want you to stay in my room and spend your time with me! You got that?"

"You are a controlling, anger infested monster!" I pulled away from him, holding my arms as I already felt this bruising.

He growled and rubbed the bridge of his nose, then speaking the words I hoped I'd never hear from him.

"We need a break."

Word count: 3,354

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